God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 518

"You mean..." Before Yuan Wei's words fell, the carriage suddenly exploded, and a stunning sword glow flew out of the carriage. Although it was a lot worse than Wang Yue's sword glow, it was not an ordinary person. Can be cut out.

A light blue figure flew out of the carriage and fell not far behind Wang Yue, looking at Yuan Wei with a mocking expression.

"Shi Ah!!" Yuan Wei suddenly tightened his pupils when he saw the pale blue figure, and lost his voice: "I obviously saw Liu Bian getting on the carriage with my own eyes, how could it be you?!"

"Why can't it be me?" Shi A chuckled and said with disdain: "Yuan Taifu, if you compare the tricks of manoeuvre, I am afraid that not many of your opponents are your opponents, but if you want to tell the tactics, you are still far away!

As he said, the long sword in Shi A's hand made a crisp sound of sword sound, and countless sword auras spread out in all directions centered on him, enveloping Yuan Wei and the guards around him.

Yuan Wei hurriedly retreated back, and at the same time, several defenders rushed towards Shi A, stopping his attack.

"Want to run?" Wang Yue sneered, "If you let you run away, write my name upside down!"

As he said, Wang Yue's sheathed long sword suddenly came out of his body, and a gleam of sword light was like a hot sun just jumping out of the sea, instantly reflected in everyone's sight.

"Zhang Jiao, you don't take any action anymore, don't blame me for shaking your business out!" Facing the sword light that Wang Yue had cut out, Yuan Wei hurriedly avoided while furious.

He knew Wang Yue's strength, how could he not leave behind when he besieged Wang Yue and Liu Bian?

And Zhang Jiao, a great virtuous and mentor who is also in the realm of human immortality, is his back-hand to deal with Wang Yue!

His Yuan family needed a big man to mess up, and Zhang Jiao wanted to subvert the big man, so when the Yuan family found Zhang Jiao, the two sides hit it off and decided to cooperate immediately.

Moreover, the main force who besieged Wang Yue and Liu Bian this time was the people of peace!

Chapter 1259 Yan Liang is ugly!

"Don't panic, Yuan Taifu, Zhang Jiao is here," Yuan Kui's voice just fell, and a talisman suddenly flew out not far away, which happened to stop Wang Yue's attack, and then Zhang Jiao's figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Great wise teacher Zhang Jiao..." Wang Yue looked at the sudden appearance of Zhang Jiao, his expression became solemn.

Although he is arrogant, he does not dare to say that he can win Zhang Jiao. After all, the strength of this great mentor is obvious to all. What's more, Zhang Jiao is the teacher of Nanhua. Amulets and the like were left on the horns.

"It's me," Zhang Jiao looked at Wang Yue, and said lightly: "If the Sword Saint promises me to retreat and return to the hidden mountains and forests from now on, I can let you make a living. Otherwise, this is the place where you are buried. !"

"As an emperor, how can I easily retreat?" Wang Yue shook his head and said lightly: "Not to mention that I am inextricably linked with me nowadays. I have also pointed out the swordsmanship of today. It is only me that the prince of debate is mine. This disciple's point is enough to make me graze for Liu's liver and brain.

It's useless to talk more, come on, I also want to see how powerful it is!"

As he said, Wang Yue swung a long sword in his hand, with sword lights surrounding him, setting him off like a monarch in the sword.

"It's a pity," Zhang Jiao shook his head, and said with some regret: "With your kendo talent, if you can get the guidance of the person in Zhending City, perhaps your future achievements will not be inferior to my master, but since you will go your own way, Naturally, I can't let anyone who is strong and immortal come to ruin me!"

Before he finished his words, Zhang Jiao waved his right hand, and a large number of talismans were suspended in front of him, and each talisman exudes an amazing aura.

In order to deal with Wang Yue, he had already started to prepare the talisman. Although the talisman he currently uses is not as good as the talisman he has made with all his hard work, it is equally powerful, and it can be extremely powerful even in the face of strong people and immortals. effect.

Wang Yue's expression became dignified. In fact, Zhang Jiao's personal strength is not too strong, but his endless talismans are really a headache.

His eyes flashed, Wang Yue's figure quickly disappeared, and at the same time a strong wind hit Zhang Jiao. At the same time, Shi A also rushed towards Yuan Wei, the long sword in his hand made a violent sword sound, as if Yuan Wei will be cut into two pieces in the next moment!

With one shot and a single shot, he suddenly stopped Shi A's attack, and saw two tower-like strong men standing around Yuan Wei, looking at Shi A with contempt in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Shi A frowned, his expression suddenly becoming solemn.

