God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 922

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the old hall master of the temple of the early days did not hesitate, and said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "In this case, if the senior can help the junior to break through the realm of the immortal king, the junior will be sent by the senior within this hundred years!"

For a strong man like them, a hundred years is not as long as a retreat. Therefore, after hearing that it only takes a hundred years, the old temple master of the temple of the early days agreed without any hesitation!

The remaining ten people were equally excited, and they spoke almost at the same time, and said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "If the senior can help the junior to make a breakthrough, the junior should be sent by the senior for a hundred years!"

It is only for people to drive a hundred years to break through the realm of the immortal king, such a good thing, they are naturally enthusiastic!

What's more, Xiao Tian’s strength is unfathomable. It is very likely that he has reached that legendary realm. It is also not a shame for them to be driven by such a strong person. Can't stop Xiao Tian's eyes!

Hearing those people's words, Xiao Tian nodded lightly, waved his right hand, and a large formation was formed out of thin air, covering everyone except Taoist Xiaoyun.

"Concentrate and run the exercises, I will help you pass through the barriers," Xiao Tian said in a deep voice, looking at the eleven strong men.

Although these eleven people did not directly swear the heavenly way like Taoist Xiaoyun, Xiao Tian was not worried that they would turn back after the breakthrough!

After all, those powerhouses in the fairyland are not fools. Naturally, knowing that Xiao Tian can help them upgrade to the realm of the fairy king, he has the ability to beat them back to their original form!

Hearing Xiao Tian’s words, the eleven immortal domain experts did not hesitate to enter the cultivation state. The majestic aura of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, forming a huge tornado, covering all the eleven people. among them.

Xiao Tian maintained the operation of the formation, and at the same time paid attention to the eleven people in the big formation, occasionally shot a flash of light and submerged into one of them to help him rush through.

And just as Xiao Tian helped the eleven immortal domain experts rush through the barrier, in the Big Dipper Star Region, in Xueyang Village, Li Xie walked out of the illusion, covered in blood, but his face was filled with excitement. !

An astonishing aura radiated from Li Xie, who was already the pinnacle of the Great Sage, and it only took half a step to break into the realm of Emperor Zhun!

Chapter 2271 Guiding!

"Brother, did you break through?!"

In Xueyang Village, Xiao Xian'er, who had already left the magic circle, looked at Li Xie with a look of surprise in his eyes, and couldn't help asking.

Before Li Xie entered the illusion formation, he was only at the mid-term cultivation level of the Great Sage. Now he is already at the peak of the Great Sage. Even Xiao Xian'er's cultivation speed has always been amazing, and he was a little surprised to see such a terrifying improvement in Li Xie.

"No breakthrough," Li Xie shook his head, but there was an unconcealable smile on his face: "I have a deeper understanding of Sanhua Borrowing Path, and I can stabilize my cultivation within a certain period of time. It will fall too quickly. In the future, Sanhua Borrowing Path can also be used in advance, and there is no need to wait until the time of desperation to use this secret technique."

"Brother is too powerful!" Xiao Xian'er looked at Li Xie with admiration and cheered when she heard Li Xie's words.

She is very aware of the horror of the secret technique of Sanhua Borrowing Dao, and now Li Xie has a deeper understanding of Sanhua Borrowing Dao, which undoubtedly represents that Li Xie's strength will usher in a great improvement!

"It's all up to the master's guidance," Li Xie shook his head when he heard the words, and cast his gaze to the side of Xiao Tian's projection, saying sternly.

He was able to improve on the secret technique of Sanhua Borrowing Way so quickly, Xiao Tian's projection of guidance was indispensable.

Although the secret technique of Sanhua Borrowing Dao was created by him, but limited to his own cultivation and experience, he could not deduct Sanhua Borrowing Dao to a high level, and he was in the process of perfecting this secret technique. Many obscurities have also been encountered in.

If it weren't for Xiao Tian's projection to help him solve his puzzles, it would be difficult for him to make a breakthrough in Sanhua in a short time.

"However, it is a pity that although I have gained a lot of understanding of Sanhua Borrowing Dao, I still haven't found a way to combine Sanhua Borrowing Dao with Heaven Swallowing Technique..."

Li Xie sighed suddenly, looking a little depressed.

If he used the Heaven Swallowing Treasure Art now, he would not be able to maintain his spirit and energy at a peak state, and naturally he would not be able to perform the secret technique of the Three Flowers Borrowing Path.

And if he used the secret technique of Sanhua Borrowing Path, maintaining this secret technique has consumed a lot of his energy, making him unable to use the Heaven Swallowing Technique at all!

With his current cultivation base, let alone the fusion of these two secret arts, it would be a huge problem even to allow two secret arts to be used at the same time!

Wanting to perform the Three Flowers Borrowing Path and the Heaven Swallowing Treasure Art at the same time when Xiao Tian deduced the fusion method of the two secret arts before, for him now, it is simply impossible to achieve!

