God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 398

Hearing what Yu Xiaogang said, except for Xiao Tian, ​​even Dugu Bo couldn't help but gasp.

No one knew what the Ninety-Five Title Douluo represented.

It can be said that before Xiao Tian appeared, in addition to the three Ultimate Douluo, the titled Douluo above level ninety-five was the most powerful and powerful existence in this world!

But in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Hall, there are at least seven such existences!

You must know that even the twin stars of Haotianzong, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, have not reached the level of ninety-five or above soul power. Only the current lord of Haotianzong, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao’s father, Tang Tian, ​​have soul power. Above level ninety-five.

And the two guardians of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Jian Douluo Chenxin's 96th-level spirit power, and Bone Douluo Gurong's 95th-level spirit power, can only be said to be a little higher than the requirements of the Wuhun Hall Elder Hall.

As for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, apart from the old dragon reaching level ninety-five spirit power, he didn't even have a titled Douluo!

In other words, if the current three sects are added together, only four Title Douluos can enter the Elder Hall of the Spirit Hall. This shows how strong the Spirit Hall is!

Xiao Tian smiled and glanced at the Elder's Hall on the top of the mountain, with disdain in his eyes.

At less than level ninety-nine, he doesn't have the qualifications to connect with him, just release the sword domain, and this so-called Wuhun Hall Elder Hall will be crushed by him directly!

Today, in this continent, apart from Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen in the killing capital, no one is qualified to let him make a second move. This is the gap between mortals and gods!

"I hope the Spirit Hall will not cause trouble," Xiao Tian thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Tian looked at Yu Xiaogang and said, "That mountainside should be the Pope's Palace, right? This Continent Senior Soul Master Competition will be held on the mountainside?"

"The teacher is right," Yu Xiaogang nodded and said with a smile: "This is also a way for the Spirit Hall to win over other spirit masters. Every time the entire continent's senior spirit master contest is held outside the Spirit Hall, Show the importance of Wuhun Temple."

"A boring trick," Dai Mubai curled his lips when he heard the words, disdainfully said.

As the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, he is familiar with these practices of the Wuhun Temple, but he is always straightforward and doesn't like these methods, otherwise he would not have been pushed away by his elder brother Davis. Heaven Dou Empire arrived at Shrek Academy by chance.

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head lightly when he heard the words, but said nothing.

Her temperament was similar to Dai Mubai's. To her, the position of the Crown Princess of the Star Luo Empire and the position of the heir of the Zhu family were nothing at all.

If she really wanted to, with her current strength and her ten thousand year-level fourth spirit ring, it would be enough for the Zhu family to be willing to push her to the position of heir of the Zhu family!

"Although the method is a bit old, it is undeniable that this trick is really useful," Dugu Bo sneered and said: "After every mainland senior soul master competition, the Wuhun Temple can use this to recruit many geniuses. "

Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, and said nothing.

Dugu Bo's words can't be said wrong, but they can't be said right. In the past, the Spirit Hall was able to use this little favor to make other spirit masters back. That was based on the powerful strength of the Spirit Hall itself.

Because of this, other spirit masters were moved by the courtesy of Wuhun Hall.

But now...

Chapter 929 All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, Start!

The corners of Xiao Tian's mouth curled up slightly, and there was a little joking on his face.

Ever since he was born and stepped on Qian Daoliu twice to become famous, the reputation of Wuhun Hall has long been worse than before.

Before he appeared, the Spirit Hall claimed to be the number one power in the mainland, and no one would refute it, but after his appearance, the Clear Sky School had faintly replaced the Spirit Hall and became the strongest power on the mainland.

Therefore, these small favors of the Wuhun Palace are now very difficult to buy the hearts of other spirit masters.

After all, the Spirit Hall is no longer the dominant family, some smart people will choose to wait and see in the Haotian School and the Spirit Hall, and will not easily involve themselves in the whirlpool.

Not many people are willing to send themselves to the opposite of the Clear Sky School for a little favor from the Spirit Hall.

"Okay, find a place to stay first, and wait for the competition to start," Xiao Tian shook his head, Chong Yu Xiaogang and others said.

"Teacher, you come with me," Yu Xiaogang greeted, leading everyone to the west of Wuhun Palace.

