God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 541

However, after the surprise, Xiao Tian quickly calmed down, looking at the enchanted Bi Fang in the middle of the cave, his brows frowned.

In his perception, the realm of this demonized Bifang was much higher than the demonized gluttonous food sealed on Mount Tai!

That demonized gluttonous glutton was desperately sealed by the old Nanhua immortal, and now it still stops at the peak of the Xuanxu Dixian. Although it possesses the strength to cross the Jietianxian, the realm has not reached this level after all.

And the demonized Bi Fang in front of him is an out-and-out realm of Transmitting Heaven!

Of course, although this demonized Bi Fang was in the realm of Crossing Jade Heaven, Xiao Tian did not take it too seriously.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to deal with this demonized Bifang, he is more concerned about another thing.

"According to Old Immortal Nanhua, when the strange stone from outside the sky descended, there should be only a demonized gluttony," Xiao Tian looked at the demonized Bifang in front of him, with a little more thinking in his eyes.

When this happens, there are only three possibilities. The first is that the old man Nanhua was lying to him!

It's just that Xiao Tian just thought about it and ruled out this possibility. As the guardian of the mainland of China, Old Nanhua, there is no need to lie to him about this kind of thing!

He didn't believe that Old Immortal Nanhua would conceal this news from himself even when he knew the existence of Demonized Bi Fang!

You must know that his strength is higher than that of Nanhua Old Immortal. Dealing with these demonized alien species is far easier than Nanhua Old Immortal. Nanhua Old Immortal hopes that he will dispose of all alien alien species. Naturally, it is impossible to deceive him.

In addition to this one possibility, there are two remaining possibilities. The first is that Nanhua Old Immortal didn't find Demonized Bifang at the beginning, so he thought that only Demonized Gourmet Tie came along with the strange stone outside the sky.

And the second possibility is that this demonized Bifang came to the land of Shenzhou at another time!

If it's the first possibility, Xiao Tian wouldn't care too much, but if it's the second possibility, then the problem will be big!

Since this demonized Bifang can enter the Divine Land without knowing it, can other alien creatures be able to do this too?

"After I go back this time, I have to urge Zilong and Huang Xu to step up their strengths!" Looking at the demonized Bi Fang before him, Xiao Tian thought to himself.

Whether this demonized Bifang came along with the strange stone from the outside world, but was not discovered by the old Nanhua, or that this demonized Bifang sneaked into the Chinese mainland.

Xiao Tian had reason to suspect that in addition to the demonized gluttonous and demonized Bifang, there were other alien species in this Shenzhou continent!

Xiao Tian can't control the others, but Zhao Yun and Huang Xu, as his disciples of Xiao Tian, ​​are not allowed to lose in the hands of these alien species!

When Xiao Tian was thinking about the problem, the magical Bi Fang in the center of the cave seemed to have noticed something, his eyes closed suddenly opened, then opened his mouth and spit out a dark purple fireball, slamming towards Xiao Tian !

Chapter 1316 Fierce Fighting Demonization Bi Fang (Part I)!

Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't even mean to dodge at all.

He could perceive that the fireball spit out by Demonized Bi Fang was far more powerful than the dark flames filled in this cave, but it was protected by a phaseless armor. This kind of pure attribute attack was true for him. What does it do.

In contrast, there is no threat from Bi Fang's sharp beak.

The purple-black fireball slammed on the light blue barrier surrounding Xiao Tian's body. It broke apart in an instant, sputtered in all directions, and landed on the rock wall that was burnt red by the dark flames, directly burning one by one. Holes of different sizes come.

Xiao Tian's pupils shrank slightly. He knew how hard the surrounding rock walls were. The purple-black fireball easily pierced the rock wall, showing its power.

If it weren't for the protection of the Phaseless Armor, even when he faced this purple-black fireball, he wouldn't dare to choose to hard-wire.


Seeing that Xiao Tian was unscathed under his own attack, a look of shock appeared in Demonized Bi Fang's eyes, and then a few fireballs spouted out of his mouth, covering Xiao Tian in a pattern.

"Isn't this a waste of energy?" Xiao Tian shook his head, holding the Anchen sword, and went straight to the demonized Bifang.

Under the protection of the Phaseless Armor, these fireballs still quickly dissipated, and the fine flames splashed on the surrounding stone walls, burning holes in the stone walls.

"Human!" Demonized Bi Fang looked at Xiao Tian as he was approaching, and he was uttering words in horror, "Why can you be unharmed under the flames of this god?!"

"Original God?" Hearing the words of Demonized Bi Fang, Xiao Tian's eyes flashed mockingly, and he coldly snorted, "I'm just a one-legged animal, dare to claim to be a god?"

