God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 425

Chapter 1004: Nether White Tiger (Part I)!

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Zhu Zhuqing bit her teeth lightly, and the four spirit rings behind him lit up at the same time. His slender body was covered with a faint black light. His body was erratic, and it looked like it was transparent. He rushed towards Dai Mubai. past.

The four spirit rings behind Dai Mubai lighted up at the same time. Accompanied by the roar of tigers that shocked the audience, Dai Mubai, who was already in the state of the White Tiger King Kong transformation, swelled again, and thick white hair appeared on his body, followed by black tiger stripes. It quickly appeared on Dai Mubai's body like ink dye.

Seeing the abnormal changes in the two people, Yasha's expression changed, and he exclaimed: "No, it's the martial soul fusion skill, Qi Rou, stop them!"

The control spirit master named Qi Rou didn't dare to be a little lazy, and the fifth spirit ring suddenly lit up behind him, and his soft long hair instantly became hard as iron, like countless steel needles, shooting towards Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. go with.

Her spirit is an iron-clad hedgehog. This spirit is not aggressive, but the attacks she launches all have a paralyzing effect, and it is precisely because of this that she will be selected into the team of the spirit hall.

"Fatty, don't care about us, go to cover Boss Dai and Zhuqing," Oscar ordered immediately after seeing this scene.

As he spoke, Oscar flipped his wrist, and a dark metal box appeared in his hand. There were sixteen tiny holes in the front of the box. Through the holes, you could vaguely see the sharp thorns glowing with cold light.

Ning Rongrong assisted Xiao Wu, and there was also an item in his hand that was the same as the metal box in Oscar's hands, and he was looking at the few remaining people in the Wuhun Hall team with bad intentions.

Hearing Oscar’s words, Ma Hongjun didn’t hesitate. He stretched out the fire wings behind him. In an instant, he rushed in front of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. The Phoenix flames surrounding him suddenly flourished, like a wall of fire, directly blocking Dai Mubai and In front of Zhu Zhuqing.

As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, he didn’t worry at all. If those in the Spirit Hall team really thought that Oscar and Ning Rongrong were auxiliary spirit masters, they would be bullied, then their fate would probably be no better. How angry Tang San is!

After all, Oscar and Ning Rongrong were fully armed with a full set of Tang Sect hidden weapons made by Tang San himself, and every hidden tool was poisoned!

Annoyed Tang San, there might still be a way to survive, but once Ning Rongrong and Oscar's hidden weapons were hit, unless there was a means to bring them back to life, there was absolutely no chance of surviving!

Fortunately, the remaining three people in the Martial Spirit Hall also focused on Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who were performing martial soul fusion skills, and Ma Hongjun who was blocking them, and Shura was confronting Tang San again, and no one could spare any energy. Come pay attention to Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

After all, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, who were obviously performing martial soul fusion skills, were more threatening than the two auxiliary soul masters!

"Boss Dai, how long will it take for you, Fatty, I can't hold it anymore!" Under the siege of Qi Rou and the remaining three people in the Wuhun Hall team, some of them couldn't support it, and immediately shouted.

Although there is an auxiliary spirit master among the four who besieged him, Ma Hongjun’s pressure has not been relieved much. After all, he only has a fortieth level of spirit power, able to sustain it for so long under the siege of four five-ringed spirit kings. Very good!

Before Ma Hongjun's words fell, the figures of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing finally overlapped, and the breath of the evil eye white tiger and the ghost cat merged into one at this moment.

In the next moment, everyone in the audience felt the shocking energy fluctuation...

Chapter 1005 Nether White Tiger (Part 2)!

The tyrannical energy fluctuations swept across the ring. Except Tang San and Shura, everyone else's movements were stopped. Ma Hongjun, who had been besieged by the four before, rolled back several times by the energy fluctuations. , Almost fell off the ring.

After the energy fluctuations subsided, everyone discovered that the place where Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had merged before had disappeared. Instead, they were replaced by a huge white tiger.

The white tiger is transparent, with white hair and black stripes, and a cold killing intent flashes in the purple pupils.


A deep tiger roar sounded, and the huge body of the Netherworld White Tiger turned into a stream of light. In a flash, it appeared in front of a group of four people in the Wuhun Hall, with the front paws lightly patted.


Qi Rou, who was the first to make the move, and the auxiliary spirit master from the Spirit Hall team vomited blood and flew out, fell onto the arena, knowing their life or death.

Looking at the remaining two Soul Masters, Netherworld White Tiger slowly took a step forward, walking towards the two of them like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard. The pace was slow, but it gave people a heavy sense of oppression.

"Damn it!" Shura cursed secretly, and the fourth spirit ring suddenly lit up, and a dark light appeared on Shura's body, covering him. In the next second, Shura's figure disappeared in place and rushed towards the Netherworld White Tiger. .

However, before he rushed out far, a blue-violet vine with a lot of golden patterns flew from behind him and directly wrapped around his waist.

