God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 628

"This matter has something to do with Zilong," Xiao Tian pointed to Zhao Yun on the side, and said lightly: "My big disciple has reached the time to become a teacher. This time I invite you all to witness my big disciple's becoming a teacher!"

As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, everyone around him cast their eyes on Zhao Yun, with deep surprise in their eyes.

They all knew what Xiao Tian had set for Zhao Yun to become a teacher. Now Xiao Tian invited them to witness Zhao Yun's appointment.

Doesn't it mean that from Xiao Tian's point of view, Zhao Yun can already surpass Lu Bu?!

We must know that today's Lu Bu is not only the former Bingzhou flying general who only moved the state, but now Lu Bu is famous throughout the Han Dynasty!

Especially its strength, it is said that only under Xiao Tian and Nanhua Lao Xian, he can be called one of the strongest people in the world!

Zhao Yun was not so embarrassed when everyone was watching. Zhang Ning, who had recovered his real name, nodded and walked to the martial arts field where Xiao Tian was.

"Master," Zhao Yun nodded to Xiao Tian with a firm expression.

"Yeah," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, then looked at Lu Bu on the side, and smiled: "Fengxian, I have work."

Lu Bu is still in a military uniform, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand exudes monstrous blood.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Lu Bu, who had originally looked awkward, became a little more respectful, nodded at Xiao Tian, ​​and respectfully said: "Senior Xiao's orders, how dare Bu not follow?"

After speaking, Lu Bu jumped and landed not far from Zhao Yun. He held Fang Tian's painting halberd tightly, his eyes bursting with frightening spirits.

"Bu has been looking forward to fighting against Zhao Huqi, but he didn't expect to get what he wanted today!" Lu Bu looked at Zhao Yun, his fighting spirit was high.

"Lv Wenhou has been rewarded," Zhao Yun smiled, the bright silver gentian gun appeared in his hands for some time, looked at Lü Bu, and said lightly: "Lv Wenhou is well-known in the world, and his strength is so powerful that he can fight Wenhou today. , It's also a pleasure."

After quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Hong wanted to give rewards, and Zhao Yun was named General Hussar, Zhendinghou, and Shiyi 5000 households. It is foreseeable that Zhao Yun's status will be elevated when Liu Bian succeeds.

Liu Hong obviously took this into consideration, so the reward for Zhao Yun was not too exaggerated.

But Lu Bu was different. He pacified the merged state, expelled the foreigners, broke the Wuwan king's account, and seized grain, grass and horses, cattle, sheep, and horses. General Shengyingyang, Wenhou, generals merged with the state.

In terms of status alone, it is even higher than Zhao Yun!

However, although Lu Bu was awkward, he was not too mindless. He knew very well that although his current position was higher than that of Zhao Yun, it was only because Liu Hong wanted to leave the matter to Liu Bian.

What's more, Zhao Yun's mentor was Xiao Tian who pointed him twice, so Lu Bu has always been very polite to Zhao Yun.

Chapter 1531 Zhao Yun fights Lu Bu!

"Zhao Bi has passed the fame," Lu Bu shook his head and took two steps back. Fang Tian leaned forward slightly, his gaze became serious, and he said solemnly, "Zhao Biqi, please!"

As soon as Lu Bu's voice fell, Xiao Tian's figure disappeared from the ring, and Zhao Yun took a deep breath, nodded to Lu Bu, and said sternly: "Please!"


Before Zhao Yun's words fell, there was a sudden blast of wind in the air. Lu Bu's figure suddenly appeared behind Zhao Yun, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand swung out with an open sky.

The halberd wind howled, causing pain in the cheeks of everyone around.

But no one paid any attention, all staring scorchingly at the two people on the martial arts field.

Changshan Zhao Zilong!

Jiuyuan Lu Fengxian!

These two people can be said to be the two most famous stars of the Han Dynasty!

After them, Zhou Yu, Sun Ce, Guan Zhang, Huangxu and others...

