God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 907

"Master, if you make a move at that time, can you stop Li Yan?" Xue Wu cast his gaze to Yi Qingshan and asked in a low voice.

If it was Yi Qingshan in its heyday, Xue Wu would naturally not ask such questions. After all, Yi Qingshan was a half-step immortal king in its heyday, and his strength was overwhelming. There was not much difference between a great emperor-level powerhouse and a ant!

However, the current Yi Qingshan is just a projection, and no one knows how much strength it can exert. If it is really against the previous emperor, Xue Wu is not sure whether the current Yi Qingshan can handle it.

"It's not difficult to just stop him," Yi Qingshan said with a smile.

Although he only had one projection left, he was a half-footed existence in the realm of the immortal king after all, and the methods he mastered were far beyond what a strong man in the realm of Great Emperor could predict!

What's more, the laws of heaven and earth at that time were incomplete, and even in the realm of immortals, they could only break through to the realm of true immortals, and the cultivation of many veteran true immortals was slowly regressing.

In that case, he was able to break through against the sky. He was born on the road that had been cut off and then took a half step, half of his foot into the realm of the fairy king, even if it were not for the sudden appearance of the war demon, If he was seriously injured and fell in order to hunt down the war demon, he might not be able to blaze a new path in the era when the immortal king was impossible!

To be able to become a half-step fairy king in that situation, Yi Qingshan's strength and talent can naturally be imagined, so even if there is only one projection left, Yi Qingshan is still sure to easily stop a master in the realm of the Great!

"But this should be the trial that Xiao Daoyou gave to these two children. If I intervene, maybe something is wrong," before Li Xie and the others showed joy, Yi Qingshan continued, with a few words in his eyes. A faint smile.

Although he was confident that he could easily stop Li Yan, he did not intend to take action, because this was the test Xiao Tian gave to Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er. Immortal Sword Sect and others intervened because they were not enough to overthrow it. The power of the chessboard, so even if someone from the Immortal Sword Sect makes a move, Xiao Tian won't care.

But he is different. Even if there is only one projection left, the power he possesses is not something that the thirteen thirteen thieves of Beiyuan can deal with. If he makes a move, in a sense, it is no different from Xiao Tian himself!

The only difference between the two is that if Xiao Tian took the shot himself, the Thirteen Thieves of Beiyuan would be solved faster!

Chapter 2250 Ying Xing and Li Yan!

Precisely because of this, Yi Qingshan didn't give Xue Wu the opportunity to ask him to make a move at all, and directly expressed his attitude!

Hearing what Yi Qingshan said, although Xue Wu was disappointed in her heart, she didn't say much.

As for Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, they didn't say anything. This was originally a trial for the two of them. It was a good thing that Yi Qingshan was willing to help them. Yi Qingshan was unwilling to make a move, and they couldn't force it.

"Senior Yi is unwilling to take action, and the juniors naturally don't force it, but the juniors still have something to ask for," Li Xie groaned for a moment, and said respectfully to Yi Qingshan.

"I want me to help you intercept the Heavenly Jade Crossing Art and the incomplete immortal tripod?" Yi Qingshan took a deep look at Li Xie and said with a smile.

Li Xie's mind is not difficult to guess, even Ye Yuntian and others can easily guess Li Xie's mind, let alone him?

"Yeah," Li Xie nodded, his expression calm.

Although it is not an important thing for him whether it is the Heavenly Crossing Skill or the incomplete Immortal Ding, the Heavenly Crossing Skill is more than one thing inferior to the Nine Revolving Immortal Body he has cultivated, and the incomplete Immortal Ding apart Apart from recasting it into a weapon suitable for itself, there is also no good choice.

Therefore, Li Xie didn't care too much about the Heaven's Crossing Jietian Art and the incomplete Celestial Cauldron, otherwise he wouldn't use it as bait!

But although Li Xie doesn’t care about the Heaven Smiting Art and the incomplete immortal tripod, if these two things fall into the hands of the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains, especially now that the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains are very likely to have the emperor’s seat, it is undoubtedly Digging yourself!

After all, the Heaven Crossing Skill and the incomplete Celestial Cauldron are capable of producing an emperor-level powerhouse long ago. If the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains are really allowed to have an emperor-level powerhouse, he wants to complete the task that Xiao Tian explained. The difficulty will undoubtedly increase a lot!

After all, there is a gulf between the Emperor Zhun and the Great Emperor. Even if the Li Xie has amazing talents, I dare not say that he can slam the Emperor-level powerhouse with the body of the Emperor Zhun. If the Thirteen Thrones of Beiyuan possess two great emperors, then he and Xiao Xian If you want to complete the task that Xiao Tian confessed, I'm afraid they will only have to wait for them to break through to the realm of the emperor!

"Yes," Yi Qingshan nodded and said indifferently: "I will protect you from the Heavenly Journeying Art and the incomplete Immortal Cauldron, and prevent those two things from falling into the hands of the Thirteen Thieves of Northern Plains, but if other forces get that I won’t do two things."

"As long as those two things don't fall into the hands of the thirteen thieves of Beiyuan," Li Xie nodded his head and smiled.

If other forces have obtained the Heavenly Crossing Skill and the incomplete Immortal Cauldron, Li Xie will not care. There are restrictions left by Cao Yusheng in the Heavenly Crossing Skill, and only one person can understand the content, so Li Xie will not Worried that the forces that obtained the Heaven's Crossing Jie Tian Gong will leak this emperor's sutra!

