God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 527

Because of this, his status in Liu Hong's heart has also been reduced a lot. Otherwise, when Liu Hong was leaving him to sit in Luoyang, he would be issued an order to establish him as the prince.

Not like now, although he has been in charge of Luoyang for many years and is a recognized candidate for the prince, he is still only the prince!

The eldest prince is not a prince. When he is not in the position of prince, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

If he was firmly seated as a prince, Yuan would not be bold enough to think of shooting him!

"He Jin," Zhao Yun smiled slightly and said softly: "Although the general is biased towards the family's clan, but in the final analysis it is your uncle. His Royal Highness only needs to cry from the empress empress and let the empress invite the general into the palace and say The stakes, the general will naturally understand the key points."

"Zilong, why haven't you tried the method you said?" Liu Bian smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I asked my mother and uncle to say it before, but my uncle just couldn't listen to it!"

"This time is not the other time," Zhao Yun smiled slightly: "Yun thinks that the reason why the general is close to the family clan is just to use the power of the clan clan to stabilize your position.

You must know that the general is a relative, and you share the honor and disgrace with your Highness. Now that there is something about the family's clan who intends to undermine His Royal Highness, even if the general wants to win over the family's clan again, how can he not be grudge?"

"You have to know if your Highness has an accident, and other princes become princes, the general may not be able to sit in his position!" Zhao Yun looked at Liu Bian and laughed.

Liu Bian nodded his head and said with a serious face: "Then, according to what Zilong said, Gu waited to find his mother and asked him to invite his uncle into the palace."

Chapter 1282 Go to Dongguan!

"In addition to the general, Yun also plans to go to Dongguan to meet Cai Zhonglang," Zhao Yun thought for a while and said to Liu Bian.

Unlike in history, Cai Yong is now a strong man in the realm of human immortals because of the strange stones outside the sky. Liu Hong also treats Cai Yong with courtesy. Now Cai Yong is a scholar and a general of Zuozhong. Zhao Yun would call Cai Yong Cai Zhonglang.

"Cai Zhonglang?" Liu Bian was stunned, and then frowned: "Cai Zhonglang devoted himself to the study of books in the East, and has always been unwilling to participate in these things. Zilong will go to see Cai Zhonglang, I am afraid he will return without success."

He has been in charge of Luoyang for so many years, hasn't he thought of winning Cai Yong?

You must know that Cai Yong is one of the most powerful people and immortals in the world. If he can win over Cai Yong, it will be very helpful for him to sit on the position of prince.

However, Cai Yong was obsessed with cultivating books in Dongguan, and he didn't want to get involved in outside affairs. After going there a few times, he gave up his desire to win over Cai Yong.

"Cai Zhonglang is full of peaches and plums all over the world. Although he is devoted to repairing books in Dongguan and does not ask about world affairs, how many of Cai Zhonglang's disciples can be like Cai Zhonglang?"

Zhao Yun looked at Liu Bian and said with a smile: "If Cai Zhonglang's disciples are involved in this whirlpool, how can Cai Zhonglang stay out of the matter?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian taught Zhao Yun, otherwise, with Zhao Yun's temperament, he really might not be able to come up with such a method.

"Zilong, you are playing with fire!" Liu Bian couldn't help being a little stunned.

There are no lack of advisers around him, how can he not think of this way?

It's just that Cai Yong is one of the most powerful people and immortals in the world. If Cai Yong is calculated like this, there is no guarantee that Cai Yong will not hate him by then!

You must know that with Cai Yong's identity, even if he hangs up and beat him, the prince of debate, Liu Hong will not say anything. He may even ask Cai Yong afterwards if he has beaten enough.

And if Cai Yong is evil, he can say that he has no chance with the crown prince!

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, Cai Zhonglang won't care," Zhao Yun said with a smile, with an expression of Zhizhu holding him.

"Then Zilong let go and do it," Liu Bian groaned for a while before he said solemnly.

If it weren't for Zhao Yun, he would not agree to another person's suggestion.

But Zhao Yun was different. On the one hand, Zhao Yun was already at the pinnacle of inner qi at a young age, only half a step away from the realm of human immortality. Such potential is worthy of him to win and risk.

On the other hand, it is because of Zhao Yun's master!

A strong man in the realm of crossing the heavens is enough to influence the fate of the big man. Even if he is evil to Cai Yong, as long as he wins over Zhao Yun, when Zhao Yun is involved in the whirlpool, can Xiao Tian still ignore this disciple Zhao Yun?

