“Ge Ye Qiqi!”

The person who appeared in front of Wang Luo was none other than Ge Ye Qiang.

“It’s really a fate, such a big forest can actually meet here!”

“Ge Ye Qi, can you still know me?”

Knowing the identity of the person coming, Wang Luo turned his face towards Ge Ye Qiang.

“You, you…”

Ge Ye Qiqi was a little shocked when he saw Wang Luo’s face, he didn’t expect to meet Wang Luo here.

“Wang, Wang Luo, why are you here!”

Ge Ye Qiqi was still quite impressed by Wang Luo, and he didn’t run away in the face of Invase before, and he felt that Wang Luo was a real man.

“That’s right!”

After the shock, he remembered Wang Luo’s dangerous action just now.

“Wang Luo, do you know that you almost died just now.”

“What’s wrong!”

Wang Luo looked at Ge Ye Qiantai and asked knowingly, of course, Ge Ye Qiantai didn’t know.

“Do you know that the fruits of this forest cannot be eaten, and that after eating them, they will…”

As soon as he said this, Ge Ye Xiangtai suddenly looked at Wang Luo with a stunned face.

“Qi, it’s okay for me to call you that, you just said what will happen after you eat it”

Saying that, he took another bite of the fruit.

“You, you…”

Ge Ye Qianti pointed at Wang Luo with his finger, and he couldn’t say a word in his mouth for a long time.


After eating the last bite, Wang Luo covered his stomach and cried out comfortably.

After a short period of buffering, Kudzu finally eased up.

“Wang Luo, you don’t have any problems, oh my God, what did I see just now, could it be that I thought wrong, the fruits in this forest can be eaten.”

Saying that, his eyes looked at a fruit hanging from a tree, and he wanted to try it when he looked like it.

“I’ll go, this guy’s brain won’t be broken!”

Seeing Ge Yexiang’s move to pick a fruit and eat it, Wang Luo hurriedly stopped him.

“You let go, let go!”

How could Ge Ye Qiqi be Wang Luo’s opponent, he could only compete with Wang Luo, who did not change his body, after transformation.

“What’s wrong!”

Ge Ye Qianti looked at Wang Luo with a confused expression, didn’t he just want to eat a fruit, didn’t you eat it just now.

“I said, Click! What did you want just now, click! Don’t, you don’t, click! Hit. ”

Wang Luo said to Ge Ye Qingtai while eating, but this look was really not convincing.

“Huh⊙ ⊙!”

Ge Ye looked at the black line on his face.

“Big brother, you still have the face to talk about me like this!”


“Wang Luo, why did you snatch my fruit, there are so many here!”

“I’ll go!”

Suddenly, Wang Luo was knocked down by Ge Ye Qi’s words.

“I said, didn’t you just say that this fruit can’t be eaten, why do you want to eat it now more than I do.”

“Didn’t I guess that too, I think since this is Invase’s lair, then these fruits must not be edible.”

“In that case, why do you still want to eat, aren’t you afraid that you will die?”

Wang Luo looked at Ge Ye Qianti and said.

“I said it was just my guess, just now I saw that you ate so deliciously, I wondered if I guessed wrong.”


Hearing Ge Ye Qi’s explanation, Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, and he still got it himself after a long time.

“Don’t look at me, I have a way to eliminate the toxins of these fruits, but if you eat it, it’s over!”

Hearing that he caused trouble, Wang Luo quickly explained, otherwise the drama of Armor Wu could end early.

“So it is!”

Ge Ye Qiqi looked puzzled when he heard Wang Luo’s words, and even had an expression of “I don’t believe it”.

Seeing this, Wang Luo suddenly had a headache, but fortunately, Ge Ye Qiqi didn’t want to eat the fruit anymore, but this was true or not, Wang Luo didn’t know.

What Ge Yexi thought was:

Although he didn’t believe it very much, he didn’t have the idea of continuing to eat the fruit, and he thought with the idea that what Wang Luo said was true.

If something really happens after eating, then my sister will definitely die of sadness, so I am not afraid of 10,000 just in case.

After getting this done, the two talked for a while.

“By the way, Wang Luo, how did you come in, did you see Crack.”

Wang Luo knew that Crack was referring to “the spatial crack between the Heim Underworld Forest and the real world.” ”

Of course, Wang Luo did not tell Ge Yexi the truth, did he say: “I robbed the lock seed merchant and robbed his lock seed, so I could come in.” ”

“That’s right, I suddenly found a crack while wandering around, and I came in out of curiosity.”

While the two were still talking, there was a “Boom!” around them! “, as if something is moving.


The sound grew louder and louder, so much so that both of them later noticed the movement.

“Something is coming, it could be Invase!”

Ge Ye Qiqi said with some solemnity, he knew that there were no other animals in this forest except Invase, of course, he did not rule out the repellent ring that came in with him before, but so many sounds obviously it was impossible for a person to make a repellent ring.

Wang Luo also knew that it might be Invase, but he also thought of another possibility, that is, the “World Tree”, where the World Tree had experiments in this forest.

However, Wang Luo feels that it is more likely that Invase is still more likely.

When the source of the sound approached, it was indeed Invase, but this amount was a bit high.

“So many Invase, this is difficult!”

Ge Ye Qiao looked at the Invase around him beyond his own tolerance, and he had a headache for a while.

If only he was fine, he could easily escape, but now there was one more Wang Luo, which made him not know what to do for a while.

“Wang Luo, you stay by my side, let’s find an opportunity to rush out!”


While saying that, Ge Yexi completed the transformation.

“Squeak! Chirping! ”

Invase doesn’t have that high IQ, and without a leader, Invase is a bunch of madmen who attack whenever they see other species.

“Drink, die!”

Ge Ye Qiao used his weapon to force back an Invase, and another one rushed out next to him.

“It’s just endless.”

A side kick kicked the rushing Invase into the air, and Ge Ye Qiao was a little annoyed.

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