God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 598

"This group of so-called hermit elites, romantic celebrities, were sitting in the academy when they were in the hometown of cholera. They were clearly capable but didn't protect Sangzi and protect the township party. Yun really disdains them!"

Zhao Yun looked at Xu Shu and said with a serious face: "Since they are willing to live in seclusion, let's live in seclusion until they are old. There are so many talents and there is no shortage of these so-called romantic celebrities!"

"General Zhao's mood is understandable," Xu Shu smiled, and said: "It's just that Shun had also studied at this Lumen Academy. Is this General Zhao's move, is it because he wants to kill him?"

Zhao Yun heard the words for a while, and immediately smiled bitterly: "Mr. Yuanzhi said and laughed, and Yun is not an indiscriminate person. How can he attack his husband?"

"Yun also understands what the husband meant, but in this Lumen Academy, there are people who are as sincere as the husband, but I am afraid that most of them are the people who are inspired by profit."

Zhao Yun smiled bitterly: "People's hearts are unpredictable, and Yun can only use this stupid method of catching everything."

Chapter 1460 Each has his own thoughts!

"General Zhao, it's not that you can't think of a solution, but your anger makes your mind stunned," Xu Shu looked at Zhao Yun and said in a deep voice: "Pang Degong and Mr. Shui Jing often give lectures at Lumen Academy. How can you not understand the students under them?

"It's a pity that although the two gentlemen are highly respected, they are also full of selfishness, sitting and watching the Yellow Scarf Thief Cholera Sangzi!" Zhao Yun glanced at Pang De Gong and Mr. Sima Hui, and said lightly.

Sima Hui and Pang Degong couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when they heard this. The two of them didn't intend to sit in the academy and watch the unrest in Jingzhou, otherwise Xu Shu would not be able to walk out of the Lumen Academy.

It's just that although the two of them are quite prestigious, they can't force the students of the academy to go out of the mountains and calm the chaos. They can only let those students stay in the academy.

"General Zhao doesn't know something," Xu Shu shook his head and said with a smile: "Although Pang Degong and Mr. Shui Jing are the masters of the academy, there are very few disciples in the academy, and most of them are born in the family. Mr. also can't command."

"As for Pang Degong's best disciple Shiyuan, now he is only five years old, and Mr. Huang Chengyan Huang's disciple Kong Ming is only three years old. They just want to come up with the chaos of the mountain, but they have more than enough energy and insufficient energy!"

"As for the two gentlemen, although they are a bit disrespectful, they can only deal with a few Yellow Turban thieves based on their strength.

As for commanding the army, the two gentlemen are limited to the level of talking about soldiers on paper. Entering the Jingzhou army, I am afraid it will drag the army."

Hearing Xu Shu’s words, the corner of Wen Pin’s mouth twitched twice. Although he knew Xu Shu was trying to excuse Lord Pang De and Mr. Shui Jing, on the boundary of Jingzhou, even under Lumen Mountain, he dare to say that. , I'm afraid Xu Shu is the only one!

Even Sima Hui and Lord Pound are also a black line. They know that they are not good at strategy and leading the battle, but they are not only at the level of talking on paper, and it is not difficult to deal with a few yellow turban moth thieves.

But since Xu Shu's words have already been spoken and they are still trying to justify them, they are naturally hard to refute.

Zhao Yun felt helpless, and Xu Shu had said it for this purpose. If he was still holding on to his death, he would be suspected of bullying others and abusing his power.

Although Zhao Yun doesn't care about his reputation, if it corrupts the reputation of the Han court, he will be a sinner through the ages!

"Since Yuanzhi, you have said so, then I will let them go," Zhao Yun looked at Xu Shu, and said in a deep voice: "However, capital crimes are forgiven, and living crimes are inevitable. The disciples of Fanlumen Academy over 14 years old, except Directly outside of Xu Yuan, he cannot be an official in ten years, and he cannot be an official of more than 400 shi in twenty years!"

He is now a general hussars pro-appointed by Liu Hong. He patrols the world during the festival, and he can cut first and then play if he is under two thousand stones, and he can appoint and remove himself if he is under 400 stones.

It is completely qualified to determine the life and death of this group of people in Lumen Academy!

Upon hearing Zhao Yun's words, Pound and Sima Hui's hearts jumped, but they didn't say much.

It is a great blessing that Zhao Yun has not angered the entire Lumen Academy. What's more, their direct disciples are not yet ten years old, and they are only affected by the students of the family.

Pound and Sima Hui would naturally not stand up against it.

You must know that apart from Sima Hui who is a real hermit, there is also a Jingzhou Pang family behind Pang De. Those disciples of the aristocratic family in Lumen Academy cannot go to official positions, which is also a good thing for the Pang family!

Chapter 1461 Zhao Yun's Tribulation!

The farce of Lumen Mountain finally ended completely because of the selfishness of Pound and Sima Hui. The price was that the disciples over the age of fourteen in Lumen Academy could not be official for ten years, and could not be official for twenty years to 400 shi.

After Zhao Yun left Jingzhou, the news spread from Lumen Mountain, causing an uproar.

