God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 908

Therefore, Li Yan relaxed quickly, his eyes full of fighting spirit when he looked at Yingxing.

Since the breakthrough, he hasn't played against the strong in the realm of the emperor. He also wants to know how strong his current strength has reached!

"Those things have nothing to do with me," Ying Xing said calmly after hearing Li Yan's words, "I just need to stop you. As for other things, it has nothing to do with me."

Ying Xing knew very well that, with the strength of his Great Emperor realm, if he could help Xiao Xian'er and Li Xie deal with the others in the Northern Plains Thirteen Thieves, he would probably be suppressed by Xiao Tian before he could do anything!

So Ying Xing just appeared here to stop Li Yan, not allowing this great emperor-level combat power to intervene, but for the rest of the people, Ying Xing will not take action, unless someone else in the North Plains thirteen thieves breaks like Li Yan. Realm of the Great!

"Then fight it!" Li Yan didn't say much when he heard the words. He directly sacrificed a jade ruler. A large number of order god chains surrounded him, and the surrounding space vibrated. Space cracks appeared out of thin air, releasing wild suction. !

"An extraterritorial battle!" Upon seeing this scene, Ying Xing quickly swiped, and a spatial crack appeared. Ying Xing stepped directly into the spatial crack without hesitation.

Li Yan did not hesitate, and also tore through the space and entered the outside world.


At the same time, in Winterfell City, Li Xie and others remained in the temporary residence of the Immortal Sword Sect, waiting for the end of the auction.

Only Ye Yuntian, the lord of the Immortal Sword Sect, and Ye Liancheng, the Supreme Elder, went to participate in the auction, while Fang Tianyu was in a temporary resident, ready to take action at any time.

"Counting the time, the auction should be over soon, right?" Ye Li looked at the sky and whispered.

"It should be auctioning off the Heaven Jieking Art and the half of the incomplete immortal tripod," Fang Tianyu nodded and said in a deep voice: "We should also prepare early. When the Sect Master sends the news back, we will do it immediately. Prevent something from happening!"

Now that the whereabouts of Li Yan, the bandit leader of the Thirteenth Bandit in Beiyuan, is unknown, Fang Tianyu is also worried that Li Yan’s sudden appearance will destroy their plan, so he dare not delay too much. He can only act on Yuan Husheng and others as soon as possible to see if he can suppress it as soon as possible. they!

Hearing Fang Tianyu's words, Li Xie, Xiao Xianer Xuewu and others nodded their heads with solemn expressions.

They already knew that the opponent they were facing this time was Yuan Husheng, the second most powerful thief among the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains, and Mu Yang, the fifth thief who possessed an primordial spirit body, and the third who was suspected of obtaining the inheritance of the mysterious emperor. Seven thieves Xu Heng.

Faced with this kind of existence, even they have to be cautious to avoid accidents.

"The auction is over!" At this moment, Ye Li and the jade pendant on Fang Tianyu's waist suddenly lit up. Seeing this scene, Fang Tianyu and Ye Li almost said at the same time.

This jade pendant is a transmission jade talisman of the Immortal Sword Sect. Although it cannot transmit too much information, it is not difficult to transmit simple information like it is now.

Li Xie and the others were shocked, without any hesitation, they rushed directly to the temporary station, planning to kill Yuan Husheng and others outside the city.

They can't take action in this Winterfell City, because this is the rules of Winterfell City, even if the powerhouse of Zhundi Nine Heaven is in this Winterfell City, they must abide by the rules of Winterfell City!

Because the three pinnacle quasi emperors who sit in Winterfell City are the three pinnacle quasi-emperors, if the laws of today are complemented, the three pinnacle quasi-emperors may have already stepped into the realm of the great emperor, so even the immortal sword sect elder like Fang Tianyu Do not dare to violate the rules of Winterfell!

"They are going to the west!" A few people had just left the temporary residence of the Immortal Sword Sect, and the token on Ye Li's waist lighted up again, and the young master of the Immortal Sword Sect quickly said.

Li Xie and the others rushed to the west quickly upon hearing this, and soon, the West Gate of Winterfell City appeared in their sight.

And the amazing Xiao Xian'er saw at a glance Yuan Husheng, the second robber who was rushing out of the city!

"Brother, I'm going to stop that stupid man!" Xiao Xian'er saw Yuan Husheng and immediately turned her head and said fiercely.

"Be careful," Li Xie nodded and said solemnly.

He is not worried about Xiao Xian'er's safety, don't look at Xiao Xian'er, like him, who are both great sage cultivation bases, and Xiao Xian'er is only the great sage's early stage, but Li Xie is very clear that Xiao Xian'er's strength is terrifying. !

It can be said that with Xiao Xian'er's strength, as long as she is more careful, even a master of the quasi-emperor realm may not be her opponent.

And Xiao Xian'er now has a grimace mask made of Huangdao Immortal Gold. Although the grimace mask does not have many functions, with the hardness of Huangdao Immortal Gold, even if the mask is used to smash people , Can also play a great role!

"Brother don't worry, the daughter is very strong!" Upon hearing Li Xie's words, Xiao Xian'er gave Li Xie a sweet smile, and then rushed towards Yuan Husheng!

Chapter 2252 Fierce fight!