Compared with an immortal Du Jie Tian, ​​Cai Yong's status is not so high.

"Then Yun will say goodbye first," Zhao Yun said, arching his hand at Liu Bian after hearing this.

"Zilong is going by himself," Liu Bian nodded, and said nothing more.

Zhao Yun turned and left this side hall, and then immediately hurried towards Dongguan...

The East View is located in the South Palace of Luoyang. The building is tall and gorgeous, with twelve high pavilions on the top floor, surrounded by palaces and pavilions, surrounded by trees, and the environment is elegant.

After Emperor Zhang and He, Dongguan became the main place for the court to collect pictures and archives and compile historical books. Cai Yong stayed in Dongguan to compile historical books.

Zhao Yun had a token given by Liu Bian, and he went unimpeded in the palace, and soon went outside of Dongguan.

Chapter 1283 Seeing Cai Yong!

"As soon as I notified Cai Zhonglang, I said that the Langzhong ordered Zhao Yun to come to see Cai Zhonglang by the order of the prince Bian," Zhao Yun walked outside the Dongguan Gate and said to the guard in charge.

Although he has a token given by Liu Bian and he can enter and leave Dongguan at will, but Cai Yong sits in Dongguan, and Zhao Yun doesn't want to leave a bad impression on this strong man.

In addition, although Cai Yong is far inferior to Zhao Yun in terms of personal strength, he is a great scholar of the world after all. Zhao Yun also admires Cai Yong very much. This time he came to see Cai Yong because he had something to force him, so Zhao Yun naturally did enough courtesy. .

When the guards guarding Dongguan heard what Zhao Yun said, he didn't dare to neglect, so he nodded quickly, and then reported to Cai Yong.

Soon, the guard walked out of Dongguan and said to Zhao Yun: "Cai Zhonglang, please ask Zhao Langzhong to come in."

"Thank you," Zhao Yun nodded the guard, and walked towards Dongguan.

Walking into Dongguan, someone came forward to receive him and led Zhao Yun to the top of Dongguan.

Soon, Zhao Yun saw Cai Yong, who was staying in a room on the top floor of Dongguan, with a large number of slips placed on the desk around him.

"Zhao Yun has seen Cai Zhonglang!" After seeing Cai Yong, Zhao Yun didn't dare to neglect, and quickly said respectfully.

Cai Yong nodded slightly and asked, "Why did Prince Bian send you here? If you want the old man to participate in the game between the major forces in the city, please come back."

"Cai Zhonglang knows that the Tai Fu Yuan Kui is conspiring and intends to undermine the prince of debate, and now he has fallen victim to it," Zhao Yun did not answer Cai Yong's words, but asked instead.

He guessed that Cai Yong had been staying in the east to study books, and he probably didn't know much about the outside affairs.

Coupled with Yuan Kui's conspiracy, Liu Bian had long ordered not to publicize it. Not many people in Luoyang knew about it, and Cai Yong might not know about it.

Sure enough, when he heard Zhao Yun's words, Cai Yong paused for his writing, put the brush on the pen holder aside, stared at Zhao Yun, and said solemnly: "Your Excellency did not lie to me?"

"How can you deceive Cai Zhonglang?" Zhao Yun shook his head, and then said with a stern expression: "What I said is true. If Cai Zhonglang doesn't believe it, you can ask Senior Wang Yue for verification."

Cai Yong didn't say much anymore. Although he didn't have much contact with Wang Yue, he also knew the temperament of that sword god. Since Zhao Yun dared to ask him to ask Wang Yue for verification, he was obviously not afraid of being exposed by Wang Yue.

In other words, what Zhao Yun said should be the truth, and Yuan Wei was really conspiring to rebel, intending to secretly harm the prince debate!

"Prince Bian wants to take action against Yuan, but he is worried about the influence of the family's clan in the city. So let you come to me, hoping that I will come forward to suppress the forces in the city for him. It is best to divide them and disintegrate them, right?"

Cai Yong quickly recovered his calm, after thinking about it, he said to Zhao Yun.

"Cai Zhong Lang Mingjian," Zhao Yun nodded slightly and smiled bitterly: "Now in Luoyang City, there are only Cai Zhonglang, you, and Senior Wang Yue who are capable of suppressing the forces in the city. It's just that Senior Wang Yue's methods have become more intense. Dare to let Senior Wang Yue take action."

Cai Yong couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He knew Wang Yue quite well. With Wang Yue's temperament, if Liu Bian asked him to suppress the forces in the city, he would probably kill those who dissatisfied in the city with one sword!

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