God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 533

He knew very well how strong the Heavenly Tribulation he had to face when he broke through to the human immortal realm. When he entered the Dao with military strategy and broke through the human fairy realm, he still asked Zuo Ci to protect the law so that he could survive the heavenly disaster safely.

As for the emperor Wang Yue who entered the Dao with the sword, and Tong Yuan, the spear prodigy who entered the Dao with the spear, he invited the old Nanhua immortal to protect the law for them during the breakthrough!

Huang Zhong’s momentum when he broke through was no worse than Wang Yue and Tong Yuan, or even worse. However, such a catastrophe was directly drunk by Xiao Tian’s words. This deterrence is probably no one in this world. Can make it!

"If you can invite Senior Xiao to come out, those family members are just a disease of ringworm and scabies, and you can get rid of them," Huang Fusong sighed while looking at Zhending County.

But he also knew that if Xiao Tian could be invited, he and Liu Hong would not return without success.

There is an old Nanhua immortal sitting in Luoyang, although it is not comparable to Xiao Tian, ​​but it is enough to shock the family members.

What's more, Xiao Tian's two disciples, Zhao Yun and Huang Xu, are both generals under Liu Bian. It is really at a critical juncture. Zhao Yun and Huang Xu ask Xiao Tian to come out and help. How can Xiao Tian, ​​a master, stand by?

Thinking of this, Huangfu's thoughts were immediately clear, and he flew towards Luoyang.

He just noticed that Huang Zhong's breath was moving towards Runan County. Obviously, Huang Hansheng, who had just broken through the realm of human immortality, couldn't worry about his only son, Huang Xu, and planned to go to Runan County.

In this case, he didn't need Huangfusong to bother any more.

Instead of chasing after Huang Zhong, it is better to return to Luoyang as soon as possible to arrange dealing with Taipingdao and the remnants of the Yuan family!

Compared with Xu Busu and Huangfusong, Zhang Jiao's mind is much more complicated...

Chapter 1296 Changshuiying goes south to Runan!

A hundred miles away from Zhending County, above a high mountain.

Zhang Jiao looked towards Zhending County with a gloomy expression.

Huang Zhong's breakthrough was a bit tricky for him, but it was not unacceptable.

He has been preparing for many years, and the power of Taiping Dao spread all over the 13 prefectures of the Han Dynasty, and now he has reached an offensive and defensive alliance with many aristocratic clan leaders. Once he does something, he is just a human immortal and has no impact on his great cause.

What really frightened him was the strength that Xiao Tian showed!

Originally, when Xiao Tian broke through to Cross Jietian Immortal in Changsha County, although his strength was not weak, he still seemed very small in the face of the power of the world.

Even Du Jie, relying on Nanhua Old Immortal's help, it was easy to get through.

But now Xiao Tian only spoke twice, and then drew away the robbery, this kind of strength made him have to worry.

As a disciple of Nanhua Old Immortal, he knew very well that any existence that crossed the Heaven Smiting Immortal realm would be restricted by the shackles of heaven and earth, unable to exert all strength, and at the same time could not easily interfere with earthly affairs.

And this is also the reason why he knew that Xiao Tian was a strong man in the realm of crossing the Jietian Immortal, and he still didn't care too much.

After all, although the powerhouses crossing the Jietian Immortal realm are strong, there are bound to limit them after all.

However, judging from the situation of Xiao Tian's drinking of the retreat of the heavens, the shackles of heaven and earth may not be able to restrict Xiao Tian at all!

What this means, Zhang Jiao couldn't be clearer.

"Hey..." After a deep sigh, Zhang Jiao looked at the direction of Zhending County and muttered: "The matter is over, there is no turning back. I just hope that this person can stay in Zhending County honestly. , Don’t come out to make trouble."

Before the words fell, Zhang Jiao's figure disappeared instantly, only his melancholy sigh still echoed in place.


Luoyang City, South Gate.

Luoshui is not far outside the city, and there are boats coming and going on the rushing river from time to time.

