God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 939

After all, being the number one on the list of Murong Qingcheng Tianjiao is already a legend in the eyes of countless people, and she does not need to defeat Li Xie to prove herself!

In this case, Murong Qingcheng will appear in Xueyang Village, and its purpose is naturally open to question!

Hearing Xiao Xian'er's words, Murong Qingcheng smiled slightly and waved away the mist covering his face, revealing an extremely delicate and flawless face.

"Qingcheng came here this time to fight Senior Xiao," Murong Qingcheng cast his gaze on the evil sword sword spirit at the entrance of Xueyang Village, and said with a serious face: "Qingcheng knows that such a request is a bit excessive, but I still hope that Senior can Give Qingcheng a call."

Although she had heard of Xiao Tian's deeds from the Patriarch of the Murong family, she was skeptical of Xiao Tian's strength.

After all, the fairyland has been broken for a long time, how could such a mysterious powerhouse suddenly appear!

In her opinion, Xiao Tian may only be better than the current twelve immortal kings of the immortal domain, and it is not as terrible as those immortal king experts said!

And this is why she is here!

She wanted to fight against Xiao Tian, ​​to see if Xiao Tian really, as the Patriarch of the Murong family had said, was able to participate in good fortune, looking at the fairyland and nine days and ten places, no one can match!

"Challenge Master?!"

Hearing Murong Qingcheng's words, Li Xie couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at Murong Qingcheng as if looking at a fool.

He knew very well how powerful Xiao Tian was. Although Murong Qingcheng was ranked first on the Tianjiao list, he might not even be considered as an ant in front of Xiao Tian!

But now Murong Qingcheng wants to fight Xiao Tian?

That is no different from the worm shaking the tree, it is simply not knowing the height of the sky!

The geniuses around were also surprised. They didn't expect that they would have heard such astonishing news that Murong Qingcheng wanted to challenge Xiao Tian!

Not only the geniuses around him, but even the Xiao Tian projection hidden in the sky above Xueyang Village was a little surprised. He didn't expect Murong Qingcheng to come to him!

"Miss Murong, the master is not in Xueyang Village," Jade Sword Sword Spirit said in a calm tone when he heard Murong Qingcheng's words: "If the girl really wants to challenge the master, you can fight the girl next time."

Now the Evil Jade Sword is already the pinnacle of the true immortal weapon. Although it has not yet transformed into the Immortal King Tool, it is not far away. As the Evil Sword Sword Spirit, he can mobilize the power of the Evil Sword and can easily play the true role. The strength of the fairy peak.

Murong Qingcheng was silent for a moment when she heard the words. She actually thought that Xiao Tian was not in Xueyang Village. After all, even if Xiao Tian's strength was not as unfathomable as the Twelve Immortal Kings said, his strength was in the Twelve Immortal Kings. The above is beyond doubt.

It seems that this kind of strong person is that the dragon sees the head but not the end, so she came to Xueyang Village with the mentality of a try this time, so she heard the evil sword sword spirit say that Xiao Tian is not in Xueyang Village. Murong Qingcheng was not too disappointed.

"Thank you Senior for your kindness," Murong Qingcheng arched his hands at the Evil Sword Sword Spirit, and said with a smile: "Qingcheng just wants to fight Senior Xiao, to see how strong the legendary Senior Xiao is."

"Never mind," Hearing Murong Qingcheng's words, the Evil Sword and Sword Spirit didn't say much. Although he had some itchy hands and wanted to find someone to fight him, Murong Qingcheng has made it clear that he will not fight with Xiao Tian. He naturally wouldn’t force it.

After all, if you really want to count it, Murong Qingcheng can only be counted as his junior. If he is reluctant, he will be a little too depressed!

"Little girl, you said you want to challenge me?"

At this moment, a very calm voice sounded over Xueyang Village, and Xiao Tian's projection stepped out of the void, with a calm expression.

"Master/Big Brother!" Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er said with joy immediately when they saw Xiao Tian's projection.

Murong Qingcheng's eyes lit up even more, and she felt a little excited.

However, his gaze only swept away from Xiao Tian's projection, and the excitement in Murong Qingcheng's heart instantly disappeared, replaced by a deep disappointment.

"Senior is not Senior Xiao Tian," Murong Qingcheng looked at Xiao Tian's projection with a cold expression: "Senior Xiao can't be so weak!"

Although in her perception, Xiao Tian’s projection is the existence of the pinnacle of true immortality, such a master is also the top existence even if it is placed in the fairyland, and it is not a “weak” character at all, but if Xiao Tian only has this The strength of, is undoubtedly weak to the extreme!

