God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 588

When Xiao Tian's consciousness was condensed and formed, he discovered that there was a terrifying demon god with dark skin and a monstrous devilish energy in his sea of ​​knowledge, who was laughing wildly.

Damn it!

Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, and he immediately realized what happened to him!

The legendary seizure!

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't expect that with his own strength, he would one day be taken away by someone!

"Interesting kid," the Demon God looked at Xiao Tian and laughed wildly: "Although his strength is weaker, his body and soul are extremely good, and it is just suitable for the use of the respected students!"

"Boy, it is your honor to be the container for the rebirth of the great Slaughter Demon God!" The Slaughter Demon God's consciousness rushed towards Xiao Tian with a wild laugh, and the monstrous demon energy turned into countless mad snakes and attacked Xiao Tian's consciousness, as if It is to completely annihilate Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian's expression changed suddenly, and a long sword phantom appeared in his hand, waved out countless sword lights, and greeted the crazy snake.

The sword light collided with the mad snake, and a large amount of the sword light was annihilated. Then countless mad snakes rushed towards Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian's expression changed. Before he could continue to take action, the system's voice suddenly recognized. Sounds over the sea--

"Ding! It is detected that the host is being taken away, and the emergency protection program is activated!"

As the system prompt sounded, a faint golden light suddenly appeared on Xiao Tian.

The mad snake slammed into the golden light, instantly collapsed into devilish energy, and then was annihilated by the golden light.

The Demon God's consciousness changed, and before he had time to react, dense dark clouds suddenly appeared over Xiao Tian's Consciousness Sea. The layers of dark clouds gathered together to form a slowly rotating vortex.

Unlike the Thunder Tribulation that Xiao Tian had seen before, this vortex was more like a ruthless eye, staring coldly at everything in the world!

The name of the whirlpool suddenly appeared in the mind of the incarnation of Xiao Tian's consciousness--

Eye of the sky!

"The eye of the sky has been activated, the target is locked, and the final ruling is activated!"

The cold and mechanical voice of the system continued to reverberate in Xiao Tian's Sea of ​​Consciousness. The slowly rotating eyes of the sky suddenly lit up, and they really opened their eyes like the sky, overlooking everything in the world!


A golden light flew out of the eyes of the sky, rushing towards the consciousness of the demon god.

Xiao Tian's Sea of ​​Consciousness was turbulent, causing a huge wave, and Xiao Tian's expression changed wildly. According to the attack of the Eye of the Sky, his Sea of ​​Consciousness would probably be directly penetrated!

Just when Xiao Tian was a little worried, a faint golden light suddenly appeared above his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the turbulent Sea of ​​Consciousness instantly calmed down without a trace.

The golden light fell on the demon god consciousness incarnation, directly decomposing the demon god consciousness incarnation into countless light spots, and finally drifted into Xiao Tian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xiao Tian's Sea of ​​Consciousness expanded rapidly, and the originally colorless Sea of ​​Consciousness slowly transformed into a pale gold!

Xiao Tian's consciousness incarnation dissipated, and when he recovered, the five sacred beasts transformed into human form...

Chapter 1435 Identity Revealed!

"Friend Xiao Dao, are you okay?" Xuanwu looked at Xiao Tian and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Tian noticed that when Xuanwu was speaking, a cone of ice faintly condensed in his hand, as if if anything was wrong with him, that cone would hit his face!

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Xiao Tian shook his head helplessly, and said in a bad mood, "Venerable Xuanwu, let's put away your ice cone first."

Xuanwu smiled sullenly when he heard the words, and then said solemnly, "Daoyou Xiao, that dark shadow just now?"

When the other four sages heard Xuanwu's words, they couldn't help but turn their eyes to Xiao Tian. The monstrous devilish energy exuding from the black shadow just now felt depressed even if they were far away, and even the spiritual power in the body was running slowly !

Based on this alone, they can infer that the strength of that shadow is absolutely far superior to them!

They had already anticipated what would happen if Xiao Tian let the black shadow invade the sea of ​​consciousness.

In fact, if it hadn't been for when Xiao Tian opened his eyes that there was no devilish energy from his body, they would have tried to suppress Xiao Tian together!

