God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 929

"Regarding the fusion of Sanhua Borrowing Dao and Heaven-Swallowing Treasure Art, I have produced a total of two versions," Xiao Tian glanced across the four of them, and said lightly: "The first version is based on Sanhua Borrowing Dao as the core. , The Heaven-Swallowing Technique is used as an auxiliary fusion to form a non-phased magic body. The second version uses the Sky-Swallowing Technique as the core and Sanhua borrows the way as an auxiliary fusion to form a Devouring Body. I will demonstrate both versions. How much you can comprehend depends entirely on your own chance."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the eyes of Li Xie's four suddenly became solemn, and they stared at Xiao Tian intently, with expectations in their eyes.

Chapter 2281 No-phase Dharma Seal, No-phase Dharma Body!

Seeing the reaction of the four, Xiao Tian smiled faintly, then his expression became serious, his eyes became serious.

A faint pressure radiated from Xiao Tian. It was the pressure he unintentionally released, but it caused the surrounding space to vibrate. Numerous spatial cracks appeared, like a fierce beast that wanted to choose people and eat away. Everything is swallowed.

The four of Li Xie only found it difficult to breathe faintly. Even if they knew that Xiao Tian had no intention of killing them, the oppression was only unintentionally released by Xiao Tian, ​​but even so, the astonishing pressure also gave them extreme pressure. Big pressure!

"You are optimistic about it," Xiao Tian glanced over the four of them, and said in a deep voice: "I am currently using the intangible magic body. This secret technique is mainly based on the Three Flowers Borrowing Path, supplemented by the Heaven Swallowing Technique. , Can double the combat power!"

While talking, Xiao Tian pinched his right hand, and the complicated handprints appeared in Xiao Tian's hands, with a strong Taoist rhyme, as if there was some kind of heaven and earth!

"This set of mudra is the formless dharma seal, it is the matching attack method of the shamless body, and it is also the basis for the display of the invisible body!" Xiao Tian's tone was calm, his right hand suddenly shot out, and a giant hand shattered the sky. I lost the space in front of me and plunged into the void, leaving a gap in the space that could not be healed for a long time!

When Li Xie and the others saw this scene, their eyes became hot. Xiao Tian didn't have any power fluctuations when he cast the immortal seal. Obviously, the palm that Xiao Tian shot did not use any immortal power. Only by relying on his own power and the mystery of the Wuxiang Dharma seal, he has achieved this level!

The Wuxiang Dharma seal already possesses such power without any spiritual blessings from heaven and earth. Of course, there is Xiao Tian's level of realm, which can allow the Wuxiang Dharma seal to exert its extraordinary power, but it is also sufficient to explain the Wuxiang Dharma seal. The mystery!

This set of intangible seals, even if they were taken out alone, was considered a powerful means of attack. Putting them in nine heavens and ten places would attract a lot of looting from big forces!

However, such a set of Dharma seals is only the basis for the display of the non-phase Dharma body. How subtle should the non-phase Dharma body be?!

"Return to God!" Realizing that the four of them were distracted, Xiao Tian exclaimed with a solemn expression.

Li Xie and the others only felt that Lei Yin was waking up in their ears, and they were shocked when they looked at Xiao Tian, ​​who was expressionless!

Especially Li Xie and Xue Wu felt even more ashamed.

What are they doing?

Beings like Xiao Tian personally demonstrated the secret technique for them, but they were distracted at this time?!

If it weren't for Xiao Tian to wake them up, I'm afraid they would miss this big opportunity and regret it forever!

Li Xie's expression was also faintly embarrassed. He was also attracted by the mystery of the invisible Dharma Seal, and was also a little distracted. Although he was a disciple of Xiao Tian, ​​he was not worried that he would learn the invisible Dharma body, but it was the key point. Being distracted all the time really made him afraid to look at Xiao Tian.

On the contrary, Xiao Xian'er did not show any abnormality, and even secretly made a face at Xiao Tian, ​​with a mischievous smile on her small face.

Xiao Tian naturally saw Xiao Xian'er's expression, but he didn't say much.

He knew very well how strong Xiao Xian'er's savvy was. The mere set of intangible seals could not be regarded as a high-level secret technique. With Xiao Xian'er's amazing savvy, I am afraid that it can be perfectly displayed after seeing it once. Nor did he care about Xiao Xian'er's small movements.

With Xiao Xian'er's talent and perception, what if he is more partial?

"I have just demonstrated the Wuxiang Dharma seal. This set of mudra is only the basis of the Wuxiang Dharma body, and it is not a subtle method. Therefore, there is no need to understand it to a high level, as long as it can be successfully displayed."

Xiao Tian's gaze swept across the four of them, and he said with a serious face: "The formless body that I will use next is the most important thing."

As he spoke, Xiao Tian exuded an astonishing aura, and chaotic auras circulated around him, and behind him was a three-pedicle lotus phantom emerging out of thin air.

The flowers have three pedicles, three colors, and there is Taoist rhyme flowing on them, as if they are engraved with some kind of principle!

Under the gaze of Li Xie and others, three lotus flowers slowly bloomed, Xiao Tian's aura quickly increased, and the chaotic energy circulating beside him exuded amazing pressure, causing the surrounding space to crack continuously, as if to be pressed. Fall into the heavens!

And behind Xiao Tian, ​​the rhizome of the three-died lotus was submerged in the void, drawing strength from the void to bless Xiao Tian's body, the lotus will not disperse, and the strength will be endless!

