God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 507

He knew that he was already mortal, so he acted extremely hard, trying to give himself some face.

Zhao Yun's expression became cold, and before he could speak, Zhang Jiao suddenly said, "Council Zhao, how about handing him over to me?"

"Then there will be Daxian and mentor," Zhao Yun pondered for a while, then nodded.

He knew very well that with Zhang Jiao's hatred of Tang Zhou, Tang Zhou wanted to survive Zhang Jiao's hands, it was simply a dream.

He also didn't want this kind of deceiving teacher and destroying ancestors to dirty his hands, and simply handed Tang Zhou to Zhang Jiao.

After finishing talking, Zhao Yun took his spear and walked towards Zhending City. Zhang Jiao took a deep look at Zhao Yun's back, holding Tang Zhou in one hand, and quickly swept towards the distance.

He can still remember that Xiao Tian said that he would leave Zhending City within a hundred miles within a day. If it is going to be late today, he does not want to stay here to stimulate Xiao Tian's nerves.


At the same time, in a deep mountain in Changsha County, Huang Zhong and Huang Xu were fully armed and slowly went deep into the forest.

"Xu'er, you are now at the peak of your inner energy, not far from breaking through," Huang Zhong looked at Huang Xu, and said in a deep voice, "In the next period of time, you will be hunting those strange animals in this mountain. Sharpen yourself between life and death!"

Since Huang Xu's hidden illness was cured and he got rid of the influence of the Wushen Body, both his strength and combat effectiveness have been improved far beyond ordinary people. Huang Zhong also tried his best to sharpen Huang Xu.

After Xiao Tian left, Huang Zhong decided to take Huang Xu to hunt and kill the strange animal.

With Huang Xu's current strength, it is impossible for ordinary beasts to have any influence on him.

And those powerful alien beasts can detect Huang Zhong's hidden aura, and will not rush to provoke them.

So Huang Zhong doesn't have to worry about the sudden appearance of a terrifying monster that Huang Xu can't match.

"Baby understand," Huang Xu nodded, and firmly squeezed the Jiuhuan knife in his hand.

Xiao Tian only taught him "Nine Transformations of the Immortal Body". In addition, Xiao Tian didn't teach him any tricks. In Xiao Tian's view, with Huang Zhong's knowledge of bows and swords, he was completely capable of making Huang Xu With the existence of the next bow and knife, he doesn't need to waste any effort.

What's more, Xiao Tian felt that instead of letting Huang Xu learn swordsmanship with him, Huang Zhong should hope to see Huang Xu inherit his mantle and pass on his unparalleled shooting skills and the sword technique that few people in the world can match. .

"Xu'er, get ready to fight!" Huang Zhong nodded in satisfaction, then his eyes condensed and said in a deep voice.

Before Huang Zhong's words fell, a dazzling tiger threw out from the thorn, opening his mouth and biting towards Huang Xu.

Chapter 1231 Sharpening!

"It's just a beast who has just stepped into his inner qi, you can solve it yourself," Huang Zhong glanced at the colorful tiger that pounced on Huang Xu and said lightly.

Although Huang Xu is only at the peak of his inner Qi, he has cultivated the techniques taught by Xiao Tian, ​​and after two months of careful guidance from him and Xiao Tian, ​​Huang Zhong doesn't think that this kind of difference has just stepped into the realm of inner Qi. The Beast Club is Huang Xu's opponent.

Huang Xu pursed his lips and didn't answer. He didn't know when the Jiuhuandao was crossed in front of him, his eyes fixed on the approaching colorful tiger.


The tiger roared, roaring through the mountains and forests, and the furry tiger claws slapped Huang Xu's head with the howling wind, and the strong wind blowing on his face made Huang Xu's cheeks hurt.

Huang Xu's eyes condensed, and he squatted down quickly, just to avoid the astonishing blow of the colorful tiger, and then a sharp blade of light appeared and quickly disappeared.


The colorful tiger roared sternly, and flew out all over, hitting an old tree with a few people in a thick and thin group, shaking off a lot of leaves.

And on the abdomen of that gorgeous tiger, a long and narrow wound ran across the entire abdomen, almost splitting it in two!

"I just stepped into the realm of great internal energy, and dare to be presumptuous in front of me?" Huang Xu shook his head disdainfully, and walked towards the colorful tiger with the nine-ring knife, directly piercing its heart.

