God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 428

Hearing Chihiro Ji's words, everyone in the audience couldn't help but cast their eyes on him. As the Pope of the Spirit Hall, the soul master in the audience would still sell this face.

Tang San and the others paused, and Tang San and Xiao Wu's expressions became extremely gloomy. They turned to look at Qian Xun Ji, and said calmly, "Your Excellency, is there anything else?"

"You can go," Qianxunji looked at Tang San, pointed his finger at Xiao Wu next to him, and said lightly: "She can't go."

Hearing Qianxunji's words, Tang San's heart sank. He anticipated that the Spirit Hall would be troubled and made a fuss as Xiao Wu, but according to his previous guesses, the Spirit Hall should be after they left the Spirit City. Just do it.

Because only in that way, Wuhun Palace can take the opportunity to kill him and Yang Lintai Xiong on the way to hunt down Xiao Wu!

Qianxun Jixuan was in trouble at this time, even if he succeeded in the end, he could only leave a small dance behind, it was impossible for Wuhun Palace to do such a stupid thing.

Tang San didn't know that at the same time Qian Xun was violently attacking his mother, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong were also scolding their mothers secretly. Qian Xun Ji was completely self-assertive, and had never discussed with them before!

Otherwise, how could they cause Qianxunji to attack at this point in time? You must know that Xiao Tian, ​​Tang Hao and others are staying in Wuhun City at this time. If you are not careful, Wuhun City will not be able to keep it!

But since Chihiro Ji has spoken, no matter how reluctant Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu are, they have to wipe their ass for Chihiro Ji, otherwise, the Wuhun Palace will ultimately suffer!

Therefore, at the same time Qianxunji spoke, Qiandaoliu rushed to the elder hall, summoning the elders of Wuhundian in the elder hall, and Bibi Dong was the first to bring several elders from the papal hall to the back of Qianxunji. .

"What does the Pope mean?" Tang San looked at Chihiro Ji with a confused expression on his face, and asked: "Could the Pope plan to do something with the outstanding soul master who has just won the champion of the Advanced Soul Master Competition? Soul Master Competition?"

"Boy, your words are really sharp," Chihiro said unhurriedly: "But what if someone in your team is not a soul master?"

Then, without waiting for Tang San to speak, Qianxun snorted and ordered: "Come here, take down the one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast transformed little girl!"

Before the words fell, a tyrannical aura swept across the audience, countless sword auras appeared in the sky above the ring, and Xiao Tian's slightly helpless voice came from a long time: "Boy of Wuhun Palace, have you forgotten something?"

As they spoke, countless sword auras interweaved to form a giant net that protected Tang San and Xiao Wu in it.

"Junior naturally dare not forget Senior Xiao," Qianxunji looked at Xiao Tian, ​​his eyes flashed with deep killing intent, but his face was calm, and he whispered, "It's just that that little girl is a hundred thousand year soul beast. Transformation, the soul beast and my soul master are dead enemies. Does Senior Xiao plan to protect this one hundred thousand year old soul beast?"

Qianxunji was ready. Once Xiao Tian admitted that he planned to shelter Xiao Wu, he would instigate all spirit masters in the audience to denounce Xiao Tian, ​​and force him to be the opposite of all spirit masters!

Xiao Tian suddenly laughed when he heard the words, and then scattered away from the giant net that protected Tang San and Xiao Wu.

When Qianxun Ji saw this, joy appeared on his face, but before he ordered Xiao Wu to be taken down, Xiao Tian's face suddenly sank, and the sky roared with sword aura.

"What am I going to do? It's not your turn to talk!"

Chapter 1014 Thousand Daoliu Appears!

Before the words fell, a ray of sword energy slashed down in the air, Chihiro Ji instinctively felt a sudden sharp pain in his right shoulder, subconsciously looked at it, but only saw blood splashing, and one arm fell to the ground.

"Break your arm to show punishment," Xiao Tian's voice came slowly, making Qianxunji's face suddenly green.

Looking at the severed right arm, Qianxunji was full of hatred in his heart, and wanted to order the spirit hall subordinate to besiege Xiao Tian, ​​but the only reason left him told him not to do so, otherwise the spirit hall might be in trouble. !

Chihiro Ji just stood on the spot, did not order or speak. Although Bibi Dong on the side despised Chihiro Ji in her heart, her identity was only an archbishop. Chihiro Ji did not speak, and she could not overtake Qi on behalf of her and command. Wuhun Hall belongs to.

For a while, the two sides actually fell into a stalemate like this.

Fortunately, the stalemate did not last long, before being broken by Qian Daoliu.

The Great Hall of Worship, who returned to the Hall of Elders to convene the elders of the Hall of Souls, hurried back. Behind him, six elders with young and beautiful faces lined up in a row, giving people great pressure.

"Inuzi is offensive, Qian Daoliu is here to make a payment for Inuzi to Senior Xiao," Qian Daoliu saw Qianxunji's severed right arm, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but his face was very calm. Even faintly ashamed, he said in a deep voice: "This time I have no choice but to teach my son. I also ask Senior Xiao to have a lot of it. Don't care about the juniors."

