God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 510

Seeing Xiao Tian's figure, Zhao Yun, Huang Xu and Huang Zhong quickly said respectfully.

"You don't need to be polite," Xiao Tian waved his hand and said lightly, "What did you say just now?"

"That's it," Zhao Yun said immediately: "Master, you also know that Brother Xu's injury is about to heal. Although there is still some inconvenience, it does not affect his handling of government affairs.

And the position of Zhending County Lieutenant is now considered to be well-organized by the third uncle, so naturally I don't have to go back to serve as Zhending County Lieutenant and grab a job with Sanshu."

Chapter 1238 Excited Huang Xu!

"Well," Xiao Tian nodded softly when he heard Zhao Yun's words, and smiled: "With your current strength, it's really not suitable to stay in Zhending County all the time. Going out will meet the heroes of the world for a while, and it will improve your strength help."

"Apprentice has exactly this idea," Zhao Yun respectfully said: "Originally, I wanted to wait for Brother Xu to heal from his injuries before going out. But now Junior Brother Huang is also going out, so I can just go with Junior Brother Huang. , It's good to have a reference.

"That's good," Xiao Tian agreed with this, and said in a deep voice.

Although he has confidence in Zhao Yun's strength and is confident that with Zhao Yun's current strength, there are very few people who can hurt him in the world, but if he can take Huang Xu as a reference, he will undoubtedly be more at ease.

After all, although Huang Xu's strength is not too strong, there is nothing wrong with Huang Zhong watching him.

In addition, if Zhao Yun and Huang Xu travel together, they may be able to comprehend something from each other's martial arts moves.

After that, Xiao Tian turned his head to look at Huang Xu, and said calmly: "Just now, did you say that Zhendingcheng was going to ask me to point you?"

"It's true," Huang Xu nodded, and explained the knife shadow barrier in detail.

"At the beginning I just proposed an idea, and didn't work hard on this aspect. I didn't expect you to have created the prototype of this kind of move, yes!"

After listening to Huang Xu's words, Xiao Tian couldn't help but admire.

The Blade Shadow Barrier did come from his instructions to Huang Xu, but the tactics he envisioned were not defensive moves like Huang Xu, but the ultimate attack!

Moreover, in Xiao Tian's vision, it is not the sword technique that is most suitable for this method, but Huang Xu's magical archery skills!

Huang Xu is the only son of Huang Zhong. Although his archery skills cannot be said to be blue, Huang Xu, who has obtained the biography of Huang Zhongzhen, has a bow and arrow attainment far beyond ordinary people's imagination!

It's just that he didn't expect that although Huang Xu perfected his original vision, the moves he created became the purest defensive technique!

However, Xiao Tian didn't say much about this. Everyone has their own fate, and Huang Xu realized that the knife shadow barrier is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

After all, the sword technique inherited by the Huang family is heavy attacking but not defending. With this type of sword shadow barrier, Huang Xu may be able to create his own Huang family sword technique.

"It will take a while for Zilong to take over the affairs in his hand. Then you will stay in my house for the rest of this period. I will help you to perfect this type of knife shadow barrier."

Xiao Tian thought about it for a while, and said to Huang Xu.

He does not intend to interfere with Huang Xu's choice, but it is his own business to help Huang Xu make this type of knife shadow barrier more perfect.

"Thank you, Master!" Huang Xu said excitedly when he heard the words.

Huang Xu couldn't be more clear about the details of his master.

Personal strength is the strongest in the world, and at the same time, his insights into exercises and martial arts far surpass others.

Otherwise, Xiao Tian wouldn't have been able to suppress all the influence of his Immaculate Body by relying on a self-made technique!

Now that Xiao Tian proposed to instruct him to perfect the sword shadow barrier, it was undoubtedly a great opportunity for him!

You must know that in the two months before in Changsha County, although Xiao Tian tried his best to instruct him to practice, he never gave him any moves, and at most he gave some suggestions to give him a general direction.

Now that Xiao Tian had personally perfected a sword technique for him, how could Huang Xu not be excited?

Chapter 1239 Xiao Tian's Request!

