God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 526

They also admire Zhao Laosan's ability to pierce the needle.

"Zhao Zilong is in Luoyang City now," Huangfu smiled at Zhao Lao San, "He works under Prince Bian and I don't need me to solicit."

"It's in Xia Menglang," Zhao Laosan said in embarrassment.

He didn't expect that Zhao Yun would already be playing under Liu Bian, otherwise he would not rashly recommend Zhao Yun to Huangfusong and Liu Hong.

He was a little embarrassed when he heard what Huangfusong said, but fortunately, Huangfusong, Liu Hong, and Xu Busu didn’t care too much, so he quickly recovered his calm and said to Huangfusong, “I don’t know General Huangfu. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"I don't know what Senior Xiao Tian likes?"

Huangfu Song thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Yesterday, when he visited the house, Song went to the house empty-handed. It was somewhat rude. When he visited the house another day, he had to prepare a generous gift."

"My benefactor doesn't care about these rituals," Zhao Laosan shook his head and said with a smile: "Since the two can be invited into the Xiao Mansion by the benefactor, it proves that the benefactor is worthy of two. If the two come to Xiao Mansion with gifts Visit, I'm afraid the two of you will be driven out by your benefactor."

"Thank you Zhao Xianwei for the suggestion," Huangfu Song was shocked in a cold sweat behind hearing this.

He was still thinking about whether he could find a way to win over Xiao Tian from this aspect, but now it seems that his previous ideas are indeed somewhat dangerous.

If it hadn't been for asking Laosan Zhao in advance, the day after tomorrow he and Liu Hong brought gifts to the Xiao Mansion to visit, only to be driven out by Xiao Tian, ​​then things would be a bit tricky.

However, he thought about it, Xiao Tian was originally an existence in the realm of Transmitting Heavenly Smiting Immortal.

With his and Liu Hong's strength and status, although they could collect some rare and rare treasures, the things they collected may not be able to enter Xiao Tian's eyes.

"Then if we insist on asking Senior Xiao to come out of the mountain, we don't know what to do?" Liu Hong suddenly said, asking Lao San Zhao.

Zhao Laosan hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and then whispered: "It is not difficult to say that this matter is difficult, but it is not easy to say that it is simple, as long as it is not troublesome for Eun Gong!"

The time he spent by Xiao Tian's side was longer than that of Zhao Yundu. After all, he was following Xiao Tian during the travels of Zhao Yun.

So in terms of understanding Xiao Tian, ​​he has a lot more knowledge than Zhao Yun.

"It turns out that if this trip can really please Senior Xiao, there will be a great thank you afterwards!" Liu Hong arched his hand at Lao San after hearing this, and said with a smile.

For Liu Hong, if he could please Xiao Tian, ​​the price paid would be acceptable, not to mention that Zhao Laosan was not only related to Xiao Tian, ​​but also closely related to Zhao Yun.

Once Zhao Laosan is drawn, it is equivalent to joining Zhao Yun together, and Liu Hong naturally knows what to do.

"It's just a lip service, no credit," Zhao Laosan shook his head, "You must not thank the shopkeeper Liu."

Chapter 1280 The situation in Luoyang City!

Liu Hong heard that he did not force it. With his status, there will be ways to thank Zhao Laosan at that time, so he will not be entangled in this matter.

What he is more curious now is how to make Xiao Tian feel not troublesome!

We must know that since Guangwu Zhongxing, the family clan has taken root in Dahan. After such a long time, the family clan has grown into a behemoth. The emperors of the past did not have the idea of ​​hitting the clan clan, but they had little effect.

Later, supporting the relatives was also out of helplessness, and wanted to use the relatives to suppress the family members.

However, the appearance of Liang Ji proved that this road is simply not possible!

Even if he now supports He Jin as a general, he has never thought of relying on He Jin's straw bag to check and balance the family's clan. He just wants He Jin to sit in that position and act as a shit-chucking stick.

It's a pity that He Jin, that idiot, instead of opposing the family for power as he imagined, he fell to the side of the family!

