God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 424

If Rakshasa is thrown out of the ring, their odds of winning must be reduced by at least half!

They also guessed that Shrek Academy would target Rakshasa and Yasha, but they didn't expect Xiao Wu to have such a strong advancing ability. The referee had just announced the start of the game, and Xiao Wu was already in front of Raksha!

Fortunately, Xiao Wu, to be on the safe side, was ready to make up another blow, so she didn't directly throw Rakshasa out of the ring. This gave them a chance to keep Rakshasa in the ring.


Seeing the movements of the people in the Spirit Hall, Tang San shouted immediately, and at the same time the fourth spirit ring suddenly brightened, a thick black light appeared under the feet of a team of five people in the Spirit Hall, and at the same time a large number of incomparable Blue Silver Emperors followed The underground pierced out, forming five prisons, imprisoning all the five people from the Wuhun Hall team.

"Come!" Ma Hongjun replied loudly, a pair of fire wings violently spread out behind him, and flew directly towards the Wind Spirit Bird Soul Master.

Although he was only the four-ringed soul king, when his martial spirit naturally suppressed all the avian martial souls, the wind spirit bird was agile, but under the pressure of the Phoenix martial soul, the speed still inevitably slowed down a bit.

"Since it's here, let's get out of the game together!" Seeing that the Spirit Bird Spirit Master and Raksha were getting closer, Ma Hongjun suddenly laughed, and the fourth spirit ring brightened behind him.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's spirit ring light up, Feng Lingniao Soul Master made an alarm bell in his heart, grabbing Raksha's ankle, and the first spirit ring lit up, ready to fly to the side.

During the opening match, Ma Hongjun used this spirit ability, so the Wind Spirit Bird Spirit Master knew exactly how powerful this spirit ability was, but in the same way, he also knew the flaws of this spirit ability.

Just leave Ma Hongjun's body within ten meters before the spirit ability is fully released!

And his first spirit ability is called Feng Xing. Although the spirit ring is only a hundred years old, this spirit ability can increase his flight speed by 300% in three seconds, which is enough to get him ten meters away from Ma Hongjun.

But before the release of his first spirit ability, two vines with golden lines flew from below, directly entangled his ankles, the spikes on the vines pierced his skin, and the nerve paralyzing toxins attached to them. He made a pause.

It was this momentary pause that prevented him from leaving Ma Hongjun's ten-meter range.

A faint phoenix phantom appeared out of thin air behind Ma Hongjun, and then disappeared. A light red mask fell from the sky, covering the Wind Spirit Bird Spirit Master and Rakshasa.

"Damn it!" Shura cursed in a low voice, tearing open the cage formed by the Blue Silver Emperor in front of him, and directly killed Tang San.

They have seen Ma Hongjun’s fourth spirit ability. Although Ma Hongjun has only a forty-odd spirit power, his fourth spirit ability is powerful enough to defeat some of the soul sage’s martial soul avatars. How can it be that he has not even defended the spirit ability And what can be resisted by the Wind Spirit Bird Soul Master and the Rakshasa who is still in a state of charm?

At the moment when Luo Sha and the Wind Spirit Bird Spirit Master were enveloped by the red light, Shura had already given up on these two teammates, and took advantage of this opportunity to directly attack Tang San.

Chapter 1002 Xiao Wu is injured, Xiao Tian is furious!

In the process of rushing towards Tang San, the sixth spirit ring quietly lit up, and then Shura's shadow seemed to come alive, rushing directly towards Tang San's shadow, and before others could react, Shura's shadow had already been with Tang San. The three shadows merge into one.

Tang San's whole person seemed to be pinned by something, standing still in place.

When Shura saw this, a smile appeared on his face. His martial soul is the Shadow Tiger King of the mutant martial soul, and the sixth soul ability he just used is called shadow binding. After the soul ability is cast, his shadow will be separated from himself and the target The shadows merge into one.

The target will also be restrained in place for ten seconds, and will fall into a coma for the first three seconds, unable to make any counterattack.

"Even if you leave Rakshasa in the ring?" Shura appeared in front of Tang San who was bound by the shadow in an instant, sneered.

As he spoke, the fifth spirit ring lighted up behind Shura, and a group of jet-black spikes appeared in Shura's hands. At the same time, a disgusting smell of decay came from the spikes in Shura's hands.

This is his fifth spirit ability Nine Nether Spikes, with strong penetrating and corrosive properties. Once Tang San is hit by Nine Nether Spikes, Shura is confident that even if Tang San will not die on the spot, he will definitely be seriously injured and dying!

"Boy, blame you for your outstanding talent, you are from the Clear Sky School again!" A grinning smile appeared on Xiuluo's face, and the spike in his hand shot out, taking Tang San's heart directly.

Tang San still stood still on the spot, between the electric light and flint, Xiao Wu's figure appeared in front of Tang San, covered with a layer of pale golden light.

This is not the Invincible Golden Body. The Invincible Golden Body can only be used once a day. She had already used this spirit ability when she raided Rakshasa before, and now Xiao Wu used her 100,000-year fourth spirit ring to give her The second spirit ability-holy barrier.

