God Of All Systems

Chapter 122 No Way Out!

The space quivered intensely; time slowed down, and the surrounding energy distorted frenziedly, creating thousands of wind blades and the wind blades causing millions of cuts on the dimension barriers. The scene was chaotic as nine figures, four humans, and five statues domineeringly floated in the air with rigorous energy intents orbiting around them.


A shout echoed as the four Saint Ancestors flashed at their enemy while the five gigantic statues remained at their positions. The statues uniformly stretched out their palms as countless energy swords materialized on them; they then shot the swords at their enemy, Patrick. The space assumed innumerable cracks as the powers being released were truly destructive. Countless rushing sounds reverberated as the energy swords and Saint Ancestors rushed at their target.

Patrick remained calm at his spot as the Ancestors hastily rushed at him. The first ancestor shouted, "Sword Mountain!" as a gigantic golden sword pierced the clouds and descended on Patrick's head at fast speeds: Another ancestor stretched his palms as he clapped with a bellow, "Space Clap." The space around Patrick shaped into hands as they closed up on him in a clap. The remaining two Saint Ancestors quickly flashed behind Patrick as they uttered, "Soul Restraint." Emitting glowing lights from their hands and at Patrick.

Looking at the incoming attacks; Patrick's presence shifted next to the ancestor who used the space clap; his speed wasn't even something these Saint Ancestors could dream of keeping up with, so for him, things were always either extremely slow or in a timeless state, depending on his speed. So, in contrast, the Saint Ancestor was frozen before Patrick with his hands still in the clapped position; he even had a desperate expression.

Without a hint of mercy, Patrick shoved the brain in his right hand straight into the opened mouth of the ancestor as the shoving momentum instantly crushed the Saint's jaws and lower mouth; he then held both of the man's clasped hands with his right hand as he carefreely kicked the man's chest, separating the arms from the body. But before the body could fly away, Patrick used the Saint's detached arms as he deeply implanted them back to where they were. He gripped the Saint's throat as he ruthlessly snapped it from his shoulders.

Switching targets to the Saint who created the sword mountain, Patrick's presence shifted next to the ancestor while holding the snapped head of the previous Saint. Using his will, Patrick telekinetically moved the ancestor to where he was when they attacked him, making the Saint Ancestor the target of all the combined attacks. He looked up at the descending mountainous sword as the sword multiplied by the thousands, filling the skies above the Saint.

Patrick then switched to the two Saint Ancestors, who aimed to restrain his soul. He gave each of the Saints a gentle shoulder chop. His presence shifted in the distance and away from the Saints as he hovered, waiting to see everything.

The present scene was beyond terrifying; among the four Saint Ancestors: One has been killed with his arms shoved into his body, his head snapped from his neck with a brain in it, and his head was currently in Patrick's hand. Another was placed in Patrick's previous position, with thousands of golden mountainous swords pointed to rain down on him. And the last two Saint Ancestors have been shoulder-chopped, their bodies waiting to fall due to the chop impact.
And as expected, the instant Patrick greatly reduced his speed; everything became as they were meant to be. The body of the headless Saint Patrick kicked got sent millions of miles away from the scene, the body even breaking the sound barrier and causing the space to fold. The thousands of mountainous swords heavily crashed onto the Saint as they instantly severed him into pieces; the remaining two Saint Ancestors felt their shoulders cut off, and their bodies heavily crashed down the earth after. All these scenes happened simultaneously.

The body of the headless ancestor heavily crashed into countless real-world mountains and hills as it continued its crashing course, leaving blasted mountains and hills behind him. The mountainous swords shredded the second ancestor as they landed on the earth, creating an exaggerated earthly explosion after. The last two Saint Ancestors crashed into a mountain as their Saint Ancestor bodies instantly demolished the mountains to pebbles.

Patrick watched the occurring events when suddenly, the launched sword energies of the giant statues reached him. But before they could even impact Patrick, all the attacks got absorbed into his body as they instantly vanished from sight.

[Possession: Omniverse Devouring Robe (Sentient): Constructed with the fabric of the Everything Layers and only worn by Patrick Alexander King. Possesses infinite self-transcendence, can absorb anything, and capable of doing anything the Master wills]

Patrick turned as he watched the five giant statues ceaselessly shooting energy swords from their palms. He didn't bother to dodge the incoming energy attacks as they were all sucked into his robe. He then stretched his left hand at the stone statues as he made a fist gesture; the five giants instantly shattered into stone dust as they were swept away by the swirling wind.

Patrick remained in the air as he held the snapped head of the Saint Ancestor; maintaining his impassive face, he spoke while casually throwing the head away.

"Not bad, 'Instant Reincarnation Sword Dao,' but if you think you can fool me with such a pathetic Dao, then you are miserably off-target. Now, show yourselves before I permanently erase your pathetic existences for good."

As Patrick finished his sentence, five human beings materialized from the void as they stood before him with widened eyes and terrified faces. These five beings were none other than the Saint Ancestors of the Jian family. They were all completely fine and vibrant, with even youthful appearances. One of the Saint Ancestors, now looking like he was in his forties, stared at Patrick with a respectful but terrified face as he hurriedly cupped his hands and spoke.

"These unworthy Saint Ancestors plead that the Senior overlooks our Imbecility and ignorance; upsetting you wasn't something these little ancestors intended. We hope the Senior has vented his irritation and forgives our little Jian family!"

'The 'Instant Reincarnation Sword Dao' is the top secret of our Ancient Jian family. It can reincarnate the soul and body of the cultivator the instant they are killed, and even better, we get to choose at what age we want to reincarnate. Except the Dao takes a decade to reset after utilization, which makes it slightly troublesome. But the fact that this man identified and understood our Dao is truly bizarre, not to mention how he instantly killed five Saint Ancestors; he even ended the Saint-Ancestor-level statues with but a grasp. In summary, this unknown being alone killed ten Saint Ancestors without so much as a sweat. Why did our Jian family offend such a figure!?'

Patrick stared at the ancestors with a bored face; he then spoke.

"I never said I was venting anything. And as for forgiving you, that depends."

Hearing Patrick's words, the Saints expressed hopeful expressions as they thought.

'It looks like this senior want something from our Jian family; it's probably our Instant Reincarnation Sword Dao. Not even such a powerful being can ignore such a powerful Dao; our family might live through this if we give it to him.'

'Yes, I agree. We may suffer decades of humiliation, but the benefits outweigh the cost.'

'Let's do it-

"I seek no interest in your little cheat trick."

The Saints internally conversed as they got interrupted by Patrick; his action left the Saint Ancestors speechless, and their terrified expressions intensified. Patrick interrupting them indicated that he was not only physically strong but also mentally versed, to the point where he could easily break the mind barriers of Saint Ancestors. Such a being can only be defined as 'Heavenly Terror.'

Another Saint Ancestor drifted forwards with his terrified face and cupped his hands, sweat dripping from the Saint's face as he asked respectfully.

"Senior said earlier that forgiving our Jian family depended on something. And if Senior doesn't want our cultivation Dao, what could a being of your caliber want from us?"

Hearing this, Patrick shifted his attention down the coliseum and to chamber 7, Gong Tieshan's chamber; he spoke impassively.

"Bring me Gong Tieshan's head."

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