God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 597

Zhao Yun put on a bright silver armor, with the bright silver gentian spear behind him, and walked towards Lumen Mountain alone.

When he reached the middle of the mountain, Zhao Yun was stopped by two dressed-up people.

"The front is where the Lumen Academy is located. It is strictly forbidden to enter with weapons!" Jia Ding on the left stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Yun and said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yun glanced at the person who spoke coldly, and said indifferently: "Thank you to go and pass the word, Hussar General Zhao Yun came to visit Lord Pound, and please come out to see him."

To be honest, Zhao Yun has no good feelings for the people of Lumen Academy. He knows very well that if the people of Lumen Academy are willing to take action, let alone a small Jingzhou Yellow Turban thief Sun Xia, even if it is Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Yuzhou or even Si Li He Yi. The Yellow Turban thieves in the state teamed up, and they would never want to shake Jingzhou by half!

However, this group of so-called "hermits" and "celebrities", when facing the war in Jingzhou, even gathered on this Lumen Mountain to talk and talk, only Wenpin led the army to fight the fire!

That's why Zhao Yun's tone was not at all polite, even when he spoke, he also released a trace of coercion.

Faced with Zhao Yun’s aura and oppression, those two family members backed away. They were only slightly stronger than ordinary people, and they did not even reach the level of low internal energy. In the face of Zhao Yun’s aura and oppression, they can count as will without kneeling on the spot Resolute!

"Aren't you going to report?!" Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly stopped and he snorted coldly.

"Hehe, why did General Zhao get angry with his subordinates?" At this moment, a breeze blew, and then an old man with a fairy style and Eguan Bo appeared in Zhao Yun's sight.

"Old Lord Pound, I have seen General Hussar," the old man bowed to Zhao Yun and said with a smile.

Zhao Yun's face sank, he suddenly pulled out the bright silver gentian gun behind his back, pointed at Lord Pound, and snorted coldly: "Jingzhou is everywhere in the war, and Lord Pound can sit on Lumen Mountain. It is really admirable!"

With that said, Zhao Yun's spear shook, and he stabbed towards Lord Pound with Feng Lei.

For one thing, Zhao Yun was really dissatisfied with Pang De's standing by while Sun Xia was in trouble. Secondly, Zhao Yun sensed the aura of the alien species in Pang De's body. If he wanted to force the alien species out of the universe, he had to defeat Lord Pound first.

After all, he didn't have the ability of Xiao Tian to directly force the Alien Species out of other people's bodies, and then hang them out!

Seeing Zhao Yun's sudden move, Pound's heart beat wildly and quickly withdrew towards the rear.

Even though he is already a strong man in the realm of earth immortals, he is barely able to reach the level of human immortals in terms of combat effectiveness. Even a personal immortal master can easily defeat him, let alone such an existence like Zhao Yun?!

Zhao Yun let out a cold snort, and the bright silver gentian spear in his hand shook violently, and countless spear shadows appeared, completely sealing off the retreat of Lord Pound!

Chapter 1458 Completely defeated Sima Hui!


Just when Lord Pound was enveloped by the shadow of a gun in the sky and couldn't get away, a flat voice suddenly sounded behind Lord Pound.

As the voice sounded, Lord Pound quickly shrouded a layer of light yellow light, and then Lord Pound moved a few feet to the side, which could withstand Zhao Yun's attack.

Zhao Yun's eyes condensed, and he looked at the man who suddenly shot. Seeing that man was dressed in a robes and a tall figure, Zhao Yun frowned slightly with sword eyebrows, and hummed: "Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui?"

"It's the poor Dao," Sima Huichong Zhao Yun hit the inspector and laughed: "I don't know why General Zhao attacked the German public. Could the grievances and the poor Dao be resolved here?"

"No!" Zhao Yun sensed the alien aura on Sima Hui's body, and immediately spit out two words coldly, and the bright silver gentian gun in his hand waved again, and the whole person quickly disappeared in place.

There seemed to be a silver dragon flying by in the air, slamming into Lord Pound, and at the same time, a sword aura appeared out of thin air, covering the Sima emblem!

"General Zhao's killing intention is too strong, and it is incompatible with the peace and tranquility of Lumen Academy. General please take a rest here," Sima Hui smiled, countless runes appeared in front of him and Lord Pound, blocking Zhao Yun's attack At the same time, a large number of runes surrounded him and fell towards Zhao Yun.

A gossip pattern was formed at Zhao Yun's feet, and a beam of light rose into the sky, trapping Zhao Yun in it.

Eight golden locks!

"Playing the formation in front of me?" Zhao Yun glanced at Sima Hui, his eyes were a bit more joking.

"My master is the one who can surpass my master in the formation. I'm afraid I don't know which corner is in a mere gold lock formation, so I want to trap me?"

