God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 940

Xue Yan has been defeated by Li Xie, and it is estimated that not many of the people present are Li Xie's opponents, and he does not need to continue to pay attention. Moreover, although he is only a projection left by Xiao Tian, ​​he can still perceive. When the Tianjiao list changes, there is no need to pay attention to Li Xie all the time...


After March, in the depths of the Chaos Void, a shadow of three lotus flowers was shrouded in the sky above the mainland where nine dragon shadows could be seen. A figure in white clothes slowly opened his eyes.

"I didn't expect to try to help this fairyland fragment evolve into a complete world. There would be such a gain," Xiao Tian looked at the continent below which was about to evolve, exuding an astonishing aura.

That is a terrifying aura that surpasses the level of the fairy king. Just a wisp of pressure can make it difficult for the general fairy king powerhouse to act, and only the fairy king giant can respond under such pressure!

And behind Xiao Tian, ​​there was a figure in white clothes standing proudly in the void. That figure was exactly the same as Xiao Tian's face, but his eyes were deeper, as if a starry sky was hidden.

"Now I am at the level of the Immortal Emperor, and the incarnation of the Primordial God is also the Immortal Emperor. If it is merged, it should be able to impact the realm of the Immortal Emperor," Xiao Tian gazes from the surroundings and secretly said.

The incarnation of the soul was summoned when he helped the fragment of the fairyland evolve toward the complete world. With the help of the power drawn from the depths of the void when the fragment of the fairyland evolved, his incarnation of the soul was also from the realm of the emperor. Stepping directly into the Emperor Zhunxian within time can be said to be a step up to the sky.

Now if he had merged with the incarnation of the Primordial God, Xiao Tian would be 90% sure to break through to the immortal emperor level in one fell swoop!

It's just that the current rules of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and Immortal Territory are not completed, Xiao Tian is not sure if he breaks through will have any impact on Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and Immortal Territory.

Before he returned to Nine Heavens and Ten Lands with the pinnacle of the Immortal King realm, he was already faintly rejected by the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. Wang Dianfeng's cultivation base.

Now if he breaks into the realm of the immortal emperor in the chaotic void, he will probably be rejected by the nine days and ten places and cannot enter the nine days and ten places. At that time, he can only focus on the nine days and ten places outside the nine days and ten places, and focus on the nine days and ten places. The development of the land!

"Now this piece of fairyland is about to transform and complete a world. If it goes well, it will be able to complete the transformation smoothly within three to five days. I won't be able to get involved..." Xiao Tian muttered while looking at the continent under his feet.

The world under his feet is now on the verge of complete transformation, and he can't get involved in this process, and can only wait for the final result.

And he naturally didn't have such a leisurely mind and just waited aside, after all, the changes in the pile of immortal king powerhouses in the sea and the changes in the ultimate ancient land were all problems he wanted to solve.

While his strength is improving, the mysterious powerhouse hidden in the ultimate ancient land is also completing his arrangement. If he wastes too much time, it will be difficult to solve the mysterious powerhouse hidden in the ultimate ancient land. It will be much bigger!

"Wait for the fragments of the fairyland to transform into a world, and after fusing it with the fairyland, they will begin to attack the realm of the immortal emperor. In the past few days, let's try it first and find the feeling!"

Xiao Tian cast his gaze in the direction of Jiehai with deep eyes. After a while, Xiao Tian made a decision in his heart.

Chapter 2297 How to impact the Emperor!

For Xiao Tian, ​​the top priority is to solve the hidden dangers on the side of Jiehai. In contrast, the nine days and ten places and the immortal domain must be put aside.

Therefore, Xiao Tian quickly made the decision to first attack the Immortal Emperor realm and solve the hidden dangers on the side of the sea. As for the nine days and ten places, there will be no accidents with the projections left by him.

After all, no matter how much his projection has the cultivation base of the true celestial peak, with that secret technique, as long as it is not made by the fairy king, no one can help his projection!

