God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 400

On the contrary, it was Yang Lin's first spirit ability that made him very satisfied.

The soul-breaking spear and martial souls are in the same line, and the first three soul abilities are almost the same. He asked himself that even if he came to use this first soul abilities, he could only reach Yang Lin's level in terms of his aura and old spice.

Chapter 933 Yang Lin Prestige!

Faced with Yang Lin’s attack, the captain of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy changed his expression and wanted to avoid it, but the shot Yang Lin stabbed was too fast. He thought that if he wanted to avoid this shot, it would consume a lot of soul. Power is too much to outweigh the loss.

In the end, the captain of the second team gritted his teeth, and rushed up against the soul-breaking gun pierced by Yang Lin!

"Even if it is a thousand-year spirit ring, you are only the first spirit ability, I don't believe it, I can't stop it!" The captain of the second team roared, his forehead shot with blue veins, his hands turned into wolf claws, and he grabbed Yang Lin.

Countless wind blades suddenly appeared in the air, and they were pouring toward Yang Lin like raindrops.

The Captain Martial Spirit of the Second Team of the Royal Academy of Fighting on this day is Gale Wind Wolf, a mutated martial soul, mutated from the Martial Wolf Martial Spirit, making the originally aggressive Martial Wolf Spirit a little more agile. It has both the frontal breakthrough ability of a strong attack type spirit master and the super fast speed of a sensitive attack type spirit master.

And these wind blades are the third spirit ability of Gale Wind Wolf-Wind Blade Dance!

"A boring trick," Yang Lin sneered. The second spirit ring lit up, and his wrist shook slightly. The soul-breaking spear that was originally pierced slightly trembled and buzzed. At the same time, The circle of invisible ripples centered on the soul-breaking spear, spreading in all directions.

After the dense wind blade touched the invisible ripples, it was directly blown out!

The second soul skill of the soul-breaking spear Wuhun-shock!

After Beng Fei's dense wind blade, before the Captain of the Second Team of Tiandou Royal Academy could react, Yang Lin's soul-breaking gun directly penetrated his shoulder.

Blood splattered, and the captain of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy fainted on the spot!

Yang Lin drew out the soul-breaking gun, glanced at the captain of the second team who was in a faint, looked at the remaining people of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, and said lightly: "You, let's go together."

The six remaining members of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy changed their faces when they heard the words. The strongest captain of them could not make a move under Yang Lin. Even if they joined forces, I am afraid they would not be able to touch Yang Lin. Clothes corner.

But now the senior leaders from all sides in the audience and those powerful soul masters are watching this ring, if they easily admit defeat, I'm afraid they won't want to raise their heads from now on.

Even the forces behind them will abandon them as abandoned sons and allocate the resources they originally occupied to other disciples in the clan.

Everyone gritted their teeth. Except for the auxiliary spirit master, the third spirit ring behind the other five was bright, and they rushed towards Yang Lin at the same time.

In their view, even if Yang Lin is strong, but facing the five-person attack, how can he avoid the edge?

However, facing the siege of the five people, Yang Lin's expression remained unchanged, the third spirit ring lit up, and the dense black glow seemed to swallow everything around, and at the same time the dark flames burning on the soul-breaking gun seemed to come alive. It turned into a flame spear, suspended in front of Yang Lin.

"Broken!" Yang Lin yelled, and the flame spear shot down like raindrops, covering all the five people from the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

"This kid," Xiao Tian couldn't help smiling when he saw Yang Lin's movements in the audience, but didn't say much.

Just using three spirit abilities is not enough to reveal his strength. After all, Yang Lin has always deliberately kept the fourth most critical spirit ability. Otherwise, it will be the people of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy...

Ha ha……

Chapter 934 Shrek Academy, win!

Behind Yang Lin, Ma Hongjun rubbed his hands and looked very moved. Yang Lin singled out the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy. This fact is too popular, if it were not for Tang San and Dai Mubai. Pulling, he couldn't help but shoot.

"Third brother, you didn't let me go for this kind of thing, which hurts my brother," Ma Hongjun clutched his chest with an exaggerated expression.

"I asked Yang Lin to take action because he had been in the Heaven Dou Empire army for a while. Emperor Xue Ye and the generals of the Heaven Dou Empire had a good impression of him. He singled out the second team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. The people behind the second team overreacted."

Tang San glanced at Ma Hongjun, and said in a bad mood: "Do you really think this is a beautiful job? If you are so arrogant and domineering when you are replaced by a fat man, I'm afraid someone will secretly target you when you get off the ring."

"Besides, you don't know the power of your phoenix flame, Fatty?" Xiao Wu glared at Ma Hongjun, and said, "With the trash of the Second Team of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, you can expect them to get out of your Phoenix flames. No injuries?