"That is the back hand left by a demon god," Xiao Tian didn't hide it, and said solemnly: "If it weren't for my life-saving back hand, I am afraid that the demon god would have really succeeded in taking it away!"

"Right," Xiao Tian pointed to the broken heart of the Demon God in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "The alien beast that entangles you is shaped like that by the heart of the Demon God. As for three hundred years I can’t guess what the former strange stone was, but I can’t get rid of that demon god.”

Xuanwu and the others were silent for a long time. After a while, Qilin suddenly said, "If I guessed well, Daoyou Xiao should come from outside the world, too?"

Xiao Tian was shocked when he heard this. Before he could speak, Qilin smiled and said: "In fact, when I first met Xiao Daoyou, I guessed.

After all, our five spirits are the existence that was born when the heaven and the earth first opened, guarding the five poles of the heaven and the earth, for countless years, as long as someone breaks through to the immortal, our five spirits will feel..."

Speaking of this, Qilin paused, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "But Fellow Xiao, you seem to appear suddenly, without any trace, even we didn't even notice your breakthrough...

Xuanwu is lazy, Suzaku jumps off, Qinglong is arrogant, and Baihu doesn't like to pay attention to these things. Maybe they didn't notice the difference between you, Xiao Daoyou, but as the leader of the five spirits, how dare I be negligent?

I didn’t expose it before, but it was because Daoyou Xiao, you have never done anything to harm China since you appeared on the land of Shenzhou. Later, when I wanted to attack you, Daoyou Xiao, your strength was already above us... …"

As he said, a bitter smile appeared on Qilin's face, and he said helplessly: "Fortunately, Daoist Xiao, you don't have the idea of ​​messing with China, or I am afraid I will really become a sinner in China!"

Xiao Tian was silent for a while when he heard this, but he didn't expect Qilin to have insight into his origin.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Tian smiled at Qilin: "Unexpectedly, Venerable Qilin has already noticed my origin. Yes, I also come from outside the sky."

"Sure enough," Qilin nodded when he heard the words, and he seemed to be relieved. Then a gleam of light bloomed in his eyes, and he asked, "Daoyou Xiao, can you tell us about things outside of heaven?"

Chapter 1436 Xiao Tian's plan!

"Since Venerable Qilin wants to hear it, let me talk about it," Xiao Tian groaned after hearing the words, and then smiled: "But I don't know much about things outside of heaven, so I can only tell Venerable some information that I know. "

The Five Saints stopped talking when they heard the words, and looked at Xiao Tian together, with longing eyes in their eyes.

When Xiao Tian saw this, he smiled and slowly said, "I don't know much about Tianwai. I only know that there are three thousand worlds. Every world is bred with countless creatures, and I come from one of these worlds, by chance. Downfall fell to this world..."

Xiao Tian sorted out the world view of some fantasy novels he had read in this world, and slowly stated it, but it seemed to be the same, and for a while he heard the five sacred beasts.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a world outside of the sky, without aura, without immortals, but with unprecedented accomplishments in mechanical arts," Xuanwu said with emotion, "I really want to see it."

"I am rather curious about the world where there is only grudge in the legend," Suzaku smiled lightly: "Twenty-three different fires, and I don't know who is stronger or weaker than my Nanming Lihuo."

When Xiao Tian heard Suzaku's words, he put a few black lines on his head. He didn't expect Suzaku to be so aggressive, so he casually mentioned the fight to break the mainland. As a result, Suzaku didn't pay attention to it, and he paid attention to the list of different fires. The fire!

Qinglong, Baihu and Qilin were calmer, but their scorching eyes still betrayed them.

"Does Xiao Daoyou stay in this world for too long?" Qilin calmed down his excitement and said suddenly.

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qilin with some doubts. He didn't expect Qilin to even see this.

"You are actually very obvious, Xiao Daoyou," Qilin smiled at the sight, and explained: "With your big disciple's talent, it will be a matter of time before you become a god.

However, you let Xiao Daoyou go out to practice, and even let him fight the glutton on Mount Tai, isn't it just to stimulate him to make a breakthrough faster?

There is also the heart of the Demon God. With the strength of Daoyou Xiao you, if you can endure your temper for ten and a hundred years, you can also crush the heart of the Demon God. However, Daoyou Xiao, you insist on attacking Xuanxian...

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