God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 923

For Xiao Xian'er, Xiao Tian has always had a headache. After all, although the female emperor in white on the world line was amazingly talented, Xiao Xian'er now does not suffer the pain of bereavement of her brother like the original world line. Xiao Xian'er didn't actually have much motivation to improve her strength.

Now that Xiao Xian'er was able to take the initiative to enter the illusion formation and figure out a way to improve his strength, Xiao Tian was naturally relieved.

After chuckling twice, Xiao Tian's projection showed a ray of mind and attention to the situation in the phantom array, and he was once again immersed in the state of enlightenment, hoping to find the secret technique of using the Heaven Swallowing Technique and the Three Flowers. The way to blend together!

At the same time, in the fairyland, Xiao Tian has also successfully helped the eleven experts in the fairyland break into the realm of the fairy king.

Although the eleven immortal kings are just new immortal kings, their combat power has not improved much, and their strength is only half of the average peak true immortal, but even so, that is the existence of the immortal king realm!

Among other things, the longevity of the strong immortal king alone is not comparable to the true immortal!

In the endless years, these newly promoted Immortal King powerhouses can slowly make up for their foundation and raise their strength to an extremely astonishing level!

It's just that unlike the first Daoist Xiaoyun who was helped to break through by Xiao Tian, ​​the remaining eleven immortal domain experts also broke through to the realm of the immortal king, but their combat power was weaker than Dao Xiaoyun. Although there is no difference in normal days, if it is a life-and-death struggle, it is a judgement!

Of course, only Xiao Tian knew about these things, neither the eleven newly promoted immortal kings nor the Taoist Xiaoyun who had broken through to the realm of immortal kings with his help before.

"Thank you, senior, for your help!" The eleven immortal experts who stepped into the realm of the immortal king looked at Xiao Tian, ​​their eyes were full of respect, and there was a bit of fear hidden in their eyes.

They know very well how difficult it is to reach the realm of the immortal king. You must know that even in the records of the immortal domain, even at the end of the immortal ancient era, the era when the burial domain and the foreign magnates appeared one after another, the immortal king magnates were no more than 100 There may be hundreds of people in the foreign land, the burial land, and the immortal king level powerhouse together.

We must know that in that era, there were countless Tianjiao coexisting, known as the most brilliant world since the emperor's fall, but even so, in that era, there are only hundreds of strong immortal kings. It can be seen that there is a breakthrough in the realm of the immortal king. How difficult!

However, now Xiao Tian helped them break through to the realm of the Immortal King with a wave of his hand. What kind of realm should the powerhouse who can do this reach?

At least they don’t think that the immortal king giants have this ability. Otherwise, why did the immortal domain have so many immortal king giants at the beginning, but there has never been any immortal king giant that successfully helped the true immortal break through to the realm of the immortal king Examples appear?!

Even Taoist Xiaoyun looked at Xiao Tian with deep respect.

Before Xiao Tian helped him violently rush through the barriers, he still didn't feel anything, only when Xiao Tian was a giant of the immortal king, or walked a long way in the realm of the immortal king, he had already caught a glimpse of the path of becoming an emperor.

But after seeing Xiao Tian wave his hand in a formation, helping the eleven immortal domain experts to break through to the immortal king realm, Taoist Xiaoyun's guess about Xiao Tian's realm was also shaken.

Such a method is simply beyond the reach of the fairy king giants!

Then what realm is Xiao Tian?

The quasi immortal?


That legendary realm?!

"Don't care about trivial matters," Xiao Tian smiled and said calmly when he heard the words of the eleven immortal domain experts.

These twelve immortal domain powerhouses, whether they are the five peak true immortals or the other seven true immortal powerhouses, are amazing talents. If they were born in the chaotic ancient era or the immortal ancient era, It is not difficult for these people's talents to break through the realm of the fairy king.

Even now, because the laws of heaven and earth have completed some of the reasons, these people can break through to the realm of the fairy king in a short time if they are lucky!

Therefore, helping them to break through does not actually require much effort for Xiao Tian.

It's just that Xiao Tian's words are undoubtedly self-confidence in their own strength in the eyes of those immortal domain experts, and the fear of Xiao Tian in their hearts is a little bit more.

"Senior said before that after helping juniors break through, they need to do something for seniors. I don't know what this is?" The old temple master of the Temple of the Beginning felt the majestic vitality in his body, and his face couldn't help but appear. Happy, but he still didn't forget what he had promised Xiao Tian before, and asked immediately.

"It's not a difficult thing," Xiao Tian glanced over Taoist Xiaoyun, the old temple master of the Taichu Temple, and many powerful people, and said lightly: "I need you to enter the chaotic void and look for the scattered fragments of the fairyland. Strength, it should be able to recover some of the fairyland fragments. If you encounter the fairyland fragments that cannot be collected, write down the location and tell me later."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the powerhouses of Xianyu were also relieved. They were originally worried about what dangerous task Xiao Tian would give them, but now it seems that they were careless before.

Although the Chaos Void is dangerous, it is aimed at ordinary true immortal experts. Even before they break through, the Chaos Void cannot pose any threat to them. What's more, they have now breached the realm of the fairy king?

"In addition to this matter, I have a private matter that I want to ask you for help," he thought when everyone was relieved secretly, Xiao Tian's voice sounded again.

