God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 429

"Sect Master Ning," Qianxun Ji turned his gaze to Ning Fengzhi in the audience and said in a deep voice, "Ling Ai is also on the ring, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, shouldn't they take action? ?"

While speaking, Chihiro Ji had a cold face. After all, this is Wuhun City, the headquarters of Wuhun Hall. If Ning Fengzhi doesn't give a clear attitude, he can guarantee that no one in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can leave Wuhun City safely!

"The Pope laughed," Ning Fengzhi shook his head, and said lightly: "I won't interfere with Wuhun Palace, but I want to take my daughter and Oscar away, right?"

Chapter 1016 Dugu Bo's Thoughts!

Ning Fengzhi had planned to ask Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo to help when Qianxun was in trouble before, but seeing Xiao Tian's series of actions, Ning Fengzhi probably also understood Xiao Tian's thoughts.

Therefore, after hearing Chihiro Ji's words, Ning Fengzhi did not hesitate at all, and directly indicated that he would not interfere.

In his opinion, since Xiao Tian did not leave, it was really at a critical juncture, Xiao Tian couldn't help but once Xiao Tian made a move, there would be no difference between Chenxin and Gu Rong.

"Sect Master Ning, please," Qianxun Ji said lightly with a sullen expression.

His targets were only Xiao Wu and Tang San, plus at most two disciples of four single attributes, Tai Xiong and Yang Lin.

As for the others, although the talent is good, he still doesn't care about it.

As long as Tang San and Xiao Wu are gone, the other people will soon disappear when they want to come, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Rong Rong, Xiao Ao, come to me," Ning Fengzhi dismissed Qian Xun Ji's words, but he still greeted Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar glanced at each other, because Tang San had already made arrangements before, and the two of them did not hesitate and walked directly towards where Ning Fengzhi was.

"Hey, Pope, I want to take my granddaughter, don't you have any comments?" Before Ning Rongrong and Oscar walked to Ning Fengzhi's side, a slightly cold voice came from the auditorium. Everyone followed the reputation, only to find Dugu Bo stood up at some unknown time, and nine spirit rings flickered behind him.

"Poison Douluo, please," Qianxunji glanced at Dugu Bo with a calm expression.

Although Dugu Bo's personal strength is not good, if he is allowed to release one or two spirit abilities in this Wuhun City, this Wuhun City will have to mess around for a while, and it will not be possible for people to live for a long time.

Especially the porcupine Douluo, who is able to restrain Dugu Bo, is not in Wuhun City. Once Dugu Bo is angered, he has no good means to counter him. Therefore, although he has a somewhat angry attitude towards Dugu Bo, Qianxun Ji is still He readily promised to release people.

"Goose, come here," Dugu Bo Chong Dugu Goose beckoned and said in a relaxed tone.

He asked Dugu Goose to come to him just to prevent the Dugu Goose from being accidentally injured. From the beginning, he didn't think Qianxunji could succeed this time.

After all, with Xiao Tian sitting here, Dugu Bo didn't think anyone could take Tang San and Xiao Wu under Xiao Tian's nose.

What's more, based on his experience with the Golden Iron Triangle several times, he knew very well that even if Xiao Tian didn't make a move, with the strength of the Golden Iron Triangle, he would be enough to deal with most of the people present!

As for those who have the ability to suppress the Golden Iron Triangle, they are all the "predecessors" in Xiao Tian's mouth. If they intervene in the fight between these "juniors", hehe...

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo couldn't help but expect Qian Daoliu or Golden Crocodile Douluo to take action from the older generation of Wuhun Hall.

Seeing Dugu Goose leaving, Qian Xunji's eyes fell on Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and he said in a deep voice: "Dai Mubai, you are the Royal Family of the Star Luo Empire, I don't want to make enemies with the Star Luo Empire, as long as you and your fiancee Leaving now, I will not embarrass you."

"The Pope is really magnanimous. Don't worry, Zhu Qing and I won't interfere," Dai Mubai sneered, and then took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and left the ring directly and walked in the direction of Ning Fengzhi.

Chapter 1017 Do It!

Although Qian Xun Ji was unhappy with Dai Mubai's attitude, he didn't want to be out of line at this moment, so he let Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing leave.

After Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing left, Qianxunji's eyes swept across the five remaining people, and finally fell on Ma Hongjun.

Before he could speak, Ma Hongjun said first: "I'm just a student of Shrek Academy. The pope wouldn't think that I am also a hundred thousand year soul beast? I don't get involved with this matter, can the pope let me go?"

While talking, the mockery on Ma Hongjun's face didn't hide at all!

Chihiro Ji's face sank, but as a student of Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun really had no good reason to take Ma Hongjun for a while, not to mention that he didn't want to care about a junior, and finally nodded.

Seeing Qianxunji's expression, Ma Hongjun smiled and turned and walked towards the place where Dai Mubai was.

Although Tang San had arranged to prevent them from interfering in this matter, they would not leave until the dust settled.