Seeing Xiao Xian'er rushing towards Yuan Husheng, Li Xie took a deep breath and turned his eyes to Mu Yang, the fifth thieves behind Yuan Husheng. According to the information of the Immortal Sword Sect, Mu Yang is the original spirit body. Although this physique is not as good as the Eucharist he once had, it is also one of the top physiques. Li Xie is also very interested in fighting against people with this special physique!

"Then Muyang is handed over to me!" Li Xie turned his head and said to Xuewu and Ye Li, a little bit below his feet, and his whole body instantly swept away several tens of meters, quickly approaching Muyang, the fifth robber.

Xue Wu and Ye Li glanced at each other, did not say much, and directly unfolded their Shenfa to pursue the seventh thieves Xu Heng.

They are very aware of the strength of Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er. Even if they cannot solve Yuan Husheng and Mu Yang, it is not difficult to remain unbeaten. Even if the battle is at a stalemate, they will be able to solve Xu Heng as soon as possible. Go and support!

"Junior sister, you attack the left side, and I will be responsible for the right side!" Xue Wu and Ye Li are still on the way, and Ye Li has already made arrangements.

Xue Wu nodded lightly, and then the two of them circumvented Xu Heng from left to right!

Outside Lindong City, Yuan Husheng did not stop Xiao Xian'er, Xiao Xian'er's face was tight, looking at Yuan Husheng in front of him, without any hesitation, he waved his hand and placed a large formation, covering her and Yuan Husheng!

"Damn! This little girl is so strong?!" Seeing Xiao Xian'er's wave of hands, Yuan Husheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

He knows Xiao Xian'er, but Xiao Xian'er has rarely taken shots all the time. Even if he did, he would always be off the beaten track. Therefore, in the information he got, he had never known Xiao Xian'er's strength. Mentioned.

Therefore, Yuan Husheng could only guess Xiao Xian'er's general strength, but he did not know how strong this little girl who had been following Li Xie was.

Now Xiao Xian'er waved his hand in a formation, and showed the early cultivation of the Great Sage, which really shocked Yuan Husheng!

"Really worthy of the genius whom he valued!" Although Yuan Husheng was shocked in his heart, he quickly recovered. He looked at Xiao Xian'er and couldn't help but said with emotion.

Although Yuan Husheng did not expect Xiao Xian'er to have such a strong strength, it was not too surprised. After all, Xiao Xian'er was a genius who was valued by Xiao Tian's existence, even if Xiao Xian'er possessed such a strong strength. Nothing to be surprised!

The reason why he was shocked before was only because he had subconsciously reacted to seeing Xiao Xian'er showing amazing strength.

"Never mind, I will play with you!" Yuan Husheng's gaze swept over Mu Yang and Xu Heng who were not far away, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

He was very clear about the strength of Mu Yang and Xu Heng. Although those two might not be able to defeat the two geniuses of Li Xie and the Immortal Sword Sect, it was not difficult to just hold the three of them.

They didn't need to defeat Li Xie and the others, they just needed to wait until Li Yan came to support them, so even though Xiao Xian'er and others stopped him, Yuan Husheng didn't see the slightest anxious look on his face.

In Winterfell City, Ye Yuntian, Fang Tianyu, and Ye Liancheng stood on the city wall, looking out the city with a solemn expression.

The three of them gathered here to guard against the possibility that Li Yan might appear. Once Li Yan appeared, they would jointly launch an attack on Li Yan. With their strength, even if they could not defeat Li Yan, they would be able to temporarily draw Li Yan. Don't go out to support a few others!

As long as Li Xie and others can defeat their opponents as soon as possible, they can besiege Li Yan together at that time, no matter how strong Li Yan is, they may not be able to support them for long under their joint attack!

"It's a pity that Senior Yi is not willing to make a move, otherwise, we don't have to worry so much," Ye Yuntian said with some regret looking at the scene outside the city.

Yi Qingshan used to be a powerhouse at the half-step fairy king level. Even if there is only an afterimage left, the methods at his disposal cannot be dealt with by the average emperor, and if Yi Qingshan is willing to take action to stop Li Yan, they don’t need to be here. Li Yan suddenly appeared.

"Senior Yi may have his own considerations," Ye Liancheng, the Supreme Elder of the Immortal Sword Sect, thought for a while, and said: "After all, it is the task that Senior Xiao gave to Li Shaoxia and Xiao Xian'er to deal with the 13 thieves of Beiyuan. It’s already a bit wrong. If Senior Yi takes a shot, it might arouse Senior Xiao’s disgust."

"Let's take a look at the battle of the juniors first," Fang Tianyu on the side suddenly said, smiling at several people.

Ye Yuntian and Ye Liancheng didn't say anything any more when they heard this. They cast their gazes outside the city, their eyes became serious.

In addition to guarding against Li Yan who might appear suddenly, they are also responsible for assisting Li Xie and others. If Li Xie and others are in danger, their father can also rescue as soon as possible.

Outside of Winterfell, Li Xie looked at Mu Yang, the fifth robber in front of him, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Because the breath that the fifth thieves exploded is impressively the pinnacle great sage, and Li Xie was only in the middle of the great sage, and Mu Yang possessed an elemental spirit body, but Li Xie had cut off the sacred body he had. , Against such an opponent, he will undoubtedly be able to accumulate enough surprises!

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