God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 941

Similarly, for the former No. 1 Tianjiao of the Immortal Territory, why Yi Qingshan, whose strength is still above them, has been stopping for half a step, but has been unable to take the last step, Taoist Xiaoyun also has speculation.

That is, Yi Qingshan discovered this problem. He did not take the last step, not because he was unable to take that step, but because Yi Qingshan knew that once he took that step, he would be excluded from Xianyu. Cannot return to the fairyland!

At that time, the fairyland was invaded by foreign powerhouses, and it was necessary for the peak powerhouse Yi Qingshan to sit down. Perhaps this was the reason why Yi Qingshan only stopped for half a step until his fall!

"I'm also rushing over there," Taoist Xiaoyun suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart, and transmitted the sound through the jade note: "Daoist fellow in the early days, be careful, lest any accidents happen, I will notify other fellow Taoists to see if they are aware of it. To the previous change."

Daoist Xiaoyun finished speaking, but the old hall master of the Temple of the Beginning did not immediately reply, which made Daoist Xiaoyun's heart hang.

Although they are powerful immortal kings, they don't know much about the depths of the chaotic void. After all, it hasn't been long before they broke through to the immortal king realm, and they have never entered the depths of the chaotic void before.

Although they speculated that the previous change may be related to the fragments of the fairyland, they did not rule out the unknown danger. The old palace master of the temple of the early days suddenly lost contact, which made his heart can not help but cloud a layer of haze!

Just when Daoist Xiaoyun was thinking about whether to contact Xiao Tian and ask Xiao Tian to take action, the voice of the old hall master of the Temple of Absolute Beginning came from the jade charm, with a bit of excitement: "Daoist Xiaoyun, you don't need to come over. The previous change was indeed related to the fragments of the fairyland. It was Senior Xiao who accelerated the transformation of a fragment of the fairyland into a complete world, and the previous movement was caused by the transformation of the fragment of the fairyland into a complete world!

Now that fragment of the fairyland has been transported away, it should have reached the nine heavens and ten earth. Now Senior Xiao has left the chaotic void, and should have gone to the fairyland. Daoist Xiaoyun, please inform the other Daoists and let them return to the fairyland. , In addition, I have a hunch to inform the outstanding younger generations in the clan. Maybe we will get a great opportunity this time. If we miss it, we will regret it for life!"

Hearing the words of the old hall master of the Temple of the Beginning, the Taoist Xiaoyun condensed his eyes without any hesitation, and flew directly towards the direction of the fairyland. At the same time, the Taoist Taoist Xiaoyun directly activated all the sound transmission jade talismans on his body and brought the temple The words of the old palace master were relayed to the other powerhouses in Xianyu.

The remaining ten immortal domain experts who were exploring the depths of the chaotic void did not hesitate after receiving the news and hurried directly towards the immortal domain.

They knew exactly how powerful Xiao Tian was. Xiao Tian helped a piece of fairyland evolve into a complete world this time. It was of course intentional. If they missed this grand occasion, they might have missed one. Great opportunity!

Therefore, the ten strong immortal domains did not hesitate, and rushed back to the immortal domain directly, and on the way contacted their own forces by various means, so that they could bring the outstanding descendants of the forces to the Xiaoyun Palace!

Because they knew very well that if Xiao Tian returned to the Immortal Territory, he would choose to settle in the Xiaoyun Palace. Although the strong immortal kings were envious of Taoist Xiaoyun, they knew that it was not the time to be jealous, even if they were envious again. , Also forcibly suppressed other emotions in his heart, allowing the outstanding younger generation to rush to the Palace of Xiaoyun.


As the pinnacle experts of the fairyland sent the news back to the fairyland, their power was also shaken, and a large number of tianjiao were gathered together and brought to the Xiaoyun Temple, and the experts of the Xiaoyun Temple had long been obtained from the Taoist Xiaoyun. Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, it has long been arranged where other forces will stay.