If these people are scorched by you, it is difficult to guarantee that the people behind them will not jump out. Although the master and the teacher are not afraid of these people, you must know the fat man, the master is most afraid of trouble..."

Xiao Wu didn't say the following words, but Ma Hongjun was able to guess what Xiao Wu was going to say, and couldn't help but shrink his neck and never raise his hand again.

Although he didn't know much about Xiao Tian, ​​he also knew the methods of this senior. Thinking of the consequences of causing trouble to Xiao Tian, ​​Ma Hongjun shuddered even more unconsciously.

Shrouded by Yang Lin's third spirit ability, the five members of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy failed to support them for a moment, and they all lost.

After all, the power gap between them and Yang Lin is really too big, not to mention spirit power, just the spirit ring years, it is not the same level!

The five members of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy are all millennium-level third spirit rings, but Yang Lin's third spirit ring is ten thousand years, which is at least eight thousand years behind the age of the spirit ring. The difference is fools. You can see it!

After injuring the five members of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, Yang Lin held the soul-breaking gun, and his eyes fell on the only remaining auxiliary spirit master of the second team, and said lightly: "Go down by yourself, or should I beat you down?"

Right now the Shrek Academy's victory was set, and he didn't bother to take a shot against an auxiliary soul master, if the other party was acquainted, he wouldn't mind making people walk out of the ring safe and sound.

"I, I will go down by myself," the auxiliary soul master of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy did not hesitate, and immediately whispered.

After speaking, he said to the referee: "We admit defeat."

Subsequently, this auxiliary soul master helped his teammates down the ring one by one, but no matter whether it was the crowd in the audience or the other people in the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, no one accused the auxiliary soul master.

After all, as an auxiliary soul master, his own combat power is not strong, let alone a qualified auxiliary soul master, what he wants is to find a way to protect himself in battle.

If you know that you are bound to lose, if the auxiliary spirit master has to fight with your opponent, then you will be looked down upon!

After the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy left the ring, the referee appeared on the ring and said loudly: "The first round of the first qualifier, Shrek Academy, win!"

Chapter 935 Ning Fengzhi's Thoughts!

There was no cheering, everyone in the audience looked like it was taken for granted. After Yang Lin showed the spirit ring, everyone guessed who the winner of the game was.

What's more, even if Yang Lin alone can't solve the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, he still has six teammates in the ring!

Even if one auxiliary spirit master is removed, there are five combat powers available, they don't think that someone who can become Yang Lin's teammate will be a mediocre person.

Everyone in Shrek Academy exited, and the referee then announced the next game, but these had nothing to do with Shrek Academy for the time being.

In the audience, everyone from Shrek Academy sat together, looked at the ring below, and made a few comments from time to time. Although the audience around was curious about the identity and strength of the Shrek Academy members, it was because Tang Hao and Ning Fengzhi were in Shrek Academy. Around the crowd, no one ran over to disturb him without long eyes.

"Brother Tang, you Haotian Sect, you made a lot of money this time," Ning Fengzhi glanced at the competition in the ring below, lost interest in an instant, turned his head and said to Tang Hao.

"Sect Master Ning is joking," Tang Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "This kid Rong Rong is also at Shrek Academy. I'm afraid Sect Master Ning already knew about Yang Lin's specific strength?"

Tang Haocai didn’t believe that Ning Fengzhi would not know the strength of everyone in Shrek Academy. Not to mention that everyone in Shrek Academy had made a special trip to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School before coming to Wuhun City. Even if they had not been, it was not difficult to learn about history as Ning Fengzhi. Intelligence of everyone at Lake Academy.

Ning Feng chuckled, and did not deny it. Instead, he said to Tang Hao: "Brother Tang, Haotianzong and my Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect have always had a good relationship. I think Xiao San is the best choice in terms of mentality and strength.

I want to cheekily decide a marriage for my family Rongrong and Xiaosan. I don't know what Brother Tang wants?"

When Ning Fengzhi spoke, he didn't avoid everyone from Shrek Academy. Hearing what Ning Fengzhi said, Oscar's expression changed, and even Xiao Wuqiao's face became a little gloomy.

The expressions of Tang San and Ning Rongrong were also somewhat unnatural, but compared to Oscar and Xiao Wu, the expressions of Tang San and Ning Rongrong were relatively less changed.

Tang Hao was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately laughed: "Sect Master Ning is very fond of my junior. It is naturally the blessing of this kid. It's just a marriage to the junior, but I can't help it."

He knew Xiao Wu's mind very well. Although Liang Xiaowu and Tang San grew up almost together, they didn't have any blood relationship.

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