God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 596


When everyone was communicating, Baihu and Zhuque flew out of Si Yunya quickly and flew towards the sky. Zhao Laosan also selected the person who would convey the news, and prepared to board Si Yunya to report to Xiao Tian.

Zhao Laosan did not take two steps, Xiao Tian's figure suddenly appeared, and asked: "Have you chosen a good person?"

Chapter 1455 Martial Dao Holy Land!

Seeing Xiao Tian's sudden appearance, Zhao Laosan was not surprised. His own benefactor has always been fascinated, so there is nothing to be surprised.

Therefore, after hearing Xiao Tian's words, Zhao Laosan immediately replied: "Hui En Gong, there is already a candidate."

Xiao Tian looked over Zhao Lao San, looked at the twelve celebrities who followed him, and said lightly: "The message I want you to pass on for me is very simple. I plan to open Xiao Mansion.

There are more than 20 swordsmanships and various sword intents that I have left in the Xiao Mansion. Anyone who passes the test can enter the Xiao Mansion to find opportunities!"

"You can spread the news to the thirteen states of Dahan for me. As for this Jizhou, I am afraid that it will be known to everyone before long, so it doesn't count, you choose one state each."

After Xiao Tian finished speaking, his figure disappeared again, leaving only Zhao Laosan who was standing still smiling bitterly.

"Several people first choose the prefectures and counties they go to. My benefactor should prepare suitable sword moves for the few," Zhao Laosan shook his head helplessly, and said to the twelve celebrities.

Those twelve celebrities and immortal powerhouses did not have any dissatisfaction. After all, Xiao Tian's strength lies here, and the total of the twelve of them is not enough for Xiao Tian to run with a single finger. Xiao Tian's attitude towards them is normal.

"I choose Yuzhou, I am familiar with it," a middle-aged man dressed as a scribe laughed.

"Then I choose Jingzhou, I am originally from Jingzhou Xiangyang," someone said solemnly.

"I choose Liangzhou..."

"I choose..."

Soon, the allocation of the twelve states except Jizhou was completed, and then the twelve people looked at each other and quickly flew towards the state or county they chose.

Under the vigorous propaganda of the twelve celebrities, the entire man soon learned of the existence of Si Yunya and Xiao Mansion.

Countless great forces that knew Xiao Tian's existence regarded Si Yunya as a martial arts holy land. Those ordinary people who had only heard of Xiao Tian also regarded Si Yunya as an opportunity to change their destiny. For a time, people in the 13 prefectures of the Han Dynasty rushed towards Zhending County. Even the rebellion in the states has been put down a lot!

To be able to change the current situation of the big Han world with a random move of his own, I am afraid that no one except Xiao Tian can do it!

Luoyang City, in a side hall of Miya City.

Liu Hong sat a few times after the case, with the official document sent by Jing Zhaoyin on the table in front of him, and said with some emotion: "I am afraid that, except for Xiao Senior, no one can make the people of the world so eager. Up..."

"What is it that makes my father so emotional?" Taizi Liu Bian sat behind Liu Hong's first case and raised his head from the bamboo slips, wondering.

"Bian'er, look at it for yourself," Liu Hong pushed the official document sent by Jing Zhaoyin to Liu Bian, sighing.

Liu Bian couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this. He heard the existence of his master Xiao Tian from Liu Hong's previous words, and thought that this matter was related to his master Xiao Tian.

But Liu Bian didn't understand. Liu Hong should be very clear about Xiao Tian's strength. How could he feel so emotional about Xiao Tian's affairs?

After getting up from the back of the case, walking to the front of the case in front of Liu Hong, he took a close look at the official document sent by Jing Zhaoyin, and Liu Bian's eyes also showed shock.

He also didn't expect his master who had been silent for a long time to suddenly appear and did such a big thing, transforming Xiao Mansion into a martial arts holy land, attracting martial artists from all over the world to gather towards Zhending City!

Chapter 1456 Father and Son Secret Talk!

"Have you finished reading?" Liu Hong said calmly when he saw Liu Bian's expression.

He also figured it out, Xiao Tian was not a existence that could be judged by common sense, even if Xiao Tian had a hole in the sky someday, that would be normal.

