Shiba Zhangru looked at the repellent ring beside him and did not speak, while the repellent ring looked at Shiba Zhangru curiously.

The word “Your Highness” was relatively new to him, so he was also more curious about Shiba Shoru.

Zhiye Zhangru looked at the Tattoo Repellent Ring Fight purely because the Tattoo Exorcism Ring Dou was Wang Luo’s apprentice, and until now he had not forgotten what Wang Luo said to him before he set off.

“If I worship him as a teacher, can I really better complete my mission!”

Zhiye Zhangru turned his head to look at Wang Luo who was walking in front of him, and now he really wanted to go up directly to worship Wang Luo as a teacher.

With the battle just now, he knew that he was still not strong enough, otherwise he would not have been pressed into that appearance by the outsiders, but he still had some scruples, and this scruple was not because of Wang Luo’s strength, but because of his identity.

“Hey, let’s take it one step at a time!”

Shiba Zhangru said helplessly in his heart, he didn’t know what to do now.

All the way went by, and they returned to Shiha’s house.

“Congratulations to His Highness on his victorious return!”

Hikoma Hichina came out of the house and said excitedly, and when he saw Shiba Shoru’s appearance, his excited expression immediately disappeared.

“Your Highness, you are injured, hurry back to the house and bandage it!”

Saying that, he turned his head and ordered Kuroko behind him:

“You guys hurry up and prepare medicine to bandage His Highness!”

Kuroko bowed in agreement, and then quickly went to the house to prepare.

“What a luxury, when can I have this treatment, if I really have it, then I will die happily!”

Looking at Hinatabe Hikoma and the Kuroko of the Shiha family, Katsura said with a look of envy.

“These two are…”

Katsura Hikoma’s words made Hikoma Hikoma discover them, and now Hikabe Hioma discovered that two strange, unknown people appeared in the team.

“By the way, Mr. Yanma will introduce you, these two are Mr. Wang Luo’s apprentices, and I tell you, Mr. Wang Luo’s apprentices are really strong, we are not the opponent’s outsiders, they only went out and solved it!”

Ryunosuke Ikenabe said to Hikoma Hinata.


Hishita Yanma was a little shocked, he didn’t expect Wang Luo’s apprentices to be so strong.

“Hey, otherwise let His Highness also worship Mr. Wang Luo as a teacher, so that those outsiders will not be afraid!”

Suddenly, such an idea popped up in Hikoma’s mind.

Turning his head to look at Shiba Shoru, Hinata Hikoma knew that his words did not count, and he had to agree to it if His Highness agreed.

After thinking about this, Hishita Yanma temporarily put this matter behind him and said to Wang Luo

“Okay, let’s go first, don’t stand at the door!”

Saying that, they greeted Wang Luo and entered Zhiye’s house.

Time flew by, and Hikabe Yanma prepared a sumptuous food to entertain Wang Luo and them, and after eating, Wang Luo and they stayed for a while and left.

Back at the venue, Ge Ye Qiao and the Tattoo Repellent Ring Dou broke through the actual combat function, and for them, this time was their last time this month.



After breaking through, Ge Ye Qiao and the Ring Fight came out and respectfully called Wang Luo, this time the two of them broke into the same pattern.

The previous two exorcism rings were in flesh mode, and this time he chose transformation mode.

Ge Ye Qiao was not so single-minded, he had challenged each of these two modes once, and this time he chose the flesh mode.

In this way, it seems that the two of them have been challenged twice in flesh mode and once in transformation mode.

“Master, I feel that my strength has increased again!”

Ge Yexi said to Wang Luo excitedly.

Ge Ye Qiqi can indeed feel the improvement of his strength now.

Hearing Ge Ye Qi’s words, Wang Luo was not surprised, this kind of thing is normal, now their physical body is at the primary level, belonging to the lowest level, so their own growth they can clearly feel, if they are stronger in the future, then this little bit of strength enhancement will not be felt.

However, there are still four difficulties in the actual combat mode, and the last time Menyashi tried the normal mode, but with his junior strength at that time, he failed before he lasted a few seconds.

With the lesson of the door, so Ge Ye Qiqi and the Driving Ring Dou do not have the ordinary difficulty of choosing without measure.

In their opinion, if they have not broken through, then they cannot have the opportunity to break through, so why waste an opportunity to experiment.

“By the way, what have you gained!”

Wang Luo is not interested in the flesh mode, but Wang Luo is more interested in the transformation mode, because the things that the transformation mode rewards are strange.

“Master, it’s this!”

The repellent ring pulled out a very cool belt from his clothes.

Originally, the exorcism ring was ready to be taken out to Wang Luo, and he didn’t know what this belt was, but it seemed that it could also be equipped with a lock type transformation.

“This is…?”

Wang Luo looked at the belt on the repellent ring hand with some doubts, and from his line of sight, he didn’t even recognize this belt.


Since he didn’t know, Wang Luo used the detection function without hesitation.

Name: Super Dimension Drive

Introduction: The Metamorphoser that surpasses the Genesis Drive and can maximize the power of the lock species, is Kamen Rider’s dream equipment!

“I’ll go!”

Wang Luo was a little shocked when he saw the introduction of the system, he didn’t expect that this drive turned out to be equipment that had not appeared in the armor drama, and this exorcism ring fight was too lucky.

Explaining the equipment in his hand to the Tattoo Repellent Ring, as expected, even Ge Ye Qianti was very envious of the Tattoo Driving Ring.

“Jie Dou, you are also too lucky to get such a good thing!”

After listening to Wang Luo’s words, his eyes looked at the drive in his hand, and there was excitement in his eyes that could not be concealed.

“Ji Dou, try it, let me see its power!”

Ge Yexi eagerly urged to drive away the striking ring.

Listening to Ge Ye Qi’s words, he looked at Wang Luo with his eyes, and saw Wang Luo nodding and agreeing and said to Ge Ye Qiao

“Okay, I’ll give it a try!”

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