God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 531

"It seems that Bian'er has a plan," Cai Yong said with a smile: "If this is the case, the old man will not ask too much. As long as Bian'er is useful to the old man, even if he comes to the old man."

Liu Bian nodded, then looked at Zhao Yun, and said with a serious face: "Zilong, when you wait, you will go to the Changshui School Lieutenant Camp with the Tiger Talisman, and order the Changshui School Lieutenant to go to Runan and ask the Yuan family!

"Zhao Yun leads his life!" Zhao Yun stood up when he heard the words and said respectfully.

"Uncle," Liu Bian then looked at He Jin and said with a serious face: "Please also uncle and Lu Zigan and others to work together to strengthen patrols in Luoyang City after the opening of Changshui Camp, so as to prevent Yuan's remnants from causing chaos in the city!"

Chapter 1291 Huang Zhong breaks through!

"Your Majesty, rest assured, Jin will definitely live up to your Highness's entrustment," He Jin nodded and said sternly.

"I hope so," Liu Bian sighed secretly in his heart, and he doubted He Jin's ability.

But fortunately, Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun and the others were quite capable and were able to stabilize Luoyang City. In addition, Wang Yue, a human and immortal powerhouse, was sitting in Luoyang City, and he was not too worried.

"Sir," Liu Bian immediately turned his head to look at Cai Yong, and said with a serious face: "You will leave the small forces in the city to you, so please don't let them make any trouble."

In fact, the most important task is actually Cai Yong, because many of the small forces in Luoyang City actually appeared after the Yuan family moved out of Luoyang City.

Before this, these small forces, except for the eunuch group, almost all depended on the Yuan family.

It can be said that once Liu Bian strikes against Yuan, these small forces are most likely to be instigated by Yuan and cause chaos in Luoyang City!

"Your Majesty, don't worry," Cai Yong smiled and nodded, and said with a serious face: "The old man thinks he has some reputation and should be able to suppress those small forces."

"Let Wang Qing assist Mr.," Liu Bian thought for a while, and said solemnly: "If someone is really ignorant, Mr. can decide by himself!"

Cai Yong nodded, but did not refuse.

Sometimes it is inconvenient for him to take action. It is indeed much more convenient for Wang Yue to come forward. He is not a pedantic person. When he should use thunder means, he will naturally not be vague.

"In this way, Luoyang City will ask uncle and husband," Liu Bian stood up, rushing to He Jin and Cai Yong, arching his hands, and said sternly.

"Bian'er, are you planning to go to Runan in person?" Cai Yong immediately reacted to Liu Bian's actions and asked.

Originally, he thought that Liu Bian would stay in Luoyang City, but now it seems that he was planning to lead the troops to Runan to inquire Yuan's crime!

"Yes," Liu Bian nodded, and said with a serious face: "Old thief Yuan Kui intends to murder Gu. Although the old thief has already committed suicide, he still wants to seek justice after all!"

"Will this be too risky?" Cai Yong hesitated and asked.

"It's okay," Liu Pian nodded and said with a smile: "The commander of Captain Changshui, together with Zilong and Shi A, is enough to protect the lonely, not to mention that lonely can temporarily mobilize soldiers and horses from all over the country. This trip will not be too dangerous."

Hearing what Liu Bian said, Cai Yong also understood that Liu Bian had made up his mind, and he did not persuade him much now.

Seeing Cai Yong not speaking, Liu Bian smiled, and said to Zhao Yun: "Zilong, you go to transfer troops first, and Gu will come later."

With that, Liu Bian took off the tiger charm hanging from his waist and handed it to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun took the Tiger Talisman, shook his hand at Liu Bian, and immediately left Bowangyuan and rushed to the Northern Army Camp...

At the same time, Huang Zhong, who was in retreat in Xiao Mansion, also reached a critical moment of breakthrough.

A large number of dark clouds gathered above the Xiao Mansion, which was covered by Xiao Tian's formation method, forming a dark whirlpool, slowly circling.

A large number of silver electric snakes shuttled back and forth in the whirlpool, looking quite frightening.

At the same time, a heavy pressure spread over the Xiao Mansion, making people afraid to look directly at the dark whirlpool.

Huang Zhong sat in the backyard of Xiao Mansion with his eyes closed. Not far from Huang Zhong, the villagers of Zhaojia Village looked at Huang Zhong nervously, with some curiosity in his eyes.