In the unlikely event that something happens, their strength can stop them for a while.

Seeing Ma Hongjun also leave, Qian Xunji's eyes fell on Tang San, and said lightly: "Tang San, you are the descendant of the Clear Sky School, and Yang Lin and Tai Xiong behind you are also disciples of the four single-attribute schools, if You leave here, I can let you go...

After all, the Clear Sky School is the first sect in the mainland, and I don't want to make any gaps between the Spirit Hall and Clear Sky School."

Qian Xunji sneered in his heart when he spoke. He knew very well that Tang San would not retreat. He said that, only to block Tang San's retreat and drag the Clear Sky School behind him into the water by the way.

"If you want to do it, do it, there is so much nonsense," Tang San said with disdain, "Xiao Wu is also a member of the Clear Sky School, I have never left the tradition of a disciple in the Clan!"

"Haha, well said, I, the Haotian School, never leave a disciple in the sect! Little San, uncle supports you!" Before Tang San's words, there was a burst of hearty laughter outside Wuhun City, and then Tang Xiao said. The figure appeared above the ring, holding the Clear Sky Hammer, and nine spirit rings shining behind him.

Chihiro Ji's face instantly sank, and his expression grimly said: "If this is the case, then you can stay together! Come, take them down!"

Following Qianxunji's order, a large number of Wuhundian disciples surrounded Tang San Xiaowu and Tai Xiong Yang Lin.

Tang Xiao lifted the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and was about to take a shot. Behind Bibi Dong, a strong man who looked not in his fifties stepped forward and shouted at Tang Xiao: "Xiaotian Douluo, there was no battle last time. If you can have fun, why don't we fight again?"

"Afraid you won't succeed?" Tang Xiao looked at the brawny man who spoke, and said lightly: "You and I will fight out of the city!"

After speaking, Tang Xiao directly held the Clear Sky Hammer and walked out of Wuhun City. The strong man who had spoken before did not hesitate. A heavy plum blossom hammer appeared in his hand, chasing Tang Xiao out of Wuhun City.

After Tang Xiao left, the Wuhundian disciples didn't hesitate anymore and swarmed around Xiao Wu.

"You don't even have a Soul Douluo, and you want to take us?" Xiao Wu sneered, her figure flashed, and appeared behind a Wuhun Temple disciple.

The scorpion braid was thrown out, and it was directly wrapped around the neck of the soul hall disciple, his slender legs kicked another soul hall disciple who rushed towards her in the chest, and Xiao Wu flipped in midair with this force. Half a circle.

Then kicked her legs on the face of the soul hall disciple who had been entangled by her scorpion braids before, once again borrowed his strength to escape from the spirit hall disciples and land beside Tang San.

Chapter 1018 The teacher makes a move!

Seeing Xiao Wu's move, Tang San and Yang Lin Taixiong didn't hesitate at all. They released their spirits and repelled the approaching Wuhun hall disciples.

Tang San Xiaowu and Tai Xiong Yang Lin four people back to back, each holding one side, relying on the extremely strong physical body and several powerful soul abilities under the guidance of Xiao Tian, ​​four people at a time It was like a rock in the sea, letting the big waves beat, still standing still.

Of course, Tang San Xiaowu's four people were superior in strength, but the main reason was that most of them were Wuhundian disciples.

Although these Wuhundian disciples are quite strong, the strongest among them is the Five-ringed Soul King. They are naturally talented in other places, but facing Tang San Xiaowu and Tai Xiong Yang Lin passing through Xiao Tian like this A freak who gives me careful advice, that's definitely not enough!

Chihiroji saw this scene, his teeth creaked, and it took a long time to squeeze out a few words from his teeth: "Let the soul master above the soul sage do it!"

Hearing Qianxunji's words, the spirit master of the Spirit Hall who had been prepared on the side rushed directly towards Tang San and the others. As the base camp of the Spirit Hall, Wuhun City naturally has no shortage of Soul Saints and Soul Douluo. .

Although Tang Hao accidentally injured a group of soul sages when he appeared before, after Qian Xunji gave the order, there were more than 30 soul sages who rushed towards Tang San and Xiao Wu, as well as the Contra, among which the Contra was even more. There are ten!

"Shameless!" Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong who stood with Ning Fengzhi, Chenxin and Gu Rong couldn't help cursing in the audience.

Although she knew that the Spirit Hall had chosen to attack, she would not let Tang San Xiaowu leave easily, but she did not expect that the Spirit Hall would let a group of Contras and Spirit Sages join forces to deal with four youths of the highest but not the Soul King level. Soul master!

"Grandpa Jian," Ning Rongrong turned to look at Jian Douluo Chenxin, and said coquettishly: "Would you like to help my third brother and them?"

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin couldn't help but shook his head and laughed. He patted Ning Rongrong's head and said with a low smile: "There are Senior Xiao Tian and several teachers from Shrek Academy here, but Grandpa Sword is not your turn. "

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