Nowadays, the hottest two people in the Han Dynasty collide with each other, and no one can tell what kind of sparks will come out.

Perceiving the sound of the breaking wind behind him, Zhao Yun's expression remained unchanged. There was a faint sound of wind and thunder on the martial arts field. The next moment, Zhao Yun's figure disappeared, leaving only a residual image pierced by Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Lu Bu's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly turned around, Fang Tian drew a halberd and smashed it down, just colliding with the bright silver gentian spear stabbed by Zhao Yun!


The terrifying impact spread from the place where the two confronted, and the blue bricks blessed by the Xiaotian formation method broke under Lu Bu's feet, and the fragments burst out toward the surroundings.

Everyone watching the battle around them used various methods to stop the fragments, and at the same time they were secretly speechless.

Many of them have played against others in this martial arts arena, but no one has ever been able to destroy the blue bricks on this martial arts arena!

However, just one collision between Lu Bu and Zhao Yun brought such a huge momentum, which really shocked them!

"Lu Fengxian is indeed well-deserved," Sun Ce held the phoenix spear, and a fiery fighting spirit appeared in his eyes.

In Lu Bu, he felt a familiar breath, as if the exercises and martial skills he cultivated had the same origin!

"Inheritance of the Overlord?" Sun Ce guessed in his heart as he looked at Lu Bu, who was waving Fang Tian's painted halberd, and his body was faintly wrapped around the blood-colored dragon.

"Zilong is not bad," Zhou Yu shook the feather fan in his hand and said with a smile: "Nalu Fengxian has already become famous all over the world, and his cultivation base is much higher than Zilong, not to mention that Zilong has grown even closer to ten years old.

However, in this situation, Zilong was still able to compete with Na Lu Fengxian, and he was indeed a disciple taught by Xiao Shenxian."

"There is something Gongjin that you missed," Xu Shu next to Zhou Yu shook his head and smiled: "As far as I know, that Lv Wenhou has also been instructed by Immortal Xiao, but few people know about it!"

Hearing Xu Shu's words, everyone around looked at Xiao Tian suspiciously. Lu Bu and Zhao Yun are both world-famous fierce generals. Are these two men from the same school?!

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xiao Tian couldn't help but shook his head, and smiled: "I had nothing to do at the beginning, and I did point Lu Bu with my fingers, but I didn't expect him to grow to the present level."

His remarks are naturally nonsense. It is good to point Lü Bu on a whim, but if he doesn't know how much Lü Bu will grow up in the future, he knows well.

Everyone was speechless when they heard the words, and they didn't expect that Lu Bu had actually been under the guidance of Xiao Tian!

Chapter 1532 Lu Bu's Innate Ability!

As for what Xiao Tian said was just pointing at Lu Bu with his finger, he didn't know that Lu Bu would grow up to this point, but no one believed it.

After all, watching Xiao Tian accept many disciples, whether it is Zhao Yun or Huang Xu, who has become famous all over the world, or today's prince Liu Bian, no one is simple!

If Lu Bu didn't have something worthy of being valued by Xiao Tian, ​​how could Xiao Tian suddenly point him to Lu Bu?

Seeing the expressions of the people, Xiao Tian didn't say much, his eyes fell on the martial arts arena with a calm expression.

After Zhao Yun and Lu Bu's many ravages, the martial arts field is no longer what it is.

Zhao Yun and Lv Bu each occupied a fairly intact ground. The bright silver gentian spear and Fang Tian painted halberd were on the ground, and they panted heavily at the same time.

Obviously, although the fight just now was fierce, it consumed a lot of them both.

"Lv Wenhou is indeed well-deserved," Zhao Yun held the bright silver gentian gun, his hair wet with sweat, and it was attached to his armor.

The inner lining of the battle armor became even more heavy as if soaked in water.

Lü Bu was also not much better than Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun's golden crown was picked off by Zhao Yun. His temples were scattered and he was breathing heavily, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

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