Shura's action was a pause, looking towards the direction where the vines were flying, Tang San looked at him with blood red eyes, and said coldly: "Your opponent is me."

Before he finished his words, the fifth spirit ring behind Tang San suddenly lit up, and a ray of blue golden light gathered towards Tang San's right hand. A large number of Blue Silver Emperor wrapped around his right hand, like a big gun, with three blue silver bars on the tip of the gun. The imperial vines are coiled, and the tip is as sharp as a knife.

"The third brother is really angry, he directly released the Blue Silver Overlord Spear as soon as he came up," Ning Rongrong, who was supporting Xiao Wu by the side, couldn't help but envied this scene.

Perceiving the dangerous aura radiating from Tang San, Shura also ignored the two teammates being played by Netherworld White Tiger, and looked at Tang San with energy.

"If you hurt Xiao Wu, don't want to walk off the ring easily," Tang San's eyes drooped, his pupils were filled with blood red, and his right hand was gently raised.

With just such a simple action, Shura felt as if he was being stared at by a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and even breathing became a little difficult.

"Give up?" Such a thought suddenly appeared in Shura's mind, and he was immediately denied.

Not to mention that he is the captain of the first team of the Wuhun Palace. His identity determines that he cannot admit defeat. It is only his own pride, and he is not allowed to treat a weaker soul power than him and younger than him. Give up!

Taking a deep breath, the first and third spirit rings behind Shura's body lit up in turn, and Shura's body suddenly became illusory, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a thick mist.

This is his first soul skill, Unreal, and the third soul skill, Shadow Dance. Unreal can make him completely immune to physical damage, but the energy damage he receives is doubled, while the Phantom Dance can reduce the energy damage he receives by 100%. The physical damage increased by 100%, and the duration of both spirit abilities is ten seconds.

Using these two spirit abilities in combination, Shura is confident that as long as it is not for Contra or even Titled Douluo, no one can hurt him in the state of illusion and phantom dance!

Chapter 1006 Twin Martial Spirits and Shura's Killing Intent!

A ray of blue light ran across the sky and fell directly on Shura. Shura only felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer head-on, making his internal organs in the state of illusion and phantom dance turbulent for a while.

However, it only stops there. Seeing Tang San whose face was slightly paler, Shura lifted the state of illusion and phantom dance, and sneered: "Boy, who wouldn't speak wild words? Unfortunately, you don't seem to hurt. To me, it seems that you have no spirit power anymore, in that case..."

"Then go to death!"

With that, the fifth spirit ring lighted up behind Xiuluo, and the Jiuyou thorn that had severely injured Xiao Wu before appeared in his hand again, shooting towards Tang San.

Tang San didn't seem to see the Nine Nether thorns in front of him, and the fifth spirit ring lighted up again behind him. The spirit power that had been exhausted by using the Blue Silver Overlord Spear instantly filled Tang San's body, and even a large amount of spirit power overflowed, forming Energy fluctuations spread in all directions!

This is the second spirit ability given to him by his fifth spirit ring, charge up. After using this spirit ability, he can begin to store spirit power, up to twice his own spirit power, and release the soul again when needed. Skill, can instill soul power back into oneself.

If this spirit ability is released during the process of releasing the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, the extra spirit power will not overflow, but will increase the power of the Blue Silver Overlord Spear.

"It's impossible!" Seeing this scene, the sneer on Shura's face instantly solidified, replaced by a strong shock.

Even though he was born in the Temple of Martial Spirits and was hailed as a wizard of the Golden Generation, he had broken through the 60th level of spirit power before he was twenty, but he had never seen such a method.

In his impression, once the spirit power was over-exhausted, he could only recover through meditation and food-type spirit masters. He had never seen a method like Tang San to replenish the exhausted spirit power in an instant, or even listened to it. Never heard of it!

"Isolate and ignorant," Tang San shook his head, and the Blue Silver Emperor was taken back by him, his left hand flashed with black light, and a small black hammer that was only slightly larger than his palm appeared in his hand, the hammer body glowing with cold metal color.

Although there is no spirit ring attachment on that small black hammer, everyone can feel the amazing domineering emanating from that small hammer!

Because that small black hammer is the strongest attack on the mainland, and it is also the representative of the mainland's first sect-Clear Sky Hammer!

With the appearance of the Clear Sky Hammer, in the audience, except for the few who knew it, and those who had already guessed about Tang San's martial arts, the faces of everyone else showed incredible expressions.

This shock was even stronger than when they saw Tang San and Xiao Wu's spirit ring before!

Because Tang San released the Clear Sky Hammer, which meant that he was the third twin spirit in history!


The Clear Sky Hammer rose in response to the storm, and the hammer body grew to the size of the wrist in a blink of an eye. The hammer head was the size of a basin, with strange patterns all over the Clear Sky hammer, which was eye-catching.

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