God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 581

Just as Xiao Tian's thoughts were flying, and the black mist behind him suddenly separated, a shadow almost identical to Xiao Tian came out of the black mist behind Xiao Tian, ​​waving a handle made of black energy. The broken star sword pierced Xiao Tianhou's heart straight!

Hearing the sound of breaking wind behind him, Xiao Tian subconsciously swept out a few steps to the side before turning his head to look at the shadow that made the sneak attack.

"Interesting, is my mirror image?" Seeing the dark shadow, Xiao Tian curled his lips, then directly swung the Broken Star Sword towards the shadow.

When the person was still in the air, the broken star sword in Xiao Tian's hand burst out with an astonishing light, and a galaxy suddenly appeared on top of shadow Xiao Tian's head. Past!

The shadow Xiao Tian was stunned in place, and then was instantly torn apart in the shock wave formed by the explosion of the star ghost!

"Counterfeit goods are always just fake goods!" Xiao Tian couldn't help curling his lips when seeing his shadow being torn apart.

The sword skill he just displayed was the one on the Broken Star Sword. Although the black energy turned into a shadow that could imitate the shape of the Broken Star Sword, it could not imitate the sword skills on the Broken Star Sword.

Therefore, when Xiao Tian performed the sword skills on the Star Breaking Sword, the shadow Xiao Tian would stand in place as if caught by an evil, letting Xiao Tian's attack fall on her.

After the shadow Xiao Tian was torn to pieces, he quickly disappeared without a trace, but Xiao Tian's eyes were sharp and he saw a purple bead left on the ground where the shadow Xiao Tian appeared before.

In the purple beads, there is an extremely strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth, even if Xiao Tian closes his eyes, he can feel the vigorous aura continuously escaping from the purple beads.

"What is this again?" Xiao Tian frowned, looking at the purple beads on the ground, feeling helpless.

Raising his hand to cut a sword light toward the bead, the sword light fell on the purple bead, but only made the purple bead jump a few steps outside, the surface is still smooth as a mirror!

Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, his eyes full of seriousness when he looked at the purple beads.

Chapter 1418 Incarnation!

Even though his sword was just cut out casually, even the ordinary gods did not dare to despise it.

But the purple beads are unscathed?

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Tian directly activated the Phaseless Battle Armor, and at the same time ran the Nine Turns Immortal Body, then raised his hand to grab the purple bead.

The Phaseless Battle Armor was originally upgraded from the Basalt Armor with amazing defensive power. After the upgrade, the Phaseless Battle Armor not only inherited the defensive power of the Basalt Armor, but also made considerable progress in attribute defense .

In addition to strengthening Xiao Tian's personal defensive ability, the Rank Nine Immortal Body also gave Xiao Tian a very strong defense against soul attacks.

So Xiao Tian didn't worry too much that the purple beads would hurt him.

With his fingers resting on the purple beads, Xiao Tian only felt that a tyrannical killing intent surged from his heart, and the Nine-turn Indestructible Body swiftly moved, suppressing the violent killing intent.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with this world!" Feeling the tyrannical killing intent, Xiao Tian's eyes lit up, and he secretly said in his heart.

At the beginning, on the current Kunlun Immortal Island, he tried to absorb the aura of heaven and earth on Kunlun Immortal Island. At that time, a killing intent came from the bottom of his heart. If it weren't for the protection of the Nine Ranks Immortal Body, he would probably be on the spot Betrayal, death will disappear!

And the killing intent that surged from the bottom of his heart when he held the purple beads was almost the same as the killing intent that he had triggered when he absorbed the aura of heaven and earth on Kunlun Immortal Island!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Tian tried to infuse true energy into the purple beads.

Following Xiao Tian's movements, the purple beads in his hand suddenly rippled, and then changed rapidly, turning into an illusory figure again, slowly taking shape.

Xiao Tian's expression changed, and he immediately drew out the Broken Star Sword, ready to shoot, but to his surprise, after the new figure was formed, he did not attack him.

And Xiao Tian discovered that there seemed to be a connection between himself and that figure!

"Take a shot at me!" Xiao Tian groaned, and said to the figure in front of him.

