After hesitating for a while, Ge Ye Qiao still accepted it, because he knew that there was no evidence yet, and there was nothing for a lock species, and of course he was also curious about the battle between armored knights that Sid said.

Watching the two accept their gifts, Sid continued

“This lock is newly developed, I wish you guys a good time!”

After saying that, he left very dashingly.

Wang Luo in the audience saw Sid leave and immediately left the audience, just now he saw the lock that Sid gave Ge Yeqi and the two suddenly thought that the motorcycle that the lock species turned into could freely shuttle through the underworld of Heim.

If he gets a lock seed like that, then he will not be able to freely travel to and from the Heim Underworld, and by then how many fruits he will have in the Heim Underworld, thinking of this, Wang Luo will not even have the mood to continue watching.

After the plot, Wang Luo knows it, and the two will eventually enter the underworld of Heim.

After leaving the audience, Wang Luo quietly followed Sid.


Sid was walking down the road and suddenly felt as if he was being followed, stopped and glanced behind him, but did not see any clues.


He shook his head and thought in his heart, ‘Did I think too much’, and then walked forward calmly.


Not far behind him, Wang Luo let out a breath.

“I didn’t expect this product to be quite sensitive.”

Thinking of this, Wang Luo felt that he should change his strategy, and did not continue to follow Sid, but detoured to his front.

Lie in ambush in a no-man’s land and wait for Sid to come, which is the closest way to the World Tree.

“It seems that I really think too much!”

Along the way, Sid did not take the usual path, but deliberately took a detour, and if someone followed him, then he must be able to see it.

Because Wang Luo had already ambushed in front of him, Sid certainly did not find anything abnormal.

After dispelling his doubts, Sid sorted out his mind and prepared to return to the World Tree.

“Finally here, it seems that my tracking technology is still not at home!”

After waiting for Sid to come over for so long, Wang Luo could only think of one reason, that is, he was indeed exposed just now, but fortunately he was smart enough to ambush him in front of him.

Because Wang Luo just saw that the route that Sid took was towards the World Tree, this scene was created.

“Look at the fight!”

As soon as Sid passed by the place where Wang Luo was ambushed, Wang Luo suddenly jumped up and slashed at the back of Sid’s neck with a knife in his hand.


As soon as Sid heard a voice, he suddenly felt black in front of his eyes, and then he didn’t know anything.

Looking at Sid Wang Luo lying on the ground, he clapped his hands with satisfaction, there was no such trouble, because there were too many people on the road just now and it was difficult to do it.

I originally wanted to go to a no-man’s place with him and start again, but the vigilance of this goods was too high, so it could only be like this.

Crouched down and rummaged through Sid’s bag.

“Heh, I didn’t expect that there were quite a lot of good things in this product.”

In Sid’s bag, Wang Luo found two battle pole drives, as well as several A-class lock species, but the most important lock species was the one that had just given Ge Ye to kill them.

“Okay, at least better than nothing!”

No politeness, Wang Luo packed everything and took it away.

“Well, it hurts!”

Sid sobered up soon after Wang Luo left, in fact, Wang Luo did not exert much strength, now his strength has reached an advanced level, even Yicheng force is not something that Sid, a mortal fetus, can bear.

“What happened to me just now!”

Holding his somewhat aching neck, Sid thought suspiciously.

“By the way, it seems that someone attacked me just now, not good!”

Remembering the last sound he heard before falling into a coma, Sid finally remembered that someone had attacked him just now, and then he remembered the things he was carrying, which might not be so important if they were in the future, but now they are important props for the World Tree experiment.

“It’s over, how to explain it to Professor Guihu and Lingma!”

After looking at his bag, sure enough, everything is gone, and he will definitely be disciplined to death by his own head when he goes back.

Sid’s embarrassment Wang Luo didn’t know, of course, even if he knew, he wouldn’t care, Wang Luo took out the lock at this moment, and a motorcycle appeared in front of him after using it.

The front of the car is rose-style, but it is white, and the body looks more handsome.


Wang Luo got on a motorcycle, and he wanted to enter the underworld of Heim at the moment to take a look.

“Ge Ye Qi, they haven’t come out yet!”

Wang Luo thought in his heart.


Start, go, a series of actions in one go, speaking of which he has not ridden a motorcycle for a long time.

After the speed soared, petals appeared in front of him, and then the space not far away bloomed like a flower.

Without hesitation, Wang Luo accelerated his speed and rushed in.

After a period of blindness, Wang Luo saw a forest that was not boundary.

“Come in!”

Putting away the motorcycle, Wang Luo put the lock seed back into the system space.

“I’ll go, this is indeed heaven!”

The dense fruit in front of him attracted Wang Luo’s saliva down, for others, this fruit may be taboo, but for Wang Luo, this is the supreme delicacy, good taste can also improve strength, who can resist such a good thing.

Reaching out and picking a fruit down, he peeled the skin, and the crystal clear flesh made Wang Luo can’t wait.

Slowly brought the pulp to his mouth, and just when Wang Luo wanted to bite down, a voice suddenly startled Wang Luo.

“Stop, can’t eat!”

“I’ll go, who!”

Wang Luo’s hand shook and the flesh fell to the ground.

“What a pity, what a pity!”

Looking at the flesh that fell to the ground, Wang Luo was a little distressed, and he was also a little angry with the owner of the voice just now.

As soon as he raised his head and wanted to say two words to him, the owner of the voice spoke first.

“Hey, do you know that the fruits in this forest are not edible, do you know what the consequences will be if you eat them, and where did you come in?”

Hearing this voice, Wang Luo was suddenly stunned, and then understood.

“So it’s this guy!”

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