It’s just that the abnormal movement of the peak forces in the fairyland has made other forces in the fairyland a little confused. Some well-informed forces have heard some inside stories and hurriedly summoned the geniuses in the forces to the Xiaoyun Temple, but there are still many forces who don’t Knowing what happened, and worrying about what happened, directly closed the gate.

At the same time that the fairyland was turbulent due to the news from the strongmen of the fairyland, Xiao Tian's projection appeared in Xueyang Village, directly ending the battle between a Tianjiao ranking genius and Li Xie, and sent one away. After the sword intent was used as compensation, Xiao Tian's projection led Li Xie, Xiao Xian'er, Ye Li and Xue Wu to leave Xueyang Village and appeared in Xiaoyun Palace.

There are also well-informed forces in Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. They also learned the news of Xianyu, and quickly summoned the geniuses in the forces to reach the Xiaoyun Palace through the space channel left by Xiao Tian on Fei Xianxing...


"Is this the fairyland? It's really different from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

In Xiaoyun Hall, Xiao Xian'er looked around curiously, and then couldn't help but sigh.

Because this time the immortal domain is fused with fragments from one party that has transformed into a complete world, which is different from the previous situation.

Even Xiao Tian didn’t have complete certainty, so in addition to letting the projection bring Li Xie and others to Xiaoyundian, Xiao Tian also instructed the projection to do a few more things, so Xiao Tian’s projection was in charge of Li Xie. After they were brought to the Xiaoyun Hall, they left. Only Xiao Xian'er, Li Xie and Xue Wuyeli remained in the Xiaoyun Hall.

And Xiao Xian'er wasn't an idle temper, she just wandered around Xiaoyun Hall with Li Xie, and then she had what she said before.

Chapter 2299 Xiaoyun saint son Li Xiaoyun!

"Well, the aura of heaven and earth here is indeed much richer than nine days and ten places," Li Xie nodded when hearing Xiao Xian'er's words, and said with emotion, "If I cultivate in such an environment, I am afraid that I am already a great emperor. Maybe, and with your talent, it's not impossible to step into the realm of true immortality."

Xue Wu and Ye Li on the side also nodded in agreement. They could be friends with Xiao Xian'er and Li Xie. Naturally, their talents could not be bad. Needless to say, Ye Li, the young master of the Immortal Sword Sect, though talent Not to mention how amazing it is, but it definitely surpasses countless people.

And Xue Wu was accepted as a disciple by Yi Qingshan, the number one arrogant of the Xianyu, and his talent also need not be said!

The geniuses around heard Li Xie’s words, and they didn’t say much either. Now in Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and the Immortal Territory, there is probably no one who does not know the information of Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, and Xiaoyundian stayed as a Taoist Taoist. Under the Taoism, Xiaoyundian disciples knew very well about Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er.

Therefore, although Li Xie's words were a bit arrogant, no one felt that there was anything wrong with it.

Because Li Xie has the confidence to say this!

"I don't know what the big brother wanted to do when he brought us to Xianyu?" Xiao Xian'er glanced over the geniuses around him and asked with some doubts.

Xiao Tian's projection only brought them to Xiaoyun Hall, and said nothing else, which made her a little confused.

However, Xiao Xian'er also knew that Xiao Tian would not do meaningless things, so she also secretly left Xiaoyun Palace, but this feeling of ignorance made her a little uncomfortable.

"Master must have his intention to do this," Li Xie smiled upon hearing this, and said: "Since the master let the projection left by him bring us to Xianyu, I am afraid that Xianyu has some chance to be born."

Li Xie knew Xiao Tian very well, so he guessed the cause and effect after just a little thought.

If there were any dangers to happen in the nine days and ten places, Xiao Tian would definitely not be able to take them away from the nine days and ten places in such a hurry. After all, with Xiao Tian's strength, there might be nothing that could threaten him in the nine days and ten places!

Therefore, the only possibility is that Xianyu may have some great chance to be born!

"Brother Li is right." As soon as Li Xie's voice fell, there was a clear voice not far away: "According to the information the ancestor told us, this time Senior Xiao intends to transform a piece of fairyland fragment that has been transformed into a complete world. With the integration of the fairyland today, there may be great opportunities in the process of fusion of the two worlds, so the ancestors will gather us here."

