God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 396

"There is nothing valuable in the academy," Flender shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "This time I, Vice Dean Zhao and several teachers are planning to go to Wuhun City to watch the battle. Dean Zhao and they are now in Star Dou. There is a tavern outside the big forest. I can’t stay idle, just come out and stroll around."

Chapter 923 Feng Wu, Xiaotian Strike (Part 1)!

Hearing Flanders' words, Xiao Tian couldn't help being a little speechless. With his perception, he had long discovered Flanders who had been secretly following them into the Star Dou Great Forest, but there was nothing to break.

Unexpectedly, Flander could cheer up and say that he couldn't be idle and went out and wandered?

However, Xiao Tian didn't expose Flanders' thoughts, and said to Ma Hongjun, "This is the opponent I'm looking for for you."

Ma Hongjun smiled bitterly, nodded to Flander, respectfully said: "If this is the case, I will trouble the teacher."

"Come on," Flander released his martial spirit, behind which the seven best-matched spirit rings kept rising and falling, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Ma Hongjun didn't dare to neglect when he saw this, and immediately released his martial spirit, with four spirit rings hovering quietly behind him, two yellow, one purple and one black.

"Just release your fourth spirit ability," Flanders said in a deep voice when he saw the black spirit ring behind Ma Hongjun, his face showed relief.

Ma Hongjun nodded, and a pair of fire wings emerged from behind him, leading him to float in the air. At the same time, there was a red golden flame burning on Ma Hongjun.

Evil Fire Phoenix's third soul ability-Phoenix Wing Tianxiang!

Ma Hongjun has the ability to fly for a short period of time, and at the same time ignites the second soul skill, Bathing Phoenix, instantly increasing his flame attack power by 100% and attack range by 50%.

After releasing the third spirit ability, the fourth spirit ring behind Ma Hongjun suddenly lit up, and the dark light gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Flender's eyes condensed when he saw it, and the fifth spirit ring radiated brightly behind him, and a light blue barrier appeared in front of him.

Cat Eagle Martial Spirit's fifth spirit ability-Wind Barrier!

Construct a wind barrier to prevent all spirit abilities below the fifth spirit ability from passing through the wind barrier. The duration is ten seconds, and it can only be used once every ten days.

Flender's fifth spirit ability is undoubtedly very powerful. If it weren't for the small area covered by the wind barrier and the restriction that it could only be used once every ten days, this skill could be called a magical skill!

During the duration of the wind barrier, unconditionally prevent any spirit ability below the fifth spirit ability from passing through the wind barrier. If the wind barrier covers a large enough area, I am afraid that the Heaven Dou Empire imperial family will win Flanders at all costs!

After all, such a spirit ability can completely control the direction of a war!

Ma Hongjun knew the power of Flanders' fifth spirit ability, but this time there was no frustrated expression on his face, and even a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The crisp sound of the phoenix sounded, and Xiao Tian who was watching the battle keenly noticed that a faint phoenix shadow behind Ma Hongjun was fleeting, and then invisible ripples in the air rose and spread in all directions.

"Huh?" Xiao Tian suddenly whispered, the expression on his face turned a little weird.

He suddenly discovered that Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability was very different from the original fourth spirit ability on the world line.

You must know that whether it was Ma Hongjun on the original world line or Ma Hongjun now, the fourth spirit ring was contributed by the Lord of the Earth.

The only difference is that on the original world line, Ma Hongjun absorbed a soul ring of the Earth King that was less than five thousand years old, but now, what Ma Hongjun has absorbed is a 30,000-year cultivation base of the Earth King. Soul ring.

In this case, although Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability would be different, it shouldn't be so exaggerated.

Chapter 924 Feng Wu, Xiaotian strikes (middle)!

Xiao Tian remembered clearly that on the original world line, Ma Hongjun’s fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Howl Skystrike, was born out of the King of the Earth’s magma cracking attack. It stunned enemies within a radius of five meters through air shock. In the second stage, the phoenix flame broke out and attacked the enemy.

But the fourth spirit ability that Ma Hongjun used just now directly caused everything within a ten-meter radius to fall into a static state!

"Spirit ring mutated?" Xiao Tian frowned and murmured.

There is a mutation situation in the spirit ring, and the spirit ring is naturally no exception, but this situation is extremely rare, and the probability of mutation is much lower than that of the spirit ring.

