God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 587

Could it be that the fire dragon has successfully broken through the realm of heavenly immortals?!

"Go up and find Fellow Xiao Dao!" Xuanwu said solemnly, and as he spoke, he changed back to his body, and rushed to the top of Kunlun with the scattered robbery thunder.

The Azure Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Qilin saw the movement of Xuanwu, and they quickly rushed towards the top of Kunlun. In addition to the intransformable Azure Dragon, the White Tiger and Suzaku also changed back to their bodies.

Soon, the five sacred beasts reached the top of Kunlun Mountain, and saw the eight wild fire dragon flying out of the big formation at the feet of Xiao Tian and the heart of the demon god who was not far away under the thunder of heaven!

Chapter 1432 Endless loop!

Xiao Tian naturally noticed the arrival of the five sacred beasts, but he had to face the sky thunder with all his strength at the moment, but he nodded at the five sacred beasts, and put his mind on the sky thunder again.

He can see it clearly, as long as he is determined to break through to the realm of Xuanxian today, the thunder will not stop this day, even if he summons the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon, he cannot stop it.

"Damn, is it possible that you can only be stuck at the peak of Heaven Crossing Jietian Immortal, can you only break through to other planes?" Xiao Tian looked at the thunder that was constantly dancing in the sky, and said in his heart.

Now he has fallen into a dead cycle. Judging from the situation of the demon god's heart under the sky, he has no hope of shaking the demon god's heart without reaching the realm of Xuanxian.

However, if Xiao Tian wants to break through the realm of Xuanxian, he must face this endless thunder!

Relying on the strength of the Eight Wilds Fire Dragon, it may not be able to disperse the tribulation cloud above, but according to the current trend, even if the tribulation cloud is broken up, it will quickly take shape from other tribulation clouds.

Unless Xiao Tian destroys this azimuth plane!

It's just that if he really wants to destroy this azimuth plane, what does he have to break into the realm of Xuanxian?

Let the heart of the Demon God continue to stay on this Kunlun Mountain. When the power of the heart of the Demon God is accumulated to a certain extent, this world will only be destroyed!

So at the moment Xiao Tian was completely trapped in an endless loop, unable to get out of it at all.

"Friend Xiao Daoist should be breaking through the realm of Xuanxian," Qilin looked at Xiao Tian bathed in thunder, and said in a deep voice: "I should have thought of it, except for breaking through the realm of Xuanxian, it is impossible to make such a big noise."

"Old man, you are the only one of us who has ever broken through to the realm of Xuanxian. Would you like to point to that fellow Xiao Daoist?"

Suzaku suddenly said, "If you let Xiao Daoyou persist in this way, I am afraid the Kunlun ancestral vein will be destroyed!"

Qilin was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Suzaku, you don't know anything. If you use that method to break through, you will also be restricted by the laws of heaven and earth.

And it won't be long before he will fall back to the peak of the immortal. Although it does not affect his strength and potential, the feeling of low realm is uncomfortable!"

"That's better than it is now!" Suzaku said in an angry voice.

"Suzaku is right," the silent Baihu nodded suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "If Xiao Daoyou and Tianlei are allowed to stand in a stalemate, the Kunlun ancestral vein will suffer the most."

"I understand," Qilin shook his head when he heard the words, and then said to the other Four Saints: "Give me a drop of your blood."

The other four sages didn't hesitate to hear the words, and directly vomited a drop of blood to Qilin.

Qilin took a deep breath, forced a drop of blood from his heart, and then directly threw five drops of blood to Xiao Tian.

Five drops of sacred beast essence and blood of different colors quickly merged together, floating in front of Xiao Tian, ​​emitting a misty clear light.

"Venerable Qilin, is this?" Xiao Tian looked at the sacred beast's essence and blood floating in front of him with some doubts.

"Swallow it, it can help you avoid the thunder and tribulation, and promote to Xuanxian," Qilin looked at Xiao Tian and said with a serious face: "But if you break through with clever tricks like this, your realm will be unstable and you will slowly fall within a century.

Hearing Qilin's words, Xiao Tian didn't hesitate, grabbed the sacred beast's blood and sent it into his mouth.