"Senior, but say it's okay!" Taoist Xiaoyun said quickly without any hesitation.

He knew very well that this was an opportunity to express himself in front of Xiao Tian. If he missed this opportunity, he might regret it for life!

After all, Xiao Tian's strength is obvious to all. Since Xiao Tian can promote him to the realm of the immortal king, perhaps there is a way to help him rise to a higher realm, and it is not impossible to even help him hit the realm of the immortal emperor!

What's more, besides that, he had already made a great oath of heaven, and there was no room for rejection of Xiao Tian's orders. Therefore, before Xiao Tian's words fell, the voice of Taoist Xiaoyun immediately sounded.

Chapter 2273 Xiaoyun Taoist's chance!

"Daoist Xiaoyun is interested," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words. Daoist Xiaoyun's reaction made him very satisfied. At least there is Taoist Xiaoyun, and he will not need to take care of many things in the future.

When the other eleven heard Xiao Tian's words, they all cast their jealous eyes on Taoist Xiaoyun. They were very clear about the weight of Xiao Tian's words!

Don't think Xiao Tian just praised the Taoist Xiaoyun casually, but with Xiao Tian's status, Taoist Xiaoyun left a good impression in his heart, and it was considered a great opportunity!

In the future, if Xiao Tian has something to do, I am afraid that Taoist Xiaoyun will be the first one to think of, and Xiao Tian only wants them to help them find the fragments of the fairyland to be able to promote them to the realm of the fairy king, and does not require other rewards. This is enough to see that Xiao Tian is not a stingy person.

If Xiao Tian asked Taoist Xiaoyun for help in the future, how could he treat Taoist Xiaoyun badly?

"The juniors are also willing to share their worries for the seniors!" The eleven immortal domain experts stared at Taoist Xiaoyun, and said to Xiao Tian quickly.

"This matter is not difficult," Xiao Tian glanced over everyone, and said in a calm tone: "I plan to compile the list of Tianjiao, including many Tianjiao from the fairyland and nine heavens and ten places, and you are the peak powerhouse of the fairyland. It shouldn't be difficult to organize such things."

"Senior don't worry, this matter can be done easily even if only I, Xiaoyun Palace, let alone there are many fellow daoists helping?" Upon hearing Xiao Tian's words, Taoist Xiaoyun quickly patted his chest and promised: "Within ten days, we It will be able to discharge the Tianjiao list of the Immortal Realm and spread it all over the Xianyu. Even the invisible freaks and ghosts will also be included in the Tianjiao list, and no one will be missed!"

As the pinnacle powerhouse of the fairyland, and at the same time the ancestor of the pinnacle power of the fairyland, Xiaoyun Temple, Taoist Xiaoyun does have such confidence.

Not to mention that it is now the peak powerhouses of the Immortal Territory that are united together. Even the Tianjiao list discharged by the Xiaoyun Temple will attract countless immortal Tianjiao predecessors and servants who want to compete for the ranking. What's more?

"Friend Xiaoyun is right," the old temple master of the temple of the early days also said quickly: "I am the temple of the early days is the best at deduction, and I have compiled a similar list, within ten days, after all, I have completed the explanation of the seniors. Thing!"

The rest of the immortal domain powerhouses also patted their chests to ensure that they could get things done properly within ten days.

Hearing the words of the powers of the fairyland, Xiao Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no need to worry about this. The Tianjiao list I want is not only a list of the Tianjiao from the fairyland, but also the Tianjiao from the nine heavens and ten places. Among them, if you can find a hidden burial domain in the future, the genius of the burial domain will also be included.

Therefore, this list requires you to cooperate with the strong of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. Later, I will gather the strong of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. It will not be too late for you to discuss the Tianjiao list. List the Tianjiao list inside, and spread it all over Xianyu and Jiutianshidi."

In fact, the compilation of the Tianjiao list is not a problem. Even if only Xiao Tian is alone, he will not be able to list the list and spread it throughout the nine days and ten places and the fairyland.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't want to waste too much energy on such trivial matters. After all, the main reason he made such a list was just to give his disciples a motivation to improve their strength!

Of course, Xiao Tian’s original intention for compiling the Tianjiao list was that it was impossible to tell the many powerhouses of Xianyu and the top powerhouses of Jiutianshidi, because that would be too hateful.

Although Xiao Tian's strength didn't care about these, he didn't want to bring too much hatred to himself.

"Since the predecessors have ordered, I will wait to obey," Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the ancestor Xiao Yun said quickly: "However, preparations for the list of Xianyu are ready. We will now go back and notify our respective forces to help Tianjiao. The list creates momentum."

"That's fine," Xiao Tian nodded slightly and smiled after hearing the words, "If this is the case, you will be responsible for this matter, and you can compile the Tianjiao list within three months."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian's figure flashed before disappearing directly into the sight of the powers of the fairyland.

He also needs to return to the nine days and ten places to gather the peak powerhouses in the nine days and ten places and inform the Tianjiao list. Although the peak powerhouses in the nine days and ten places are more than one way worse than the powerhouses in the fairyland, those After all, the strong are the snakes of nine heavens and ten places, and their words are far more effective than the strong of the fairyland!

After Xiao Tian left, the many experts in Xianyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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