God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 928

Behind the four, stood the great elder Fang Tianyu of the Immortal Sword Sect and Ye Yuntian, the lord of the Immortal Sword Sect.

As for the outside of Xueyang Village, there are already strong people who want to inquire about the news, but those people dare not enter Xueyang Village at all, so they have to wait outside.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the Heaven-Swallowing Treasure Art has successfully merged with the Sanhua Borrowing Path, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the Secret Art invisible body!"

Hearing the system prompts, Xiao Tian, ​​who had been closing his eyes, slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in his eyes. The next moment, Xiao Tian's breath quickly converged, and then he got up from the rock.

"I already know what you came from. The Tianjiao list is just my whim. I will only pay attention to the Tianjiao list and will not intervene," Xiao Tian cast his eyes on Ye Yuntian and Fang Tianyu, and said lightly: " In addition, there is no fallacy in the rumors. Some outstanding talents on the Tianjiao list may indeed get the opportunity presented by me."

Ye Yuntian and Fang Tianyu arrived in Xueyang Village two days ago. As for their intentions, it is beyond doubt.

If it weren't for the Tianjiao list, Ye Yuntian and Fang Tianyu would not have visited at this time.

Regarding the Tianjiao List, he never thought of intervening from the beginning. After all, his original goal in compiling the Tianjiao List was to find a goal for Li Xie!

Therefore, he never thought of investing too much energy on the Tianjiao list. After all, he still has a lot of things to do now. Whether it is looking for fragments of the fairyland or exploring the ultimate ancient land, it is not a simple matter!

Although the former is not dangerous, it is extremely cumbersome. Even if he has the help of the twelve Immortal King powerhouses in Xianyu, his efficiency has increased a lot, but it will take a lot of time to find all the fragments of Xianyu.

As for the ultimate ancient land, not to mention, even the system has reminded him that the mission is extremely dangerous, at least to reach the level of the peak immortal emperor to be able to complete, it is enough to explain how difficult it is to explore the ultimate ancient land!

Under this circumstance, he would naturally choose to focus most of his energy on improving his strength, and how could he spend his energy to intervene in the Tianjiao list?

"Junior understand! The junior retire first," Ye Yuntian and Fang Tianyu gave Xiao Tian a respectful salute after hearing Xiao Tian's words, and then turned and left Xueyang Village.

They also need to inform the strong waiting outside about this news, and they know that Xiao Tian will probably point Li Xie and others to the next. Although Xiao Tian doesn't evade their watching by the side, they want to avoid suspicion!

Seeing Ye Yuntian and Fang Tianyu leaving, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Xue Wu.

Because of his appreciation of Xue Wu's talent, he once gifted Xue Wu a sword aura in the air, which contained his kendo, and Xue Wu did not live up to his expectations and indeed understood part of his kendo.

Therefore, although Xue Wu is not his disciple, he also has some concerns about Xue Wu.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and said, "Your talent is better than I thought before, but fellow Yi Daoist has good luck."

With Xiao Tian’s eyesight, it is easy to see that Xue Wu has integrated the sword skills she has cultivated into one furnace, and has combined part of Yi Qingshan’s kendo and part of Xiao Tian’s kendo with Xue Wu’s own kendo. Merged together to form a brand new kendo that belongs to Xuewu herself.

You must know that Xue Wu is not very old, but she has been able to achieve this level. Although there are Xue Wu's crazy experience in the fantasy formation and Yi Qingshan's guiding role, it is undeniable that Xue Wu's kendo talent is indeed called. Top-notch!

"Thank you senior for the compliment!" Xue Wu smiled shyly when she heard the words, and said softly.

For Xiao Tian, ​​Xue Wu's heart was still full of gratitude. She was able to possess the current strength. In addition to her own talent, the sword aura that Xiao Tian gifted to her at the beginning also helped him a lot.

Chapter 2280 Two versions of the secret technique!

Xiao Tian didn't say much when he heard the words, his eyes fell on Ye Li, and he said lightly: "Your kendo is extremely sturdy.

But this is your own way. After all, you still have to decide how to choose. Outsiders' words can only be used as a reference, and you must not be affected by outsiders' words."

"Thank you senior for reminding!" Ye Li said solemnly.

He also discovered his own problem, but he hadn't paid attention to it before, and now that Xiao Tian pointed it out, he naturally had a lot of attention to this problem.

Xiao Tian just nodded, and then turned his gaze to Xiao Xian'er and Li Xie. Compared to Ye Li and Xue Wu, he naturally valued Xiao Xian'er and Li Xie more.

After all, these two talents are his true disciples!