Soon, a group of more than ten people went outside a small vacant courtyard. It could be seen that there was no one living in the small courtyard for a long time, so that the door was covered with a thick layer of dust.

"This is a house I bought in Wuhun City at the beginning, but after I left the Wuhun Temple, I rarely come here," Yu Xiaogang opened the door casually, bringing a lot of dust.

Dissipating the dust around, Yu Xiaogang and others walked into the courtyard together, and at the same time, news that Yu Xiaogang and others were in this small courtyard was also passed to Qianxunji.

"Continue monitoring," Chihiro Ji looked at the Wuhun Temple disciple below, and said in a deep voice: "See if you can find out the specific strength of their contestants. As for the others, ignore them for now."

Although there is a golden generation in the Martial Spirit Hall, Qian Xun Ji is still a little worried. After all, it is not others who teach those little ghosts, but the master of theory Yu Xiaogang and the only deity on this continent, Xiao Tian!

Although the golden generation of Wuhun Palace was strong, he couldn't guarantee that there would be no accidents.

The Wuhun Hall disciple nodded quickly, and then withdrew from the Pope Hall.

Although Xiao Tian found that there were Wuhundian disciples following his residence, he did not pay attention to it. After all, there were Wuhundian eyeliners everywhere in Wuhun City, and Xiao Tian didn't bother to remove them one by one, at most just let Tang San When you wait for people to practice and learn, don't leave the range covered by the formations he arranged.

In the next period of time, soul masters from various parts of the mainland rushed to Wuhun City. Xiao Tian also took time to meet Ning Fengzhi, Tang Hao and others who had come to observe the ceremony. However, because of preparations for the war, Xiao Tian did not take Tang with him. Three people together.

Tang Hao and others also understood this, especially Tang Hao. He came here not only as a spectator, but at the same time he came with a team composed of four single attribute schools and direct disciples of the Clear Sky School. .

As for the qualifications of this team, they were "borrowed" from an obscure high-level academy in the Imperial Capital of the Tiandou Empire. As for how they were "borrowed", Xiao Tian didn't ask, and he didn't bother to ask.

He knew very well the reason why the Vast Sky Sect sent such a team, and that was to repay the vengeance that the Spirit Hall secretly united with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to suppress the Vast Sky Sect!

You must know that the Clear Sky School today is not the Clear Sky School that Tang Chen was missing from the original world line. Tang Tian was seriously ill and was forced to close the mountain gate. The Clear Sky School is now the most prestigious school in the world. Xiao Tian has a close relationship.

Since Wuhun Palace dared to calculate the Clear Sky School, the Clear Sky School would naturally return!

On the third day after Tang Hao and others arrived in Wuhun City, the Wuhun Temple disciples sent news to all forces--

The Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition is now open!

Chapter 930 One Person's First Battle (Part 1)!

Upon receiving the news from the disciples of the Wuhun Temple, the whole Wuhun City boiled over, and the participating teams rushed to the Pope Hall under the leadership of their respective leaders, and the spirit masters who watched the excitement also rushed towards the Pope Hall.

For this reason, Wuhundian had to send a large number of Wuhundian disciples to maintain order.

But from the beginning to the end, the Spirit Hall had never done anything to drive the onlookers spirit masters. Those onlookers were also acquainted. They just stood watching from a distance and did not try to provoke the spirit hall.

Under the auspices of the Master of Ceremony of the Wuhun Palace, Emperor Xueye of the Heaven Dou Empire and Ning Fengzhi and others delivered speeches successively. As for Tang Hao and Xiao Tian, ​​they were originally qualified, but this time they represented the participating teams, in order to avoid suspicion. , He did not come on stage.

Immediately afterwards, the representatives of the various teams came to the stage to draw lots, and quickly decided on their opponents——

Canghui Academy vs. Purple Star Academy.

Liufeng Academy vs. Guanghui Academy.

The second team of Tiandou Royal Academy played against Shrek Academy.


Tang San and the others didn't care much about the other academy's confrontations, but when they heard that their opponent in the first round was Tiandou Royal Academy, the expressions of everyone in Shrek Academy became a little weird.

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