Before Xiao Tian's words fell, the figure directly shook his fist and came at him.


When his fist was about to fall on his face, Xiao Tian suddenly said, the figure stopped quickly, and his fist hovered less than half an inch from Xiao Tian's nose.

Xiao Tian's eyes lit up, and according to the current situation, the purple bead was a good treasure. As long as you pour zhenqi into it, you can condense a clone.

The only problem is that once the clone is broken up, the purple beads will also be lost, and they will become treasures in the hands of others.

"No..." Xiao Tian's eyes suddenly condensed, and he found a big problem, that is, the clone formed by the purple beads was exactly the same as him!

"The host doesn't need to worry, it's just that this devilish energy has no fixed form, so it condenses the clone like the host." Just as Xiao Tian guessed the reason in his mind, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

Xiao Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this, but his face was still a bit ugly.

Because he just heard contempt from the tone of the system!

My own system is now playing all day long, not to mention that it suddenly popped out and still pierced the heart of his host?

Shaking his head, when the system didn't exist, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on that incarnation, and he had cares in his heart.

Chapter 1419 Gamble!

"Go to Liangzhou and protect Huang Xu," Xiao Tian groaned for a while, and commanded the incarnation.

Then he raised his hand to point on the forehead of the avatar, and transmitted some necessary information to the avatar.

For Zhao Yun, he was not too worried, not to mention that Zhao Yun had Yu Ji to protect in secret, and Wang Yue was on the side to support him. Zhou Yu and Sun Ce alone were not fuel-efficient lamps. These people stayed together. It is really impossible for the group of people in Jiangdong to threaten Zhao Yun's safety.

And let alone Liu Bian, in the imperial capital of the Han Dynasty, the old Nanhua immortal personally protected him. Even if the immortal took the initiative himself, he could protect Liu Bian for a period of time. In addition, the white tiger silver teeth he left for Liu Bian and other things were enough. Support until he rushed back to support.

In contrast, Huang Xu, who is protected by Huang Zhong, is the most dangerous!

After all, Huang Zhong is now a strong man and immortal, but he can't compete with the many immortals under Dong Zhuo's power alone.

And although Huang Xu succeeded in breaking through the immortals after the alien species from the outer world came, after all, the breakthrough was not long, and the foundation was unstable. In this case, Huang Xu's safety is the least guaranteed!

The avatar nodded towards Xiao Tian, ​​his figure flashed and disappeared quickly.

And Xiao Tian held the Broken Star Sword and continued to drive towards the Kunlun Mountain...

At the same time, Zhao Yun and others were also preparing to stop working. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu rushed to Zhenze with two thousand water bandits, while Zhao Yun left Qu'agang and sat in the back.

However, Zhao Yun did not stay in Qu'a Port for long. Wang Yue hurried over and brought a piece of news that made Zhao Yun quite exciting.

The Zhu family members went to Wu County to question the Zhang family, and they clashed with the Zhang family. The Zhang family’s strong people and the Zhu family members fought against each other, and both sides suffered a defeat!

"Senior Wang, is the news you said true?" After hearing Wang Yue's words, Zhao Yunwu couldn't believe it and asked again.

"I saw it with my own eyes," Wang Yue nodded, and said in a deep voice: "A person from the Zhang family was cut off by an arm, and two from the Zhu family were not well. One was shot by random arrows, and the other was even worse. It was pierced by a bed crossbow and almost died."

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up, quite moved.

Right now the four immortals in Wu Jun are all injured, and with the strength of both him and Wang Yue, they can completely eliminate these four immortals.

If he can win Wu Jun, he can send people to Lujiang to deploy troops, and take Wu Jun as the foundation to erode the entire Jiangdong!

As long as he has a foothold in Jiangdong, it is really impossible to stop him with the three families of Zhu, Zhang, and Gu and the rebellious bandits and bandits!

"Senior Wang Yue, I want to take a gamble," Zhao Yun suddenly looked at Wang Yue, and said in a deep voice, "Predecessor, your experience, if we bring troops to surprise Wu Jun at this moment, compared with the predecessor you entered Helan Mountain with a horse, Which is more difficult?"

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