Xiao Tian's gaze first fell on Li Xie. Since he was awakened by Xiao Tian ten days ago, Li Xie quickly emerged from his obsession. After ten days, Li Xie's strength has also improved a lot, although it is still The cultivation base of the Great Sage in the middle stage, but in terms of combat power, Li Xie is already comparable to some quasi-emperor powerhouses!

The more important point is that Li Xie has extremely rich combat experience in various scenarios. Although at the level of the Great Sage, the environment has little effect on the outcome of the battle, but at many critical moments, environmental factors may have miraculous effects.

Therefore, having a wealth of combat experience is only good for Li Xie, but there is no harm!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, a little more smile on his face.

The speed of Li Xie's strength improvement in these ten days was not too exaggerated, but it was not bad, and it was considered to have met his requirements.

Li Xie secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Xiao Tian was caught from the illusion before, and he was even reprimanded by Xiao Tian. It is impossible to say that there is no pressure in Li Xie's heart.

It's just that Li Xie hasn't been affected as before, and he is still improving his strength without any distraction!

Now that he heard Xiao Tian's words, Li Xie's heart that had been hanging down naturally let go.

Xiao Tian just smiled faintly when he saw this, and cast his gaze directly at Xiao Xian'er, with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"Hehe, big brother, my daughter is already a quasi-emperor, right?" Xiao Xian'er saw Xiao Tian look at him, raised Yang Baisheng's little hand, and couldn't help showing off.

"The is really amazing," Xiao Tian couldn't help but couldn't help but nodded and said seriously.

Xiao Xian'er's strength improvement speed really surprised him, although he knew that Xiao Xian'er, as the stunning female emperor in white on the original world line, would be acceptable even if she showed no matter how enchanting talent she was.

But in these short ten days, Xiao Xian'er had soared from the early days of the Great Sage to the First Heaven of Zhundi. Such an increase speed still made Xiao Tian a little bit speechless.

Even if he had seen many creatures in the broken ancient world in the sea of ​​bounds, who entered the realm of real immortality from the beginning or even from a mortal body into the realm of immortal kings because of their adventures, but facing Xiao When Xian'er's astonishing strength increased the speed, he was still a little surprised.

Because Xiao Xian'er was promoted from the early stage of the Great Sage to the first level of the Zhun Emperor within ten days, but she did it all by her own efforts!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Xiao Xian'er couldn't help showing pride on her small face, but she did have the capital of pride. With her talent, even if she looked at it, she was the top talent. Hexianyu, among her peers, there are very few or no geniuses comparable to her!

Xiao Tian didn’t say much when he saw it. Xiao Xian'er was different from Li Xie. She seldom took shots and rarely participated in battles. With her talent, she played against the strong in the same realm most of the time. Violent crushing.

And many of those who can beat Xiao Xian'er are the older generation's strong, but those strong do not dare to take action against Xiao Xian'er, so in a sense, Xiao Xian'er is really possible to complete his Xiao Tian And the feat that the arrogant Emperor Huangtian failed to accomplish.

That is to sweep the invincible all the way, never fail in a lifetime!

Taking his gaze away from Xiao Xian'er, Xiao Tian waved his hand and planted a large formation covering Xueyang Village. Then he looked at the four Li Xie and said with a serious face: "There is one last thing today, then teach you A secret method."

Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er were shocked when they heard this. They knew exactly what the secret technique Xiao Tian was talking about, and they couldn't help but look forward to them at this moment.

After all, whether it is the Heaven-Swallowing Treasure Art or the Three-Flower Gathering, it is the first-class secret technique in the world. When these two secret techniques are integrated together, no one knows how powerful they can burst!

"Senior Xiao, Sister Xuewu and I..." Ye Li hesitated after hearing this, and whispered, "Do you need to avoid suspicion?"

Although he was extremely curious about Xiao Tian's teaching of Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er's secret techniques, he also knew what his identity was. At this time, he was the best choice to avoid suspicion!

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't say anything to ask him to leave, which gave Ye Li a bit more hope, and then he asked.

"It's okay," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, and said lightly: "How much you can comprehend is your chance, as long as you don't tell it to you."

He doesn’t care about Ye Li and Xuewu watching them, because this secret technique is too advanced, and the version he deduced is different from the phaseless body that the system is fused. The two versions of the secret technique have their own merits, but However, the difficulty of comprehension is extremely high. If Ye Li and Xue Wu can comprehend something from it, it is also their chance.

"Thank you Senior Xiao!" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Ye Qi was very excited. With Xiao Tian's strength, how could the secret technique imparted to Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er be Mortal?

If he can comprehend one or two, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a step to the sky!

Even Xue Wu, who has always been deserted, couldn't help passing a touch of excitement on her charming little face. She stared at Xiao Tian with a pair of cut water autumn eyes, for fear of missing something.

Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er both looked at Xiao Tian intently, for fear of missing something.

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