Fortunately, Liu Bian was not as stupid as his uncle He Jin. Although he was still young, he was aware of the dangers of the family's clan, and he had been secretly suppressing the clan's clan since he took control of Luoyang, which also made him quite gratified.

Liu Hong guessed that the reason why Runan Yuan wanted to get rid of Liu Bian was probably for this reason.

Only by getting rid of Liu Bian, who was hostile to the family's clan, can they wait until his death, Liu Hong, and push a prince close to the clan's clan to the throne.

At that time, whether this world is the world of the Liu family or the family's power, no one can tell!

"Anyway, today, thank you, Lieutenant Zhao, for solving our confusion," Liu Hong took back his thoughts, looked at Zhao Laosan, and said with a smile.

"It's not a trivial matter," Zhao Laosan shook his head and said sternly.

"Then let's say goodbye first and don't disturb Lieutenant Zhao's office," Liu Hong nodded gently at Lao San Zhao and smiled.

"The two, please," Zhao Laosan didn't want to stay, he knew that he had done what he had to do, and the favor had been sold to Liu Hong and Huangfusong.

If you come forward to stay at this time, it will only make Liu Hong and Huangfusong's evaluation of him lower in their hearts.

Although he has not read for a few days, he has grown up in the market since he was a child and naturally has his own way of doing things.

Liu Hong and Huang Fusong looked at each other, nodded at Zhao Laosan, turned around and left the county government...

At the same time, there was a side hall in Luoyang Palace.

Zhao Yun and Liu Bian sat opposite each other, and a large number of bamboo slips were placed in front of them.

Since he was recruited by Liu Bian, Zhao Yun has been in the palace to sort out the information sent by Liu Hong from Lantai about the hundreds of officials in the DPRK. During the period, Shi A visited twice and helped Zhao Yun sort out some information, but In the end, he was frightened and defeated by those piles of bamboo slips.

After nearly half a month of sorting out, Zhao Yun finally finished sorting out the slips, and he had some confidence in his heart.

"The current undercurrents in the city are raging, just because the Northern Army is in control, no one dares to make things big..."

Zhao Yun put down the bamboo slips in his hand and murmured: "The Yuan family moved out of Luoyang City because of Yuan Wei's affairs. The only ones left in the city were small fish and shrimps, and they had long been targeted by the hostile forces of the Yuan family. On it.

That's why the Yuan family shouldn't worry about it, and only wait for the younger brother to make contributions in Runan, and then the Yuan family can be wiped out!

On the contrary, other forces need us to pay more attention."

Chapter 1281 Zhao Yun's Way!

As he said, Zhao Yun looked up at Liu Bian on the opposite side, and said sternly: "His Royal Highness, besides the Yuan family, the most important forces in the city today are the military forces headed by Zhonglang General Lu Zhi and others, and Situ The civil service system headed by Wang Yun.

There is also the power of relatives headed by General He Jin, and apart from these three powers, the other powers are either self-contained or remain neutral, and it is not enough to be afraid for the time being."

Speaking of which, because Liu Hong was recovering from injuries in Chang'an, he took away the most important few of the ten permanent attendants.

The eunuch forces headed by the ten permanent servants that were originally pivotal in Luoyang City have become one of the most vulnerable forces, and they cannot be compared with the three forces listed by Zhao Yun.

"That Zilong thought, where should we start to break the game?" Liu Bian nodded slightly and asked immediately.

He is very clear about what Zhao Yun said. He has been in charge of Luoyang City over the years, and he knows all these news well.

It's just that the forces in Luoyang City are intricately intertwined, and no matter which force is shot, it will attract backlash from other forces.

Take the tripartite forces mentioned by Zhao Yun as an example. Among them, the military group headed by Zhonglang General Lu Zhi is considered the most loyal to Liu, but there is no lack of them who do not want him to succeed Liu Bian and even participate in this murder of him. From Liu Bian's business!

Otherwise, there would be no crossbowmen holding a powerful crossbow among the people surrounding him outside Luoyang City!

As his uncle, General He Jin should theoretically be someone who Liu Bian can rely on, but He Jin's brain didn't know how it grew, and he fell to the family's elite!

Because of this, he was almost given up by Liu Hong and lost the qualification to inherit Datong!

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