It's just that the defensive power of the sacred barrier is far worse than the invincible golden body, and it can only increase the defense of the selected target by 500% for a duration of ten seconds.

Although the defense of the sacred barrier can be improved on the basis of the defensive spirit ability that has been cast, because Xiao Wu already has the invincible defense spirit ability of the invincible golden body, she has no other defensive spirit ability at all, so the only increase in the sacred barrier is It is her own physical defense.

Although Xiao Wu had taken some treasures of heaven and material, her physical strength was not too high.

Therefore, the Nine Nether Spikes condensed by Asura's fifth spirit ability quickly penetrated the defense of the sacred barrier, and the Nine Nether Spikes whose power was cancelled out by most of them penetrated directly through Xiao Wu's right shoulder, and a blood hole with a big mouth appeared. On Xiao Wu's right shoulder, blood dyed nearby clothes red, and she could see white smoke rising from the flesh and blood around the blood hole.

Xiao Wu shook, and a mouthful of blood came out from her mouth, her face was like golden paper. If it weren't for Zhu Zhuqing to come and support her, and feed her an Oscar recovery sausage, I am afraid Xiao Wu would not be able to hold it. It might even fall directly to the ground.

Xiao Tian stood up abruptly in the audience, and ten spirit rings appeared out of thin air behind him, floating behind him, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Xiao Wu has been with him since his transformation. Although Xiao Wu has caused him various headaches and speechlessness over the years, he has also assigned Xiao Wu many tasks and arranged some difficult tests.

But not once, Xiao Wu was hurt so badly!

Now, in this high-level soul master competition, someone has seriously injured Xiao Wu!

Chapter 1003 Shura and Thousand Hands Shura (Part 1)!

An Chen Jian didn't know when it appeared in Xiao Tian's hands, and waves of sharp sword aura emerged out of thin air, surrounding Xiao Tian, ​​like a flexible fish.

Other viewers around Xiao Tian took a few steps back unconsciously after seeing this scene, for fear of being injured by Xiao Tian.

Looking at the ring below, Xiao Tian slowly raised the Dark Chen Sword in his hand, and the sky full of sword energy gathered towards Xiao Tian, ​​condensing into an astonishing sword energy giant behind Xiao Tian!

There is only one thought in Xiao Tian's mind now, that is, the younger generation who dared to hurt his Xiao Tian, ​​simply don't want to live!

What system missions, what high-level soul master competitions, were all left behind by Xiao Tian at this moment. The only thing he wanted to do was to cut that Shura into countless pieces!

"Teacher, calm down first, Xiao Wu is fine, not to mention that Xiao San's child is probably going to explode!" Seeing Xiao Tian's movements, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly said.

He knew his teacher's temperament too well. Although he was too harsh on Tang San and the others on weekdays, he was the most protective of his shortcomings.

What's more, this time Shura injured Xiao Wu, Xiao Tian's favorite. It was really normal for Xiao Tian to react like this under his anger.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang’s words, Xiao Tian calmed down a bit. He glanced at the audience who shrank and shivered in their seats like a quail because of his actions. He was put back into the ring.

As Xiao Tian withdrew the pressure, the audience in the auditorium slowly calmed down, casting their eyes on the ring below.

Because of Yu Xiaogang's timely voice, Xiao Tian's sword qi giant sword did not go out, so although the people on the lower ring were affected a bit, they recovered earlier than the audience in the audience.

"Boss Dai, Zhuqing, Yasha and the remaining three spirit masters are handed over to you, Xiao Ao, Rong Rong, take care of Xiao Wu for me, Fatty, and protect Xiao Ao and them," Tang San lowered his head. The voice was as cold as a knife.

Now there are only five people in the Wuhun Hall team. The Wind Spirit Bird Soul Master and Rakshasa were hit by Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability, and were directly injured and fell outside the ring, and were taken away for treatment.

"Don't worry, no one will interfere with your fight with Shura," Dai Mubai nodded and said solemnly.

He could understand Tang San's mood, so he had no objection to Tang San's decision. As for whether Tang San was Shura's opponent, Dai Mubai didn't even doubt it.

"Xura? You hurt Xiao Wu, and you won't know what the real Asura is!" Dai Mubai glanced at Asura, eyes full of pity.

To say who in Shrek Academy can't provoke it is Xiao Wu, because once Xiao Wu is hurt, it will not only anger Xiao Tian, ​​but also make Tang San incarnate as Shura!

Dai Mubai remembered clearly that there was a time when he went out to practice before, Xiao Wu was injured by a 30,000-year-old Qianjun Ant. At that time, Tang San, who had only a 30-odd spirit power, just chased and killed the first 30,000-year level. For a week, the Qianjun ant had killed the soul beast known for its defense.

And that time, Xiao Wu was only slightly injured. Now that Shura seriously injured Xiao Wu, what the consequences would be, Dai Mubai no longer needs to think about it...

Shaking his head, Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said solemnly, "Zhuqing, Netherworld White Tiger!"

Since Tang San wanted to concentrate on finding Shura to settle the accounts, he, the eldest brother, naturally wanted to create the best conditions for Tang San. The remaining four people in the Wuhun Hall team were left to him and Zhu Zhuqing to solve it!

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