God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 399

"Three brothers, according to the information the teacher gave us before, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy seems to be the weakest of all participating teams, right?" Ma Hongjun looked strange and said to Tang San.

The teacher he said was naturally the principal of Shrek Academy, Four-eyed Cat Eagle Flander.

As one of the golden iron triangles at the beginning, Flander, the current principal of Shrek Academy, although he has not been walking around in the spirit master world for a long time, it is not difficult for him to just ask for some news.

According to the information collected by Flanders, the average strength of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy is only thirty-five, and there is even an existence that is not the best spirit ring match in the team!

"Master, how do you fight this time?" Tang San couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiao Tian.

With their strength, even if only one person is on the field, they can destroy the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, but this is after all an official game. Seven talents must be played.

"You arrange it yourself. My only requirement is to make a quick fight, and don't reveal your strength," Xiao Tian said with a calm expression.

Tang San nodded lightly, then set his eyes on Yang Lin, and said solemnly: "Then this time, Yang Lin will attack, Boss Dai, Xiao Wu, Rong Rong, Fatty and Tai Xiong. You five will be with me and give Yang Lin Lin is struggling."

The people who were spotted nodded immediately. For them, Tang San's arrangement was indeed no problem. After all, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy was really too weak.

Not to mention that Tang San chose a standard squad configuration with strong attack, agile attack, support, and control all positions. Even if it was a non-standard configuration, they could easily defeat the second team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

"Please enter the arena for both teams," the referee on the ring shouted as soon as Tang San arranged the players.

Tang San and the others didn't hesitate at all, and slowly walked into the ring.

The seven members of the Shrek team and the seven members of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy were concentrated on the small ring. The few people of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy looked at the Shrek team with disdain.

Shrek Academy, they have never heard of this name, in their opinion, this game is simply a catch!

Perceiving the eyes of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, everyone in Shrek Academy sneered. Dai Mubai even patted Yang Lin on the shoulder, lowering his voice and said, "I'll leave it to you, and let this bunch of trash awake sober. ."

Yang Lin nodded slightly, before he had time to speak, the referee's voice rang--

"The first game of the first round of the qualifiers, Shrek Academy vs. Tiandou Royal Academy Second Team, officially started!"

Chapter 931 One Person's First Battle (Part Two)!

As the referee's voice sounded, the people of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy did not hesitate at all, and immediately released their martial arts.

Except for the three spirit rings of an auxiliary type spirit master who are all yellow centuries-old spirit rings, the spirit rings of the other six team members have the best spirit ring matching, and all kinds of lights flooded the ring for a while, attracting attention.

"Why, don't you release your martial spirits yet?" The captain of the Second Team of Tiandou Royal Academy looked at Dai Mubai and the others, and said with disdain, "Could it be that you are planning to give up directly?"

Dai Mubai sneered twice, did not speak, and stepped back together with Tang San and the others, leaving Yang Lin alone in the front.

Seeing the actions of everyone in Shrek Academy, Qi Qi boos came from the audience.

In the eyes of these audiences, the performance of everyone in Shrek Academy is undoubtedly afraid of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Only a few people looked at Shrek Academy with interest, many of them curious and alert.

"It seems that you really intend to give up, so that's okay, so that you don't suffer from flesh and blood!" The captain of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy couldn't help laughing when seeing the actions of everyone in Shrek Academy.

"Huh! Ignorance," Yang Lin glanced at the captain of the second team, his expression full of disdain.

"You--" The captain of the second team suddenly sank, and just as he was about to scold him, Yang Lin had already released his martial spirit.

The soul-breaking gun appeared in Yang Lin's hands with a dark flame, and there were several sharp blood grooves on the dark red gun tip, which looked extremely permeable.

At the same time, two purples, two blacks, and four spirit rings rose from Yang Lin's feet in turn. The most inconspicuous black, at this moment, attracted the eyes of everyone in the audience!

"This is impossible!" In the audience, a soul master exclaimed.

He is a five-ringed soul king, and because of this, he knows how difficult it is to obtain a ten thousand-year spirit ring. Even when he obtains a spirit ring at level fifty, it took a lot of trouble. Just absorbed one ten thousand year spirit ring, but Yang Lin released two ten thousand year spirit rings at once. How could he accept this?

You must know that Yang Lin is just the Four Ring Soul Sect!