"You don't need to be discouraged," Xiao Tian's projection shook his head when he heard Li Xie's words, and said indifferently: "Whether it is the Heaven-Swallowing Art created by the body or the three-flower borrowing method you unintentionally created, it is extremely profound. Throughout all the secret arts since the age of mythology, there are only a handful of secret arts that are comparable to these two secret arts.

With such two secret techniques, it is difficult for even a great emperor-level powerhouse to operate at the same time. It is normal for you to be unable to perform two secret techniques at the same time because of your mid-term cultivation base."

"Then elder brother, do you have a way to enable your elder brother to perform two secret techniques at the same time?" Xiao Xian'er heard the words and looked at Xiao Tian's projection, flashing her eyes, looking forward to her expression.

"It's not that difficult," Xiao Tian's projection smiled at the words, and said lightly: "Although these two secret techniques look very different, they actually reach the same goal by different routes.

Heaven-swallowing technique is to swallow foreign objects to make up for one's body. If it does not absorb the source of swallowing, it can also make one's own strength temporarily soar and reach a new level; while Sanhua's path is to tap into one's own spirit and spirit. The potential, so that his strength soared rapidly.

If you want to perform these two secret arts at the same time, you only need to balance the power of the two secret arts, and then you can display the two secret arts at the same time. As for how to balance the power of the two secret arts, you have to realize it by yourself. , I won't give you any pointers."

"Thank you, Master!" Upon hearing the words of Xiao Tian's projection, Li Xie had a glimmer of light flashing in his mind, and he respectfully saluted Xiao Tian's projection, and then turned around and entered the phantom formation.

Compared to relying on his own deduction, he can only get more inspiration in the battle, so Li Xie will not hesitate, and directly enter the magical formation again.

"Brother is really, run so fast again!" Seeing Li Xie actually got into the magic circle again, Xiao Xian'er couldn't help pouting and whispered: "I just wanted to say that I already know how to balance those two secret techniques. Up!"

While speaking, Xiao Xian'er had a three-colored lotus blooming on top of her head. At the same time, a strong suction radiated from her slender and white jade right hand, grabbing a large amount of heaven and earth aura.

The aura that Xiao Xian'er exudes soared rapidly, and within a few breaths, he was promoted from the early days of the Great Sage to the Third Heaven of Zhun Emperor, and it was still climbing rapidly!

Xiao Tian Projection on the side could not help being a little surprised when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect Xiao Xian'er to find the knack for performing two secret techniques at the same time so quickly!

As for the secret technique of Xiao Xianer's Three Flowers Borrowing Dao, Xiao Tian's projection was not surprised. After all, Li Xie was able to create the Sanhua Borrowing Dao and Xiao Xian'er's credit was indispensable. Xiao Xianer would Sanhua Borrowing Dao. Naturally it is not something difficult to understand!

"It deserves to be the stunning female emperor in white on the original world line. This talent is really shocking," Xiao Tian's projection looked at Xiao Xian'er, lost for a moment.

Xiao Xian'er's talent is really too strong. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in the past. Even Xiao Tian's projection guesses that Xiao Xian'er's talent is not weaker than that of the invincible peerless sky at the end of the ancient period. emperor!

However, Xiao Tian's projection quickly recovered, looked at Xiao Xian'er, and said with a serious face: "Nunnan, you should remember, you can't reveal the secrets of these two secret techniques at the same time to your brother!"

There is a world of difference between what you have realized and what you have realized under the guidance of others!

Even if Li Xie used Xiao Xian'er's guidance or at the same time under his guidance to display the two secret techniques of Sanhua Borrowing Path and Heaven Swallowing Secret Technique, his mastery level would not be too high.

On the contrary, if Li Xie can comprehend the secret of this by himself, he will be instructed to use it!

"She understands that she won't reveal anything to her brother!" Upon hearing Xiao Tian's projection, Xiao Xian'er nodded and said suddenly.

She also understood the difference, so after hearing Xiao Tian's words, she nodded and agreed.

Xiao Tian Projection smiled upon hearing the words, and then said: "Your friends are about to arrive, go outside and get them in. As for me, I need to retreat and deduct the fusion of the two secret arts of Swallowing Heaven and Three Flowers. , If it’s nothing important, don’t bother me."

After speaking, Xiao Tian’s projection closed his eyes and continued to deduced the fusion of the two secret arts...

Chapter 2272 The guess of the powers of the fairyland!

Seeing that Xiao Tian's projection fell into a state of enlightenment, Xiao Xian'er was also very obedient and didn't bother Xiao Tian. After hesitating for a while, he entered the phantom formation again.

Although she is not keen on improving her strength, she must have strong strength if she wants to be by Li Xie's side.

Therefore, Xiao Xian'er only hesitated for a while and chose to enter the fantasy formation to experience. What's more, she can also try to combine the two secret arts in the fantasy formation, which may be able to give Li Xie some help. Enlightenment, so that Li Xie can avoid some detours.

Although Xiao Tian's projection was in a state of enlightenment, after all, that projection was of a true immortal level, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Therefore, Xiao Tian's projection could easily perceive Xiao Xian'er's movements, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and a gratified smile appeared on her face.

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