God Of All Systems

Chapter 124 [Bonus ]A Devious Unraveling!

The surrounding space trembled intensely as the space barriers repeatedly assumed cracks and mended back in seconds. The powerful force Qi released by the arrived angelic beings known as the Arkmenians brought significant pressure on the surrounding terrains as one could see the mountain pebbles vibrating and bouncing on the ground. The arriving angelic beings slowly filled the sky with their numbers as they hovered seriously and soberly while staring at the beings below.

Exactly one hundred tall Arkmenians floated in the sky, most wearing the same majestic silver armor and helmets with large wing symbols on their chests. They each wielded long silver spears that constantly pulsated with Qi. Leading the group was an arkmenian male with four wings, unlike the rest, who only had pairs. He was ten feet tall and wore golden armor with a helmet that was more majestic than his arrived comrades.

The leading arkmenian steadily hovered before the other ninety-nine as he stared a the beings below. With a blink, he was hovering before the Jian Family Saint Ancestors and the Bored Immortal. Resting his right fist on his left chest, he spoke with a deep and heavy domineering tone while looking at the Bored Immortal.

"Kart dyrt Skuvat Immortav, iitt malik sukvet Amkron = Greetings West Immortal, my name is Amkron (Grace already programmed the plot to translate all Arkmenians)

Hearing and understanding what the arkmenian said, the Bored Immortal nodded as he replied.

"Sukit artki vat uw nuit cahult?" = What might have brought you here?

Hearing the Bored Immortal's question, the arkmenian shifted his attention to the Saint Ancestors as he spoke.

"Nuvet fakt duvit ku Jian familuat." = We obtained orders to assist the Ancient Jian Family.

Seeing that the Arkmenian, Amkron, was looking at them, the Saint Ancestors assumed serious and domineering faces as one drifted forward and spoke.

"Yes, we requested reinforcement from the Immortal Gate, but since we have handled it, there isn't any need for you guys here."

Listening to one of the Jian Ancestors' words, Amkron assumed a slightly dissatisfied expression as he closed his white-shaded eyes; the next second, he opened his eyes and surveyed the surroundings. Noticing the demolished mountains and terrains that spread for millions of miles, Amkron stared at the Saint Ancestors as he respectfully spoke.

"Since the Ancestors have handled the situation, might I ask who dares challenge an Ancient family?"

Hearing Amkron's question, the Saint Ancestor subconsciously shifted his gaze behind Amkron and glanced at Patrick as he simultaneously spoke with a tinge of rage.

"Haven't I said the situation had been dealt with? Your questioning is appearing quite disrespectful."

"..., I apologize if my actions meant any disrespect to the Ancestor. But I have to report to the-
I don't think you understood what was said. Should I perhaps make it a little clear!?"

Another Jian Saint Ancestor annoyedly spoke as he approached Amkron, but the Bored Immortal intervened.

"Since the Jian Ancestors have already handled the crisis, I don't think there should be any reason for your questioning. How about you return and report that the situation has been resolved and that the Jian Ancestors calling for reinforcement was simply a mistake."

The leading arkmenian listened to the Bored Immortal as he respectfully placed a hand on his chest in acknowledgment; he also did the same for the Jian Saint Ancestors. But suddenly noticing someone, Amkron looked past the Saint Ancestors and saw the devastated and terrified Ancient Gong family female warrior still frozen at her spot. He then stared at the Bored Immortal and the Jian Saint Ancestors as he spoke.

"Since you don't intend to tell me the enemy, perhaps she can."

Simultaneously by the end of his speech, the arkmenian stretched his left hand as the Ancient Gong warrior instantly appeared in his grip; without the slightest hesitation, his white-shaded eyes glowed white as he stared directly into the woman's eyes, whose eyes also glowed white similarly. The woman painfully screamed.

'Memory extract!?'

Seeing this, the Bored Immortal hastily reacted with widened eyes as he moved his index finger, causing the female warrior to get swallowed by the void and appear beside him, but by then, the glowing light had dimmed. Which meant the arkmenian had gotten what he wanted.

With his glowing eyes slowly dimming, the leading arkmenian had a dumbfounded and doubtful expression, especially after seeing what the female Gong warrior had seen happen. He even felt his body unconsciously tremble as if terrified. He slowly but heavily murmured.

"An enemy that can kill Saint Ancestors!? Who was that?"