Even Tang Hao couldn't help being surprised. Although he knew that Yang Lin would definitely not be bad under Xiao Tian's guidance, he didn't expect this genius of the broken clan to reach this level!

"Yang Lin is already matching two purple and two black spirit rings. What about the tai bear whose talent is higher than him?" Tang Hao looked at the tai bear who stood side by side with Tang San not far behind Yang Lin. A look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

If everyone in the auditorium was just shocked, the seven people from the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy who faced Yang Lin looked earthy.

The captain of the second team who laughed at Shrek Academy before took a few steps back unconsciously, looking at Yang Lin's eyes like a monster!

"You guys, let's go together," Yang Lin said lightly, holding the soul-breaking gun, pointing the tip of the gun to the people of the Second Team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

His tone was very calm, it seemed that he was not facing the pride of heaven from the Higher Soul Master Academy, but a group of ants that could easily be crushed to death.

Hearing Yang Lin's words, everyone in the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy was taken aback for a moment, and then anger appeared on their faces. Although they were shocked by Yang Lin's spirit ring matching, they were all young and energetic after all. Can you bear this breath?

"Arrogant!" The captain of the second team roared, the third spirit ring suddenly brightened, and the whole person turned into a streamer, rushing towards Yang Lin...

Chapter 932 One Person's First Battle (Part 2)!

"It's too weak," Yang Lin shook his head, and pointed at the soul-breaking spear.

In the audience, the Great Xueye felt the evil spirit emanating from Yang Lin, and immediately rushed to the left and right and said: "At the beginning, I left Yang Lin to experience in the army. You still tried to persuade you. Now there is nothing to say?"

He knew Yang Lin. When Xiao Tian arranged for Yang Lin to enter the Heaven Dou Empire's military experience, he asked Yang Wudi to take his token to find Emperor Xue Ye.

It's just that at that time, except for the Xueye Great Emperor, everyone in the Tiandou Empire's royal family opposed Yang Lin's entry into the Tiandou Empire's army. After all, Yang Lin was born in the Po clan, one of the four single attributes, and was closely related to the Clear Sky Sect.

As members of the Tiandou Empire, they instinctively warned and suspected anyone who had close ties to the Seven Great Sects.

In the end, it was Xueye Great Dili who stood up against the crowd, and through Xiao Tian's fame, Yang Lin entered the army of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The strength that Yang Lin has shown now all proves how correct his original decision was!

Even if Yang Lin's opponent was the Tiandou Imperial Academy, which was supported by the Tiandou Empire's imperial family, this did not affect Emperor Xueye's appreciation of Yang Lin.

Prince Xuexing and Prince Xueyue next to Emperor Xueye's expressions became extremely ugly. When Yang Lin was prevented from entering the army of the Heaven Dou Empire, they were the two who opposed the most fiercely. Now that Emperor Xue Ye said so, no doubt They are slapped in the face!

But thinking of their own brother's methods, Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Yue could only endure their anger for a lifetime, and complimented: "Brother Emperor has the eyes of a torch, and we are naturally incomparable."

The Great Emperor Xue Ye only felt refreshed when he heard the words. He knew the thoughts of his two younger brothers more clearly, but he had never had a good chance to beat them both. Now he is killing his two younger brothers through Yang Lin. Prestige is also a good thing.

Thinking about this, the emperor Xue Ye looked at Yang Lin's eyes softer.

Yang Lin didn't know the thoughts of Emperor Xueye. Seeing the captain of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy rushed towards him, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The first spirit ring behind him brightened, and the soul-breaking spear pierced out like a water. The crazy dragon, bite towards the captain of the second team!

Soul-breaking spear, the first soul skill of martial arts-thorn!

It is this simple sting, but it gives people a heavy feeling as if an ancient sacred mountain hit head-on. Together with the strong evil spirit that Yang Lin has cultivated on the battlefield for five years, it is enough to promote those who are not determined. The mind that can't resist comes.

In the audience, Yang Wudi saw the shot that Yang Lin stabbed, his eyes lit up, and his face showed surprise.

Since he sent Yang Lin to the Tiandou Empire army, he has never asked about Yang Lin again. Before, Yang Lin released two purple and two black spirit rings. Although it surprised him, he failed to show him. Too much gaffe.

After all, he had seen Tang San's Ten Thousand Years First and Second Spirit Ring, and the matching of Yang Lin's two purple and two black spirit rings was far worse than Tang San.

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