A green shirt man walked out of the crowd with a gentle smile on his face: "I had some doubts in my heart, but now I see Brother Li, but I don't have any more doubts."

"Your Excellency?"

Li Xie's gaze fell on the man in the blue shirt, his eyes condensed slightly. The man in the blue shirt gave him a mysterious feeling, just like the Murong Qingcheng he had seen in Xueyang Village before. This man's temperament is not as cold as Murong Qingcheng's. Although this blue shirt man has an elegant temperament, he is very easy to get close to.

"Look at my memory!" Hearing Li Xie's words, the man in the green shirt slapped his forehead and apologized: "I forgot to introduce myself in Xia Xia. Now, Li Xiaoyun, I will be the son of this Xiaoyun Temple."

Li Xiaoyun was also a little embarrassed when he spoke. As the saint son of Xiaoyun Temple, he is now a peerless wizard on the list of Tianjiao second only to Murong Qingcheng. In the entire fairyland, his name Li Xiaoyun can be said to be unknown to everyone. , So he forgot to introduce himself subconsciously before.

After all, in his opinion, it should be impossible for a genius to appear in Xiaoyun Palace without knowing him!

As a result, Li Xie suddenly asked his identity, which made him a little embarrassed for a while.

However, Li Xiaoyun is the saint son of Xiaoyun Temple after all, and his temperament is naturally not bad, so he quickly adjusted his mentality, Chong Lixie and others said.

"It turns out to be the Son of Xiaoyun!" Li Xie suddenly said, "I don't know what is the fusion of the fragments of the fairyland and the fairyland that the son of Xiaoyun said before?"

Li Xie didn't know much about Xianyu, not just Li Xie, even Xue Wu, who was the former disciple of Yi Qingshan, the number one arrogant of Xianyu, didn't know much about Xianyu.

Because neither Xiao Tian nor Yi Qingshan had popularized the news of Xianyu to their disciples, and I don’t know if they had forgotten this or they had other considerations, but the fact is that Xiao Xian’er and Xue Wu are still Xianyu doesn't know much about it.

"Senior Xiao didn't tell Brother Li about this?"

Li Xiaoyun couldn’t help being a little surprised when he heard this. When he wanted to come to Li Xie as Xiao Tian’s disciple, he should know Xianyu very well. However, Li Xie knew nothing about the situation in Xianyu and looked at Xiao who was beside Li Xie. Xian'er also had Xue Wu's expression, and he could see that not only Li Xie, but even Xiao Xian'er and Xue Wu didn't understand the situation in Xianyu today!

You must know that Xue Wu is the disciple of Yi Qingshan, the first arrogant of the fairyland in the past, so it stands to reason that you should know some things about the fairyland!

"Master never mentioned it," Li Xie said with a wry smile: "Maybe it is because Master thinks that this kind of news is not worth his time to explain to me."

"Senior Xiao's style of behavior has always been unpredictable, but it is not impossible to do so," Li Xiaoyun also reacted, and said with a wicked smile: "If Brother Li doesn't dislike it, you might as well go down to the palace and give a comment. Tell me about Xianyu for Brother Li."

"So, there will be Saint Son of Lao Xiaoyun," Li Xie did not refuse. He can say that he knows nothing about Xianyu now. The fact that Li Xiaoyun such a local snake introduced the situation of Xianyu is the same thing for him. Good thing.

Seeing Li Xie's agreement, Li Xiaoyun didn't say much, and led Li Xie's four directly towards a partial hall...

At the same time, somewhere in the nine heavens and ten places, Xiao Tian's figure emerged out of thin air. Not far in front of him, nine dragon corpses glowing with icy light dragged a huge ancient bronze coffin and flew in the void. I don't know where to fly.

That is exactly what the former Emperor Huang Tian used the supreme magic method to reshape the body of the true dragon corpse in the Jiutiao Immortal Dao realm, and finally formed the Nine Dragon Coffin!

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