It's just different from Wuhun mutation. Spirit ring mutation will only occur during the process of absorbing the spirit ring. There are only two possibilities. One is that the mutation fails, and the absorption of the spirit ring must fail. The other is that the absorption is successful, and then the soul Ring skills will definitely become stronger.

As for Ma Hongjun's situation, it looked like a spirit ring mutation.

Just when Xiao Tian was in doubt, Ma Hongjun rushed to the restricted Flanders, shouting loudly: "Feng Wu, Xiaotian strike!"


The crisp sound of the phoenix sounded, enough to penetrate the golden cracked stone, and at the same time a fierce phoenix flame erupted, and the pillar of fire rose into the sky, covering Flanders.

Originally, Xiao Tian thought that this fourth spirit ability would end here, but he didn't wait for him to speak. The soaring pillar of fire turned into a winged fire phoenix, and once again fell from the sky and hit Flanders!

When Xiao Tian saw this, a flash of splendor flashed in his eyes. He could now be sure that Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ring was indeed mutated. Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a powerful spirit ability to appear on the fourth spirit ring.

Whether it had caused everything within a ten-meter radius to fall into a stagnant state, or the current Phoenix Flame's second burst attack, it shouldn't have appeared on the fourth spirit ability.

But now these two characteristics are concentrated on Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability, except for the spirit ring mutation, Xiao Tian can't think of other reasons.

Facing Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability, the wind barrier in front of Flender didn't play any role at all, but he himself was also a 75th-level agile attack type war spirit saint.

Before the Phoenix Flame came into the body, the seventh spirit ring suddenly appeared in large numbers, and the rich cyan light completely enveloped him before the Phoenix Flame came into the body.

Soon, Ma Hongjun’s fourth spirit ability dissipated completely, and the pillar of fire that had soared into the sky gradually dissipated, and Flander’s figure slowly emerged, but this time the 75th-level agile war spirit sage. The clothes on his body are a lot of burnt black, and even some parts have been completely burned through.

Even Flander's hair and beard have a lot of burnt marks.

"Your fourth spirit ability is called Fengwu Xiaotianqi?" Flander said to Ma Hongjun, ignoring his own image.

As he spoke, Flender's face was still full of surprises.

His martial spirit body was actually broken by Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability!

Although there were reasons for his hastily displayed his spirit ability and lack of preparation, his ability to destroy his martial spirit body with the fourth spirit ability shows how powerful this spirit ability is!

You must know that Ma Hongjun is his disciple. Ma Hongjun's strength is stronger, and his face is bright!

Ma Hongjun nodded, then turned his gaze to Xiao Tian, ​​and said somewhat cautiously: "Senior Xiao, my fourth spirit ability, do you have any opinion?"

Chapter 925 Feng Wu, Xiaotian Strike (Part 2)!

Even Ma Hongjun himself was a little surprised by the power of his spirit ability. Although he guessed that his fourth spirit ability would not be bad. After all, it was a spirit ring produced by the king of the earth for 30,000 years, but he did not think about it. Passing one's fourth spirit ability will be so strong!

"Your fourth soul ability should be the mutation of the soul ring, which has caused the abnormal power," Xiao Tian looked at Ma Hongjun and said lightly: "This is a good thing, but with your current soul power, I am afraid that you can use your fourth soul once. Skill, the soul power in the body is almost drained, right?"

Although the power of the mutant spirit ring that is successfully absorbed will increase a lot, the consumption of soul power is also extremely terrifying.

Ma Hongjun couldn’t help but smile and said, “Senior Xiao, you’re right. Every time the Phoenix Dance Roaring Sky Strike is released, it consumes 90% of my soul power, but every time I advance, my soul power consumption will decrease by 100%. Fifth, when I reach the titled Douluo realm, and then release the Phoenix Howling Skystrike, it will only consume 65 percent of my soul power."

"The soul power consumption is still a lot," Xiao Tian thought for a while, and said, "If I am not wrong, only a small part of the soul power you consume is used for the second phase of the Phoenix flame eruption. It was consumed in the first stage, right?"

In Xiao Tian's view, the biggest drawback of Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability was its first stage.

Feng Wu Xiaotian strikes everything within ten meters of stagnation in the first stage of the Phoenix Dance, which is indeed very powerful, but the price is that Ma Hongjun needs a lot of soul power to ensure that the first stage can be fully released.

Even if he was promoted to Title Douluo, the spirit power required for this fourth spirit ability was still massive.

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