God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 508

Because of this, although Huang Xu is still only at the peak of her inner Qi, Huang Xu is no less inferior to the general peak of inner Qi, or even worse!

And the shadow of the knife he swung just now was formed by the combination of his own internal energy and soul power. Although he can't say that his defensive power is the world's best, it is definitely not something that an ordinary attack can break!

Even with the advantage of its realm, the dazzling tiger can only crush the shadow barrier he has placed!

"When did Xu'er master these methods?" Huang Zhong on the side couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He loosened the originally tight bowstring, and immediately asked with some doubts.

Before, Xiao Tian and him taught Huang Xu to practice. During that time, he had never seen Xiao Tian instruct Huang Xu on other things, and he had never taught Huang Xu such a method. This defense method was clearly understood by Huang Xu himself. .

Chapter 1233 Beheaded!

Huang Xu naturally heard what Huang Zhong said, but he didn't say much.

Right now he was stared at by the colorful tiger, although with the sword and shadow barrier he was confident that he would not be hurt by the colorful tiger, if it was distracted, the result would be hard to say.

As for this method of using the sword and shadow barrier, although Xiao Tian didn't teach him, it was created after Xiao Tian's advice.

What's more, Huang Xu also knows very well that if he had practiced "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body", he would never have created this kind of trick.

We must know that "Nine Reincarnations of the Immortal Body" can warm and nourish the soul, and because of the innocuous body, the strength of the soul has increased rapidly, and as the strength of the soul increases, his comprehension also increases.

That's why he can create defensive moves like the Blade Shadow Barrier!

It's just that for Huang Xu, this sword-shadow barrier is far from reaching its limit. I don't know why, he always feels that he has encountered a bottleneck.

If he can break through this bottleneck, with this sword shadow barrier, even if he is only a cultivation base with a small inner qi reaching the peak, it is enough to retreat in the hands of most inner qi masters!

"Waiting for this matter, it's time to go to Zhending County to see Master and the brother who has never met before," Huang Xu whispered while alerting the colorful tiger.

Regarding this type of knife shadow barrier, he thought he could no longer improve it. Under such circumstances, he could only hope that Xiao Tian could make a breakthrough in this move.

Thinking of this, Huang Xu couldn't help feeling a little lost, his eyes wandering.

Huang Zhong, who was not far away, saw this scene, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly pulled away the longbow in his hand again, staring at the colorful tiger not far from Huang Xu.


Perceiving Huang Xu's loss of consciousness at this moment, the colorful tiger roared, turning into a stream of light and rushed towards Huang Xu.

While still in the air, the colorful tiger opened its mouth in the blood basin, a fishy smell exuded from its mouth, and some pieces of meat could be seen between its white teeth.

If it were replaced by someone else, facing this kind of scene, I am afraid that he would have fainted long ago, but unfortunately, it was facing Huang Xu!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" A sneer appeared at the corner of Huang Xu's mouth, and the nine-ring knife in his hand slashed against the abdomen of the colorful tiger in the air.

The sharp light of the knife suddenly appeared, hitting the gorgeous tiger, and directly smashed it upside down.

The colorful tiger broke a towering old tree, and then lay weakly on the ground.

"I really thought I was a fledgling rookie?" Huang Xu looked at the dying tiger lying on the ground, disdainfully said: "I am afraid that only those fools can do things like this in battle. I look like that. Like a fool?"

He still heard Xiao Tian say the word'rookie'. His master not only made good fortune, but he also said astonishingly from time to time. Huang Xu was originally a teenager, but he learned some of Xiao Tian's oral addiction.


The colorful tiger roared a few times, but anyone could hear the weakness hidden under its voice. Huang Xu even shook his head, carrying the nine-ring sword and walked towards the colorful tiger.

"My little master will do well today, I will be free for you in advance!" Huang Xu swung the nine-ring knife and directly slew the colorful tiger.

"If you have the next life, remember not to provoke the little master!" After looking at the colorful tiger that couldn't die anymore, Huang Xu took the Jiuhuan knife back and ran towards Huang Zhong, then licked his face and smiled: "Father , How did the child behave just now?"