As for the incomplete immortal tripod, it does not need to be said. It is just a broken weapon. Although it is hoped to create a powerful emperor in conjunction with the Heavenly Tribulation Art, its true value is not too high.

As long as these two things don't fall into the hands of the thirteen thirteen thieves of the Northern Plains, it will flatly increase the difficulty for him to complete the task that Xiao Tian has given him. Li Xie won't care who these two things fall into.

"Now I'm waiting for tomorrow's auction." With the assurance, after confirming that the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains would not be able to obtain the Heavenly Tribulation Art and the incomplete Immortal Ding, Li Xie couldn't help but relax a lot, and smiled at Xiao Xian'er and others : "There may be a big battle tomorrow. You should rest early, recharge your energy, and wait for the battle tomorrow."

Xiao Xian'er, Ye Li, Xue Wu and others lightly nodded their foreheads, and then left one after another, preparing for the start of the battle tomorrow...

At the same time, in a valley outside Winterfell, the figure of the great elder Ying Xing, who sold the emperor's immortal gold to Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, appeared in the valley with his face on the face. With a faint smile.

"Come out, everyone is a great emperor-level cultivation base, you can't hide my perception," Ying Xing said, looking at the depths of the valley with a calm expression.

"Who are you?" Before Ying Xing's words came to an end, a figure walked out of the valley. Who was it instead of Li Yan?

Seeing Yingxing floating in the valley, Li Yan's expression was a bit solemn. Since he left Blizzard City, he has been aware of someone spying on him in secret, but he couldn't detect that person's existence. Now Yingxing suddenly After showing up, feeling the terrifying aura exuding from Ying Xing, Li Yan naturally regarded Ying Xing as the person spying on him in secret!

"Feixianxing Kunlun survivor, the great elder of the Yinglu family, Yingxing," Yingxing looked at Li Yan with a calm expression.

"Feixianxing's monk?!"

Li Yan frowned and said in a deep voice, "I think you haven't provoke you, right?"

After learning the identity of Ying Xing, Li Yan was also a little depressed. Although he had set foot on Fei Xian Xing, he only left after a few days on that planet. He did not provoke anyone at all. The strong man from the Kunlun deceased clan who was born in the male dominating Fei Xianxing came here to make trouble for him, which also made Li Yan a little confused.

"Naturally you didn't offend me," Ying Xing nodded slightly, his expression calm.

He made a breakthrough earlier than Li Yan, and as the great elder of the family, he has no resources that Li Yan can match. Therefore, if he really played against each other, Li Yan would never be his opponent. , So Yingxing doesn't worry about what storm Li Yan will make in his hands!

"Then why are you blocking me here?"

Hearing Yingxing's words, Li Yan's face became even more ugly. If it hadn't been for the aura from Yingxing that made him faintly threatened, and knowing that he might not be Yingxing's opponent, Li Yan would have directly shot Yingxing. Suppressed!

As the boss of the Thirteen Thieves of the North Plains and able to control the thirteen thirteen thirsts of the North Plains, Li Yan is not a soft-hearted person at first. He can hold back his anger and not take action, just because he realized that Ying Xing's strength might lie in him. Above it!

"Senior Xiao is kind to me," Yingxing said as he looked at Li Yan with a calm expression.

He also spent a lot of time in Beiyuan, and naturally heard a lot of news, knowing that Xiao Tian had regarded the Thirteen Thieves of Beiyuan as a trial target for Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er.

In the previous trials, the Immortal Sword Sect had repeatedly helped Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er. Xiao Tian didn't say anything. This also let Yingxing know that Xiao Tian didn't mind someone helping Li Xie and Xiao Xian. child!

However, Ying Xing also had a sense of measure. Although he planned to help Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, he didn't attack other people. He just chose to stop the biggest variable, that is, Li Yan, whose strength has reached the level of the emperor!

Chapter 2251 Take a shot!

Hearing Ying Xing's words, Li Yan's face changed slightly. He was able to perceive that Ying Xing's strength was even higher than that of him. Before, he only considered that there might be a misunderstanding between himself and Ying Xing, and wanted to find a way to resolve it.

But now that he heard Ying Xing say Xiao Tian's name, he understood that this battle was inevitable!

"Well, since I became an emperor, I haven't played against a strong person of the same level, so I just practiced with you today!" Li Yan said calmly and coldly.

He knew very well that as long as Yingxing did not give way, he had no choice but to defeat Yingxing!

"Even if you stop me, those two little ghosts are not the opponents of my second brother, fifth brother and seventh brother!" Thinking of the strength of Yuan Husheng and Muyang Xu Heng, Li Yan felt a little relieved.

Yuan Husheng’s cultivation is only one line behind him before he did not break through. With the help of the 13 thirteen robbers of the Northern Plains, he successfully attacked the realm of the Great Emperor. Although Yuan Husheng did not have so many resources to support, he broke through to the Emperor Zhun with his talent Eight-fold heaven and even nine-fold heaven are not difficult.

The fifth thief Mu Yang is a rare elemental spirit body. The reason why he ranks fifth is because of his age, which makes his strength weaker than Yuan Husheng and others!

As for the seventh thieves, Xu Heng, although his strength is the weakest, he has received an incomplete inheritance left by a great emperor, and the methods he possesses are also not something ordinary people can deal with!

In Li Yan's view, it was not difficult for the three to join forces to deal with the two of Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er!

Even if the people of the Immortal Sword Sect intervene, Yuan Husheng still has a quasi-emperor forbidden device in his hand. With full burst, with the quasi-emperor forbidden device, there is no problem for the three Yuan Husheng to retreat in their entirety!

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