Before he finished his words, Xiao Tian waved the Dark Chen sword in his hand, and a large amount of sword light appeared in his body instantly, smashing the dark flames that filled the cave, and then one after another sword light volleyed into the sky, forming a magnificent sword energy array, bringing the magic Hua Bifang is shrouded in it!

"It's useless, human." Perceiving Xiao Tian's movements, Bi Fang shook his head, and his slender beak closed together, taunting: "Although the god doesn't know why you are immune to the flame of the god, But I wanted to come because of some kind of exotic treasure I carried.

Although you are immune to the flames of this god, your sword aura is not good!"

While speaking, a faint crimson fire suddenly ignited on Bi Fang's body, which looked like churning blood, quite permeating.

The sword energy surrounding Bi Fang's body was melted into pure aura at the moment it touched the crimson fire, which was then ignited by the crimson fire and evaporated.

Xiao Tian frowned. He did not expect that Bi Fang had such a method to demonize Bi Fang. According to his understanding, although Bi Fang was called the spirit of fire, he could only master a kind of flame throughout his life. Correct.

And the demonized Bi Fang in front of him has shown three completely different flames in just a short period of time from just now to now!

The first is the pitch-black flames that filled this cave and the tunnels of the cave. Although the flame was extremely hot and its lethality was not weak, it was nothing to Xiao Tian, ​​who had reached the realm of heavenly immortals.

Even without the protection of the Phaseless Armor, Xiao Tian was confident that he would not be hurt by the pitch black flame.

Chapter 1317 Fierce Fighting Demonization Bi Fang (Part Two)!

As for the second kind of flame, it was the deep purple fireball that Bi Fang spit out when he attacked Xiao Tian. Facing the deep purple flame, even with Xiao Tian's strength, he had to treat it with caution.

Xiao Tian was confident that under such a flame attack, he would be able to take a few moves without the help of the Phaseless Battle Armor, but if faced with a large number of deep purple fireballs, without the protection of the Phaseless Battle Armor, even he Will get hurt too!

But the third type of flame was the most troublesome for Xiao Tian. Although the crimson fire covering Demonized Bi Fang was only a thin layer, the temperature was extremely high.

He knew how powerful the sword energy he had slashed, but the sword energy array he had laid out was not even effective when facing the crimson fire on Bi Fang's body!

As for using Anchen Sword to face the scarlet fire head-on, Xiao Tian didn't even think about it.

Although the Anchen Sword is a system product, it has a slightly lower level after all. Now he hasn't found a better saber, so he can only use it.

He does not guarantee that Anchen Sword will be safe and sound under the burning of the scarlet fire!

Once Anchen Sword had any problems, then he probably didn't have any weapons to use for a long time.

Although with his strength, no one would be his opponent even if he didn't use weapons, but if he had weapons in his hand, it would be much more convenient after all.

"Humans, the gods are the spirits of fire, and they are born to control all fires." Demonized Bi Fang looked at Xiao Tian, ​​his slender beaks joined together, and said proudly: "Although it is because of the strange treasure on your body, Ben The flames of God can't hurt you, but you can't even hurt your God!"

Hearing Demonized Bi Fang's words, Xiao Tian's expression became a little dignified, but he did not make a move. The previous sword aura array had shown that it would be difficult for pure energy attacks to pass through the crimson fire on Demonized Bi Fang's body. , Even if he continued to attack, it would be a waste of true energy.

Even if he is the Immortal Crossing Jie Tian, ​​the source of true energy in his body is endless, but this kind of thing that has no effect and is just a waste of physical energy, he will not do it.

"You have to find a way to penetrate the crimson fire!" Xiao Tian looked at the demonized Bi Fang bathed in the flames, and thoughts appeared in his eyes.

According to the current situation, it may be difficult for a pure energy attack to pass through that layer of crimson fire to damage Demonized Bifang, but if you can ignore that layer of crimson fire and directly attack Demonized Bifang, you may be able to make merit!

Thinking of this, a glimmer of light flashed in Xiao Tian's mind. The phaseless armor on his body changed again. It turned into a flowing liquid, covering Xiao Tian's body. At the same time, a thin layer of liquid came from Xiao Tian's right hand. Extend it out and wrap the Anchen sword inside!

"That's it!" Xiao Tian looked at the Anchen sword wrapped in the Phaseless Armor, his eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he straightened the sword toward the demonized Bifang!

The scream of breaking wind sounded, and the Dark Chen sword in Xiao Tian's hand instantly cut countless sword shadows, but when those sword shadows hit the crimson fire on Bi Fang's body, they instantly turned into blue smoke and dissipated. Chen Jian easily passed through the scarlet flame and landed on Demonized Bi Fang.

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