"I am indeed not the main body," Xiao Tian's projection smiled when he heard Murong Qingcheng's words, and said with a calm face: "I am just a projection left by the main body. The cultivation base is only the peak of the true immortal, which can be described as compared to the main body Great differences.

But even so, I am still a projection left by the ontology, possessing all the fighting experience and skills of the ontology, fighting against me is, in a sense, fighting against the ontology, but the ontology is stronger."

Xiao Tian's projection paused when he said that, then turned his gaze to Murong Qingcheng and said lightly: "The body has always liked to play the world. At the moment, I don't know which corner you want to find the body. That is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

What's more, with the nature of the ontology, even if you find him, he will not be able to fight with you...because you are too weak!"

Xiao Tian's projection tone was calm, as if he was explaining a fact.

But when the surrounding geniuses and Murong Qingcheng heard Xiao Tian's projection, they couldn't refute it.

If other people say that Murong Qingcheng is weak, they might still sneer at him. After all, Murong Qingcheng is the number one in Tianjiao, the peerless Tianjiao of Xianyu, whose strength is unpredictable. If such people are weak, how can they be strong?

But it was Xiao Tian's projection that said this, even if it was just a projection, it also represented Xiao Tian!

With Xiao Tian's strength and identity, he is indeed qualified not to put Murong Qingcheng in his eyes!

Chapter 2296 After March!

Murong Qingcheng didn't get angry when she heard Xiao Tian's projection. She knew that what Xiao Tian's projection said was the truth. In fact, it wasn't just him, even the twelve immortal kings of the Immortal Territory might not be qualified to challenge Xiao Tian.

After all, Xiao Tian’s strength is unfathomable. No one knows where the bottom line of Xiao Tian’s strength lies. This one has created the Tianjiao list, and the mysterious powerhouse who has made Xianyu and Jiutianshidi turbulent has been shrouded in it. In a thick mysterious fog, people can't see his reality.

Before Feixianxing's battle, everyone thought that Xiao Tian was just an ordinary quasi-emperor, but he used the body of quasi-emperor to defeat the three extremely sublime ancient emperors, and he was unharmed!

Before going to the fairyland, some people thought that Xiao Tian was just an ordinary great emperor, but he showed amazing strength in the fairyland, helping the powerhouse at the peak of the true fairy to break through to the realm of the fairy king in one fell swoop!

Therefore, no one dared to say that he could understand Xiao Tian's reality.

The strong man who created the Tianjiao ranking is like a cloud of mist, suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and inadvertently showed amazing strength!

"How can Qingcheng challenge Senior Xiao?" Murong Qingcheng looked at Xiao Tian's projection and said in a deep voice.

She wanted to fight against Xiao Tian, ​​to see the strength of this most mysterious master, and this was the only reason she came here this time!

"This matter is not difficult," Xiao Tian's projection smiled, and said in a calm tone: "The body has something to do recently. At this moment, it should be in the depths of the chaotic void. If you can find the body, you are naturally qualified to He fights."

Although he was only a projection left by Xiao Tian, ​​he also knew that after creating him, Xiao Tian went to the depths of the chaotic void and would not leave in a short time.

And he also knew the nature of the ontology. If Murong Qingcheng could really find the ontology in the depths of the chaotic void, with the nature of the ontology cherishing talent, he would fight Murong Qingcheng.

"Deep in the Chaos Void?"

Murong Qingcheng's eyes flashed. As the descendant of the Murong Family in the Immortal Territory, an ancient family that has been passed on for countless years, she naturally knows some information about the chaotic void, and with her current strength, it is nothing to enter the chaotic void. Difficult.

It’s just that in case of any danger, it’s hard for her to retreat. After all, the chaos is everywhere in the void, and even the strong in the realm of the realm must be careful, only the pinnacle can explore freely in the chaos It is only aimed at the periphery of the Chaos Void.

If you want to go deep into the chaotic void, you must at least reach the level of the fairy king!

And the incarnation of Xiao Tian told her that if she wanted to challenge Xiao Tian, ​​she had to go deep into the chaotic void. The implication was that she had to reach the realm of the fairy king to be qualified to challenge Xiao Tian!

"Qingcheng understands," Murong Qingcheng arched his hand against Xiao Tian's projection, and then turned around and left Xueyang Village without hesitation.

Her goal this time was just to challenge Xiao Tian. Now that she couldn't fight Xiao Tian, ​​she naturally didn't have the need to stay.

Seeing Murong Qingcheng walking altogether, Xiao Tian Projection was also taken aback. He was ready to take action. Who knew that Murong Qingcheng had left like this, which undoubtedly made him happy!

Shaking his head, Xiao Tian's projected figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

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