God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 532

You must know that even the old Nanhua immortal, who is the same as Xiao Tian in the realm of crossing the heavens, did not dare to take action against the robbery.

"Take your mind, don't think too much," Xiao Tian's voice suddenly resounded in Huang Zhong's mind. Huang Zhong subconsciously looked at Xiao Tian, ​​only to find that Xiao Tian had opened his eyes for some time, but his face was still With a wistful expression.

Seeing Xiao Tian's appearance, Huang Zhong didn't understand that it was Xiao Tian who had just shot out the Jie Lei?

Nodded towards Xiao Tian, ​​Huang Zhong looked at the Jieyun Vortex above, his expression became solemn.

The previous lightning can only be said to be an appetizer, this cloud vortex almost enveloped the entire Zhending City, it is absolutely impossible to just throw two lightnings and set off fireworks.

The big ring knife in his hand was swung frequently, and a large number of knife shadows appeared out of thin air, surrounding Huang Zhong, setting him off like a god Linfan.


A deep purple robbery thunder rushed out of the robbery cloud vortex, hitting the knife shadow barrier arranged by Huang Zhong, and instantly smashed the knife shadow barrier, and then smashed it towards Huang Zhong with an impeccable force!

Huang Zhong didn't dare to neglect, the true energy in his body surged, and he slashed on the deep purple thunder.

Jie Lei was slashed by him, and then he shot directly towards Xiao Tian!

"Damn, I can't sleep well even when I sleep," Xiao Tian yawned, watching the deep purple robber thunder flying towards him, raising his right hand flat and holding it lightly.

The invisible power surging in the air instantly annihilated the purple robbery thunder.

After doing all this, Xiao Tian slowly sat up from the reclining chair, looked up at the dark robbery whirlpool above, and shouted: "Go! Excuse me again, I will tear down your nest!"

With the blessing of Inner Qi, Xiao Tian's voice resounded for hundreds of miles.

Whether it is a martial artist with a cultivation base, or an ordinary person who has not practiced inner qi, he can hear Xiao Tian's words.

In Zhending County's government, Xu Doudou stood in the courtyard of Houya, looking at the vortex of Jieyun circling over Zhending City, couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm afraid it's only Senior Xiao who dares to provoke the Heavenly Tribulation like this? "

In the face of the catastrophe, the others were all trembling like walking on thin ice. If they hadn't crossed the catastrophe by themselves, they would even want to run away immediately for fear of being affected by the catastrophe.

Xiao Tian is so good, he directly provokes the catastrophe!

On a barren mountain outside Zhending County, Huangfusong, who was still here, heard Xiao Tian's voice, his face also appeared in sorrow, and then turned into a deep wry smile.

He really couldn't guess the behavior of that Senior Xiao, and everyone else avoided the catastrophe like a snake and scorpion. He was so provocative, and it was really shocking.

On the top of the mountain not far away, Zhang Jiao also heard Xiao Tian's words, which was different from Huangfusong's and Xu Busu's thoughts.

In addition to the hope that Xiao Tian would be smashed to death by Heavenly Tribulation in Zhang Jiao's heart, he was also a little bit more admired while he was afraid.

Chapter 1294: Drinking Retreat!

After all, he wanted to overthrow the Han Dynasty, and it could also be said that he was acting against the sky. Now Xiao Tian's actions undoubtedly set him an example.

"It turns out that heaven is not invincible," Zhang Jiao muttered as he watched the Jie Lei hovering in the sky over Zhending City, and he was reluctant to fall.

He is also a strong man in the immortal realm anyway, how can he fail to see the current situation?

That Jie Lei hovered over Zhending City, lingering in the air, clearly fearing Xiao Tian!

The power of a roar has even made Heavenly Tribulation change for it. This strength can't be overstated!

Just when Zhang Jiao was in a trance, Xiao Tian's voice resounded again within a hundred li radius——

"Don't hurry up?! Do you want Xiaoye to break up your cloud of robbery before you are willing to stop?"

Before Xiao Tian’s words fell, the cloud accumulated above Zhending City became more dense, and the purple electric snakes rolled in the clouds, as if the sky was angry, and wanted to drop the thunder, and dared to speak insult to it. Fanatics are wiped from the world!