Unstable state?Fall in a hundred years?

This is nothing to him at all!

After all, he can't stay in this plane for hundreds of years. After he leaves this world, he will go to the next world. It is a natural thing to break through Xuanxian.

It doesn't make any difference to him whether it is a temporary breakthrough or a permanent breakthrough to Xuanxian, anyway, as long as the strange egg can be solved!

Chapter 1433 The shadow in the strange egg!

After swallowing the Five Holy Essence and Blood, a layer of five-color brilliance quickly emerged from Xiao Tian's body.

It was just that because of the barriers of the five-color brilliance, the surrounding sky thunder seemed to have not noticed anything, and there was no reaction at all when Xiao Tian broke through!

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment. He didn't think that Jie Lei, who was helpless before, would watch him break through to the realm of Xuanxian under his nose?

However, Xiao Tian could clearly feel that his current realm was actually not stable, and his internal Qi was floating and vacant, passing by little by little.

According to Xiao Tian's calculations, if he didn't fight against others, he would be able to stay in the Xuanxian realm for about eighty years without worrying about the realm falling.

But if he fights with someone, his inner qi cannot be recovered, he will fall back to the realm of heavenly immortals after the vain inner qi is consumed!

"It seems that after all, it's impossible to completely break through to the realm of Xuanxian in this plane," Xiao Tian sighed inwardly as he felt the vain internal energy inside his body, "When the alien species outside the sky is cleaned up, Zilong should also break through to the realm of earth fairy. , Then leave directly."

Originally, Xiao Tian planned to stay on the plane of the Three Kingdoms for a longer period of time to stabilize the dragon's veins for Liu Bian, the newly-acquired apprentice, but now it seems that this plan has failed.

I can only hope that Zhao Yun and Huang Xu can help their juniors when the time comes. The only thing he can do is to leave a life-saving backhand for the three apprentices!

Just as Xiao Tian's thoughts were flying, the five-color brilliance on his body gradually dimmed, and after the five-color brilliance was completely dissipated, Xiao Tian's realm also stabilized at Xuanxian.

It's just that if you are more sensitive, you can perceive that Xiao Tian's internal energy is slowly dissipating.

"This time it should be possible to clean up this Demon God's heart," Xiao Tian looked at the Demon God's heart not far away, his eyes condensed, and the Star Broken Sword burst into dazzling brilliance.

Needless to say, the power of the Broken Star Sword, because of Xiao Tian’s inadequate cultivation, the Broken Star Sword could only exert some of its power. Now that Xiao Tian has temporarily set foot in the realm of Xuanxian, the Broken Star Sword can exert its power again. less!


Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and a strong wind rushed towards the heart of the demon god, and the broken star sword was held high, drawing a bright silver galaxy.

Countless stars in the galaxy are disillusioned, falling on the heart of the demon god like a horse!


A terrifying explosion sounded, and the ground under the demon god's heart was shattered. A wave of air spread out in all directions, causing avalanches on Kunlun Mountain, forming a massive avalanche.


There was a dense cracking sound from the heart of the devil, and countless cracks appeared on the strange egg wrapped in black lines, and at the same time a blood-red smoke floated from the egg shell.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian quickly withdrew a few steps back. Before he knew the details of the bloody smoke, he really didn't dare to take any chances. After all, from the strength of the Demon God's heart before, that Demon God was at least a golden fairy before his death. Master.

His Xiao Tian is now just a pseudo-xuanxian, and his realm may fall at any time. Under such circumstances, he will naturally not let himself be in danger!

The bloody smoke quickly dissipated, and then a stench came out of the eggshell. Before Xiao Tian took any action, the eggshell suddenly burst, and a group of dark shadows flew out of the eggshell and rushed directly into Xiao Tian's mind!

Chapter 1434 The emergency protection function of the system!

The black shadow was extremely fast, leaving a series of afterimages in the air, directly submerged in Xiao Tian's mind.

"Hahaha, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and I still have a chance to see the sun again!" A rough voice rang in Xiao Tian's mind, Xiao Tian's expression changed, and he quickly gathered his mind, knowing that Xiao Tian's figure was quickly above the sea. Cohesion.

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