Huang Zhong nodded in satisfaction, but with a move of his back ear, he was about to speak, but he seemed to think of something. He suddenly stepped back two steps, leaning against a towering old tree, and at the same time removed the back of his back. longbow.

Huang Xu happened to see Huang Zhong's movements, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but before he could ask, a strong fishy wind suddenly hit from the side, the alarm bell in Huang Xu's heart rang wildly, and the hair on his back was erected.

Without any hesitation, Huang Xu said farewell to the Jiuhuan Sword behind him and rolled directly to the side, just to avoid this shocking blow.

Getting up quite embarrassed, Huang Xu quickly drew out the Nine-Ring Sword and looked in the direction where the fishy wind was hitting. Only then did he find that it was a huge and colorful tiger that had attacked him just now.

"Another one?" Huang Xu looked at the body of the dazzling tiger that could no longer die next to the old tree, and then suddenly said, "It turns out to be a pair, so that's good, then let you be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate!"

As he said, Huang Xu slashed out the nine-ring sword in his hand, and the sharp light of the sword emerged out of thin air, woven into a big net, and shrouded toward the colorful tiger.

Huang Zhong couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene, but didn't say anything.

He had discovered the problem of Huang Xu a long time ago. It was not just him, Xiao Tian had also pointed out this problem when he pointed out Huang Xu.

It’s just that Huang Xu has never experienced a life-and-death struggle. Even if he and Xiao Tian say nothing, Huang Xu will subconsciously confront the enemy in his own way. Only after he has suffered a big loss will he understand what he has done. How bad is it that will learn to change!

Therefore, Huang Zhong did not immediately remind him, and then drew a spiky arrow from the quiver behind him, and put it on the longbow, watching the colorful tiger at any time.

Perceiving Huang Zhong's movements, a flash of fear flashed in the eyes of the colorful tiger, and then he was suppressed by a more violent killing intent.

Looking at Huang Xu in front of him, the dazzling tiger actually ignored it and ran into the big net that Huang Xu had cleaved.

Chapter 1232 Blade Shadow Barrier!

Cloud from dragon, wind from tiger!

The roaring wind sounded when the colorful tiger moved, and the fishy wind blew his face, mixed with some gravel, which made Huang Xu had to squint his eyes.

The Daoguang Great Net and the colorful tiger slammed into each other, and the colorful tiger made a miserable howl. The younger generation was dripping with blood, and the soft fur was soaked in red blood, which looked rather miserable.

But it's worth it. Taking this opportunity, the colorful tiger has already attached to Huang Xu's side, and the tiger's tail like a steel whip slammed out, with a powerful force, and slammed to Huang Xu!

You must know that in addition to grabbing and biting, the tiger's attack methods are almost on the tiger's tail, even those ordinary tigers that are not affected by the aura of heaven and earth.

Now that this gorgeous tiger is nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, it has already stepped into the realm of great internal energy. This draw can cut gold and jade, and it is not an exaggeration to open mountains and cracks!

If this is true, with Huang Xu's current cultivation base, I am afraid that even if he does not die, he will have to be seriously injured on the spot!

The eyes of Huang Zhong who watched the battle became serious in an instant. He pulled the big bow in his hand, and the spiked arrow pointed at the colorful tiger, possibly loosening the bowstring at any time.

"I've been guarding against your hand long ago!" Huang Xu sneered, waving the nine-ring knife in his hand, and the shadows of the knives appeared, forming a barrier in front of him.

The tiger's tail slammed on the barrier, making a sky-shaking sound. The barrier constructed by Huang Xu burst in an instant, and the colorful tiger stepped back unconsciously, and the color of error appeared in his eyes.

In its imagination, relying on Huang Xu's low level of internal energy, Huang Xu had no way to survive just now when he hit it down.

As a result, Huang Xu actually stopped its attack from the front!

After glimpsing the colorful eyes of the tiger, Huang Xu curled his lips with disdain.

The exercises Xiao Tian taught him are unparalleled in the world, although because of his own innocuous body, the strengthening effect on his own physical body is minimal.

But precisely because of this, some subtle changes have taken place in the "Nine Revolutions of Immortality" he practiced.

Originally, "Nine Turns of Immortal Body" was a combination of spirit and physical body. While the spirit is powerful, the strength of the physical body is also at the same level. Because of the innocuous body, Huang Xu cultivated the inner body produced by Qi seldom nourishes the body, most of it is used to nourish his soul!

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