God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 397

And the more important point is that the consumption of soul power by the mutant spirit ring will not be affected by the spirit body.

In other words, even if Ma Hongjun releases the fourth spirit ability after he casts his martial spirit body in the future, the amount of soul power that should be consumed is still how much soul power is consumed, and the spirit power consumption of the first to sixth spirit ring skills is reduced by the spirit body. The effect has no effect on his mutated fourth spirit ring!

At the same time, the first stage of Ma Hongjun’s fourth spirit ability is not necessary. Although the faint phoenix shadow is hidden, it is not undetectable. Once someone reacts and exits Ma Hongjun’s ten-meter range before being stagnated, he is Consume a lot of soul power in vain.

In Xiao Tian's opinion, this spirit ability that requires the cooperation of teammates, the first stage of strengthening is simply tasteless!

Ma Hongjun nodded with a wry smile when he heard the words, and said helplessly: "I am using the fourth spirit ability. It is true that the first stage consumes a lot of soul power, but I can't reduce the first stage soul power consumption."

"I'll find a way to solve this problem for you, but your fourth spirit ability can be used as a killer. In the subsequent mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, you are not allowed to use the fourth spirit ability without my order." Xiao Tian thought for a while. , Chong Ma Hongjun said.

"Even if you don't say Senior Xiao, I won't use it casually," Ma Hongjun smiled bitterly: "This spirit power consumes too much. Basically, once I release my fourth spirit ability, I lose my combat effectiveness. I will not use it until the critical moment. It is impossible to use the fourth spirit ability."

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Okay, let's do it for the time being. Let's go back and see if Xiao Wu and Xiao San are back. We should also set off for Wuhun City."

After speaking, Xiao Tian walked straight to the direction where the lake of life was. Ma Hongjun and Flender looked at each other and quickly followed...

Chapter 926 How About That!

When Xiao Tian brought Ma Hongjun and Flender back to the lake of life, Tang San and Xiao Wu also rushed back with Daming Erming.

"Senior Xiao, Wuhun City is the lair of the Wuhun Temple, will Xiao Wu take a bit of a risk going there..." Daming half-body soaked in the lake of life, and said to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Wu's identity has always been a big issue. Once Xiao Wu's identity is discovered in Wuhun City, even if Xiao Tian is a hundred-level god, he may not be able to smooth the scene.

After all, the transformed one hundred thousand year spirit beasts were so weak in strength, no one knew what it meant.

Faced with a one hundred thousand year spirit ring and a one hundred thousand year spirit bone, there are too few people who can maintain their sense.

Once Wuhun Hall used this to incite spirit masters in Wuhun City to attack Xiao Wu, even the name of a hundred-level god of Xiao Tian would not be able to scare those who are obsessed with ghosts.

Even if Xiao Tian reacted excessively or made a strong move, the Spirit Hall was more likely to take this opportunity to put Xiao Tian on the opposite side of all spirit masters!

I am afraid that even a hundred-level deity would not dare to oppose the spirit masters of the whole continent, right?

"Teacher, Da Ming is right. Wuhun Palace may indeed use Xiao Wu's identity to make a fuss. Wuhun City is mixed with dragons and fish, and things will be a bit tricky then..."

Yu Xiaogang's heart burst upon hearing the words. He had been in the Wuhun Hall for a while, so he knew much more about this behemoth than others. Yu Xiaogang was sure that he was a thousand times, Qianxunji and Xiao Tian. The grievances between the Qian Daoliu father and son will instigate the soul master of Wuhun City 100%!

When everyone heard Yu Xiaogang's words, their expressions couldn't help becoming solemn, and their eyes fell on Xiao Tian, ​​with inquiries.

"So what?" Seeing everyone looking at him, Xiao Tian just chuckled and replied calmly.

"But teacher!" Yu Xiaogang was anxious when he heard the words, "Once you let Wuhun Palace push you against other spirit masters in Wuhun City..."

Before he could say what followed, he was interrupted by Xiao Tian raising his hand.

"Teacher?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Xiao Tian somewhat puzzled, not understanding why Xiao Tian would interrupt him suddenly.

"I know what you said," Xiao Tian looked at Yu Xiaogang, and asked, "But so what?"

Before Yu Xiaogang could answer, Xiao Tian said to himself: "I have worked so hard to reach the 100th level, not to consider the pros, cons, gains and losses..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian looked at Yu Xiaogang with a cold expression: "My descendants of Xiao Tian, ​​whoever dares to move, I will kill!"

"If Qian Daoliu dares to play any tricks, I will level him Wuhun City!"

Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then only felt a rush of blood rushing towards the heavenly spirit. Yes, his teacher is now the only hundred-level god in this world, even if he is an enemy of the world, what about it?

The identity of Xiao Wu's 100,000-year soul beast will certainly attract some desperate idiots, but how many really dare to face a hundred-level god?

Even if the Wuhun Hall pushes Xiao Tian to the opposite of other spirit masters, what does that have to do with Xiao Tian?

With Xiao Tian's strength, even if other people can't understand him anymore, they can only hold back!

"It seems that I am still too deeply affected by the previous," Yu Xiaogang said with a wry smile, secretly in his heart.

Before meeting Xiao Tian, ​​although he was a master of martial arts theory, in the eyes of many people, he was actually a trash that couldn't break through the 30th level.

Therefore, he has always maintained a cautious style, this time he will worry that Wuhun Palace will do other small actions in private, which is also due to habit.

Chapter 927 Martial Soul City!

Not only Yu Xiaogang, but the others were excited when they heard Xiao Tian's words.

Because although they weren't closely related to Xiao Tian like Tang San and Xiao Wu, but they were able to appear here, at least they were juniors whom Xiao Tian had seen.

If Xiao Tian's words were to be heard, they would walk outside in the future, I am afraid that no one would dare to provoke them easily, and there would be no fools who would hit them on their heads.

After all, they were only pointed out by Xiao Tian in the past, and their relationship was limited to knowing each other, and then Xiao Tian pointed out a few words and barely regarded them as Xiao Tian's descendants.

Although this kind of identity is daunting, it will also attract the temptation of interested people, and use them to explore the bottom of Xiao Tian.

But now it was different. Under the circumstances that Xiao Tian had already spoken clearly, whoever dared to move them would have made it clear that he would be an enemy of Xiao Tian, ​​a hundred-level god. As for the result, they didn't have to think about it.

Xiao Tian caught everyone's expressions in his eyes, smiled, and said to Tang San: "Little San, you and Xiao Wu have the highest spirit power among these people, but you are more stable than Xiao Wu, so the captain of the team It's up to you."

Tang San nodded lightly, and immediately asked: "But Master, what is the name of our team?"

"Let's call it Shrek team," Xiao Tian glanced at Flender and said lightly: "Anyway, you also signed up for the competition in the name of Shrek Academy this time. I don't bother to think about the name of the team."

Tang San just nodded when he heard the words, and didn't say much. On the contrary, Flender's face on the side could not help but a little more joy.

He knows the strength of everyone in the newly formed Shrek team. In his opinion, the championship of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition is already a sure thing. Xiao Tian named the team Shrek, undoubtedly for Shrek. The college gained fame.

Xiao Tian glanced at Flander, did not break his mind, just smiled and said lightly: "Okay, since you have absorbed all of your spirit rings, let's set off for Wuhun City."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian directly raised his foot and walked outside the Star Dou Forest. Dai Mubai and the others didn't hesitate when they saw it, and quickly followed...


Half a month later, Wuhun City.

Wuhun City is located on a plain. As the headquarters of Wuhun Temple, Wuhun City occupies a very large area. Inside Wuhun City is a majestic mountain with gorgeous palaces standing on the top and the side of the mountain.

"The top of the mountain is the core of the Wuhun Hall, the Elder Hall," said Yu Xiaogang in Wuhun City, pointing to the faintly visible palace group on the top of the mountain, and said to Xiao Tian and others.

Among a group of people, in terms of their familiarity with Wuhun City, whether it is Dugu Bo who is a titled Douluo or Ning Rongrong, who is born in the Qibao Glazed Sect, is far less than Yu Xiaogang, so after entering Wuhun City, Yu Xiaogang also worked part-time as a tour guide for everyone.

"The Hall of the Elders has Soul Hall elders in it all year round, which can be said to be the foundation of the Hall of Souls. Once the City of Souls encounters an enemy, the elders of the Hall of Souls will act as appropriate," added Dugubo Tao.

"What are the criteria for entering the Palace of the Elders?" Xiao Tian asked suddenly.

"Soul power above level ninety-five," Yu Xiaogang said with a wry smile, "I already know seven elders in the elders hall, as for the ones I don't know, there may be more.

As for those who can enter the Hall of Elders, they are at least level ninety-five or above in spirit power, or they are extremely special martial arts and amazingly powerful wizards, so I was afraid that Qian Daoliu would be ruined in secret and pushed the teacher to the opposite of the spirit master of Wuhun City ."

Chapter 928: The Strength of the Spirit Hall!

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