God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 519

Shi A looked at Yuan Kui, who was getting further and further away from him, and hammered his leg with regret, angrily said.

Among the people who planned to siege Wang Yue and the prince Liu Bian this time, this Yuan Wei must be one of the masterminds. If Yuan Wei is allowed to escape, no one can say what will happen.

Not to mention that he and Wang Yue acted this time because Liu Bian noticed the problem and asked them to act in such a play, just wanting to kill Yuan Wei and others who were hiding in the dark.

Once Yuan Wei gets rid of him, Liu Bian will be in a very dangerous situation. No one can guarantee what Yuan Wei will do when he jumps over the wall!

Thinking of this, Shi A felt even more guilty.

"Don't worry, he can't run away," Huang Xu sneered looking at Yuan Wei, who was getting further and further away from him, and took off the magpie drawing bow on his back.

Unlike other bows and arrows, his magpie drawing bow is a treasure from Xiao Tian, ​​and its range and power are not much weaker than his Huang family’s Zhentian bow.

The more important point is that opening the Zhentian Bow requires extremely high requirements for his own strength. Even if Huang Xu is now only half a step away from the realm of inner Qi, his own strength is steadily among the realm of inner Qi, but still Unable to fully pull the Zhentian Bow.

In contrast, the requirements of the magpie drawing bow for the user are much lower, even if he only has a small internal energy to reach the peak, he can still easily pull the magpie bow and kill the enemy with the magpie bow.

"Fleeing in front of me and running in a straight line, really ignorant people are fearless," Huang Xu drew a spiked arrow from the quiver, put it on the bowstring, aimed at Yuan Wei's back, and sneered.

"Die!" Huang Xu slammed the bowstring full, the magpie drawing bow stretched into a full moon, the spiked arrow was placed on the bowstring, and the sharp arrow exuded a stunning cold light.


With the trembling of the bowstring, the spiky arrow passed through the sky like a shooting star. The strong force attached to the arrow brought a strong wind. Where the arrow passed, the strong wind shredded the vegetation on the ground and rolled up the sky. Blades of grass.

Perceiving the movement behind him, Yuan Wei glanced back subconsciously, only to see an arrow wrapped in a large number of blades of grass attacking him with unparalleled momentum.

Yuan Kui's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could react, the wolf-toothed arrow pierced his head directly with an impeccable force!

The sharp spiky arrow shot into Yuan Wei's head from the center of the eyebrows, and then pierced out of the back of the head. The arrow was carrying red blood and some broken brain tissue.

"So fast... the arrow..."

Such a thought came to Yuan Wei's mind, and then his consciousness fell into the endless darkness. The aura in Yuan Wei's eyes quickly dissipated, and the corpse that was still warm fell to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke.

One of the three masters of the Great Han, Tai Fu Yuan Kui, died!

Seeing Yuan Kui's death, Shi A turned his head in a daze, looking at Huang Xu, who was slowly putting away the magpie's bow, with a dull expression.

In his perception, Huang Xu is just the peak of his inner Qi. He had always regarded Huang Xu as Zhao Yun's follower before this, even if Huang Xu looked older than Zhao Yun.

After all, he could perceive that Zhao Yun's strength had reached the Dacheng of Inner Qi, but Huang Xu was just the pinnacle of Xiaocheng, which made him have to think in that direction.

But after seeing Huang Xu killing Yuan Kui with one arrow, Shi Acai realized that his previous ideas were simply wrong!

Although Huang Xu's cultivation level is not as amazing as Zhao Yun's, Huang Xu is not much worse than Zhao Yun when it comes to the level of enchanting!

Chapter 1262 Shocked History!

"Little brother, good arrow skills!" Shi A quickly recovered, and said in a rush.

Regardless of Huang Xu's cultivation base, Huang Xu is already qualified to be looked at by him with the arrow just now. Shi A asked himself that he could not shoot a shocking arrow like Huang Xu, even if he broke through the bottleneck and was promoted to the realm of immortality. , Can't do it!

Huang Xu nodded lightly, put away the magpie drawing bow, and looked at Zhao Yun and Yan Liangwen Chou.

Upon seeing this, Shi A also cast his gaze on the battle circle over there, with a solemn expression.

When Huang Xu shot Yuan Wei with an arrow, the battle between Zhao Yun and Yan Liangwen Chou also went into intense heat.

Yan Liangwen Chou has been famous for a long time, and he is called "Hebei Shuangxiong" by good deeds. At the same time, he is also one of the "Hebei Four Pillars" which is widely known nowadays.

