God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 613

Jia Xu's eyes flashed, apparently seeing through Han Sui's thoughts, and immediately smiled: "You are here to ask General Han to come here, but to show you a way out for General Han!"


When Jia Xu and Han Sui were conspiring, Xiao Tian also left Si Yunya and hurried towards Luoyang City.

He had no way to divide the soul, but the old Nanhua immortal might have a way to learn from the source.

With Xiao Tian's strength, the journey from Si Yunya to Luoyang was not a flash.

Soon, Xiao Tian's figure appeared in an attic in Luoyang Palace City. Perceiving Xiao Tian's breath, Nan Hua Lao Xian and Liu Hong hurried over.

"Daoyou Xiao/Senior Xiao," Nanhua Lao Xian and Liu Hong respectfully said to Xiao Tian at the same time.

"The common rituals are forgiven," Xiao Tian waved his hand and looked at Old Immortal Nanhua, "I am here this time because I need help from Old Immortal."

After that, Xiao Tian took out the "Tianyi Slashing Soul Jue" from Na Jie and handed it to Old Nanhua, and said lightly: "This is a volume of magic tricks I recently got. The spells recorded on it are quite interesting. I plan to practice some, but I suffer from not having the method to separate the soul."

In fact, there is a method to split the soul in the Tianyi Slashing Soul Jue, but that method is too dangerous, even Xiao Tian dare not try it easily.

"The method of soul separation..." Old Immortal Nanhua pondered for a moment, and then smiled: "There are countless methods recorded in the gated area of ​​our teacher. Perhaps there is the method of soul separation that Xiao Daoyou wants.

It's just that the teacher's entrance is forbidden, and it is as difficult for outsiders to enter, that is, I have to pass three levels to enter it.

However, I am not strong enough, so far I can only pass the first level!"

Hearing the words of Old Immortal Nanhua, Xiao Tian's eyes condensed. Old Immortal Nanhua is now at the pinnacle of Cross Jietian Immortal, and can attack the existence of Profound Immortal realm at any time!

If it weren't for world restrictions, I'm afraid Old Immortal Nanhua had already broken through to Xuanxian, but in this case, he could not pass the three gates of his teacher's gate?

"The forbidden area is rumored to be opened by the Golden Immortal Patriarch himself, and the Three Passes were also left by that Patriarch.

Although the power of the three levels is weakening with the passage of time, even now, unless Xuanxian makes a move, it is absolutely impossible to pass the three levels."

Perceiving Xiao Tian's doubts, Old Immortal Nanhua hurriedly said to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian was surprised when he heard this. If it was a method left by a golden fairy, it would not be surprising.

After all, he was just a profound immortal, and he had already mastered all kinds of magical methods, and the strength of the golden immortal master was far surpassed him, and it was normal for him to leave something magical.

"I don't know if Xiao can..." Xiao Tian arched his hands at the old Nanhua immortal, with a slightly hesitant expression.

After all, it was the entrance gate of Old Immortal Nanhua, and he was a stranger who broke in rashly. It was indeed unreasonable.

Although Xiao Tian's current strength has already surpassed Nanhua Old Immortal and he doesn't know how many streets, even if Nanhua Old Immortal refuses, it is useless.

But as far as Xiao Tian was concerned, he didn't even bother to do this kind of thing that was close to arrogance.

Chapter 1497 Special Mission and Overseas Three Immortals!

Old Immortal Nanhua is someone who has lived for hundreds of years anyway. How could he not hear Xiao Tian’s intentions, and immediately smiled and said, "You don’t have to worry about Xiao Daoyou. Zhang Jiao two people.

If Xiao Daoyou could enter the gate of our teacher and take out the hidden tactics, Nanhua would be grateful before it was too late, how would he care about others?

Even if the patriarch knew about it, he wouldn't blame Nanhua."

As soon as the voice of Nanhua Old Fairy fell, the system prompt suddenly sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the special mission [Langhuan Blessed Land]! Ask the host to pass the three tests left by the seniors of the Nanhua Old Immortal Master and enter the gated area of ​​the Nanhua Old Immortal Master.

