When Ge Ye Qiqi heard the words of the Ring Exorcism, he hurriedly left his side and came to Wang Luo’s side.


The repellent ring put the super-dimensional drive on the waist, and suddenly a silver light belt passed through the waist of the repellent ring, and buckled the belt on the waist of the repellent ring.


Take out your own lock species.


Put the lock species into the super-dimensional drive, and then, as usual, the space cracks above the head of the exorcism ring, and the armor leaks out.

However, from the outside, the armor of the Repellent Ring at this moment is a little different from before, with some more gold, and it looks much more domineering.


The right hand of the repellent ring ran over a smooth spot on the belt, and then “Boom! The lock separated.


The Ring Killer shouted this, and the armor above his head fell on him.

After the dressing was completed, there was an extra spear in the hand of the repellent ring, which was different from the spear before him, and this spear was somewhat similar to the spear of the ancient dragon country.

The tip of the gun is wrapped in golden yellow, and the banana element falls on the gun body, but it is not the very boring banana element, but shows a domineering, a kind of might.

Looking at the exorcism ring fight, the extra cloak behind him at this moment is golden, which shows the scene of Heim’s underworld, which is the scenery on the battlefield, and the armor has also undergone huge changes, and the overall look is very domineering.

“I’ll go, it’s so handsome!”

Ge Yeqi looked at the exorcism ring with envy, and now he really wanted to get a super dimensional drive.

Shaking his body, he found that he was now very strong, much stronger than before.

Wang Luo and the others looked at his information after the Tattoo Repellent Ring Dou transformed.

Name: Tattoo Ring

Suitable attribute: Kamen Rider

Direction: Kamen Rider Baron

Current attribute: Kamen Rider Baron (Elite Beginner).

With the ordinary lock species, the repellent ring now has the power of the elite primary level, if it is replaced with an advanced lock type, such as Ge Ye Qi’s split-earth lock species, then it is estimated that the repellent ring can reach the elite intermediate level.

“I didn’t expect this belt to be so powerful!”

Wang Luo was a little surprised now.

Now even if Ge Ye Qiqi is fully armed, he cannot be the opponent of the Exorcism Ring Fight.

After lifting the transformation, the exorcism ring held the super-dimensional drive, and his heart was not only excited but also excited.

Looking at Ge Ye Qiqi again, his eyes looked at the actual combat function, and he couldn’t wait to challenge it now, but he didn’t have a chance this month.

The night passed, and the next day Ge Ye Qiao and the Tattoo Driving Ring Dou said hello to Wang Luo and went back, Zeya City is not so calm, and they are also very worried about the people they value, so it’s okay to leave for a while, and it won’t work for a long time.

“Wang Luo, are you at home?”

Early in the morning, Wang Luo heard someone shouting at his door.

“Who is it!”

Wang Luo was a little puzzled, he had not been here for a few days, and it was reasonable to say that no one should know him.

“Could it be that Shiba Shoru them!”

Because it was a little noisy outside, the sound was not very recognizable.

“Here it comes!”

Wang Luo got up and walked towards the door, Ge Yexi knew that Wang Luo loved to sleep lazy, so he just greeted softly and went back.

Walking to the door, the people outside the door made Wang Luo a little surprised.

Standing outside the door was Shiba Shoru and one of them, Gu Chiaki.

According to Wang Luo’s point of view, Zhiye Zhangyu and everyone else except Gu Qianming may come to find him, but Gu Qianming still surprised Wang Luo a little when he came.

“Why are you here!”

Get out of the way and call Gu Qianming in.

As soon as Gu Qianming stepped into the hall, just like Ge Ye Qiang, he was amazed at the magic of the venue.

“In other words, what about them, why did you come by yourself!”

Now Wang Luo has not figured out why Gu Qianming came to him, from the play, Gu Qianming is very autonomous, and he is very independent.

“Well, I didn’t tell them that I came here because I wanted to worship you as a teacher, how about it!”

Although Gu Qianming’s tone was not as tough as before, he still said with a very arrogant tone.


Listening to Gu Qianming’s Wang Luo, he didn’t know what to say, but judging from his current attitude, Wang Luo would definitely not accept him.

First, Gu Qianming was too proud.

Second, with his attitude now, maybe Wang Luo will be bored to death in the future.

Now Gu Qianming is not qualified to let Wang Luo take him as an apprentice.

“Don’t take it!”

Wang Luo directly rejected Gu Qianming.

However, from Gu Qianming’s intentions, Wang Luo understood that Gu Qianming must have come to worship because he wanted to surpass Zhiye Zhangyu.

Originally, Gu Qianming was still very confident, in his opinion, except for Zhiye Zhangru, he was now the strongest in this team, but he did not expect that Wang Luo would reject him so directly.


Looking at Gu Qianming’s doubtful and unwilling eyes, Wang Luo said:

“Qianming, do you know what your biggest problem is now?”

“What problem, I can’t understand your words, what can I have a problem”

Gu Qianming listened to Wang Luo’s words, and his face was surprised, how did he not know what was wrong with him.

“Hey, your biggest problem now is that you are too proud, you dare not admit others, you dare not admit yourself, do you think that Zhangru can sit in that position, I tell you, only when can you sincerely ask others, don’t speak in such a proud tone, then I will accept you.”

Wang Luo said to Gu Qianming.

After Gu Qianming listened to Wang Luo’s words, his face was incredulous, he has always come like this, why haven’t others said so.

“I tell you, don’t think that I want to worship you as a teacher, you teach me like this, I also told you, I don’t worship!”

After speaking, he went out without turning his head.

Looking at Gu Qianming’s back, Wang Luo didn’t say anything, only time can tell.

After Gu Qianming walked away, Wang Luo said to the door

“Okay, he’s already gone far, you can come in!”

As soon as Wang Luo’s words fell, Hinata Yanma walked in from outside the door.

“Hey, that, Mr. Wang Luo is really powerful, he actually knows that I am at the door!”

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