God Of All Systems

Chapter 123 [Bonus ] A Death Beholding Scene!

The scene was silent yet chaotic as the frantic swirling winds continuously tore the dimension barriers. The torn and sliced space barriers constantly mended as they blended with the void. One could see the completely demolished mountains and hills far in the distance and the earth-quaked terrains in the surroundings that spread for millions of miles as it demonstrated the destructive power the body of Saint Ancestors wielded.

Total silence permeated the scene as the Jian family Saint Ancestors expressed open mouths with sweaty and terrified faces. One of the Saint Ancestors couldn't help but bellow frantically.

"Are you out of your mind!?"

The other Saint Ancestors had the same crazy-looking expression as they all stared at Patrick like the crazy abomination he was; asking them to kill Gong Tieshan was the same as telling them to start a deathly war with the Ancient Gong family. And with zero chance of winning since the other ancient families will undoubtedly side with the Gong family; for the Jian Ancestors, Patrick's request was the same as destroying their Jian family, except by another party.

Down the coliseum, the Bored Immortal expressed shockingly with widened eyes on the scene as his eyes constantly shifted between left and right, his mind calculating the series of events as he slowly comprehended them.

'This! I was wrong! This person is not in the Sain Ancestor realm; he is far beyond that, even in the unknown realm. He is someone even we Overlords wouldn't dare disobey, let alone the puny ancient families. He's being extremely merciful by even reasoning with the Jian family. I should warn these ignorant morons to heed his request before he changes his mind. A mere ancient descendant dying is better than the Immortal Realm being wiped out.'

The Bored Immortal instantly thought as he desperately disappeared from the chamber, his vanishing speed so fast that it left the space wobbling.

In chamber 7, Gong Tieshan stood from his seat as he stared at Patrick and the Saint Ancestors in the sky with widened eyes and clenched fists, his body radiated with the laws of Domination and Restraint as they constantly revolved around unrestrained. He was enraged. But unlike Gong Tieshan, the four cultivators who accompanied him had faces of fear, shock, panic, and terror. The two ladies in his group were drenched in sweat as they bowed their heads, afraid of staring at Patrick.

They had previously seen how the silver-haired Patrick singlehandedly killed thousands of Saints and Saint Kings with the least effort. Even worse, he challenged the highest-ranking cultivators in the Immortal Realm, the Saint Ancestors, and from their current stance, he dominated all five of them. He even proceeded to blatantly order these Saint Ancestors to murder the descendant of the most powerful family, Gong Tieshan, which showed his dominance and the difference in their powers.

They also know and understand that if the Jian family's Saint Ancestors submit to Patrick's demand, there would be no chance of them leaving alive. Gong Tieshan was no exception.

Among those in chamber 7, Jian Mun, a descendant of the Jian family, had the most horrified expression. As a descendant of the Jian family, he partially understood the power their Saint Ancestors wielded; as since young, they had been told to worship and adore the Saint Ancestors of their Jian family since they were within the realms of the highest beings in the Immortal Realm.

But now, he was seeing these worshiped and adored Saint Ancestors all cower towards one being, which meant they must have fought and lost, as they are too fast for anyone below the Saint Ancestor realm even to notice anything. This realization of someone being stronger than their five Saint Ancestors shattered Jian Mun's reality. He was left completely dumbfounded and speechless to the point that he even unconsciously fell on his ass.

The Bored Immortal appeared in the sky next to the five Jian family Saint Ancestors; he instantly sent mind messages to the five Jian ancestors in a desperate tone.

'Quick! Hurry and accept his proposal! He is not a being you can afford to disobey. Do you think if he wanted to kill the kid, he needed your help!? You are five Saint Ancestors, yet you couldn't make him sweat. Do you truly believe you have better options? Accept now before he changes his mind!'

Simultaneously the Bored Immortal finishing his mind message, he respectfully saluted Patrick as he spoke.

"This insignificant one is known as the Overlord of the West. Might the Senior Grace us with his identity?"

Patrick listened to the Bored Immortal's words as he replied, his words leaving the Bored Immortal in pure shock and terror.

"Did you find what you were looking for from the void you snatched, Fengian Xu?"

As expected, the Bored Immortal instantly reacted as he unconsciously and tightly clenched his fist; he assumed a cautious and serious stance as his Saint Ancestor Qi vigorously leaked from his body. He asked with a cautious tone.

"Who, Are, You!?"
The Bored Immortal stared at Patrick in the distance as he awaited a response. But while he and the five Jian ancestors stared at Patrick in the distance, they heard the same Patrick's voice behind them.

"Don't worry; Overlords are not on my toy list today. As for the Jian old men, you have two minutes to bring me the brat's head."

The five Saint Ancestors and the Bored Immortal coherently turned as they saw Patrick steadily drifting towards the remaining Gong family warriors still alive. But while they watched Patrick moving away into the distance, they also turned as they saw the same Patrick hovering in front of them. This scene left the six men dumbfounded as they exchanged gazes; neither understood what had just happened.

'Is he using a clone?'

'No, it must be an unknown Dao than enables one to be in two places at once.'

'Perhaps a Self-duplication technique?'

The six Saint Ancestors, including the Bored Immortal, exchanged their thoughts as neither understood what skill or Dao Patrick used.

