God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 509

Seeing Huang Xu's expression, Huang Zhong shook his head. He knew that Huang Xu had never suffered in these things. No matter what he said, Huang Xu would not care.

"Well, you probably won't listen to what I said," Huang Zhong sighed, looked at Huang Xu, and said solemnly: "In this case, let's set off to Zhending County to find Benefactor."

Huang Xu heard that joy appeared on his face, and said in surprise: "Really?"

I can't help but he is not excited. You must know that Huang Zhong told him after Xiao Tian left that unless he breaks through to the realm of inner Qi, he can never leave Changsha County.

Now Huang Zhong has let go, how can this make him not excited?

"Really," Huang Zhong nodded helplessly, "Although you haven't broken through yet, but being able to kill two monster beasts with great energy, it can barely meet my requirements, so there is no need to stay in Changsha County. Up."

Huang Zhong paused when he said that, and then said in a deep voice: "It is also a good thing to let you go to the Central Plains to see the world's heroes, so that you don't know the sky and the earth!"

He was born in Nanyang, and although Nanyang belongs to Jingzhou, it is the closest to the Central Plains, and there are no shortage of heroes and businessmen from all over the world.

While Nanyang was prosperous, there were also a large number of heroes passing by. He had stayed in Nanyang until Huang Xu had a single seedling, and he had seen too many heroes.

Not to mention Huang Xu's current three-legged cat kung fu, Huang Zhong, he dare not say that he ranks among the best players today.

Let Huang Xu go to the Central Plains to see and see in advance, and it will also allow him to have a long experience and save him from knowing the heights of the sky all day long!

Huang Xu didn't say anything. He didn't dare to talk back to his father at this time. Anyway, Huang Zhong was relieved to allow him to leave Changsha County ahead of time. He didn't need to be angry with Huang Zhong's words.

Seeing this, Huang Zhong shook his head helplessly, turned and walked towards Changsha County.

Since he decided to leave, he naturally had to go back and clean up, and then let Zhang Zhongjing know. After all, although Xiao Tian contributed the most to Huang Xu, Zhang Zhongjing also contributed.

What's more, Zhang Zhongjing's medical skills are almost psychic, and Huang Zhong will find ways to establish a good relationship with Zhang Zhongjing.

When Huang Xu saw Huang Zhong's movements, he glanced at the corpse of the colorful tiger not far away, quite painful.

The corpses of the two demon tigers with great internal energy are treasures. Even if he can't use them, if they are sold in the city of Changsha County, they can earn a few hundred gold!

The result was just discarded here, which made Huang Xu a little distressed.

However, seeing Huang Zhong go further and further, Huang Xu did not dare to delay any longer, and quickly left the matter of the corpses of the two colorful tigers behind him, and quickly chased Huang Zhong...

Chapter 1236 Brothers Gather Together!

Ten days later, outside the Zhending city, Huang Zhong and Huang Xu both looked at the city in front of them, and quickly accelerated their pace.

They set off from Changsha County all the way to the north. They were delayed for a while because they wiped out a few cottages, which caused them to walk for ten days in a journey of only seven days.

"I'm finally in Zhending County," Huang Xu looked at the closer and closer Zhending County, and couldn't help but expect: "I don't know how strong my brother I've never met before."

Since he and Huang Zhong entered the territory of Jizhou, they have heard of Zhao Yun's name. However, most people's impression of Zhao Yun is limited to the young talents of Jizhou. The late show is no less powerful than the older generation.

But as for how strong Zhao Yun is, no one can say clearly.

Because few people have seen Zhao Yun make a move, and the only well-known fight against Tang Zhou, and because he did not collide with Tang Zhou several times, he ended up because of Xiao Tian's move. It is impossible to see his true strength from it. .

On the contrary, Zhao Yun's ability in governance is widely known. I heard that Jizhou Governor Han Fu was interested in recruiting Zhao Yun and let him serve as a state.

"Being able to be favored and accepted as a disciple is naturally extraordinary," Huang Zhong shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "What's more, you have also heard of it. Everyone can have a few tricks, so naturally there is no need to say more about such strength.

Huang Xu nodded, and then said a little depressed: "Unfortunately, I don't know where Master is now or whether he is still in Zhending County."

"Just ask your senior, don't you know?" Huang Zhong was rather speechless. "Look at the weather, your senior should be still in the county office. We can go directly to the county office to find him."

After speaking, Huang Zhong walked towards the county government, and Huang Xu hurriedly followed.

Soon, Huang Zhong and Huang Xu and his son rushed outside the county government office, and then they were stopped by the Zhending County garrison guarding the county government office.