But now the powerful immortal kings of Jiutianshidi and Xianyu are all helped to break through. Those people do not have the courage to shoot his projection, so even if he only left a projection of the pinnacle of true fairy realm, it is still enough to shock Jiutianshi. Powers of the earth and the fairyland!

Therefore, even after the fragments of the fairyland in front of us degenerate into a complete world, the fairyland that integrates this world will also undergo a qualitative change. It can accommodate a large number of powerful immortal kings, and can even carry the peak of the immortal king giants. The projection of the realm of real fairyland can still master everything!

What's more, after the immortal domain merges with this fragment of the immortal domain that has transformed into a complete world, the immortal domain may be able to carry a powerhouse of the immortal emperor level. At that time, he can naturally enter and leave the immortal domain at will, as for nine days. Ten Di, originally had the same root as the Immortal Territory, as long as he could enter the Immortal Territory, Jiu Tian Shi Di would not have much rejection of him.

And this is why Xiao Tian made a decision so quickly!

After making the decision, Xiao Tian did not hesitate at all, a little bit below his feet, and appeared in the distance, stepping on the void.

Although he was only trying to fuse the primordial spirit incarnation to attack the immortal emperor realm, the energy emitted during the breakthrough was still easy to affect the destructive fragments of the immortal domain, so Xiao Tian had to distance himself from the fragment of the immortal domain.

After pulling away from the fragment of the fairyland, Xiao Tian stepped on the void and his eyes were deep. Behind him, his primordial spirit incarnation had no expression on his face, his eyes were like a deep pool, reflecting the starry sky.


Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, Xiao Tian's eyes became solemn, and the Nine-turn Immortal Body quietly revolved, and a faint golden light emerged from Xiao Tian's body, covering him.

At almost the same time, the primordial spirit incarnation behind Xiao Tian burned with a pale golden flame. Under the burning of the pale golden flames, the primordial spirit incarnation became illusory, and there was a strong Taoist rhyme. It radiated from above the incarnation of the god, spilt around.

Xiao Tian looked solemnly. Although this time he was only trying to fuse the soul incarnation to attack the immortal emperor realm, Xiao Tian still did not dare to be sloppy, because a little carelessness could cause his soul incarnation to dissipate directly!

Even if the incarnation of the primordial spirit dissipated, it would not have any effect on him, but it only made him break through to the immortal emperor longer, but if he could break through to the immortal emperor realm as soon as possible, Xiao Tian would naturally not be willing to drag him behind.

After all, the situation on the other side of the sea is unknown, and there are mysterious powerhouses in the ultimate ancient land that need to be solved by him. If he wastes too much time, it is likely to make things more difficult!

The Nine Revolving Indestructible Body revolved, and Xiao Tian exuded terrifying suction. Masses of heaven and earth auras poured towards Xiao Tian from all directions, forming a huge aura cocoon, enveloping Xiao Tian.

This is the result of Xiao Tian deliberately controlling the speed at which he draws aura so as not to affect the fragments of the immortal realm that is undergoing transformation. Otherwise, with Xiao Tian’s current realm, he can completely grab all the auras around him in an instant The chaotic void has become a dead zone!

With the formation of the cocoon of spiritual energy, a large number of mysterious runes appeared on it in an instant. Xiao Tian's soul incarnation burned with flames, surrounded the cocoon of spiritual energy, and burned down golden runes with beating flames.

After a few breaths, the pale golden flames on Xiao Tian's avatar disappeared, and his figure flashed, appearing above the degenerating fairyland fragments.

This was when Xiao Tian realized that the energy in the primordial spirit incarnation was almost exhausted, and forcibly interrupted the primordial spirit incarnation to continue fusion.

Because if the fusion continues, the incarnation of the soul is likely to dissipate, and he is only trying to merge this time, and does not intend to use this opportunity to attack the immortal emperor realm, so Xiao Tian directly interrupted the fusion process!

As the incarnation of the primordial spirit left, the golden rune brilliance above the aura cocoon instantly became dimmed, and countless cracks appeared on the aura cocoon. In the next moment, Xiao Tian directly broke out of the aura cocoon. , There seems to be Taoist rhyme flowing on the body, which makes people unable to look away.