During the next period of time, Huang Xu and Huang Zhong stayed in the Xiao Mansion, during which time Xiao Tian directed Huang Xu to complete the knife shadow barrier.

Although Huang Xu hasn't broken through to the realm of Dacheng Inner Qi, he has been able to confront the masters of Dacheng Inner Qi by virtue of this perfected sword shadow barrier.

Even unless it is a top powerhouse in the realm of Dacheng Inner Qi like Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, ordinary masters of Dacheng Inner Qi cannot easily break through the defense of the knife shadow barrier!

It is no exaggeration to say that with this type of knife and shadow barrier, Huang Xu already has the capital to break the world!

During this period, Xu Busu also successfully took over Zhao Yun's work and regained control of Zhending County.

However, Xu Busu also clearly told Zhao Yun that he would not stay in Zhending County for long, and that he would be promoted to the county middle school soon, so he hoped that Zhao Yun could return to Zhending County as soon as possible to take his place.

With the Xu family's financial resources, it was not difficult to buy a small Zhending county magistrate's position, so Xu Budou also directly regarded Zhending County as his own place, expressly waiting for Zhao Yun to take over his position.

After Zhao Yun resigned a few times to no avail, he could barely accept it, but Zhao Yun also had something to say first. If he cannot take over the post of Zhending county magistrate at that time, I hope the Xu family can arrange a confidant in Zhending County. Xu Doudou naturally agreed.

After all, Zhao Yun only blackmailed Taiping Road in Jizhou a few days ago. It is foreseeable that Zhending County will have good weather in the next few years. As long as the county magistrate is not stupid, he will extrapolate his political achievements and be promoted soon.

It is impossible for Xu Busu and the Xu family behind him to miss this opportunity!


Three days later, Xiao Mansion.

Both Zhao Yun and Huang Xu packed up and were fully armed. As for Huang Zhong, they didn't mean to leave with Zhao Yun and Huang Xu.

"Zilong, Xu'er, you two must take care of each other when you are traveling," Huang Zhong looked at Huang Xu and Zhao Yun, and then rushed to Huang Xu, "Xu'er, listen to your brother's opinions when you encounter problems, don't be impulsive. ."

He was too clear about his own son's character. If it weren't for the temperament of Huang Xu who wanted to grind Huang Xu this time, and if his fellow Zhao Yun had always been steady, Huang Zhong couldn't help but travel with Huang Xu.

However, in order for Huang Xu to be alone earlier, Huang Zhong hesitated again and again, and finally decided to let Huang Xu venture outside by himself.

After all, Huang Xu can't always be under his protection, he has to experience wind and rain outside to become mature.

"Uncle Huang rest assured," Zhao Yun nodded to Huang Zhong, and said sternly: "Yun will pay attention."

"Got it," Huang Xu nodded impatiently, and muttered in a low voice, "It's really long-winded."

Huang Zhong shook his head when he heard Huang Xu's words, and didn't say much.

"What I want to say, Han Sheng has also said it," Xiao Tian glanced over Zhao Yun and Huang Xu, and then said in a deep voice: "Then I will arrange a task for you this time.

Zilong, you are now the pinnacle of your inner strength. I don't have high expectations of you during this trip. After you come back, you can pick me up three ways, even if you pass."

"As for Huang Xu, you..."

Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Huang Xu, and said lightly: "I don't have high expectations of you. When I come back, I must at least be the cultivation base of the peak of inner Qi, otherwise I will not say that I am Xiao Tian's apprentice. I can't afford this person!"

Chapter 1240 Kick the Pavilion!

Zhao Yun and Huang Xu nodded at the same time and agreed, Xiao Tian's request this time was indeed not high.

After all, their travel time is based on the year, and at least they have to travel outside for a year. If they fail to meet Xiao Tian's requirements after one year, they will not have the face to claim to be Xiao Tian's apprentice!

"In this case, you can set off by yourself when you are ready, and you don't need to tell me," Xiao Tian didn't say much when he saw it, his figure flashed and disappeared into the sight of Zhao Yun and Huang Xu.

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