In contrast, Zhao Yun has to appear to be a lot of unknown. Although Zhao Yun is not well-known in Changshan County and even Jizhou generation, Zhao Yun is not well-known today, and is more than ugly compared to Yan Liangwen.

However, to Shi A's surprise, Yan Liangwen Chou joined forces, and even faintly fell short!

We must know that Yan Liang Wen Chou can be famous in the world, but relying on his true ability to shoot with a single shot, Yan Liang's strength is a little bit inferior to Wen Chou, but looking at the martial arts in the world, Yan Liang can also be ranked.

And Wen Chou has already touched the threshold of domain implantation. Once Wen Chou successfully understands the domain implantation, he will be among the top warriors in the world!

However, a master who touched the threshold of domain implantation and a master who used domain changes freely, under the two joint efforts, they were still pressed and beaten by Zhao Yun. How could Shi A not be surprised?

You know Zhao Yun looks like he is twelve or thirteen years old!

When Shi A was at this age, he had only just broken through his inner Qi Xiaocheng, and Zhao Yun was already able to beat two well-known masters!

"Where did these evildoers come from!"

Shi A wailed in his heart. Whether it was Huang Xu or Zhao Yun, if they were left outside, they would attract countless forces to woo them.

But listening to the dialogue between Zhao Yun and Huang Xu, the two obviously learned from the same school, and I don’t know who can teach such two evildoers!

Just when Shi A was in a trance, Zhao Yun's spear shook, he missed Wen Chou's snake spear, and then directly used the spear in his hand as a stick, and slammed Yan Liang's body!

Yan Liang vomited blood and retreated, with a long knife in his hand falling to the ground, looking wilted.

His strength is half a point weaker than Wen Chouben. When he and Wen Chou joined forces to attack Zhao Yun before, if Wen Chou hadn't shared most of the pressure for him, I'm afraid he would have already lost.

Now that Zhao Yun was shot head-on, although he would not be unable to fight anymore, his strength had also gone by 70 to 80%, and it was difficult to pose a threat to Zhao Yun.

"Brother!" Wen Chou managed to force Zhao Yun back, rushing to Yan Liang's side, and said eagerly: "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," Yan Liang shook his head, stood up forcibly, and whispered: "Now that the Patriarch is dead, we shouldn't do any more entanglements. First, go back to the lord and see how the lord arranges."

Compared to Wen Chou, Yan Liang is undoubtedly more calm. After seeing Zhao Yun's strength, Yan Liang has already understood that even if he and Wen Chou desperately, they may not be Zhao Yun's opponents. On the contrary, if he flees with all his strength, Zhao Yun has nothing to do with them.

Chapter 1263 Wang Yue's problem!

As for Huang Xu who shot Yuan Wei, Yan Liang didn't take him seriously.

After all, the two of them are not Yuan Wei's kind of illusory inner energy masters. With their strength, Huang Xu wants to hurt them with his arrow skills, it is simply a dream!

Wen Chou nodded solemnly when he heard Yan Liang's words. Although he was impulsive, he was not a foolish fool.

Previously he and Yan Liang were not Zhao Yun's opponents when he joined forces. Now Yan Liang is injured, and he alone is even less likely to be Zhao Yun's opponent. If he continues to love the battle, I am afraid this is the place where he and Yan Liang are buried!

"Huh! Zhao Zilong, you are lucky this time!" Wen Chou glared at Zhao Yun fiercely, and then directly pulled Yan Liang towards the distance.

He and Yan Liang had been famous for many years, but today they were defeated by a younger generation like Zhao Yun, and they were defeated by Zhao Yun when they joined forces.

If this news goes out, he and Yan Liang will become the laughing stock of the world!

Seeing Yan Liangwenchou retreating, Huang Xu took off the magpie's bow again and opened the bows one after another, but it was a pity that Yan Liangwenchou was not Yuan Wei after all. The arrow that Huang Xu shot did not even slow down Yan Liangwenchou's escape. To any effect.

Seeing that Yan Liangwen Chou was about to disappear from his sight, Huang Xu simply put the magpie drawing bow away, and drew out the nine-ring knife that was pinned to his waist, intending to pursue Yan Liangwen Chou.

"Junior brother, don't chase the poor, beware of fraud," Zhao Yun saw Huang Xu's movements and quickly pulled Huang Xu back.

Even though Yan Liang was injured by him and his strength had gone seven or eighty-eight, but Wen Chou did not have any injuries except for some loss of strength. Huang Xu rashly chasing after him would only put himself in danger.

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