Patrick drifted towards the remaining tens of Gong family warriors as his presence invoked terror in the hearts and minds of the cultivators. Only seventy remained among the thousands of Saints, and Saint Kings sent to capture him. The seventy cultivators expressed faces of extreme horror as they lost their resolve and willpower even to retaliate; they watched the approaching Patrick as he spoke, his words shattering the final spirits of the cultivators.

"I always honor my word. My offer still stands, fight amongst yourself, and the winner gets spared."

Hearing Patrick's words, a male cultivator among the group trembled as the next moment; he unhesitantly sliced the head of a nearby male comrade. Blood sprayed from the severed head as it washed over the male cultivator. The warrior expressed a maniacal and deranged smile as he screamed.

"I will be the one! I will survive!! All of you die!-


Before the male cultivator could even finish his bellowing sentence, his body got separated into two; revealed behind the separated warrior was a female cultivator with the same deranged expression.

Soon after, the scene turned chaotic as the remaining ancient Gong family warriors began frenziedly attacking each other; heads and other body parts could be seen flying across the scene as the Gong cultivators quickly reduced their numbers to fifty, then thirty, then ten; within a minute, the number of Gong warriors were reduced to three, two male and a female.

The last three cultivators breathed heavily as they cautiously stared at each other; their attires were drenched with the blood of their comrades, yet they didn't care the least as all they wanted was to survive.

Another desperate battle began between the three cultivators as they ruthlessly attacked one another. After exactly thirty seconds, the female family warrior emerged victorious; the only person left hovering in the sky before Patrick. She breathed heavily as she struggled to stare at Patrick, blood covering her entire body and dripping from her blood-washed face.

Simultaneously on the other side of the scene, the Jian ancestors witnessed the Gong warriors mercilessly murder each other as they felt chills down their guts. They stared at Patrick hovering before the female cultivator as their fear of him grew even deeper. He was ten times capable of easily killing them all, yet he chose to let them kill each other; such ruthlessness can only be defined as heavenly.

Suddenly, the present Patrick hovering in front of the six men, stared at them as he spoke.

"Have you made your choice, old men?"

Hearing this, the Jian family Saint Ancestors exchanged gazes as they nodded.

'Let's do it; the kid must have offended him anyways. And if he dares kill members of the Gong family without hesitation, then it's safe to say the Ancient Gong family is his enemy.'

'True, and with his strength, he must be equal to the Immortal Gate since he could fight nine Saint Ancestors like us and still win by a huge difference. And what are the Ancient families compared to a being of such power? He triumphs in every aspect; strength, speed, psyche, and probably artifacts.'

'Not to mention, there is also a group of four beings who are just as incomprehensible as him; and a being of the Fairy race, whose strength also seems to be indecipherable. It's decided, kill the boy."

The Saint Ancestors exchanged mind messages instantly as they calculated their options.

The next second, one of the Saint Ancestors stretched his right hand into the void as he pulled none other than Gong Tieshan.

With a desperate but hateful expression, Gong Tieshan struggled at the hands of the Saint Ancestor as he peeked at Patrick with his hateful gaze. He desperately screamed as his laws of Domination and Restraint majestically intensified their luminosity.

"You can kill me now... but don't think you have won! I will reincarnate and hunt you for all eternity! I, Gong Tieshan, swear upon my Immortal Soul that I will one day have my revenge. I will have my revenge!-


Before Gong Tieshan could finish his raging bellow, his head instantly separated from his body. The Saint Ancestor who killed Gong Tieshan snapped his fingers as the headless body of Gong Tieshan disintegrated into dust. What only remained of Gong Tieshan was his floating head; the Saint Ancestor then held the head as he respectfully presented it to the present Patrick hovering before them.

In the distance, the female Gong warrior who survived the massacre watched as the Saint Ancestor ruthlessly separated Gong Tieshan's body. Her mind went numb as she couldn't process what had just happened. She held her mouth, trying not to scream next to the being who caused all this, Patrick, as she bulged out her eyes in shock and terror. Suddenly, the present Patrick floating before the female cultivator, spoke, his presence already causing the Gong warrior to palpitate.

"You are free to go."

Simultaneously when Patrick finished his sentence, he wasn't hovering before the female warrior anymore.

Despite hearing Patrick's words of freedom, the female Gong warrior remained frozen at her spot as she didn't even have the energy to comprehend anything anymore; she was now like a mindless terrified puppet.

The present Patrick hovering before the Saint Ancestors was now the only Patrick in the scene. He watched as the Saint Ancestor presented Gong Tieshan's head to him; the ancestor then spoke.

"As per the senior's request, here is the head of the Ancient Gong family descendant, Gong Tieshan."

Patrick impassively stared at the decapitated head as, the next second, a golden wisp materialized before him, steadily stretching his left palm; the golden wisp rested on it; Patrick then spoke.

"You will reincarnate and hunt me for eternity, you say? Then, become as strong as you can and find me first."

Patrick finished talking to the wisp, flicking it into the void after. Grace's voice sounded.

"Master, we have guests."

Patrick looked up as he watched the space-void open like doors; suddenly, beings with majestic pairs of wings began emerging from the void.

Seeing this, the Bored Immortal and the Jian ancestors had worried faces as they spoke uniformly.


But unlike the six Saint Ancestors, Patrick smiled as he murmured.

"You have finally made your move, Immortal Gate."

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