However, no one dared to make a fuss, because the four great families in Jingzhou, the Cai family and the Kuai family's Jun Yan did not go to Lumen Academy and were not affected at all.

Although the younger generation most valued by the Huang family and Pang family studied at Lumen Academy, they were not yet fourteen years old and were not affected by Zhao Yun's orders.

Therefore, most of the people affected are the descendants of other families in Jingzhou. For the four great families, it is too late to use this opportunity to suppress dissidents. How can they come forward for them and offend the thriving Hussar General Zhao Yun?

And without the leaders of the four great families, although the other great families were unwilling, they were asked to break their wrists with Zhao Yun. They didn't have the courage yet, so they could only smash their front teeth and swallow in their stomachs, swallowing this bitter fruit.

Zhao Yun naturally didn't know the thoughts of those families in Jingzhou. After leaving Jingzhou, he rushed directly to Yuzhou. Zhu Jun led the troops to quell the chaos in Yuzhou. The Yuan family's rebellion has now gone, shrinking in the city of Runan. The last struggle.

Zhu Jun was not in a hurry to attack the city. He just sent a regiment to surround Runan City. At the same time, he sent people to the Jiangdong area to ask for help from Zhao Yun, asking Wang Yue to attack the city gate.

When Zhao Yun was in Jingzhou, he heard the refugees from Yuzhou talk about this, so after finishing the work in Jingzhou, he set off for Yuzhou directly.

It’s just backfire. Zhao Yun has not left the Jingzhou realm, and the bottleneck of the human immortal that has been stuck with him has been loosened without warning. Zhao Yun’s cultivation base that has been stopped at the peak of the human immortal is soaring in an instant, as if he can break through to the ground in the next moment. Wonderland!

And as Zhao Yun's cultivation base skyrocketed, the sky above him quickly became gloomy, and the dark whirlpool quickly formed, and a large amount of thunder rolled in the whirlpool, exuding terrifying pressure.

"Damn it, it's too early to come late, it's just this time to break through!" Looking at the robbery cloud above his head, Zhao Yun couldn't help but cursed inwardly. He didn't dare to neglect, and quickly found a place with few people, quietly waiting for the robbery to come.

However, although Zhao Yun reacted quickly enough, his movement through the robbery was still too great. When the robbery cloud took shape, someone had already noticed the movement and rushed over.

Only after discovering that it was Zhao Yun who had crossed the robbery, no one dared to act rashly.

However, this situation has also faintly changed with the arrival of a large number of Jingzhou families. Many warriors from Jingzhou families looked at Zhao Yun who was enveloped by the robbery, and a strange light appeared in their eyes.

"This Zhao Zilong has cut off the official career of the younger generation in our clan, it's better to..." The Patriarch of a small family looked at Zhao Yun below Jie Yun, his eyes flashed coldly, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Zhao Yun is going through the calamity. We only need to send dead men to rush into the scope of the robbery, and we can greatly increase the power of the robbery," another said with a gloomy smile: "Then even if Zhao Zilong has three heads and six arms, But in front of the power of heaven and earth, what can he do?"

"This plan is good, but..." Someone retorted in a low voice, "If Senior Xiao makes a move, what should we do?"

Chapter 1462 Conspiracy!

Hearing that person's words, the people all around couldn't help but breathe, and the surrounding people fell into deathly silence.

The three words "Senior Xiao" are like a big mountain, pressing on everyone's heart, making them feel a little bit overwhelmed.

They were all tired of the legends about Xiao Tian, ​​and coupled with the shocking movement that Xiao Tian made in Zhending County, he transformed a barren mountain into a fairyland on earth, which also attracted such legends as Qilin, White Tiger and Vermilion Bird. Holy beasts help each other.

Nowadays, the two words Si Yunya and Xiao Mansion have already spread to Jingzhou under the propaganda of twelve celebrities. Perhaps some people have not heard of it yet, but these aristocratic families have nothing to do with Si Yunya and Xiao Mansion. No stranger!

If Xiao Tian made the move, I'm afraid the immortal robbery here would really be nothing to Zhao Yun. They interfered with Zhao Yun's robbery, and they might even anger the senior Xiao.

I'm afraid that the Jingzhou family will have to be bloodbathed by then!

"Then what to do?" Someone was dissatisfied: "Is it possible to watch Zhao Yun break through?"

Everyone's heart sank again. Zhao Yun cut off the official career of the young people in their clan. It can be said that they are not in the same league with them. If they are allowed to watch Zhao Yun break through, then it would be better to kill them!

"Let's watch the changes first," someone muttered for a while and said: "When Zhao Yun crosses the catastrophe, first send a dead soldier to test it. If Xiao Tian doesn't take action, then send the dead soldier to besiege Zhao Yun!"

"Alright, this is safe," everyone around nodded and said solemnly.

Zhao Yun didn't know that someone secretly wanted to target him. Looking at Jie Yun who couldn't go above his head, Zhao Yun was also a little helpless.

I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that the power of the tribulation he faced this time was probably higher than that of the ordinary immortal tribulation, even if he was powerful, but a little carelessness might fall.

How did he know that the reason why he faced the soaring power this time was actually the reason for Xiao Tian.

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