Amkron spoke as he looked at the Saint Ancestors expecting an answer, but instead of answering him, the Saint Ancestors, including the Bored Immortal, all looked past Amkron and at the being behind him. Realizing where the Saint Ancestors stared, Amkron steadily turned his head as he saw the 6' 5" tall, dark-skinned, and silver-haired Patrick majestically hovering above him with a godly ambiance.

"Kart Viut, Arkmenian~ = Hello, Arkmenian~."

'!? I am an early-stage Saint Ancestor, and I didn't even notice him. Was he hiding his presence? And from the girl's memories, he can kill Saint Ancestors like the Jian Saint Ancestors, who are in the middle-stage Saint Ancestor realms. I have never heard of another being capable of easily killing Saint Ancestors except the Ancient Elder of the Immortal Gate, rumored to kill with but a word. How can he even speak our language, which we only teach directly? Who is he?!'

"Kuvet artki malik? = Who are you?"

The arkmenian spoke as he scrutinizingly stared at Patrick. He couldn't see through anything other than the fact that Patrick was hovering before him. He slowly but subtly opened his right palm as a long golden spear began materializing on it.

"If that spear fully materializes, you won't be alive to wield it."

With a short but clear sentence, Patrick left the arkmenian overly cautious as he instantly canceled the materializing spear. The arkmenian didn't know why he felt an unknown force of annihilation slowly creeping into his soul the further the spear materialized, but he knew if he hadn't listened, he would be dead.

Patrick slowly drifted towards the arkmenian with hands behind him as he spoke.

"You came here to aid the Jian family in exterminating their enemy, right? I am that enemy; what will you do about it?"

Patrick asked as he stared down at the arkmenian, his words causing great turmoil in the mind of the arkmenian. This emotion of powerlessness was the same for the Bored Immortal and the Jian Saint Ancestors; they understood Patrick's words were a mockery and ridicule to them all. He just indirectly said, "I can do whatever I please, and there's nothing none of you can do about it."

Beads of sweat steadily dripped down the faces of the Jian Ancestors as they exchanged gazes.

'This is a problem; we must do everything to prevent the arkmenian from angering him, or else he will wipe them out, which will imminently draw unwanted attention, especially from the Immortal Gate, let alone the other Ancient families.'

'And why hasn't the Ancient Gong family shown up yet? They should already know the status of their warriors and their descendant. Could they be planning something big?'

'It's pointless; he is right. We can do nothing to stop him; as an Overlord, I can attest to that. All we can do now is hope he doesn't intend the destruction of the Immortal Realm, or things will be completely out of order. If only we knew what his goal is.'

The Bored Immortal and the Jian Ancestors shared thoughts as they analyzed everything.

"Malik sukvet Amkron, suckit vat nuevet falkat? = I'm Amkron. May I know who you are?"

The arkmenian spoke as he expectantly looked up at Patrick, hoping Patrick would make an introduction. But contrary to his expectations, Patrick spoke.

"How devious; your goal isn't to help the Jian family; you were sent to cause as much destruction to the Ancient Jian family with the disguise of assisting them. Ultimately, the Jian family will have no choice but to get absorbed by the Immortal Gate to prevent its destruction by the other Ancient families. And since the Gong family hasn't shown up despite losing thousands of Saints, Saint Kings, and even a descendant, it only means they knew or planned the whole ruse.

Not bad; getting rid of the third most powerful Ancient family is one less competitor. Too bad you crossed me, though, as everything will have to crumble to nothing but ash."

Shock, disbelief, and bewilderment are the words that can be used to describe the expression of the arkmenian. Like a frozen statue, the arkmenian stared at Patrick with widened eyelids and an agape mouth; he couldn't believe what Patrick had said as he knew well that everything was nothing but the truth. But how Patrick got access to this information was what left him baffled.

The faces of the Jian Ancestors were the worst; not only were they shocked, but they were also even angry, for the Ancient families and the Immortal Gate to scheme against them in such a manner was not only distasteful but also outright disrespectful. They undermined not only their intelligence but also their competence as an ancient powerhouse.

Even the Bored Immortal couldn't help but acknowledge the deviousness of the Immortal Gate and the Ancient Gong family. To think they even sacrificed a prominent descendant from their family like Gong Tieshan, all to destroy the Ancient Jian family. Such cruelty was beyond evil and vile.

Patrick continued.

"So, why don't you stop your pretense and show your true nature? You thirst for the destruction, ruin, and massacre."

Hearing Patrick's words, the leading arkmenian assumed a calm and collected countenance as he relaxed. Suddenly, his four wings began twitching as a wide, maniacal, and evil smile appeared on his face, his previous white-shaded eyes turning red as he spoke.

"Then you shall be first."

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