Chapter 1234 Angry Huang Zhong!

When Huang Zhong heard this, he glanced at Huang Xu, did not speak, but his face looked a little ugly.

Seeing Huang Zhong's expression, Huang Xu's heart burst, the trace of pride that had just risen in his heart quickly disappeared, and he stood beside Huang Zhong honestly and whispered: "Is there anything wrong with the kid? "

He knew too well what Huang Zhong's expression represented. When Huang Zhong and Xiao Tian taught him to practice, Huang Zhong did not show this expression less!

And every time Huang Zhong showed this expression, he definitely had no good fruit!

"Do you think you did a good job just now?" Huang Zhong looked at Huang Xu and said with a gloomy face: "That is, my benefactor didn't see your performance just now, otherwise he will be so angry that he will drive you out of the wall!"

"Huh?" Huang Xu was startled when he heard the words, and then whispered: "It shouldn't be that serious, right? Besides, Master is actually quite good at talking."

He is more willing to face Xiao Tian than Huang Zhong, because although Xiao Tian is stronger than Huang Zhong, his requirements are not as strict as Huang Zhong, as long as he can be within the time set by Xiao Tian After completing Xiao Tian's task, Xiao Tian would not care about him.

What kind of like Huang Zhong, can't wait for him to use a bit of strength every time he swings the knife, and he has to worry about what direction he swings!

"Dare to talk back?!" Huang Zhong's expression sank, staring at Huang Xu.

"Don't dare," Huang Xu said quickly. Huang Zhong is not like Xiao Tian. Even if he can't complete the task set by Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian will choose to lift it high and put it down gently.

But Huang Zhong is different. He believes in "a filial son under a stick" and "a son can't be a weapon if he doesn't fight." Huang Xu is sure that if he dares to continue to talk back to Huang Zhong, I am afraid that he will be pressed by Huang Zhong next Violent on the ground!

Huang Zhong didn't dare to beat him because of his hidden illness before, but now Huang Zhong has no such scruples!

Even because of the practice of "Nine Revolving Immortal Body", even if this technique is affected by his indestructible body, the strengthening effect on the physical body is minimal, but it also makes his physical body stronger than before, and this, undoubtedly It gave Huang Zhong more room to show him!

Thinking of this, Huang Xu actually complained about the powerful effect of "Nine Revolutions of Immortality" in his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Tian, ​​who is thousands of miles away, naturally didn't know Huang Xu's thoughts. Otherwise, I'm afraid Xiao Tian would clean the door himself!

"Don't be convinced," Huang Zhong snorted coldly, pointing to the corpses of two colorful tigers on the ground not far away, and said coldly: "Do you think you will be invincible after you solve these two animals?

I have told you how many times have you been. No matter when, you can’t relax your vigilance against your surroundings. At the same time, when you shoot, you only use nine points. Leaving one point can make you better change your moves. There is room for maneuver when things happen!"

Speaking of this, Huang Zhong was not angry, and pointed to Huang Xu's nose and cursed: "But what about you? Look what you did just now?!

From the very beginning, you tried desperately, wishing to exhaust your internal qi, that is, when you first faced a beast who had just stepped into the realm of internal qi, you could easily crush it with your skills.

If you change to a master of inner energy of the same realm, I am afraid you have already lost!

As for the subsequent mistakes, it is even more unforgivable. In this deep mountain and old forest, you dare to relax your vigilance around you. If I don't follow you, I'm afraid you don't even know how to die!"

Chapter 1235: Going to Reality!

Hearing Huang Zhong's words, Huang Xu curled his lips unchecked, appearing a little disapproving.

For the second point Huang Zhong said, he had some experience, and he knew that he was too slack.

That is to say, what attacked him was just a gorgeous tiger that hadn't been in the realm of inner Qi for long. If he were replaced by another master, he would have been slaughtered in the time he lost his mind before!

But the first point is that he doesn't care about it anymore, isn't he just trying his best?

As long as you can crush your opponent, what can you do even if you try your best?

Is it possible that opponents he suppressed everywhere can crack his moves and launch a counterattack against him?

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