Task reward: 50W reputation, 3W teacher's point, one twin fruit!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian's eyes flashed, he didn't expect that the system rewards turned out to be the twin fruit he needed to cultivate Tianyi Soul Slashing Jue!

He was originally worried about where he was going to find things like twins, but now he doesn't have to worry about it.

"It's true that someone gave a pillow when I just wanted to doze off," Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile, and looked at the old Nanhua immortal, and said sternly: "Since the Daoist Nanhua has said so, if Xiao Mou refuses again, it would be too fake.

If you can really enter the gated area of ​​the Nanhua Daoist, Xiao must copy all of the classics and secrets for the Nanhua Daoist."

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, come with me," Old Immortal Nanhua nodded, and flew towards Qingzhou with Xiao Tian.

"The Taoist friend of Nanhua is on the sea?" After arriving in Qingzhou, Xiao Tian couldn't help wondering when he saw Old Immortal Nanhua still not stopping, but flying directly towards the sea.

"Friend Xiao Daoist should know the Three Immortals Mountain overseas?" Old Nanhua said with a smile: "Penglai, Yingzhou, and Abbot are three immortal mountains. Among them, Yingzhou Island sank to the bottom of the sea due to an accident.

The Penglai Fairy Island is elusive and hard to find. When the Alien Species came to the world three hundred years ago, it was even more affected and destroyed.

And the abbot Xianshan where our division is located has escaped two catastrophes by chance, and relying on the great spirit gathering formation on the island, he can barely maintain the formation and organs left by the ancestor."

Xiao Tian only heard this. The origins of the old Nanhua immortals have been quite mysterious for a long time, unlike Yu Ji and others who can easily find the origin of their teachers.

He thought that the old Nanhua Immortal came from a secret place on Kunlun Mountain, but after the battle between Kunlun Mountain and the heart of the devil, Xiao Tian dispelled this guess.

After all, the heart of the demon god fell on the top of Kunlun. If there is really a backhand from the cultivating sect on Kunlun Mountain, there shouldn't be no movement on Kunlun Mountain.

Now that he heard Nanhua's explanation, Xiao Tian knew that the original Nanhua was from the legendary Three Immortals Mountain overseas!

Soon, under the leadership of Nanhua Lao Xian, Xiao Tian appeared above the boundless blue sea.

Old Nanhua pinched a few seals, and the sea below quickly spun to form a huge vortex. At the bottom of the vortex, a fairy mountain could be seen vaguely.

"It turns out to be hidden on the bottom of the sea," Xiao Tian couldn't help but said with emotion: "It's no wonder that the world has been searching for a long time and has not been able to find the trace of the abbot Xianshan!"

"Friend Xiao Dao follow me," Old Immortal Nanhua didn't say much, looked at the whirlpool below, and plunged straight into it.

Xiao Tian didn't hesitate when he saw this, and directly followed Old Immortal Nanhua into the whirlpool...

Chapter 1498 One Sword Splits!

Passing through the vortex, Xiao Tian and Old Immortal Nanhua appeared on a slightly desolate mountain peak.

It was different from the Xianjia Holy Land that Xiao Tian imagined, except that the mountain at the foot of Abbot Xianshan still had some greenery, the other places were completely deserted.

If it weren't for the strong spiritual energy in the air, Xiao Tian would have doubted if he had gone in the wrong place.

"Daoist Xiao, my teacher's school is indeed a bit rudimentary, not as good as Si Yunya of Xiao Daoyou, so that friend Daoist laughed."

Seeing the disappointment on Xiao Tian's face, Old Immortal Nanhua immediately explained: "In order to maintain the operation of the great formation left by the Patriarch.

Except for this main peak, the spirit grass spirit beasts on other peaks were cleared one by one by the ancestors of the past generations. When I took over the gate, it was already like this."

"Understandable," Xiao Tian nodded and said lightly.

The methods left behind by the Nanhua Old Immortal Master's entrance gate are now comparable to Xuanxian, and if no other price was paid, it would naturally be impossible.

The current abbot's immortal mountain withered to this point was obviously caused by the maintenance of the gated area of ​​the old fairy master of Nanhua!

"This forbidden land is in the main peak under our feet," Old Nanhua pointed at him, pinching his hands with both hands, and a light gate appeared out of thin air, floating in front of them.

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