God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 582

"Naturally, it was more difficult for me to enter Helan Mountain at first," Wang Yue said with a smile: "At that time, I just had a strong internal energy. It was also dangerous under Helan Mountain.

It was only afterwards that he succeeded in beheading the thief's head and came back, and then he was boasted of being a horse and a sword, and he was killed in Helan Mountain."

In front of Zhao Yun, Wang Yue didn't care too much about his own face. He was about to briefly explain the true situation of his horse entering Helan Mountain.

"In that case!" Zhao Yun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Then take a gamble!"

Chapter 1420 Attacking Wu Juncheng at Night!

After finishing talking, Zhao Yun looked at Wang Yue with scorching eyes, and said solemnly: "Senior Wang Yue, please sneak into the city of Wujun first. When I lead the army and try to open the city gate, we will win Wujun together! "

Wang Yue nodded and smiled: "Zilong, don't worry, then I will take the first step. Zilong, please call your troops as soon as possible. I am afraid that the Zhu family and Zhang family will recover after a long delay."

"I understand," Zhao Yun said solemnly, "I will take my troops to Wu County later, and then lead my troops to seize the city at night!"

Hearing this, Wang Yue said nothing more, his figure flashed, and he hurried towards Wu Jun.

Zhao Yun also turned to the schoolyard, ignited the remaining thousand water bandits, destroyed all the entrance gates of Qu'a Harbor, and hurried to Wu County.

Zhao Yun didn't worry that Qu'a Harbor would be taken advantage of by the three families of Zhu, Zhang, Gu or the bandits on the Jiangdong boundary after he left.

Because if he was able to take down Wu Jun, he would lose Qu'a Port, and he would not lose money. When the time comes, Qu'a Port will be taken down.

And this is why he would destroy the entrance gates of Qu'a Port, so that he can counterattack when the time comes!

And if Wu Jun can't be taken, he can easily recapture Qu'a by relying on his back hand in Qu'a Port.

As for the defense, he is not worried. He personally sits in Qu'a, and Wang Yue, the sword god, is supporting him. Unless the Zhang family or Zhu's family and the Gu family come with a large army, or even if Qu'a Port is not fortified, It is definitely not the three that can gnaw down!


Half a day later, Zhao Yun took a thousand water bandits and rushed to the outside of Wujun city, scattered and hid the thousand water bandits in the woods outside the city, and Zhao Yun ordered the thousand water bandits to rest on the spot.

After Zhao Yun's order was conveyed, a group of water bandits quickly took out the dry food from their arms and swallowed them in the water. Then, they leaned on a nearby tree or rock and closed their eyes and fell into a false sleep.

Zhao Yun was sitting on the trunk of a big tree, releasing his perception and spreading towards the city of Wu Jun.

Although his perception is not as large as Xiao Tian's, but after cultivating the Nine Ranks of Immortal Body, Zhao Yun's own perception has also been greatly enhanced.

It's a bit difficult to cover the entire Wu Juncheng, but it's not too difficult just to explore the vicinity of the north gate where they are.

In Zhao Yun's perception, although Wu Juncheng's north gate defense can be called tight, the biggest problem is that there is no strong guard.

The strongest in the entire North Gate area is just a warrior with a great inner Qi realm. Once he or Wang Yue launches an attack on the North Gate, the seemingly tight defense of the North Gate will fall apart in an instant!

"It's really God who helped me," Zhao Yun could not help but mutter in a low voice when he noticed the problem with the North Gate, then closed his eyes and began to sleep in a false sleep.

Soon, the sky became dark, and a large number of torches lit up at the head of Wu Juncheng. Zhao Yun slowly opened his eyes, and ordered the soldiers to wake up the other water bandits and quickly gather outside the north gate.

And Wang Yue, who had sneaked into the city a long time ago, quickly rushed towards the north gate, slammed directly on the gate tower, cut off the sling, and lowered the suspension bridge.

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he quickly rushed to the north gate of Wujun City, with a bright silver gentian spear wrapped in thunder light, and hit the gate made of fine iron fiercely!

Chapter 1421 A hundred birds face the phoenix!


Accompanied by a earth-shattering explosion, the gate made of fine iron could not be supported even for a moment under Zhao Yun's attack, and it fell apart in an instant.

