God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 540

It is known that Cai Yong, a great scholar, is sitting in Luoyang City. As long as he doesn't mess with Cai Yong, there will be no problems. Therefore, although he does not have much confidence in his heart, he still accepts the task.

"Thank you all," Liu Bian swept his gaze over the crowd, bowed to everyone, and said with a serious face: "Bian, thank you all here first!"

Zhao Yun and the others evaded quickly, not daring to accept Liu Bian's salute, Liu Bian did not force it, and nodded at the crowd before leaving the lobby.

After Liu Bian left, Zhao Yun and the others also dispersed. Soon, the main hall of the Yuan family's old house became empty. Except for the indeterminate candle, no one was seen.

After everyone left, Liu Bian returned to the post house to rest under the escort of Zhao Yun, while Huang Xushi's and the Changshui Captain commanded the soldiers of the Changshui Camp to escort the Yuan clan members out. They were quite busy for a while... …

Chapter 1313 Xiao Tian's Whereabouts!

There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, Liu Bian and Zhao Yun took the fast horse and went straight to Jizhou.

At the same time, Xiao Tian was on a slightly desolate mountain peak in Yizhou, and Master Zixu stood beside him. Not far from them, he could vaguely see a cave.

On the gate of the cave mansion, a few ferocious scratches seemed to be printed in the gate, which seemed to make people feel a little chilly.

"Senior Xiao, please come here in a hurry. Didn't you delay your business?" Master Zi Xu's face was a little pale, and he looked at Xiao Tian and said with a serious face.

"It's okay." Xiao Tian shook his head, looking at the door of the cave in front of him, his eyes were a little more solemn.

In his perception, there was a vague atmosphere hidden in the cave, exactly the same as the [Magic Gourmet] sealed by the old Nanhua immortal he had encountered on Mount Tai!

And speaking of strength, in his perception, the master of the cryptic aura in this cave mansion is even more powerful than the [Magic Gourmet] sealed on Mount Tai!

"Fellow Daoist Zi Xu, have you ever entered this cave?" Xiao Tian looked at it for a while, without seeing any clues, turned to look at Master Zi Xu and asked.

Master Zi Xu, who was slightly pale, shook his head, a bit of horror appeared on his face, and hurriedly said: "After the junior discovered this cave, he had thought of entering the cave to find out.

It's just that the junior has just opened the gate of the cave, and countless dark flames burst out of the cave. If the junior hadn't pulled away quickly, I'm afraid it would have fallen into this cave!"

While speaking, Master Zi Xu still had some lingering fears.

With the cultivation base of the immortal pinnacle of others, a feeling of powerlessness emerged in his heart when facing the dark flames, and what strength the existence in the depths of the cave would be, he didn't want to, nor dared to think!

Therefore, after escaping from this cave, he hurried to Jizhou and asked Xiao Tian to come out of the mountain to explore the reality of this cave.

"That's it," Xiao Tian couldn't help frowning when he heard this. Master Zixu's strength was clear to him. Although the realm was only the pinnacle of human immortality, his combat power was a real combat power to return to the virtual world.

The pitch-black flames in that cave can actually force Master Zi Xu to this level, which shows its power.

If the dark flames were some kind of innate sacred fire, he wouldn't be too worried, after all, innate wonders with all kinds of incredible powers are normal.

But if the dark flame was released by some existence in the cave mansion, then even Xiao Tian would have to treat it with caution!

According to the situation he perceives, the dark flames in this cave are very likely to be released by some existence!

"Thank you, Daoist Zixu is here for me, I'll go in and take a look," Xiao Tian muttered for a while, and said to Master Zixu.

"Senior Xiao, please be careful," Master Zi Xu said to Xiao Tian quickly.

"I have a sense of measure," Xiao Tian nodded lightly, and then directly inspired the intangible armor he was wearing.

The invisible battle armor is the battle armor after the basalt battle robe he once wore was upgraded with the special equipment upgrade scroll he had drawn when he was on the plane of the immortal sword.

Because the Phaseless Battle Armor possessed various illusion abilities, it was transformed into a long robe by Xiao Tian, ​​which was always worn by him.

