God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 629

"I always thought that nowadays, no one is my opponent except Senior Xiao Xiao," Lu Bu looked at Zhao Yun and said with a serious face: "I never thought that Zhao Biqi's strength was so amazing."

Speaking of this, Lu Bu paused, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "If we continue to fight, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two of us to distinguish the outcome...

I summarized what I had learned a few days ago and realized a halberd move. If Zhao Huqi can take it, Lu Bu is willing to admit it."

Everyone around heard the words and their expressions were all stunned. They knew that the most critical moment of the battle had come, and for a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhao Yun.

Being watched by everyone, Zhao Yun nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Then one blow will determine the winner!"


Lu Bu suddenly laughed wildly, his body exuding a domineering aura, behind him, a golden and red figure stood upright, and the outline was exactly the same as him!

"This innate ability," Seeing the golden red figure behind Lu Bu, the old Nanhua immortal said with a solemn expression to Xiao Tian: "Friend Xiao Dao, this seems to be the legendary avatar secret technique?!"

"No," Xiao Tian said lightly, shaking his head.

To say who has the most say in the clone, it is undoubtedly Xiao Tian. Even with his current strength, he can't create the clone with his own strength, let alone Lu Bu?

Lü Bu's move is similar to the one he once taught Lin Jingyu on the plane of Zhuxian.

They are all about condensing the power of the whole body to one point, and then burst out quickly.

It's just that the strange thing about Lu Bu's trick is that he didn't choose to cut out this power, and then condense it into an existence similar to a clone!

Zhao Yun looked at the figure that seemed to be condensed from golden-red thick ink behind Lu Bu, and his eyes flashed. Behind him, a large number of blue light spots converged, and in a blink of an eye a blue figure with a similar outline to him was formed !

Lu Bu's move is not a trick that is difficult to imitate, but even if others imitate, they can only get the shape, not the god.

Others imitated it rashly, just painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, and in the end the gain is not worth the loss.

Chapter 1533 Zhao Yun Appears!

But he was different. When he broke through the Cross Jietian Immortal a few days ago, he realized a rather peculiar ability, but he has never used it, only his master Xiao Tian knows it.

The only function of that ability is to insight into the details of the martial arts the opponent is using!

This ability may not have much effect on other people's effects, just use it as a means of demolition.

But he is different. With his own super savvy, he can simulate the opponent's martial arts at the moment he sees through it, even more powerful!

Lu Bu was taken aback when he saw the blue figure behind Zhao Yun.

However, he quickly reacted, his expression condensed slightly, Fang Tian trembling with a halberd, and rushed towards Zhao Yun!

Behind him, the golden red figure turned into a streamer and plunged into the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and a sticky golden red flame ignited on the halberd pole.

Countless halberd shadows appeared around Zhao Yun, sealing all the directions of avoidance, while the monstrous golden-red flames spread all over the martial arts field, which looked quite spectacular.

Zhao Yun's expression remained unchanged, the blue figure behind him disappeared, and the bright silver gentian gun was instantly stained with a layer of frost-like blue light, and the barrel of the gun was faintly roaring with wind and thunder.


Zhao Yun suddenly shouted, and the bright silver gentian gun in his hand was pierced one after another, and there were bursts of explosions in the air, followed by a series of metal strikes.

The bright silver gentian spear and Fang Tian's painted halberd kept colliding with each other, and each collision would bring a terrifying impact, cutting off the golden red flames all over the martial arts field.

After all the golden and red flames on the martial arts field disappeared, Zhao Yun and Lu Bu held the weapons in their hands at the same time, and their bodies emitted a dazzling light, like meteors that pierced the sky, slamming together!


The terrifying air wave exploded on the martial arts field, the blue bricks exploded on the martial arts field, the soil continued to roll, and in a blink of an eye a big pit appeared in a radius of tens of meters!

Zhao Yun and Lu Bu stood at the bottom of the pit, surrounded by cobweb-like cracks.

At the bottom of the big pit, you can faintly see the heart of Pangu that supports the entire Xiao Mansion suspended in the air!

"These two boys," Xiao Tian shook his head when he saw it, and with a wave of his hand, he moved Zhao Yun and Lu Bu out of the bottom of the pit, and then pointed out.

The big hole that was originally smashed by Zhao Yun and Lu Bu disappeared in an instant, and replaced by a flat ground.

If it weren't for the mud piled up all around and the debris of the martial arts field, no one would believe that there had been a shocking confrontation before.

"I lost," Lu Bu glanced at Zhao Yun in disbelief after being removed from the pit by Xiao Tian, ​​then smiled bitterly.

Although he is unhappy, he is not a temperament to lose.

Now that Zhao Yun has accepted his strongest attack, he will naturally not shame.

"A fluke, a fluke," Zhao Yun clasped his fists to Lu Bu, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

If it weren't for the ability he realized when he broke through the Jietian Immortal, I am afraid that he will fight against Lu Bu today, and his chances of winning will be very slim when facing the attack that Lu Bu has just issued!

"On the way to martial arts, there is no fluke," Lu Bu shook his head, and said forcefully, "Winning is winning, losing is losing, Zhao Qiqi doesn't need to save me any face.

My skills are not as good as others, I, Lu Bugan, bow down!"

As soon as Lu Bu's voice fell, Xiao Tian smiled at Zhao Yun and said: "Zilong, Fengxian said well, since you have defeated Fengxian today, you can leave this world without worry as a teacher and go out for a trip."

Chapter 1534 Five Holy Gifts!

"Master is going to leave the Chinese mainland?" Zhao Yun was startled when he heard Xiao Tian's words, then his eyes widened and asked.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded, and immediately looked at the people around him, and said lightly: "A large number of alien species from outside the sky have come to the mainland of China, which is enough to show that there are other worlds outside of China.

Now that China is stable, there are five sages sitting in town, and with the young people like Zilong Fengxian, I don't have to stay in China mainland.

So I am calling you to come today, in addition to letting everyone witness Zilong's appointment, I also want to entrust my three disciples to you, and I would like to ask you to take care of me in the future."

With that, Xiao Tian pointed at the three of Zhao Yun.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, everyone laughed helplessly.

Let them take care of Zhao Yun, Huang Xu and Liu Bian?

Is this a joke?

Zhao Yun and the three of them care about them!

To know that Zhao Yun can defeat Lu Bu's existence, although Huang Xu's strength is slightly inferior to Zhao Yun, he is also a top-notch Void Immortal.

But now Liu Bian is also in the state of immortality, and coupled with his noble status, who would dare to offend him?

Xiao Tian asked them to take care of the three of Zhao Yun, it would be better to just tell them not to mess with Zhao Yun!

On the contrary, Master Zi Xu seemed to have thought of something, and said in amazement, "I am afraid that Fellow Xiao Daoist planned to leave a long time ago, right?

Pointing to Lu Wenhou, and teaching such outstanding people as Zhao Biqi, I am afraid that fellow Taoists prepared for the protection of the Shenzhou Continent after he left, so that he would not be captured by alien species outside the sky?"

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