God of Fishing

Chapter 1330: I will return in one day

At this moment, in the eyes of outsiders: Unbelievable, the king of fish dragon, the supreme arrogant of Baibei King City that has just risen, faced Shuimutian's Han Fei, and died in a battle.

This undoubtedly made the name Han Fei imprinted in the eyes of the strongest group.

Except for the people of Shui Mutian, from the king to the half king, to all the powerful venerables, they all feel that this son is too enchanting and should be blamed!

In the world of refining, the Yulong King has turned into a thousand-year-old snapper, but he saw Han Fei throw away a holy light technique: "Can you hear me? You should be able to transform people."

I saw the huge thousand-year-old snapper that had just been transformed into a flame mist. A moment later, when a hand stretched out from the red mist, Han Fei's whole body got goose bumps.

But the way is: Yulong King's powerful palm in the past has turned into a slender hand. Just in this scene, Han Fei's whole person is not good, this is much more perfect than the operation.

Slim hands, white and tender embroidered legs, red gauze, long flowing hair.

Han Fei saw one: a woman whose face was so similar to that of the Yulong King, but she was almost like two.

Han Fei bet: Even if the king is here, if you don't deliberately think about it, you can never think that the woman in front of you is the ichthyosaur king who was once so arrogant and almost moldy.

"Spicy eyes, too spicy eyes."

Just listen to Han Fei: "Give a wisp of your blood and soul."

The Yulong King opened his mouth slightly and made a clear and sweet voice: "After giving it to you, you let me go?"

Han Fei: "I will let you go, but not now. Wait a while, you will eventually shine in the Blood Sea God Wood City."

Beyond the refining world.

The Queen of Life stood on the grass, surrounded by a little black mist, everyone thought it was a certain power of Han Fei. However, even Bai Jiadi could not find out. Under his nose, not only was Han Fei fake, but he hadn't noticed a fresh life. After all, he is outside.

Queen of Life: "What is your method? The doppelganger technique should not be so strong, let alone possess such a strong soul power."

Han Fei grinned: "It's a little distraction! That...Junior sister?"

Suddenly, Han Fei only felt that the insect man Han Fei was overwhelmed, and his face became colder. He only heard a voice from the bottom of his heart: "Give you another opportunity to organize language."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei couldn't laugh or cry, this brother himself, I am afraid that he is the most persuaded in the universe. Tangtang brother can only abruptly regard himself as a brother.

Han Fei didn't call any more, but went straight to the subject: "Ahem, um, can you cover the secret? If you don't cover the secret, how can we exchange?"

Just listen to the Queen of Life: "This king didn't plan to change with you. I will take you out by hiding flowers."

Only seeing the Queen of Life lifted one hand slightly, revealing a ring on her hand.

Han Fei waited for about five breaths in a posture of black mist, then suddenly heard the Queen of Life said: "No, the secret here is out of control."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei's whole person is not good, and his heart said: Are you reliable? You are also a king anyway. Now you tell me that you can't control the secret here?

Han Fei: "Can't you?"

Queen of Life: "I gave the body of the queen of worms with a wisp of soul, completely fused with this body, and has already sealed some special powers. However, it has no effect now, and this grassland also has problems."

Han Fei was speechless: "When you watched it before, didn't you find any problems with this grassland?"

The queen of life seems to be thinking: Is this incident out of her own expectations?

Finally, the voice of the Queen of Life condensed slightly: "Never."

From the bottom of Han Fei's heart, the old tortoise's voice appeared: "Don't think about it, the man in the grave has obviously woken up. If it were not for accident, his strength is quickly recovering. The aura of this land boundary has been completely taken back by him. "

Han Fei: "No! You said those things, he can quickly recover after eating...I can believe it, but it won't immediately take control of the world, right? Even if he didn't waste a trace of aura and energy, Those foods can't do that, right?"

But the old tortoise said: "Don't forget, where are you? This is necro grass, such a necro grass, maybe it is also part of his body. Do you still think it is difficult for him to control the world? "

The Queen of Life seems to want to try it, only to hear Han Fei said: "I'm afraid that it was the one who made the shot."

Queen of Life: "Are you talking about the man in that deserted grave?"

Han Fei: "Yes, it's just that he hasn't come out yet. I'm afraid that if you want to leave this grassland, you have to agree with that person."

Han Fei thought: After running for so long, he didn't see the border of the grassland. This has fully demonstrated that there is a problem with the space of this grassland.

Queen of Life: "This king is just a ray of spiritual thought. It is extremely difficult to deceive Emperor Bai Jia. At this time, if you let go of your power to search for the grave you mentioned, you might be spotted."

Han Fei's heart moved: "I have a way."


After a while.

The Queen of Life looked at the piles of pots and pans in front of her, and only felt that her whole person was not good. She has never cooked anything like this in her life. After all, she is a plant life cultivation, in fact, she does not need to deliberately eat or drink.

In the outside world, Chang Shuiqin, Chongwang and others were confused: What is Han Fei doing? Confused?