And this time Xiao Tian tried his best to inspire the Wuxiang War Armor, and directly transformed the Wuxiang War Armor he was wearing from the moon white robe into a armor covering the whole body.

Because the Phaseless Battle Armor can weaken most of the energy attacks, Xiao Tian is not worried about turning the Phaseless Battle Armor into a armor appearance, whether he will be scorched by the dark flames in the cave.

Chapter 1314 Demonizing Bifang, a new system task!

After the phaseless armor was transformed, Xiao Tian took out the Dark Chen sword and walked towards the cave mansion in front.

Seeing Xiao Tian's actions, Master Zi Xu's expression on the side also became serious. He was very clear about Xiao Tian's strength. The existence of that cave mansion could make Xiao Tian treat it so carefully, which shows how strong his strength is!

Thinking of this, Master Zixu couldn't help but feel a little grateful that he didn't have the upper hand and forcibly broke into this cave.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he has died out!

Xiao Tian walked to the outside of the cave, raised his hand to cut out a sword gas, and hit the door of the cave.

The stone gate trembled a few times, and the stone chips fell sternly, but apart from a shallow sword mark on the stone gate, the entire stone gate was still motionless!

Xiao Tian frowned. The sword he just issued just now was just casually issued, but even some strong earth immortals did not dare to take it. This stone gate could be unscathed by his sword. The material was surprising. Sturdy!

"Could it be some kind of special heaven and earth spirit?" Xiao Tian thought to himself as he looked at the Shimen ahead.

"It doesn't matter, go in and take a look!" After thinking for a while, there was still no clue, Xiao Tian tightened the Anchen sword in his right hand, pressed his left hand on the stone gate, and violently pushed the stone gate open!

At the moment the stone gate was pushed open, a large amount of pitch-black flames burst out of the cave, and the stone walls around the passage were burnt red, but surprisingly they were not melted.

A faint blue mask emerged from Xiao Tian's body, isolating the flames, without affecting Xiao Tian at all, even the heat was not felt!

Xiao Tian was not too surprised at this. The Phaseless Armor was upgraded from the Xuanwu shirt.

The basalt battle robe does not invade water and fire, and the Wuxiang armor has the characteristic of isolating energy attacks, while perfectly retaining the characteristics of the basalt battle robe.

So Xiao Tian had long guessed that these pitch-black flames could not pass through the defense of the Phaseless Armor.

Looking at the surrounding stone walls, Xiao Tian's mind flashed, and he swung the Dark Chen sword in his hand, and a sword aura shot out and fell on the upper stone wall.

A shallow sword mark appeared on the stone wall, and a small amount of stone chips fell down and was burned to ashes by the pitch black flame.

"Sure enough!" Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing while looking at the stone wall, which was almost unscathed.

After seeing the stone wall that was burnt red by the pitch black flame, he faintly guessed whether the stone gate of this cave is so strong, could it be the function of the pitch black flame, now it seems that his guess is not wrong!

The stone gates of the cave and the rock walls in this passage are just ordinary rocks, but they have been roasted for countless years by this pitch black flame, and they have long become extremely strong, not inferior to those heaven and earth spirits.

After resolving one of the doubts in his mind, Xiao Tian couldn't help but relax a little, and walked toward the depths of the cave mansion along the passage with the dark flames.

This passage is not long, Xiao Tian saw a corner before he walked far, and after turning the corner, a huge cave appeared in front of him.

In the center of the cave, a two-footed strange bird with a red pattern and white beak stood on the spot with two people as tall as a crane and closed its eyes. The dark flames radiated from the strange bird and spread throughout the cave. in.

Before Xiao Tian could move, the long-lost system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for discovering [Magic Bifang]! Trigger a special task [Beheading Demonized Bifang]! Please host to kill [Magic Bifang] as soon as possible, mission reward reputation value: 300,000, and teacher's point 20000 , Specify the number of draws three times!"

Chapter 1315 Three possibilities!

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then a smile of joy appeared on his face!

As his strength improves, it is no longer possible to easily trigger special missions on other planes like before. Since he crossed to this special Three Kingdoms plane, he has triggered very few special missions.

Unexpectedly, now I was just doing Master Zi Xu a favor, unexpectedly triggering a special mission!

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