"It's still a little bit closer," Xiao Tian muttered to himself, feeling the strength in his body.

He had faintly touched the threshold of the Immortal Emperor just now, but after the primordial spirit incarnation interrupted the fusion, the faint feeling disappeared instantly.

Obviously, it is feasible to attack the immortal emperor realm by fusing the incarnation of the primordial spirit, but this approach is also very risky, because if you can't seize the fleeting opportunity and break into the immortal emperor realm, the primordial spirit The avatar will dissipate in vain, and Xiao Tian can only think of another way to attack the emperor!

"Wait for the transformation of the fragments of the fairyland to complete," Xiao Tian cast his gaze to the continent not far away, surrounded by the shadows of three lotus flowers and nine dragons, with a little more expectation in his eyes.

Although the time he tried to fuse the primordial spirit incarnation seemed extremely short, while he was fusing the primordial spirit incarnation, the fragment of the fairyland had reached the final moment of transformation, and the transformation would be completed soon!

Under Xiao Tian's gaze, the Santi lotus phantom that enveloped the entire continent trembled twice, and the surrounding chaotic void was shaken. The next moment, the Santi lotus phantom collapsed, and the terrifying aura impacted. It spreads towards the surroundings, making the void tremble endlessly.

Xiao Tian easily propped up a barrier to isolate the horrible impact of the spiritual energy. In the depths of the void, those fairy king masters who went deep into the chaotic void to find the fragments of the immortal domain also noticed the shock of the chaotic void, and their eyes were a little bit more joyful!

"Friend Xiaoyun, did you notice the abnormality just now?" The old temple master of the Temple of the Beginning of the Beginning directly communicated with a jade talisman hanging on his waist, looking a little excited.

In the depths of this chaotic void, the only thing that can threaten them is the void storm, but if the void storm breaks out, this is not the case at all.

Therefore, the old temple master of the Temple of the Beginning of the Beginning guessed that the fluctuations just now might be related to the fragments of the fairyland, so the peak powerhouse of the fairyland did not hesitate to communicate directly with Taoist Xiaoyun.

After all, if the movement was really made by the fragments of the fairyland, they found the fragment of the fairyland, and they would undoubtedly be able to complete the fairyland, and they might be able to break through to a higher realm by then!

Chapter 2298 Chance!

"Daoist friend from the beginning, did you notice it?" Taoist Xiaoyun felt the abnormal movement of the jade talisman on his waist, and instantly immersed his divine consciousness in it. Then he heard the words of the old hall master of the temple of the beginning, and he couldn't help saying at the moment.

"However, these visions may have something to do with the fragments of the fairyland. I am planning to explore the direction from which the change came," the voice of the old hall master of the Temple of the Beginning of the Beginning came from the jade charm, with a bit of joy.

Taoist Xiaoyun could also understand why that old friend was so excited, because although they broke through to the realm of the immortal king with the help of Xiao Tian, ​​after breaking into the realm of the immortal king, they also discovered that the current fairyland can only carry The powerhouses in the early days of the fairy king, the twelve of them broke through to the realm of the fairy king, and the fairyland had faintly rejected them.

And this is why they rushed into the Chaos Void after the Tianjiao ranking was released. First, it was Xiao Tian's order, but second, it was also because of Xianyu's rejection of them!

They know very well that if they stay in the fairyland for a long time, they will probably be repelled by the fairyland. They can only wait for the fairyland to complete the part and then try to return to the fairyland!

Even Taoist Yu Xiaoyun secretly guessed that Xiao Tian might be at the end of the Ancient Chaos Era. After Emperor Huangtian arbitrarily broke through to the realm of the immortal king after arbitrarily for eternity, the emperor unexpectedly broke into the realm of the immortal king. Xianyu was excluded, until the fragments of the fairyland were found and the fairyland had completed some parts, then he could return to the fairyland.

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