"The general is mighty!" Seeing Zhao Yun's power, a thousand water bandits immediately cheered up, then took up their weapons, followed in Zhao Yun's footsteps, and rushed towards the city.

There was such a big movement near the North City Gate that the forces in the city would naturally not be unconscious. The immortals of the Zhang Family and Zhu Family quickly gathered towards the North City Gate and stopped in front of Zhao Yun and Wang Yue.

"Disperse separately and clean up the rebels in the city," Zhao Yunchong ordered the more than one thousand water bandits.

"Here!" A thousand water bandits responded in unison, with five people as a team, dispersed separately, and killed the surrounding Wu Juncheng defenders.

The four celebrities of the Zhu family and the Zhang family wanted to intercept them, but they were stopped by a long spear.

Zhao Yunyiheng saw the silver spear in his hand, and said coldly: "Your opponents are here."

"Arrogant!" The immortals of the Zhang family had never seen Zhao Yun. Although the night battle in Qu'agang was huge, they didn't dare to leave Wu Juncheng because of Wang Yue, so they didn't know Zhao Yun's strength.

Now seeing Zhao Yun so big, a Zhang family immortal was immediately furious, waving the machete in his hand and smashing Zhao Yun's head!

"Trash!" Zhao Yun shook his head when he saw it, and a touch of contempt flashed across his eyes. The bright silver gentian gun was lit in his hand, and countless gun shadows appeared, like stars, covering the Zhang family fairy.

The Zhang family immortal was too late to resist, so he was stabbed by Zhao Yun, vomiting blood and retreated, his expression became extremely depressed.

"Go together!" The two Zhu family immortals knew Zhao Yun and quickly shouted: "Zhang Jian, if you don't make a move, we will all die here. This kid is not his opponent even with Jiang Qin Zhoutai!"

Another immortal from the Zhang family heard that a look of horror appeared in his eyes. Jiang Qin Zhoutai's strength was very clear to him. Although he was not regarded by him because he was born in the Yangtze River water bandit, the strength of the two men was real.

Zhao Yun in front of him seems to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, so he can beat Jiang Qin Zhou Tai's team?!

Although he was puzzled, Zhang Jian also knew that the Zhu family didn't need to lie to himself at this time. He didn't hesitate anymore, drew out the long sword from his waist, and instantly shook out an endless sword net, covering Zhao Yun.

"A boring trick!" Zhao Yun curled his lips disdainfully, and said lightly: "My master didn't use this trick on me three years ago!"

As he said, the gentian silver spear in his hand was tapped one after another, and there was a crisp bird song in the air, a faint phoenix phantom appeared in front of Zhao Yun, and then rammed the sword net.

In the horrified eyes of Zhang Family and Zhu Family's immortals, a large number of flying birds flew from all directions, regardless of the aftermath of the battle, surrounding the phoenix phantom and reluctant to leave!

Jian Wang and the Phoenix phantom collided with each other, and a huge hole was quickly burned out, and then the Phoenix phantom was cast unabated and hit Zhang Jian directly!

Zhang Jian immediately vomited blood and retreated, and his whole body flew out so far. Only then did he stop his figure, clutching his chest and looking at Zhao Yun, and said with difficulty, "What is the name of this trick?"

"A hundred birds face the phoenix," Zhao Yun glanced at Zhang Jian and said lightly.

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yun's bright silver gentian gun was pierced again, and another phoenix phantom formed, flapping its wings and flying towards the two immortals of Zhu's family!

Chapter 1422 Zhang Tian's Doubt!

"A hundred birds face the phoenix?"

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Zhang Jian couldn't help muttering twice, looking at the phantom of the phoenix swirling around by a large number of birds, and then whispered with emotion: "It's really a phoenix!"

Zhang Jian cares about this in a leisurely manner. The two Zhu family immortals who are locked by the Phoenix Phantom have no such thoughts. The two of them look wild and dare not to be negligent. At the same time, they cut out their strongest against the Phoenix Phantom. attack!


The explosion sounded, and the horrible aftermath spread in all directions, and even lifted the roof of the house below, revealing the panic-faced Wu Jun people hiding in the house.

"Go out and fight!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun frowned, and then said to Wang Yue: "Senior Wang Yue, you and I will join forces to force them out of the city!"

"It's just Jiangdong's rebel, why should Zilong be like this?" Wang Yue asked a little puzzledly when he heard Zhao Yun's words.

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