The Changshui battalion of the fifth battalion of the Northern Army lined up beside Luoshui. Two thousand people lined up in an orderly square. The sharply polished Zhajia reflected cold light in the sun.

Two thousand people were silent, and the huge phalanx was like a silent behemoth. Just waiting for an order, it shredded all the enemies in front of you!

Liu Bian was wearing gold silk soft armor with a long sword hanging from his waist, standing on a mound, looking at the two thousand long Shuiying soldiers, his eyes could not help but appear shocked.

It was not the first time he saw Changshuiying soldiers, but every time he saw him, he couldn't help but sway his heart.

Because the fifth battalion of the Northern Army is the most elite army of the Han Dynasty, it is also the confidence of the Han Dynasty to suppress the Quartet!

In the past, once there were police on the border and the border army could not resist, the contemporary emperor would send one or more of the five battalions of the Northern Army to the border fortress to defend against the enemy!

The soldiers of the fifth battalion of the Northern Army have never disappointed the emperors of the past. Whether it was the northern expedition to Wuhuan Xianbei, the westward campaign of the Qiang people, or the southward suppression of the barbarians, the Northern Army's fifth battalion was a great feat!

Zhao Yun, who was wearing silver soft armor and a bright silver spear in his hand, looked at the Changshuiying soldier in front of him, his eyes were also full of excitement.

On the contrary, Shi A held a sword and stood beside Liu Bian like a wooden man, silent.

"His Royal Highness, the officers and men are waiting for you to give orders," Captain Changshui, wearing a standard armor, with the first knife hanging from his waist, walked to Liu Bian's side and laughed in a low voice.

Chapter 1297 Soldiers are coming to Runan!

Liu Bian nodded, looked at the soldiers of the Changshui Camp, and said loudly: "I don't want to talk nonsense about the loneliness. Those who can enter the Changshui Camp are the proud sons of my Han family. I think I don't need loneliness to mobilize morale."

There was a low roar of laughter from below, and the soldiers of the Changshuiying camp looked at Liu Bian, eyes full of pride.

Liu Bian rightly said that everyone who can be selected into the Changshui camp is the elite of each county. Everyone who is put out and placed in the frontier army can serve as the leader of the team and the commander of the army.

And the generals in the Changshui Camp, placed in the frontier army, are even more qualified to serve as partial generals or even commanders of the first army!

Captain Changshui glared at the soldiers below and shouted: "Before the temple, you must not be rude!"

"Lieutenant Wang, it doesn't have to be this way," Liu Bian shook his head, looked at the soldiers of the Changshui Camp below, and said sternly: "I am only mobilizing Changshui Camp this time for one thing.

That is the Runan Yuan clan who want to kill the rebellion!Be sure to make one escape!"

"Follow your Royal Highness's orders!" The soldiers of the Changshui Camp heard the words and said in unison, "We must not let the rebels get away!"

"Haha, okay, Changshuiying soldiers take the order!" Liu Bian took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice, "Go towards Runan!"

The soldiers of the Changshui Camp should be together, and then under the leadership of their respective teams, they rushed towards Runan County...


Three days later, outside Runan County.

The soldiers of the Changshui Camp rushed to the outside of Runan County in only three days. Zhao Yun found many spies along the way, but they were all released by Liu Bian.

From the beginning, he never thought about covering up his whereabouts. He mobilized Changshuiying this time to ask Master Yuan Shixing!

If even this is going to be sneaky, I am afraid he, the prince, should be laughed at by the world!

So from the beginning, although the soldiers of the Changshui Camp drove on the starry night, they never concealed their deeds. They just told the Yuan clan of Runan openly that he, Liu Bian, brought his troops to the Yuan clan to discuss the explanation!

Liu Bian didn't worry that Runan Yuan would evacuate early after he got the news. As soon as the soldiers from Changshuiying drove around day and night, they arrived outside Runan County in only three days.

However, the Yuan family has a great career, and in any case it is impossible to completely evacuate within three days.

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