The aura exuding from these two strong men is the peak of inner Qi, and judging from the performance just now, with the exquisite swordsmanship and the characteristics of coming and going like wind, he can easily beat the two of them. Any one of them.

But once confronted, he will not be the opponent of either of the two!

And as long as he wanted to kill Yuan Wei, he had to fight the two strong men head-on, which put him in a dilemma, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Hebei Yanliang/Hebei Wenchou, please enlighten me," said the two brawny men looking at Shi A.

"Hebei duo Yan Liangwen ugly?" Wang Yue noticed the movement here, frowned unconsciously, and said in a low voice: "Unexpectedly, these heroes have become the running dogs of the Yuan family!"

Shaking his head, Wang Yue looked at the place where Zhao Yun and Huang Xu were hiding, and said in a deep voice: "The two strong men followed me all the way, should I show up now?

If the two are here to take my Wang Yue's life, then just do it. If not, Wang Yue dares to ask the two to help my disciple entangle Yan Liangwen Chou, and thank you afterwards!"

Chapter 1260 Zhao Yun shot!

Zhao Yun and Huang Xu also knew that they had been discovered by Wang Yue a long time ago, and now they no longer hide their deeds and walked out of their hiding place.

"Zhao Zilong?" When Zhao Yun appeared, the corners of Zhang Jiao's mouth twitched twice, and he said in a deep voice: "You are not in Zhending to study art with your master, why did you come to Luoyang?"

"Master asked me to go out for some experience," Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Jiao and said lightly: "Why, is it possible that my master has acted, and I have to report to the great wise and mentor that you cannot report?

How about a good teacher, take a trip to Zhending yourself and talk to Master?"

Zhang Jiao's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly: "I give your master face, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of him! If you retreat now, I can keep you alive. If you are stubborn, then stay here!"

Although he was afraid of Xiao Tian and did not dare to kill Zhao Yun, if he only severely wounded Zhao Yun or trapped Zhao Yun, he would not care too much about coming to Xiao Tian.

"Then there's nothing to say," Zhao Yun shook his head, holding his spear straight and killing Yan Liang Wen Chou, the long spear in his hand shook out countless shadows of the spear, covering Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

Zhang Jiao's face changed when he saw that, before the Fu Lu in his hand could be played, he was stopped by Wang Yue's sword light.

"Your opponent is me," Wang Yue said with a long sword in his hand, looking at Zhang Jiao.

He didn't know Zhao Yun's strength, but when he first left Luoyang City, although it was only a stroke, Zhao Yun was able to attract his attention, and his strength must not be too bad.

Even if Zhao Yun is not Yan Liangwenchou's opponent, he can at least contain Yan Liangwenchou and create opportunities for Shi A!

Zhang Jiao was entangled by Wang Yue, even if he knew Zhao Yun's strength, he wanted to help Yan Liangwen Chou, but facing Wang Yue, Zhang Jiao didn't dare to be distracted.

You must know that Wang Yue's title of'Sword Saint' was originally killed by one person and one sword from Helan Mountain!

On the other side, Zhao Yun had already made hands with Yan Liangwen Chou, Zhao Yun danced with a silver spear, and the shadows of the guns filled the sky like Ruixue, and it was like a galaxy, so that Yan Liangwen Chou had to cheer up and fight with all his strength.

Shi A stood aside and saw Zhao Yun who was fighting with Yan Liangwen and his eyes flashed with surprise, and said in amazement, "So strong?"

Zhao Yun looked as though he was only twelve or thirteen years old, and he was able to fight for so long with one enemy two and two masters with the pinnacle of internal energy. He is nearly twenty years old, but he is not one of Yan Liangwen's clashes. opponent.

This made Shi A feel somewhat frustrated. You must know that his teacher is the emperor Wang Yue who has moved the world!

In this case, he was still far behind Zhao Yun, and he couldn't even catch up with Zhao Yun's back. This made Shi A have to wonder whether his early years of hard work and study had been trained on dogs.

And when Shi A was lost, Yuan Wei took advantage of Zhao Yun's chance of being shackled by Yan Liangwen and quickly ran away.

Although Yuan Kui is not good at fighting and his own strength is not strong, he is also the head of the Yuan family anyway.

Yuan Wei's internal qi cultivation level also reached the realm of great internal qi. Although he has a realm, his true strength is also small, but when it comes to the ability to run, Yuan Wei is no better than a general internal qi master. Inferior.

By the time Shi A recovered, Yuan Kui had already looted more than a hundred meters away, and he was at the same level of great internal energy. Under such circumstances, even Shi A could hardly guarantee that he could catch up with Yuan Kui!

Chapter 1261 Shocking Arrow!

"Damn it, let this old thief run away!"

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