"Is this the formless body?" Xue Wu grew up with a small mouth, her bright eyes filled with wonder.

Although she had clearly seen every movement of Xiao Tian's non-phase body, and because Xiao Tian deliberately showed, she even clearly recorded the movement of the fairy power in Xiao Tian's body, but even so, she was not sure to perform this A secret technique!

Because this secret technique is too advanced, she can't get a glimpse of its mystery in her current state, and even one-tenth can't understand it!

Li Xie also scratched his head in anguish, and he only realized about 60% of it. This was because the secret technique Sanhua Borrowed Dao was created by him and he knew this secret technique so well!

If it weren’t for his creation of the secret technique of the Three Flowers Borrowing Path, and in addition, the invisible body is a secret technique created by integrating the Three Flowers Borrowing Path as its core and fused with the Heaven-Swallowing Treasure, he would probably be at best. Comprehend about 30%!

Ye Li didn't have any expression on his face, but his body exuded an astonishing aura. Black air currents circulated beside him, and behind him a three-stalked lotus phantom slowly opened, and its roots sank into the void, from the void. Drawing strength, let Ye Li's breath quickly increase!

"Unexpectedly, this kid is extremely compatible with this formless body!" Xiao Tian glanced across Ye Li, also a little surprised.

He could see that Ye Li's comprehension of the Wuxiang Dharma body had not reached too high a level, and even Ye Li had not fully comprehended the Wuxiang Dharma body, and at best he had comprehended forty to 50%.

However, with this 40-50% insight, Ye Li was able to successfully display the Phaseless Law Body and doubled his combat power. The only reason was that Ye Li was extremely compatible with this Phaseless Law Body.

Therefore, even if it is just the incomplete formless body, it can still bloom amazing power on him!

However, Xiao Tian didn't pay much attention to Ye Li, because his gaze was attracted by Xiao Xian'er on the side at this moment.

Xiao Xian'er's star eyes closed slightly, her petite body suspended in mid-air, and a three-pedicle lotus blossomed behind her, and the chaotic energy surrounded Xiao Xian'er, as if his most loyal guard was protecting Xiao Xian'er in it. .

A hazy radiance enveloped Xiao Xian'er, making her slightly immature face covered with a holy color.

The aura that Xiao Xian'er exudes became even more frightening. Xiao Xian'er, who was originally only a quasi-emperor, had reached the early stage of the Great Emperor and had a tendency to continue to rise!

"Hee hee, big brother, you have learned this intangible physical form!" Seemingly aware of Xiao Tian's gaze, Xiao Xian'er suddenly opened her eyes, tilted her head, and made a grimace at Xiao Tian , Said with a smile.

Chapter 2282 swallows the body, violently plunders!

Hearing Xiao Xian'er's words, Xiao Tian couldn't help being amused.

He smiled and nodded to Xiao Xian'er, approvingly said: "Yes, very savvy."

Xiao Tian didn't have any surprises that Xiao Xian'er was able to comprehend the formless body so quickly. After all, he knew how amazing Xiao Xian'er's talent was.

Even without his demonstration, I am afraid Xiao Xian'er himself would be able to figure out a way to integrate the two secret arts of Heaven-Swallowing Treasure Art and Sanhua Borrowing Path, nothing more than the power may not be as powerful as the intangible body formed by system fusion. And the devouring body he deduced!

"Hee hee," Xiao Xian'er's smile on Xiao Tian's face became more intense when she heard Xiao Tian's words, and then tilted her head, wondering: "Big brother, does this formless body have other functions? "

"Try to attack me, try your best," Xiao Tian said with a little smile on his face when he heard the words.

He didn't expect Xiao Xian'er to realize that the non-phase body had other effects so quickly. This undoubtedly gave Xiao Tian a deeper understanding of Xiao Xian'er's amazing talent!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, a serious expression appeared on Xiao Xian'er's small face, and the whole body was agitated. Bai Shengsheng's small hands clenched his fists and slammed out of Xiao Tian's face.

She didn't save her hand with this punch, because she knew exactly how strong Xiao Tian was, and even if she tried her best, she might not be able to hurt Xiao Tian's hair!

Therefore, Xiao Xian'er did not have any reservations with this punch. The emperor's early cultivation base burst with all his strength, and the blast of Qi Jin shattered the void, and a series of space cracks appeared where the Qi Jin passed by, and countless space blades emerged from the space cracks. Fly out, turning this area into a deadly area of ​​murder!

Seeing Xiao Xian'er's punch, even if the three of Li Xie knew that Xiao Xian'er was talented, they couldn't help but their eyelids jumped.

This punch is too amazing, I am afraid that even the ordinary emperor must be extremely cautious when facing this punch, and if he is not careful, he may be severely injured by this punch!

Xiao Tian smiled faintly when he saw this. He didn't see any movement. A hazy brilliance radiated from him, and a cyan lotus root poked out from the void, stopping before Xiao Xian'er's breath of energy. .

The next moment, the terrifying suction burst out from the cyan lotus rhizome, and the majestic power carried by Xiao Xian'er's mighty attack was instantly taken away by the cyan lotus rhizome, and the remaining force was like a breeze blowing on his face. In Xiao Tian's body, only his clothes shook twice, and otherwise, Xiao Xian'er's attack could not have any effect on Xiao Tian!

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