I saw the Queen of Life stretched out her hand and waved, a big octopus over 50 meters, and a 30-meter fascinated dragon horned dragon fell on the grassland.

According to Han Fei's dictation, the Queen of Life took out a sledgehammer and knocked out a large iron plate.



Immediately, endless water appeared, and a thousand swords flowed.

In an instant, the big octopus and the lost dragon horn were dismembered. Especially the octopus whiskers were cut into small-finger-thin strands by Han Fei.


The spiritual fire erupted, and the entire large iron plate was burnt red.

Just listen to Han Fei crying from the bottom of his heart: "Yes, use a hundred spirit fruit, add some seasonings to the spirit spring... When there is no seasoning, use seaweed juice instead."

I only saw the fish oil brushed over and over again on the big iron plate.

In midair, the spirit spring stirred the spirit juice, dripping on the iron plate like rain.


The Lingquan seasoning and the iron plate collided with each other, making a "chichi" sound. Suddenly, the aroma was overflowing and spreading for thousands of miles.

The Queen of Life looked at the scorching scorch on the iron plate, the juice rolling, the octopus and the dragon horn with the fragrance of seaweed, and asked in her heart: "Are you sure, if you eat in this area, you can get that person out?"

The moment the Queen of Life finished saying this, she suddenly turned around and looked at a thousand meters away, she didn't know when a deserted grave appeared.

As soon as Han Fei saw the grave coming, his heart moved, and he immediately transformed from the black mist into an adult, and the white mist appeared out of thin air. The two merged instantly and became Han Fei's appearance.

The Queen of Life was shocked.

There really is a deserted grave here!

Moreover, as soon as this tomb was born, the secret of heaven was immediately covered here, which is too simple!

She looked at Han Fei again, and said to her heart: That white mist should be the body of the fish and dragon king who had just been strangled.

There was another move in the heart of the Queen of Life: As expected, he was a person with great luck, with so many methods, even with such opportunities.

At this moment, Han Fei completely returned, and walked toward the deserted grave: "Senior, these foods are specially honored to you by the younger generation. Now, the Kraken is powerful, my human race is declining, and the powers outside the island are eyeing them. Just now, just for doing it It's just a scene."

With that, Han Fei said to the Queen of Life in the bottom of his heart: "Go back and leave this barbecue to him."

The Queen of Life frowned: "He will come out?"

Han Fei: "Should not."

Seeing the two of them retreating, they only saw the iron plate around and began to collapse slowly. The whole iron plate, including the iron plate squid and iron plate scorpion meat, sank in the grassland along with it.

Han Fei handed over: "Senior, you can wait. When more and more people come to this grassland, the younger generation will honor them all to you."


I saw a hole in the deserted grave, and fish bones were thrown out of the grave.

Just listen to the sound of "Ka Ka" inside, as if it came from the underground of Jiu You, the voice was hoarse: "It's not...my race...Jin Tu...Zhi..."

The Queen of Life's pupils shrank slightly: The good student in the grave is strong, does he even have to kill himself?

When Han Fei heard this, he hurriedly said: "Senior, now humans, monsters, and zerg have been friendly for generations. Only those sea monsters are the enemy of our human race and the enemy of all races."

There was a long silence in the deserted grave: "Dragon...Where is it?"

Han Fei was dumbfounded at the time: "Uh! The dragon race that the predecessors said may have disappeared before the age of the gods."

The Queen of Life glanced at Han Fei in surprise: Dragon Race? Age of the Gods? What are you talking about?

The strong man in the deserted tomb did not know if he had recovered a little, and after a while, his voice hoarsely said: "The island...there is...the Qi of...Long Yuan......takes...great benefits."

When he said this, Han Fei had already seen the place where the deserted tomb was cracked, and there were people in it.

Standing at the entrance of the crack, the figure seemed to be looking towards the sky, only to see a hot beam of light passing through the clouds and fog, shining on the deserted grave.

The queen of life said in surprise: "The avenue is repaired? Are you the king?"

The figure suddenly popped a palm out of the deserted grave, and I wonder if it wanted to come out?

However, what Han Fei didn't know was: at this moment, Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life moved together, reaching out to grab this grassland and banning them.

Just listen to the Queen of Life reaching out to take out a red flower: "The evil of this grassland has been discovered, I have taken it. It is a pity that this body is abandoned, put it away, and take it back. You let go of the spirit. , Let this king in."

Han Fei immediately said: "Don't enter, you won't be able to leave when you come in."

Han Fei hurriedly stopped, stepping on his feet, and the shadows of mountains and rivers appeared.

Han Fei: "Entering here, the teacher's reincarnation is among them."

The Queen of Life was taken aback for a moment, and did not refute. Let the shadows of mountains and rivers cover him, and disappear in place in the next moment.


When only Han Fei and the deserted tomb were left here, Han Fei quickly turned around: "Senior, there are two great kings outside. The female one belongs to our side, and the male one belongs to the sea monster."


The hand that the figure had just stretched out started to shatter, only to hear the gurgling sound from the figure's throat: "One day... I... will... return..."

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