Zhao Yun snorted coldly, put away the gentian shining silver spear, raised his foot and stepped forward.

Following Zhao Yun's movements, the surrounding spiritual energy fluctuated. In the place where Zhao Yun walked, a sword light appeared, slashing on the beam of light, cutting it off.

However, Zhao Yun walked out of the eight-door golden lock formation under the cloth of Sima Hui like a stroll in the courtyard, and raised his right hand a little, a large amount of sword qi emerged, forming a sword qi gossip, trapping Sima Hui and Pang De!

"Although I'm in the formation, I haven't got the master's true biography, but the formation of the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation, don't use it to show your ugliness, right?" Zhao Yun looked at Sima Hui who was trapped by the sword-qi gossip. Tao.

Sima Hui's face was bitter, and he was also not good at fighting. The eight-door golden lock formation was already his strongest method. However, after the formation of this big formation, it failed to affect Zhao Yun at all, which made Sima Hui's heart rise. Somewhat frustrated.

"You two should get out of the way and let me go to Lumen Academy," Zhao Yun said calmly, looking at the two who were trapped by Jian Qi gossip, "I am going up the mountain this time, just to see how many so-called hermits are there. People are willing to live in seclusion in the mountains for a lifetime, without being an official in this life!"

Zhao Yun has already made up his mind, as long as the people who appear on Lumen Mountain today, as long as he Zhao Yun does not die, these people will never think of being an official!

Want to be a hermit?


Then live in seclusion for a lifetime!

Zhao Yun is not afraid that doing so will cause hostility. As far as he knows, after the Yellow Turban event, the students of Yingchuan Academy led the retainers and county soldiers to entangle with the Yellow Turban thieves. How could they live in seclusion like the group of Lumenshan Academy? In Lumen Mountain, the people's life and death are indifferent!

He forbids people from Lumen Academy to go to official positions, and I am afraid that more people in the world will applaud, even those of aristocratic families!

Because Zhao Yun eliminated one of the strongest opponents for them, their enemy will only be Toshihiko from Yingchuan Academy from now on, and there is no need to worry about Lumenshan Academy!

Chapter 1459 Stupid Way!

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Pound and Sima Hui's heart was also abrupt, how could they not understand the meaning of Zhao Yun's words?

The two of them are authentic hermits, and naturally they don't care about these things, but not many students in Lumen Mountain are willing to live in seclusion like them!

If Zhao Yun is allowed to go to Lumen Academy today, I am afraid that the students in the academy will have no chance of getting involved in official career!

Although Pound and Sima Hui knew that this result was largely due to the fact that the students from the wealthy family did not take the lives and lives of the people of Jingzhou into their hearts, they were still sitting in the academy when the Yellow Turban thieves were in trouble.

But both of them are old monsters who are mature and sophisticated, and they have extremely accurate grasp of the human heart. Naturally, knowing that those who have been cut off from official careers and even the forces behind them, they will only be blamed on them at that time!

Even if the two of them and Huang Chengyan's back are backed by the Huang family and Pang family of the four great families of Jingxiang, Kuai Cai Huang Pang, they will definitely be pushed to the cusp of the storm and even affect the family behind them!

"General Zhao, don't be restless," Just then, a clear voice sounded behind Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun frowned slightly and turned to look. A scribe who exuded a faint sorrow walked along the mountain road. There was a strong man in armor beside the scribe.

"Under Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, I have seen General Zhao," the young scribe arched his hand at Zhao Yun, and then continued: "This one beside him is General Jingzhou, Wenpin, Wen Zhongye, and General Wen."

"It turns out that it was Mr. Yuan Zhi and General Zhongye, who admired their names for a long time," Zhao Yun nodded at Xu Shu and Wenpin, and smiled: "I saw you today, the two are as heroic as the rumors."

During the rebellion of the Yellow Turban thief Sun Xia in Jingzhou, Wenpin, the general of Jingzhou, led his troops to put down the rebellion, while Xu Shu entered the enemy camp on a horse, smashing through a Yellow Turban army’s Dazhai one by one, and later made suggestions for Wenpin. In the future, the fierce Jingzhou Yellow Turban thief stopped outside Xiangyang City.

It can be said that without these two people, the city of Jingzhou today is probably full of smoke, and a large number of people have been trapped into refugees and even yellow scarf thieves!

Therefore, Zhao Yun still has a good impression of these two people.

"General Zhao climbed to Lumen Mountain, I'm afraid he intends to raise his teacher to make a question?" Xu Shu looked at Zhao Yun and said with a smile.

"Mr. Yuan Zhi is right," Zhao Yun said, looking at Sima Hui and Lord Pound, his eyes full of disdain.

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