Although Qian Daoliu kept his attitude very low, there were needles everywhere in his words, which made Xiao Tian unable to refute it.

If Xiao Tian didn't care about Qian Xun Ji, then Tang San and Xiao Wu would not be able to intervene, but if Xiao Tian and Qian Xun Ji were in trouble, it would be tantamount to surrendering his status and treating himself as a naive junior!

"That's right," Xiao Tian nodded, and said lightly: "Since it's a matter between juniors, then I won't intervene, but please also respect yourself..."

In fact, Xiao Tian didn't care what others would think of him. He didn't care about his reputation. After all, with his strength and status, even if the whole continent criticized him, he couldn't let him lose half of his hair.

However, he said to Yu Xiaogang before that as long as Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong didn’t make a move this time, he would not make a move either. He stood up before, it was entirely his subconscious reaction. Now that Qian Daoliu has stepped forward, He naturally descended down this step.

A sentence of "things between juniors" directly killed the possibility of a thousand ways out of hands in the cradle. As for Bibi Dong, Xiao Tian believed that as a smart person, Bibi Dong would never take action!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, a grinning smile appeared on Chihiro Ji's face, who was holding his broken arm. The blood-stained left hand pointed towards Xiao Wu, and he shouted, "Take this little girl!"

After finishing speaking, Qianxunji glanced at Xiao Tian specially for fear that Xiao Tian would suddenly make a move.

Xiao Tian curled his lips and sat back on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, with one hand resting on his chin, his expression calm.

Several spirit masters in the Spirit Hall immediately rushed towards Xiao Wu and Tang San, and their spirit rings gleamed behind them, and they turned out to be masters of the Seven Ring Spirit Sage level!

"Huh! I want to see, who would dare to touch my Tang Hao's son!" Above the ring, a thunderous sound sounded, and a Clear Sky Hammer emerged out of thin air, directly rushing towards Xiao Wu and Tang San's Wuhun Temple Soul The teacher smashed and flew out.

Chapter 1015 Ning Fengzhi's Attitude!

An iron tower-like figure appeared in front of Tang San and Xiao Wu, the Clear Sky Hammer pointed diagonally, and a strong black light radiated from the hammer. Nine spirit rings surrounded by the Clear Sky Hammer, two yellow, two purple, four black and one red. Looks full of momentum.

"Tang Hao!" When Qian Xun Ji saw Tang Hao, his expression became extremely hideous. When he led someone to arrest A Yin, it was Tang Hao who blocked him, making him fall short, not to mention that he himself became Tang Hao. Stepping stones!

No matter who the outside world is, when talking about Haotian Douluo, it is said that Tang Hao once defeated the Spirit Hall Pope Qian Xunji who was already titled Douluo with his 89th-level spirit power!

Every time someone mentions Tang Hao, his Qian Xun Ji will become a negative textbook and be mentioned together!

As a result, this time, in the base camp of the Wuhun Hall, Tang Hao even dared to jump out of his business!

New hatred and old hatred rushed into my heart together, causing Qianxunji's handsome face to become extremely distorted. Seraphim Martial Soul appeared behind him, Qianxunji holding the Angel's Holy Sword in his left hand, and the sword pointed directly at Tang Hao.

"Yueguan, ghosts, stop Tang Hao," Bibi Dong on the side saw Qianxunji's appearance and shook his head secretly, disdainful in his heart, but now Qianxunji is still the Pope of Soul Palace, and Bibidong naturally cannot look at Qian Seek disease to die.

Yueguan and Guimei looked bitter after hearing this, but their accusation was originally responsible for protecting the safety of the pope, so they had to bite the bullet and rush towards Tang Hao.

"A chrysanthemum, a kid, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

Tang Hao held the Clear Sky Hammer with a look of disdain.

"Tang Hao, to fight out of the city, I don't think you want to see your son and that little girl accidentally injured, right?" Ghost Douluo said to Tang Hao with an erratic figure.

"Want to distract me?" Tang Hao sneered, and immediately said with disdain: "Well, just let you give up, Chrysanthemum, kid, go out of the city to lead death!"

With that, Tang Hao waved the Clear Sky Hammer and swept directly outside of Wuhun City.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other, but they had no choice but to follow Tang Hao.

It's not that they had never thought of attacking Tang San and Xiao Wu at the moment Tang Hao left, but looking at Xiao Tian in the audience who seemed indifferent to everything, they wisely dismissed this choice.

Fighting against Tang Hao, they can still limit Tang Hao by virtue of their soul fusion skills. Before their soul power is exhausted, they will be in any danger, and with their strength, they can only use the soul fusion skills to limit a level of ninety-five Tang Hao with soul power is enough to last a day and a night.

By that time, the matter in Wuhun City had also settled, whether it was Qianxunji's calculation or Tang San and the others leaving safely, they could easily get away.

And if they attacked Tang San Xiaowu and angered Xiao Tian, ​​the two of them were destined to have a dead end.

Under this circumstance, unless they were kicked by a donkey in the same way as Qian Xun Ji, they wouldn't be able to attack Tang San and Xiao Wu anyway.

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