God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 612

Li Yu put down the wine bottle, looked down at the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "I think you all know what I asked you to come over today."

Li Lao's eyes were cold, and everyone who was swept by his eyes shuddered unconsciously.

"The Huang Zhong father and son are coming under the city, and the one who surrounds this city is Huang Xu's only son, Huang Xu!" Li Wei looked at the crowd and slowly said, "Do you have a plan to break the enemy?"

When I heard Li Yu's words, there was silence below.

Who is Huang Xu?

They may not know before, but now, how many people do not know the identity of the evil star?

The personal disciple of God Immortal Xiao on Si Yunya, Dahan Xiaoqiang Lieutenant, and the brother of the current prince, is one of the most powerful people in the world today!

"Why, don't you have so many people, can't think of a way?"

Li Zhang's face sank when he saw this, and said coldly.

Anyone who was being watched by him did not consciously lower their heads and did not dare to look at him.

"Haha, why should Brother Zhiran get angry?" Han Sui, who was sitting at the bottom, suddenly said with a smile: "These Qiang lords always use their fists to solve problems and let them make plans. Isn't that embarrassing them?"

"According to that, Wenyue has a way to withdraw from the enemy?"

Hearing Han Sui's words, Li Sui immediately cast his eyes on Han Sui, his eyes cold.

"There is a mediocre plan," Han Sui stroked the short beard under his chin with a look of complacency, obviously, what he said'mean plan' was just his self-humility.

Li Yu also knew Han Sui's temperament, and he was immediately excited when he heard the words: "What are the clever tricks of the essay, please tell me quickly!"

"Brother Zhiran also knows that Huang Xu is the disciple of God Immortal Xiao on Si Yunya. His strength is amazing. At least no one in this Anding City is his opponent now."

Han Sui looked at Li Zhang and said with a serious face: "So if you want to break the enemy, you need to try to distract Huang Xu!"

"Speaking lightly," Li Yi snorted, with a bad expression on his face: "That Huang Xu is already the Immortal Returning to the Void, and his strength can even compete with some Heavenly Crossing Heavenly Immortals. How easy is it to entice him?"

"What's more, Huang Xu's master is famous for protecting shortcomings. Who knows if there is any magic weapon left by God Immortal Xiao on him?"

Li Yu looked at Han Sui, and said coldly: "Wenyue, don't forget why we were forced into this field!"

Jia Xu, who was sitting in the last seat, flashed his eyes, and he naturally knew why.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Tian's clone to enter Dong Zhuo's camp, all the alien species outside of their bodies would be removed.

Not to mention that the speed of their strength improvement has become slow, but it has left them in a period of weakness for a long time.

How can Huang Zhong and his sons alone make it into Liangzhou so easily, and even force them to the three counties of Wuwei, relying on the strong city and location to survive?

It can be said that their current plight was created by Xiao Tian, ​​who had never really appeared in Liangzhou on Si Yunya!

"It is said that Xun Gong has a lot of wisdom and wisdom to win a thousand miles," Jia Xu secretly said in his heart: "Compared with the man sitting in his home on Si Yunya, he can easily disturb the situation thousands of miles away, but it is more than one thing!"

Although he knew very well that Xiao Tian was able to decide Liangzhou's situation from thousands of miles away, relying on his amazing strength, not strategy.

But Jia Xu knew very well that the strategy was meant to serve his strength. If he had the invincible strength of Xiao Tian, ​​why would he bother to plan to escape?

Chapter 1495 Jia Xu is in action!

"I know it naturally," Han Sui smiled when he heard Li Zhang's words, and then said faintly: "That Immortal Xiao is a person among immortals, so he won't easily interfere with commonplace matters.

As long as we don't hurt Huang Xu, presumably that Xiao Shenxian can't find a reason to act!"

"This time I prepared a place to trap Huang Xu dangerously. Even with the strength of his immortal realm, I never want to get out of it for a year or a half!"

Han Sui looked at Li Zhang and smiled: "We only need to send dead men to lead Huang Xu into the dangerous place. Without Huang Xu, would the army outside the city be my Xiliang Warriors opponent?"

"Not bad!" Li Su laughed when he heard the words, "If it weren't for Huang Xu, how could I be trapped in this lonely city?

If you can really trap Huang Xu for a year or a half because of the essay, I will be able to break through those untrained Han troops outside the city with only three thousand cavalry!"

"Just who should I send to get Huang Xu the bait?" Li Lao's eyes fell on Han Sui, coldly asked.

Han Sui's heart jumped, knowing that Li Zhang wanted to use himself as a bait, and even planned to take the opportunity to get rid of himself and gather his forces!

But perceiving the killing intent in Li Zhang's eyes, Han Sui understood that if he dared to refuse, he might turn his head back now!

"Brother Zhiran, don't worry, Brother Yu was prepared," Han Sui said to Li Sui with a deep hatred in his heart, but with a winning smile on his face.

"I have eight-yuan athletes under my command, all of whom are immortal strengths. It is not difficult to have Huang Xu hooked," Han Sui couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart.

These eight masters are the hard work he has accumulated over the years!

If it is against Huang Xu, I don't know how many people will survive!

But in order to save his life, Han Sui can only hold his hatred and let his henchmen go to death!

"If this is the case, then the matter will be handed over to Wen Yue," Li Zhang got up from his seat, walked up to Han Sui, patted Han Sui on the shoulder, and laughed: "If we can repel the Han outside the city Army, I ask your majesty for you!"

Han Sui nodded, although his heart hurts, he didn't dare to show anything on his face.

After solving the big boulder in his heart, Li Yu had a little more smile on his face. He returned to his seat and raised his glasses frequently. For a while, the court was staggered and it was so lively.

Before long, everyone left the lobby, and Han Sui avoided the crowd and walked towards Daying with a gloomy face.

Before he walked far, a fat figure appeared in front of him.

"General Han, please stay," Jia Xu said lightly, standing in the shadow, looking at Han Sui.

"Are you?" Han Sui looked at Jia Xu in front of him, tried to remember, and then reacted and said lightly: "Are you the one sitting at the end of the hall?"

"Under Jia Wenhe, now serving as the chief commander of the army, I have seen General Han," Jia Xu smiled at Han Sui, looking very kind.

But Han Sui noticed a hint of danger from Jia Xu's smile, and his heart jumped instantly.

"This person is not easy!" Han Sui looked at Jia Xu, who was smiling in front of him, and sweat appeared on his back.

"I don't know why Master Jia came to see me this time?" Han Sui calmed down, looked at Jia Xu, and whispered.

"This is not a place to talk," Jia Xu made a color to Han Sui and smiled: "General Han, please come with me."

After speaking, Jia Xu disappeared into a shadow. Han Sui hesitated when he saw it, and hurriedly chased in the direction Jia Xu had left...

Chapter 1496 Xiao Tian and Old Immortal Nanhua!

In a residential house in Anding City, Jia Xu and Han Sui sat opposite each other, and an oil lamp flickered in front of them, emitting a dim flame.

"Master Jia made an appointment to come here, I don't know what's important?" Han Sui looked at Jia Xu in front of him, holding the hilt with his right hand, coldly said.

Although he guessed that Jia Xu had left behind here to prevent him from suddenly attacking him, he still wanted to take the initiative, otherwise, he might be calculated by Jia Xu and died unclearly!

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