As for Xiao Tian, ​​he was still lying on the recliner, and a faint snoring sound came from his mouth, as if the majestic scene around him did not exist.

Chapter 1292 Crossing the Tribulation!

The pitch-black Jieyun vortex hovered above Xiao Mansion, and the momentum was so great that it could be seen within a hundred miles.

Although Xiao Tian's momentum for breaking through the Jietian Immortal in Changsha County was not worth mentioning, but in the same realm, Huang Zhong's momentum when he broke through is no longer comparable.

Before Liu Honghuangfusong and Nanhua Old Immortal left the territory of Jizhou, they noticed the movement in the direction of Zhending County and turned back again and appeared on a barren mountain outside Zhending County.

And a hundred miles away from Zhending County, Zhang Jiao's figure appeared on a high mountain, looking towards Zhending County, his eyes were full of gloom.

He doesn't know who is breaking through, but he can be sure that he is not a peaceful person. As for other people, no matter who breaks through, it is not a good thing for him.

After all, he can't get within a hundred miles of Zhending County, even if the person who breaks through does not belong to him, he can't enter Zhending County to win over that person.

In contrast, Nanhua Lao Xian, Liu Hong and others seemed relatively calm.

"Old Immortal, Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng should be the one who made this breakthrough?" Liu Hong looked at Nanhua Old Immortal and asked.

He had heard of Huang Zhong's name. After all, Huang Xu was already a general under Liu Bian, so he would naturally not care.

"Yes," Nanhua Old Immortal nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Although this person is only in the realm of inner energy, but the strength is not much inferior to the average person who is strong, if your majesty is interested, you can try to recruit this person.

If Huang Zhong can break through smoothly, the old Taoist Zhang Jiao may not be his opponent."

"Then you really can't miss this class of talents," Liu Hong was shocked when he heard the words, looked at Huangfusong, and said with a serious face: "General Huangfu, I have to go back to Luoyang with the old immortal first, and I will leave it to the general to recruit Huang Zhong. Up."

"Your Majesty, don't worry," Huang Fusong smiled and nodded, and said: "I also heard the name of Huang Hansheng. This person has a heart for the Han family, not to mention his son Huang Xu is now under the command of Prince Bian and wants to move him. It’s not difficult."

"Then there will be General Lao," Liu Hong nodded, glanced in the direction of Zhending, signaled to the old man Nanhua, and flew towards Luoyang City.

Old Immortal Nanhua glanced at the top of the mountain not far away, with a complicated expression, and then turned and flew towards Luoyang.

At the same time, the robbery cloud above Xiao Mansion was brewing to its extreme, and a silver lightning shot out from the pitch-black vortex, like a sky light piercing through the darkness and splattered towards Xiao Mansion.

Xiao Tian's formation suddenly opened a hole, and Huang Zhong's figure flew out from that hole. The nine-ring sword in his hand was brilliance flowing, and a series of sword lights appeared out of thin air, forming an airtight knife shadow barrier!

This move is exactly the sword shadow barrier that Huang Xu realized at the beginning!

It's just that Huang Xu's knife shadow barrier was perfected by Xiao Tian's help, and Huang Zhong's knife shadow barrier was created by Xiao Tian after summing up his past experience!

In terms of defensive ability, the sword-shadow barrier displayed by Huang Zhong is no better than the one displayed by Huang Xu?

The silver electric snake hit the sword shadow barrier under Huang Zhong's cloth, and instantly collapsed countless small electric snakes in the scattered city, spreading in all directions.

It's just that the tiny electric snakes haven't spread far, they are annihilated by an invisible experience, and they haven't been able to cause any harm to the surrounding buildings.

Chapter 1293 Get Out!!!

Seeing this scene, Huang Zhong subconsciously looked towards the backyard of the Xiao Mansion, only to find that Xiao Tian was still lying on the couch, snoring continuously, as if he hadn't noticed the movement outside.

"Isn't it Senior Xiao?" Huang Zhong couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this.

Now in Zhending County, anyone who can easily annihilate Jie Lei, apart from Xiao Tian, ​​can't think of anyone else!

What's more, besides Xiao Tian in today's world, who would dare to attack Jie Lei and provoke Heaven?

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