"After reading it," Liu Bian sighed a little: "As expected of Master, this is so big that no one in the world can match it!"

"Bian'er, I want you to go to Zhending," Liu Hong said seriously, looking at Liu Bian.

Liu Bian was stunned when he heard the words, and hesitated: "Father, what do you mean?"

"Now I'm still at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period, and can continue to be in charge of the Great Han. But the big Han is already everywhere, there is the disaster of the clan inside, and the worries of the family outside. Once I die, I am afraid that the big Han will be like the violent Qin of the year, and instantly fall apart! "

Liu Hong looked at Liu Bian, sighed, and said helplessly: "The ancestor dragon is divided into place. I am the ancestor dragon of the Han Dynasty..."

"There is a master and two senior brothers, why should the emperor be worried?" Liu Bian immediately persuaded him: "Those anti-thieves can't pass the level of Senior Brother Zilong, let alone the level of Master!

As long as Brother Zilong and Master are still there, who in the world can shake my big Han?"

"Have you not found out?" Liu Hong couldn't help being disappointed when he heard the words, and said helplessly: "Since you were accepted as a disciple by Senior Xiao, you are not as smart as you were in the past. It seems that life is too comfortable and you are gone. A sense of crisis.

Senior Xiao made such a big move, and even hesitated to leave the inheritance to create such a martial arts holy place. Why, can't you think of it?"

Having said that, Liu Hong sighed, hating iron for not being a steel track: "This is leaving you a way out!"

Hearing Liu Hong's words, Liu Bian's heart jumped wildly, and he quickly reacted: "Could it be possible that Master planned to leave the land of China?"

"It should be like this," Liu Hong sighed, "If it weren't the case, how could Senior Xiao make such a move that is close to arranging a backhand?

Once Senior Xiao left the mainland of China, without Senior Xiao suppressed, after my fall, the world of the big man would be torn apart."

"Father, you let me go for real determination, do you want me to take charge of the Si Yunya and Xiao Mansion left by Master?" Liu Bian suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Hong, his eyes burning.

"Yes," Liu Hong nodded, and said solemnly: "Zhao Zilong is loyal and loyal. Although he is your senior, but he won't fight with you for the power to control the Xiao Mansion. As for Huang Xu, he is lazy, and he is not Will be willing to take charge of Xiao Mansion."

"Senior Xiao should have considered this point. Leaving this Xiao Mansion is probably paving the way for you.

After all, even if the Han River is full of smoke and mountains, with the identities and strengths of Zhao Zilong and Huang Xu, you can be treated courteously everywhere, but you are different..."

Liu Hong didn't say the following words, but Liu Bian knew it well.

"Erchen understands, I'll set off for Zhending County!" Liu Bian looked at Liu Hong and said sternly.

"Go," Liu Hong waved his hand, and immediately continued to look at the other slips on the case.

When Liu Bian saw this, he stopped saying anything. He turned and left this side hall. He drove to Zhending County alone.

Anyway, he has the Xuanwu Lingjia and Vermilion Feather that Xiao Tian left him on his body, so he is not afraid even if the Earth Immortal takes action.

And just as Liu Bian rushed to Zhending County, Zhao Yun also left Xiangyang City and rushed towards Lumen Mountain...

Chapter 1457 Zhao Yun's resentment, climbed to Lumen Mountain!

Jingzhou, Lumen Mountain, Lumen Academy.

As one of the sacred places in Jingzhou, Lumen Academy can be compared with Yingchuan Academy. The founder of Lumen Academy, Pang Degong, was already a strong man in the fairyland before the arrival of Alien Species.

Ever since Alien Species arrived, Lord Pound might have already taken the opportunity to break through to the realm of earth fairy!

In addition to Pang Degong at Lumen Academy, Mr. Simahui Shui Jing and Huang Chengyan, who is also one of the three kings of Jingxiang Academy, also often go to Lumen Academy to give lectures. Therefore, Lumen Academy has a strong academic style and talents come out in large numbers.

But today, under Lumen Mountain, there is a visitor who is different from the scribes in the Eguan Museum.

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