However, Jie Lei did not fall after all. After the Purple Electric Snake rolled over countless times, it was actually slowly hiding in the Jie Yun, and then along with Jie Yun, it dissipated over the city of True Ding.

The gloomy sky cleared instantly, and the sun shattered through the clouds, shining the ground golden.

In the backyard of Xiao Mansion, Huang Zhong smiled bitterly and put away the nine-ring knife in his hand.

He originally thought that it would take a lot of trouble to cross the catastrophe. Who knew that the immortal catastrophe that made countless heroes feared like a tiger was actually overcome by him in such a dramatic way?

"Thank you Senior Xiao for helping me," Huang Zhong turned to look at Xiao Tian, ​​respectfully.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Tian's move this time, even if he could survive the catastrophe safely, he would probably have to work hard, and he might still be injured.

Now that he can easily survive the catastrophe, this is the light of Xiao Tian.

"It's okay," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "It's just that the robbery that day was too noisy and disturbed my dreams, so I couldn't help but take it. Han Sheng doesn't have to take it seriously."

"Now that you have successfully broken through, I will not keep you in my Xiao Mansion for a long time."

Xiao Tian looked at Huang Zhong and said with a smile: "I heard Liu Hong say that Huang Xu is now secretly enemy of Yuan in Runan, I guess Han Sheng can't stay in my Xiao Mansion, right?"

"Senior Xiao Mingjian," Huang Zhong nodded and said sternly: "Although the Yuan family of Runan has no human beings and strong people, but after all, they are three males for many generations. rest assured."

"Han Sheng's beloved son is eager, I will not interfere," Xiao Tian slowly lay back on the couch, and said quietly: "It's just that Han Sheng, you have to understand that although Huang Xu is your descendant, I am also Xiao Tian. Apprentice!

This trip to Runan is a rare opportunity for experience, Han Sheng, don't miss important things because of his love for his son!"

"Zhong understands," Huang Zhong nodded lightly, and said with a serious face: "I won't make a move unless it is a last resort."

"So, Han Sheng will decide on his own," Xiao Tian no longer tangled when he heard the words, and slowly closed his eyes, and soon, the subtle snoring sound echoed in the backyard of the Xiao Mansion.

Huang Zhong smiled bitterly and shook his head. If this Senior Xiao was not so lazy, I am afraid that the world would have been peaceful for a long time. I believe that no matter if it is a family clan or a peaceful way, they will not dare to stroke the tiger's beard of this Senior Xiao!

With a light sigh, Huang Zhong bowed to Xiao Tian's body, then turned and walked outside the Xiao Mansion...

Chapter 1295 The thoughts of all parties!

After Huang Zhong left Xiao Mansion, he flew straight to Runan County, and soon disappeared within Zhending County.

It's just that although Huang Zhong left, the matter about his breakthrough and Xiao Tian's two shouts of retreat from the Heavenly Tribulation continued to ferment in Zhending County, and at the same time spread to the surrounding counties.

In Zhending County, Xu Budou waved his hand to screen the guard behind him, walked into the study, wrote a letter from home with a pen, and then sealed it with wax. Then he called his cronies and asked him to send the letter back to Xu’s house. Hand it over to the head of the Xu family.

After doing all this, Xu Busu looked at the direction of Xiao Mansion and sighed: "First it was a great mentor, and now it is Huang Hansheng. I am afraid this Jizhou area is unstable..."

As the magistrate of Zhending, he knows the changes in Zhending City best. Since Zhao Yun became famous, Zhending County has become a vortex gathering place.

If it weren't for Xiao Tian's previous strong move, Zhang Jiao had to make a promise that the Taipingdao should not be close to Zhending City within a hundred miles, I am afraid that Zhending County would still have a lot of chaos!

That's the case, the current Zhending County is already turbulent, but because of Xiao Tian's existence, everyone has hidden that little flower intestines in their stomachs and dare not show it.

Xu Busu knew very well that as long as Xiao Tian had any accident, or was absent from Zhending County for a long time, the hidden currents under Zhending County would burst out instantly!

Fortunately, as long as Xiao Tian is still in Zhending County for one day, the undercurrents hidden under Zhending County will always be undercurrents and will not have the slightest impact on Zhending County.

His letter just left a way out for himself.

On the barren mountain outside Zhending City, Huangfusong was also shocked.

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