"The county government is heavy, and those who come will stop!" Seeing Huang Zhong and Huang Xu planning to go to the county government, the two defenders who were wearing stubbornness said in a deep voice.

"Through the trouble of passing the county magistrate to Zhao, he said that his junior brother Huang Xu begged to see him," Huang Xuchong said with a smile.

"Is it really the junior of Zhao County Order?" Hearing Huang Xu's words, the defender on the left quickly put away his weapons, nodded to Huang Zhong and Huang Xu, and said with a serious tone: "Please wait a minute, wait for the villain to report Zhao After the county magistrate, two more people will be invited in."

Huang Zhong and Huang Xu didn't say much when they heard this. They had heard a lot of things along the way, and they knew why the defense of Zhending County is so tight now.

In fact, it is not only Zhending County, but now the counties of Changshan County, and even several counties around Changshan County, have strengthened their guarding efforts. The assassination of Xu Buyu did make these county magistrates and prefects feel jealous. , For fear of being targeted by others.

Many of them don't have the strength of Xu Fusu's. Once they are targeted by the assassin, there is probably only a dead end.

Soon, the defender who had gone to report before rushed back. Behind him was Zhao Yun, who was wearing a moon white robe and hurried toward this side.

"Is that Uncle Huang Zhong and Junior Brother Huang Xu?" Zhao Yun immediately said loudly when he saw Huang Zhong and Huang Xu.

"It's Huang Zhong underneath," Huang Zhong arched his hand at Zhao Yun, then pointed at Huang Xu beside him and smiled: "This is Huang Xu, the dog."

Chapter 1237 Promise!

Hearing Huang Zhong's words, Zhao Yun waved his hand quickly and said with a serious face: "Uncle Huang, you call me Zilong. As for Junior Brother Huang, I haven't heard Master mention it these days, and Master praises Junior Brother Huang in words."

"Zilong, don't you plan to let us stand outside this county office?" Huang Zhong smiled, pointing to the crowd who quickly gathered behind seeing the situation here, and smiled: "Stand on like this again , I’m afraid it won’t be long before this news spreads throughout the city."

"I was negligent," Zhao Yun patted his forehead when he heard the words, and smiled at Huang Zhong and his son: "Uncle Huang, and Junior Brother Huang, follow me to the backyard of the county office, which is relatively clean."

Having said that, Zhao Yun turned and led the way, leading Huang Zhong and Huang Xu towards the backyard of the county government.

After arriving in the backyard, Zhao Yun asked a villager from Zhaojia Village who was here to help and told him: "Ergou, if you go to Xiao Mansion and invite my master over, it means that Junior Brother Huang and Uncle Huang are here."

The villager of Zhaojia Village, known as the "Two Dogs", nodded and hurriedly ran towards Xiao Mansion.

After the arrangement was completed, Zhao Yun took Huang Zhong and Huang Xu to a stone table and sat down, and then asked: "Listen to Master Huang, did you give Junior Brother Huang an order to die? Is it not allowed to leave Changsha County?

I think that although the younger brother is surging in his inner aura, but his inner aura is only at his peak, why did he leave Changsha County so early?"

"That's it," Huang Xu said about the incident outside Changsha at the time, and then smiled: "So this time, Junior Brother, I also want to meet the heroes of the world, and the more important point is to ask Master for advice. Find a way to completely perfect my sword shadow barrier."

"It's okay to come out for a walk," Zhao Yun nodded, and then smiled to Huangxu: "If you don't dislike it, you might as well wait for me in Zhending County for half a month. After half a month, we will travel to the Central Plains together. How about?"

Nowadays, although Xu Busu’s injury has not completely healed, it does not affect his handling of Zhending County's affairs. Therefore, Zhao Yun had long wanted to resign as the county magistrate and leave the matter to Xu Busu to take care of himself.

And he took this opportunity to go out to see if he could find a chance to quickly improve his strength.

Otherwise, he would encounter someone in the situation like Tang Zhou before, but his own strength was not enough to stop him, so he had to rely on Xiao Tian to take action.

"Senior brother is willing to take me, I am too grateful, how can I dislike it?" Huang Xu waved his hand quickly and said.

After hearing the news these days, he admired Zhao Yun closely, and naturally he would not have any objection to Zhao Yun's arrangement.

"Then it's settled," Zhao Yun looked at Huang Xu and smiled.

"What's the deal?" Before Huang Xu had time to speak, a slightly calm voice suddenly came not far away. Everyone walked around, only to see Xiao Tian dressed in white, slowly walking towards them.


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